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Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Training, Training, and More Training

Once the Ancient One officially accepted me to Kamar-Taj she had a member of the order come and escort me to the room I would use for the duration of my stay.

Arriving the member of the order looked at me. "Here we are. If you need anything do no hesitate to ask."

"Yes. May I please have the wifi password?" I asked.

The member of the order then gave it to me without any hesitation, before leaving.

It was HarryHoudini1926.

The irony of which is not lost on me.

"Wait." I muttered.

Since magic is real in this world, then does that mean Harry Houdini was an actual magician?

Food for thought.

I will definitely need to investigate that.

But for now it's time to turn in.

I don't want to be tired on my first day of magic school after all.


Waking up the next morning I did a few stretches and then prepared for the day.

Dressing in the robes of a novice of the order, several of which were already in my room, I headed out of my room.

Immediately after I did so an apprentice greeted me and then took me to the dining hall.

Then after breakfast I found myself sitting Indian-style on a pillow across from the Ancient One.

"Good day to you Mr. Maxwell. Welcome to your first day of training." The Ancient One spoke.

"Thank you. Happy to be here." I replied.

Giving me a curt nod the Ancient One then began my first ever magic lesson.

Raising her hands in the air the Ancient One began making precise movements, conjuring spell circles as she spoke.

"The sorcerers of antiquity called the use of this language spells. But if that word offends your modern sensibilities, you can call it a program, the source code that shapes reality. We harness energy drawn from other dimensions of the multiverse to cast spells to conjure shields and weapons to make magic."

I nodded, listening to all the Ancient One said.

Even if most of it was the same lines from the Doctor Strange film.

Still, I wasn't rude.

Once the Ancient One finished her mini-lecture she escorted me to the temple library.

Specifically to a table filled with a healthy amount of old and very thick books.

"Like any craft magic requires study. Your assignment is too read all of these. Once you are done then you will be able to move onto the next step." The Ancient One explained. "Until then." She spoke.

The Ancient One then exited the library.

As she did so I sat drown and cracked my neck.

I then picked out one of the books from one of the piles of the table and placed it in front of me.

Opening it I started reading it.

Easily remembering every word I read.

Since I have an eidetic memory.

Which I gave myself.

It actually wasn't all that hard actually.

Once I got better control of my telepathic abilties thanks to my training sessions with Charles, and with my own experimentation it wasn't that hard to become the master of my own mind.

Now I can absorb knowledge like a sponge.

A skill which I plan on abusing the hell out of.

Especially with the plans I have in store for the future.

In no time at all I finished reading the first book, the knowledge inside of it firmly secured in my mind.

After taking a few moments to process and organize said information I put the book I had just read to the side and picked up and opened up another one.

I then repeated this process over and over again until I has finished reading every book on the table in front of me.

The moment I was finished doing so I sat back in my chair and just reviewed the knowledge in my mind.

Working to understand all that I had just read about.

I didn't know how much time passed before I achieved my goal, but when I did so it brought a smile on to my face.

Having powers truly is sweet.


Once I was sure I understood all the information I read in the books in the library I left it to find the Ancient One.

Upon doing so I walked up to her. "I've finished reading those books." I said.

"Oh truly. Let us test that then." The Ancient One spoke.

She then asked me several questions pertaining to all the books she assigned me to read, even trick questions.

All of which I was able to answer without any problem in the slightest.

"My word. That is quite the mind you have."

"Yeah, well that's in most part to my powers."


"Right, I guess I didn't tell you yet." I said. "The truth is I am someone with an active x-gene. My powers include the absoprtion of matter and energy as well as the DNA and powers of other individuals. One of the powers I've absorbed is telepathy, which I used to rewire my mind to give myself an eidetic memory." I explained to the Ancient One.

Partly because I wanted fo give the Ancient One a bit of trust since she is allowing me to study magic here at Kamar-Taj, and partly because I wanted to know if my powers would affect how I learn and use magic.

"Mr. Maxwell you are truly a young man full of surprises." The Ancient One said.

"Thanks." I replied. "So now that I finished reading all those books what's the next step?"

"Practice Mr. Maxwell. Nothing more and nothing less." The Ancient One said.

"Okay." I replied.

Practice isn't anything new to me.

I can definitely do practice.

Besides, how hard could it be?


[Eight Days Later]

A sling ring on my left hand I performed the motions to open a portal.

Only to not even get a few sparks.

This being by 500th attempt.

I sighed at this.

"Attempt 501 in opening a sling ring portal." I murmured.

Going through the movements to do do.

Not making any progress in the slightest like before.


[Four Months Later]

An eldtrich shield in front of me I blocked a kicked from master Kaecilius.

As he landed on his feet he sent a kick to sweep my legs out from under me.

Jumping I dodged his attack.

Only for bim to conjure forth and eldtrich whip and capture my left arm with it.

The moment this happened he pulled me forward and delivered a punch square to my face.

The attack itself sending on my back.

Then before I could stand up I found the tips of one of his scythe firmly against my neck.

"I yield." I said.

When I did do Kaecilius took his sickle away from my neck.

"You are still being to aggressive in your attacks. You must predict and anticipate your opponents actions to grasp victory." He harshly spoke to me.

"Yes." I immediately replied.

I then jumped back to my feet.

"Good. Now again. Defend yourself!" Kaecilius shouted.

He then charged at me and we began yet another spar.

Most if not all I was on the losing side of.


[One Year & Two Months Later]

Floating outside my body I watched as the Ancient One and several other members of the order to put my soul back in my body.

My first attempt at Astral Projection having failed miserably.

As this occurred I wished I could go back in time and slap my younger-self for thinking learning magic would be essy.

Since it has been exactly the opposite.

I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut.

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