Infernox had matched forward to do battle and he was followed by eager dukes. He returned with a mild case of amputation. The others that tried to get close to the demon lord suffered more. Most of them lost more than an arm. Some lost their lives after the tongue rend them apart. Others were dragged screaming into her maws by the tongues.
It was a massacre. This was not the pummeling he expected. It is a buffet for the demon lord and she is not being shy or picky about her food. She is eating everything within reach and as fast as she can swallow it. He was opportune to see a demon duke that was struggling within one of her maws begin to melt as her acidic saliva began its work on the stubborn prey.
He admitted to himself. "This is not going as well as I thought."
To The_dungeater and Doubleline. Thanks for the gift.