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94.79% An Osmosian in Marvel (MCU Fanfiction) / Chapter 90: Chapter 89: Guardians Debut II

Chapter 90: Chapter 89: Guardians Debut II

(3rd Person: POV)

Abomination and Hulk continued charging at each other.

Picking up speed with each and every step.

Until eventually they got within each other's range.

When this happened they both threw a punch at the other.

Their two fists ending up colliding.

Which in turn created a massive shockwave through the air.

A shockwave that destroyed any nearby glass, and even knocked over street lamps and telephone poles.

It even affected the stability of nearby buildings and the chopper Ross and Betty were in.

Despite all this both Hulk and Abomination didn't seem affected by their clash.

So with that they both pulled back and threw another punch at each other.

Which quickly evolved into a slug-fest.

The two gamma titans threw one punch after another at each other.

Neither giving ground.

But eventually Blonsky realized he was slightly being pushed back.

'What?' Blonsky thought.

He couldn't believe it.

He was being pushed back, and also the wasn't sure but the Hulk seemed to get stronger as time passed.

But Blonsky chocked it up to his mind playing tricks on him.

Oh, he didn't know how wrong he was.

Floating in the air nearby Roman watched the fight.

Ready to step in if need be.

But from the looks of things Hulk had it handled.

Proving to Roman that he should never, ever, fuck with the Hulk.

Just looking at him right now fighting against Abomination Roman can't help but remember the World War Hulk storyline from the comics.

Yeah, he does not want to ever experience that.

So he'll make sure to stay on Hulk's good side.

Moving on.

"How is she evacuation coming along?" Roman spoke into his earpiece.

"It's going well. Especially since Hulk and Abomination started clashing." Emma replied. "Also, emergency and first responders have begun arriving."

"Good. Make sure to keep everything running smoothly. And keep them away from the battle zone." Roman said.

He did not need any civilians becoming collateral damage.

"Understood." Emma replied.

Just as she did Roman noticed the chopper Ross and Betty were in turning around and heading for Hulk and Abomination.

"What the fuck?!" Roman shouted.

A moment later he got his answer as the chopper fired its entire arsenal of missles in the direction of Abomination and Hulk.

"Fucking Ross!" Roman growled.

Using Blinks powers to open a large portal.

Which absorbed all the missiles, and sent them into the Pacific Ocean.

Once that was done Roman closed the portal.

He then decided to go and have a "chat" with Ross.

Flying over to the helicopter he opened its door.

But when Roman did the soldiers inside aimed their weapons at him and fired.

Their bullets doing absolutely nothing to him thanks to his super suit and his own powers.

"Stop, now." Roman growled.


When he did the soldiers stopped firing.

"What are you doing?!:Keep firing!"

Only for Ross to order them to continue.

"Shut your mouth general!" Roman spat out.

This caused Ross to turn and glare in his direction.

But Roman wasn't intimidated one single bit.

"You. Do you know who I-"

"-Oh I know exactly what you are, general." Roman spoke. Interrupting Ross. "A pretty and hypocritical man. Who decided to take one man who had been through a tragedy and turn him into a weapon. A man whose gone so far over the line even his own daughter can't stand to look at him. A man who will be finished after tonight." He spoke. "Now shut your mouth and watch as a real hero works."

Roman then floated out of the way.

Allowing everyone in the chopper to see Hulk beating down Blonsky who was now entirely on the losing end of their battle.

Standing over Blonsky Hulk rained down blow after blow. Releasing shouts of anger as he did.

"No, no, no. I can't-this can't be happening!" Blonsky shouted in utter disbelief.

Yet his situation was happening.

The Hulk was beating him senseless.

"Why, why, why?!" Blonsky shouted.

Right after Hulk suckered punched him directly in the left side of his face.

Knocking the monster unconscious.

Seeing this Roman moved in.

He started floating towards Hulk, lifting Betty out of the chopper using his telekinesis and bringing him along with her.

"Betty!" Ross shouted in worry.

Which Roman could only scoff at.

Given all the man has done to hurt his daughter.

Betty simply ignored her father's cry.

Thus the two soon reached Hulk.

Who was getting ready to deliver another hit to Blonsky.

Before Roman stopped his punch using his telekinesis.

"That's enough of that big guy." Roman spoke

Hearing this Hulk turned around, eyed Roman, and then roared in his direction.

But stopped upon noticing Betty.

"Hulk. Bruce, please stop. That's enough." Betty spoke.

"Yeah big guy. It is. Blonsky is already down. He can't hurt you or Betty any longer." Roman spoke.

Hearing their words Hulk lost some of his fight and began to calm down.

"That's it." Roman spoke softly.

Since he didn't want to be close to a raging Hulk.

Unless Hulk's target was someone else of course.

Eventually Hulk didn't look like he wanted to attack anyone any longer.

Making Roman breathe a sigh of relief.

After he did he accessed his earpiece. "This is Sentinel. Blonsky is down and Hulk is secured. I repeat, Blonsky is down and Hulk is alright." He spoke. "How are things on your end everyone?"

"Good." Warpath replied. "But we're getting pushback from a group called SHIELD that just arrived." He explained.

"Let them through. But if they cross any lines put them in their place." Roman ordered.

"Understood." Warpath replied.

"Wait, so the battle is over?" Starfire suddenly asked.

"Yes Starfire. It is." Clarice replied.

"Oh my. To think our battle would be so easy." Starfire spoke.

'Starifre, no!' Roman thought.

Since her words definitely just jinxed the situation, and in a Marvel verse that could be a death sentence.

'Wait. Maybe things will be okay. Maybe I'm worrying for nothing.' Roman thought.

Just after he did ADAM contacted him.

"Sentinel I have urgent news. I am detecting rising levels of Gamma Radiation in your vicinity. Not associated with the signatures of the Hulk or Emil Blonsky." ADAM quickly explained.

Which sent Romans mind into overdrive. Wracking his brain trying to think where this new gamma signature was originating from.

Until a signal thought passed through Romans' mind.

When it did he immediately turned his head in the direction of the helicopter Ross was riding on.

'No. He didn't. Please tell me he didn't.' Roman thought.

As he did the side door of the helicopter opened up and there stood Ross, a crazed expression on his face.

"Monsters! All of you!" He shouted.

Ross then jumped out of the copter, despite his soldiers inside trying to stop him, and headed towards the ground.

As this happened Ross body underwent s transformation.

He became bigger, and his skin became crimson red. Ross also gained a red veil across his entire body.

As he landed on the ground Ross created a crater.

For now he looked similar to the Hulk.

'He did do it. The bastard actually did it.' Roman thought.

Staring at general Ross, who was now in the form of his alter ego.

Red Hulk.

[Insert Image of Red Hulk Here]

As Roman stared at the crazed looking Red Hulk only one thought crossed his mind.


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