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chapter ll

After a seven-day war rally, the queen war Seldanna has returned back home, they stop in front of the wall, her tower guards jumped down and walked up to her, " my queen of war, all four said. Seldanna removed her helmet and looked at them, " she's throwing a party why? asked. Seldanna, " peace, we can co-exist without peace. said, Jashira, " yes, the question is can they co-exist without war? tell her in the morning meet me in the field behind her, move out let's go home, they ride down the trail, Alais, walked inside of the castle with the Kali, Jashira, Sillavana looked up at them, " the war queen has returned from the rally she said in the morning meet her behind your castle, now we leave to return home, good day, they walked out of the castle got up on their horses and ride down the trail, " why she came in Sillavana? asked. Jhaan, " you need to meet with her now, my queen of peace Sillavans, said. Sillavana, " this is important this can not wait until the morning, said. Hubys, they ride into the gates and it closed behind them, they at the table of war, " today my sisters of war the seven-day rally went well a toast of war they drink from their cups, " get my carriage we are going to the kingdom of war, this is are people of peace we talking about. said, Sillavana, they got in the carriage and ride up the valley down to the kingdom of war, " let's eat and summer for seven days, day of I call a meeting of war to decide on the rally andwar, they eat drink and talk, they pulled up at the gates, arrows fly at them hitting the ground in front of the horses, " wait, wait, we are from the kingdom of peace, our queen needs to speaks with your queen today, said. Jhaan, " well my queen said tomorrow, said, Alais, " this can't wait until tomorrow, said. Allyuna, " pick tomorrow or after the seven-day rest, said. Jashira, " you serious where is your queen? let us in the gates, said. Hubys, " not without her orders, you are trust-passing on her territory this how you, her thanks by trust-passing on her kingdom? asked. Kali, " either why she didn't come in the castle, said. Sumina, " she is tired, want to rest, seldanna said tomorrow and tomorrow it, they walk out of the door onto the wall, " the queen of war I assume? asked. Sillavana, " yes the queen of peace, you left your people? tomorrow, " this can wait until tomorrow can we please talk now? asked. Sillavana, " talking would call a decision making, and call a meeting of war to my seven heads of war, we just got home, if you do not need to wait for tomorrow go to someone else, I am not the only kingdom of war that live here, said. Seldanna, " they are not good as you Seldanna, said. Sillavana, " you don't know how good they are because you haven' t seen them in a war rally, queen of peace, open the gates and bring her into my room, she walked back into the castle, they walked out, " she said her, not you four, follow us, they walked inside and the gates closed behind them, they take her to the queen of wars room, and Seldanna walked inside of the room and closed the door, " all females no males, " this is a female war kingdom, if you want male kindred they are out there go find them, she sat down in her chair, and crossed her legs, " peace can't survive without war, I asked for a sanction with you, to live together, I need you. said, Sillavana, " figure you like what you saw, and I wasn't displaying myself in front of you, and how selfish of you, I am not abandoning the kingdom of war so your precious peace can live on, I am not the kingdom of protection, I am a war kingdom that goes on rallies, you want protection go to a kingdom of protection ask him or her to protect you. said, Seldanna. " how dare you! I thought of my people here, you leave your kingdom every day, how is this different!? said, Sillavana, " we leave to go rallies and return, you asking to abandon my home so you can still have your home, and you say what you want it is time for you to go. " I may be too bold to ask you to leave her and live me, can peace and war be friends, and you just spend the day at my kingdom why your force remain here? " still bold, we are together, they are not without me and I am not without them, to please you a visiting after seven-day rest, she looked at her blinking, " as a friend you shall have, a visiting just the same I visit overnight then return home, build your defense up, place two of my guards on your wall, take her to her carriage. I going to retire for the night, as they escort her out of the castle, the kingdom of war went on seven-day slumber, the gates closed behind her, " my queen of peace do we have the king of war staying with us? asked. Jhaan, " no, she will not leave her kingdom to stay with us, we are friends with her now she said she does a visit-overnight and build up our defense and place two of her guards on the wall, that what we will take, be thankful, said. Sillavana, they ride back home. And into the walls, they walked inside of the castle of peace, " set up a room for her, remember she is our guest and she is a queen too, said. Sillavana, they went to set a guest room for Seldanna, days have gone by and now they stop celebrating as they wait for the war kingdom to wakeup and come, the sun went down in the sky, every kingdom of peace and every kingdom of war and every kingdom of protection went to bed, as the wind blow through the lands, and the trees move s back and forth from the wind,

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