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55.55% Lonely in: Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid / Chapter 5: Ch. 5 #3

Chapter 5: Ch. 5 #3

"It's already been months huh?"

Evan is looking out his window of his room. He gets up and stretches. "Yaaaaawwwwwnnnn"

He is in his boxers and goes to cook breakfast.

His apartment had transformed slightly. He still has his tv, couch and 2 chair. He's go his dining table with half of it being full of his papers for work. He has set up his gaming pc against the wall near the dining table.

The kitchen is full of food all neatly sorted and stored. He's got his cooking apron laying on the counter half of it hanging off the counter. It says 'Admire the Chef' on the front of it. It's the one that covers the front but not the back. He specifically got it because he finds it funny to cook in his boxers and the apron on. Kinda like the nudist guy from 'Food Wars' but without the nude part.

He has posters of various games, anime, or cool movies. Whatever looked cool to him really.

And his extra room, or what was supposed to be the office room, became his cosplay room. He had a decent amount of costumes, and he even made most of them himself. It was fun and relaxing.

His gotten closer to Makoto and Kobayashi over the months and even joins them in their drinking. Evan even learned that Kobayashi goes drinking alone sometimes, but ever since he pointed out that if he tags along she can drink as much as she wants and not worry about bad guys taking advantage of her because he scares those types of guys away, she has allowed him to rage along on her weekend drinking.

Nobody really noticed Evan, he chalked it up to anime world and his identity will be revealed when it's most inconvenient.

It's Sunday and he doesn't go for his morning run today. His head was kind hurting from drinking alone last night. He had a 'Captain Jack Sparrow Cosplay' and he wasn't about to NOT drink. He had to play the part you know.

He makes his breakfast and checks his phone for anything interesting.

He doesn't have to watch what his friend does with his business because the guy proved himself competent. But he still watches the stocks and invests in what proves promising. He's actually made quite a large sum of money. He takes some of his profit and puts it into his cosplay. He rarely spends money on the RPG game, but sometimes when there are events.

He and Makoto have a blast gaming together. Evan can't wait until that dragon dude arrives. His name is 'Fafnir'? He thinks. He can only remember Tohru and Kana. The others are just their anime faces. Or the one that is all tits.

His food is done cooking and he sits down to eat. He slept in a bit today but it was still relatively early. After he was done eating he jumps onto his pc. He does a solo session for most of the day and doesn't do much else.

He hears a knock at his door m, it's lucky he wasn't in the middle of combat or he wouldn't have been able to open the door.

He looks through the peephole on his door and sees a redhead. He opens the door, "Yo" he says as a greeting.

"Yo" Kobayashi says with a dull tone. She's still rough around the edges but she's used to his nature. "I need the 'thug deterrent' tonight. I'm gonna drink a lot tonight" Kobayashi looks to the side awkwardly. Evan makes her call him that or something similar when she needs him to keep the creeps away.

"Sweet! You can come in or wait a minute until I get dressed.

Kobayashi takes a better look at Evan and sees he's in only an apron. "What the hell?! Why are you naked?!" She backs away from him until she backs into the railing behind her.

"Hey! I'm not completely naked!" He looks down and realizes he is wearing his apron and boxers. Whoopsie. "I'm wearing my underwear underneath, wanna see?" He grabs the bottom of his apron and pulls up slightly.

"Just go put a suit on!" She moves to the door quickly and slams it shut in Evans face.

"That's not the first time I've had my own door slammed in my face" He learned to stay out of the doorframe because he's been hit by the door many times. They were his fault, mostly because he forgets he isn't wearing anything besides his underwear sometimes.

The delivery girls didn't seem to mind. But Kobayashi doesn't appreciate it. Neither does Makoto. But at least he just tells him to put some pants on.

He goes and throws on a button down shirt with the top buttons not buttoned because obvious reasons. He puts on a black suit but leaves the vest off. The bars or drinking places Kobayashi goes to get kinda hot.

He puts his shoes on and flings the door open. "I'm ready!" His arms spread out as if he's basking in a nonexistent sun.

"How can you constantly have that much energy. We're the same age and my back is already killing me while you go for hour runs every morning. Why is life so unfair" Kobayashi let's her head fall into her left hand. She shakes her head and sighs.

"I dunno, but let's go drink your worries away!" Evan follows behind Kobayashi and they go drinking.

Evan gets a little more drunk than he intended but he's fine. Him and Kobayashi discuss maids other subjects like her job.

Kobayashi complains about this guy who's supposed to be her boss but always makes her do the work he screws up or runs into the tiniest problem or inconvenience.

They were at a nice stand that served them food and offered beer. And when they left Kobayashi wanted a bottle of sake so Evan got it and 2 sake cups that were more like mini plates.

They were laughing as they got onto a train to go back home.

It wasn't crowded but there were more people than Evan thought.

Evan got lost in though about how lonely it is. Sure he hangs out with Makoto and Kobayashi but they have work, and his job is basically nonexistent. He didn't think he would complain about having an easy job. He hopes that Tohru and the other dragons can help him out with that.

"Hahahaha! That's my stop!" Kobayashi says as she points out the train doors.

"Huh!?" He whips his head around. "That's our stop!" Evan watches as the train leaves their station. He stood up and falls over as the train starts moving.

"Ahahaha! Evan, your drunk!" Kobayashi now points at him.

"So are…" Evan stands up and grabs one of the poles to stand up. "You!" He points at her. She was holding the sake bottle, he gets a bit clumsy when drunk.

"But at least I can walk straight! Hahahaha!" She continues laughing at him as he holds himself up with the pole.

"Shud'up you redheaded woman! I can too walk straight!" If he was thinking properly he would have said she couldn't walk straight either, but he wasn't really thinking.

"Prove it you gangster looking stripper!" Kobayashi shouts. Everyone looks at Evan now and sees that he's leaning against the pole and his suit jacket is half off, it's held on by his elbows.

"I am NOT….a gangster!" Evan says back to her loudly. He lets his jacket fall off his right arm and grabs it in his left. He tosses it onto his seat beside Kobayashi.

"Hahahaha! You didn't deny being a stripper! Haha!" Kobayashi almost falls out of her seat she's laughing so hard. She also slaps her knee.

"I could be the best stripper! But I have my limits! Now witness me!" Evan let's go of the pole and his arms are out at his sides as he tries to walk straight in the middle of the trains.

"See! I'm doing it-!" As soon as he made the third step he shouted. But when he said that the train suddenly turned and his feet turned to jelly and he nearly hit the deck. He was falling backwards but caught himself by grabbing the pole again.

"Hahaha!" Kobayashi was all laughter.

"That wasn't my fault!" Evan defends himself. He's a shameful Jack Sparrow cosplayer. "I….am going to sit down" Evan grabs his jacket from his seat and sits down.

It's pretty quiet besides Kobayashi's laughter as she talks about the things she can see outside the windows. Evans brain was spinning as he watched the outside surroundings whiz by.

He would never be able to do this back in the U.S.

He was reminiscing about his past when Kobayashi suddenly stood up. "Our stop!" And she grabbed Evans arm and pulled him off the train.

"Why here?!" He couldn't resist as he was trying to to taste the ground.

"Why not here?" Kobayashi asks and turns around.

"Because this isn't where we live!" Evan points to the mountain.

"Ohhhh" Kobayashi let's him go. She turns back to the train and watches it leave. She shrugs her shoulders. "When in Rome!"

She starts heading into the forest. She's walking very much so not in a straight line.

"If I was in Rome…..I would not! Be here" Evan states as he walks next to Kobayashi.

They make their way down a trail drunkenly trying to walk straight.

"The mountains nice! And like, damn, the airs good!" Kobayashi finally stopped her fits of laughter after they got off the train.

"It's nice, but…where are we?" Evan looks around. There's fields around and then there's the mountain that's getting bigger as they walk closer to it.

"I don't know where we are!" Kobayashi says. S"but I know where we're going!"

""The Mountain!"" They both day and they pick up their pace.

When they get to the mountain along the trail they see a sign that says 'beware of bears in area'.

"Wait, bears?!" Kobayashi says "Bears….bear meats good…Bring it on!"

"I'll beat any bear that crosses our path. They'll call me the bear-wrangler!" Evan raises his hands like claws above his head.

"Hahaha. Not wrangler. They call you bear 'strangler'! Hahaha" Kobayashi leads the way along the trail.

"Either way! Beware bears! Evan Farrell shall put you in your place!" He shouts and throws his hands in the air. His jacket in his left hand.

Kobayashi and Evan are laughing together and at eachother.

"Haha. It's so dark! Hahaha" Kobayashi laughs out.

"Ha! There's so ma-many tree roots!" He nearly falls on his face.

They keep walking, they're deep into the forest at this point.

But then Kobayashi bumps into something and falls down.

"Hahaha Miss Kobayashi! You fell before I did in the mountains! Hahah- huh?" Evan looks at what Kobayashi bumped into.

"ow" Kobayashi sits up. And then stands up. "The heck?" She looks at what's ahead of her.

"Where did you come from, humans?" A big green dragon says. It has a sword impaled into its side.

"Im from my moms womb!" Evan shouts like he just won a prize for saying the right answer.

Kobayashi just hiccups and slowly blinks at the creature.

Her eyes go wide and she inhaled. But then she quickly exhales a hot breath that's full of alcohol. "Bwuhah! A dragon! Gimme a hug!" And she jumps towards the dragon and higs it's snout.

"No fair Miss Kobayashi! I also wanna hug it!" He goes beside Kobayashi and hugs the snout above he head. "Hah! I'm taller!"

The dragon just raises its head and nudges them away from it.

Evan falls completely on his back while Kobayashi lands on her butt.

"Owwie!" Evan lands with a thud.

"ow" Kobayashi rubs her lower back.

The dragon looks dow on them with its yellow eyes. "Insolent humans" It says clearly irritated.

"Be gone, before I devour you!" It then roars at them.

Hot breath rushes past the humans.

"Hahaha! The dragon said 'Be gone Thot!' to you Kobayashi! Hahaha!" Evan doesn't even attempt to get up, his world is spinning after he fell from his height of over 6 feet.

"Shud'up you dumbass!" She smack Evan on his face.

"Owwie~ not the face~" Evan complains but doesn't make any movement to retaliate or stop her if she tries again.

Kobayashi looks back to the dragon. She looks at the sword sticking out of its side.

"Be that as it may, I'll be dead soon…. It's quite miserable to have a human eye the one to witness my last moments" The dragon doesn't look happy.

"Say, isn't it exhausting talking like that?" Kobayashi asks. The dragon visibly gets shocked by this. "I bet it is" Kobayashi says.

"Why you…." The dragon says in an almost hiss.

"Can I pull this thing out?" Kobayashi and Evan magically appear at the side of the dragon. They both point at the sword. Evan does it just to mock Kobayashi.

The dragon looks at the strange humans. "Eh? I suppose…"

Before the dragon can finish its sentence Kobayashi is cloning its leg.

"Not fair! I'm gonna beat you!" Evan jumps on but slides down the scaly leg.

"Wait, hey!" The dragon complains.

"Nothing can hold me down!" Evan begins climbing rapidly.

Kobayashi and Evan reach the sword at the same time. A testament to Evans climbing skill by catching up to Kobayashi's steady pace.

"Tie!" Evan strikes a victory pose.

"It wasn't a race you idiot!" Kobayashi says to Evan. "Now let's get this sword out"

"You fools" the dragon hangs its head. "If a human touches Gods sword, their spirit will be-"

Kobayashi gets on one side of the giant sword while Evan is on the other and they lift with all their might. This causes the dragon pain. "Ahhhh!"

"Don't care!" Kobayashi says.

"Yeah! Fuck God! The Devil is where the party's at!"

"If God exists,…." Kobayashi says as she strains.

"He better show himself to me,.." she pulls harder. "..and extend my deadline!"

The sword moves out slightly.

"Yeah! The Devil already gave me an offer and it's turned out great….so far!" Evan grunts as he lifts with his legs. "Don't hurt your back old lady!"

"What did you call me?!" Kobayashi shouts.

"N-no wait" the dragon tells them uncertainly.

"Use your legs old hag!" Evan shouts.

"Grrrrr!" Kobayashi growls at him and they finally get the sword out. The sword starts to fall to the ground with both Kobayashi and Evan falling with it.

"Dibs!" Evan shouts as he jumps onto the blade and rides it on the way down.

Kobayashi's eyes widen as she falls. And the dragon's eyes also widen at the sword coming out.

Some blood splurts out of the wound but it already begins to heal visibly.

Evan grabs Kobayashi by the hood of her jacket she's wearing and pulls her up onto the sword.

"Gah" she gets choked but is able to not hurt herself by falling to the ground.

"Ska…!" Evan says just before he lands. "….doosh!" The sword lands heavily on the ground. It was huge! And Evan remembered a certain fat panda and couldn't resist.

"You trying to kill me?!" Kobayashi says after she stands back up.

Evan just bent his knees slightly for the landing while Kobayashi just went down like a brick.

"No~" Evan says while eyeing the sword. "Hey dragon, i've got dibs on this sword!"

The dragon looks at the idiots before it. She closes her eyes and focuses her magic on healing the wound in its side. "Whatever human"

"Yosh!!!" Evan punches towards the sky with his right hand.

"Evan….about your comments about my age….."

Evan turns around to see a demon. Kobayashi's red hair floats behind her as a black and fiery aura appears around her. Her eyes are hidden in darkness and begin glowing red.

The dragon watches the humans and it's eyes widen.

"Ow" "I'm sorry" "Your only slightly older!" "Your young" "beautiful" "ahhhh!" "No, stop!" "Put that stick down Miss Kobayashi!" "Get back! Stay away!" "I don't like this kind of play! I'm supposed to be the dominant one-"




Kobayashi throws what's left of the stick towards the trees and walks towards the same bottle and Evans jacket.

She dusts off her hands and sits down in front of the dragons hands.

"The…sword is…still mine…~" Evan says shakily off to the side in triumph.

"I don't even know what he's gonna do with the girl at sword" Kobayashi says to herself as she shakes her head and sighs.

"Even if this is a dream~, It makes no sense for a dragon to bow down like that!" Kobayashi points her finger at the dragon that is on all 4s like a cat hiding it's paws beneath its body. The dragons head is in front of Kobayashi looking directly at her.

It's got a sweat drop on its forehead. "Ah, my apologies. But still, you saved my life"

Kobayashi brings her hand back to her legs. "But Evan helped as well" She says.

"Ah, but you have proven to be stronger than him in combat and are therefore have put him in his place. I must thank you for helping me and forcing him to do it as well" The dragon says like it was obvious why.

"Well…." Kobayashi know that even when Evan is drunk he can still kick 6 thugs asses. He's actually done it a month ago when they though they can't attack him and herself. Evan didn't even get stabbed by their knives once.

Although he wouldn't shut up about it for 3 weeks straight, he eventually stopped about a week ago.

"Anyway" The dragon speaks. "I was defeated in a battle against God, and escaped to this world" The dragon says sounding much more feminine now. "It's possible you were able to remove that sword because you lack faith"


"Ah! The sword!" Evan rushes to the hilt in an attempt to stop it from disappearing. Kobayashi and the dragon ignore him. He moves like having a thick tree brach break on his back was nothing.

Evan grabs the swords giant hilt of the sword before it disappears into red and white sparkles.

Once his hand grabs it the sword flashes in a bright white light and then the white light turns black and the sword appears in his hands but changed now.

It's no longer humongous, it's now the size of a large claymore sword. It was about 5 feet tall.

"Awesome!" He was able to hold it in both hands and swing it around. It was heavy but he didn't care.

He went up to a tree and got into a stance he saw in anime. His left foot forward and his right foot back. His left shoulder facing the tree as he brought the sword back and then he swung. He used his entire body and turned his hips into the swing as his shoulder turns and the sword comes flying through the air.

It was much faster than Evan predicted, almost as if it was cutting through the air itself.

The blade barely made contact with the tree as it cut it like paper.

Evan brought his right foot forward and stops his momentum. Now instead of facing the right side he's facing the left side.

He looks at the tree as it falls crashing down.

Evan looks at the sword and raises it above his head.

Where the blade and the hilt meet the cross guard is a skull with a rib cage. It looks really sick and he could have sworn he's seen this thing before. But he doesn't care.

"I have the power~!" He shouts.


Kobayashi hear a crashing sound and then an idiot.

"I have the power~"

They look over to see Evan wielding a ominous blade that is extremely large. Kobayashi had only seen a sword like that in video games, and sticking out of a dragon.

"That's not a toy you dunce!" Kobayashi shouts. "Where did you find that and where did the God sword go?!"

She couldn't see the giant blade and now Evan is wielding an evil looking blade. Doesn't take a drunk idiot to figure out what might of happened.

"Dibs!" Evan said and rested the blade on his shoulder, not the sharp edge part but the flat face of the blade.

"Whatever!" Kobayashi shouts at the idiot. "Back to our previous conversation dragon"

The dragon doesn't know what to think anymore. First these humans show up. Seemingly intoxicated. And then they aren't scared of her at all. They free the sword from her side and then quarrel with the woman beating the man. And then the man wields God's Sword and somehow corrupted it and made it his own. She doesn't even sense any magic power from the weak human.

The dragon shakes it's head and goes back to bowing before the woman. "Right…..You probably freed the sword due to your lack of faith. Thank you-"

"Who cares about all that?!" Kobayashi says as she grabs the bottle beside her. Her expression and gestures make her act more of a gangster than Evan acts.

The dragon shrinks down. "Eh?"

Kobayashi pours the alcohol into a small cup. "Do do do do" she mimics the gluging of the liquid exiting the Bottle.

"Drink! Have a drink with me, dragon" Kobayashi holds out the small cup towards the huge dragon. "And then listen to my story!" She shouts as she waves the cup through the air.

"I wanna drink!" Evan waltz's on over and then stabs the sword into the ground. He sits in front of it and leans his back against the flat side. "I'll just drink in silence~"

"Why do I doubt that" The dragon says.

"Cmon! Drink! Listen!" Kobayashi starts flailing like a child in the supermarket, kicking her legs and waving her arms as she shouts.

"Eh…ah…um.." The dragon looks side to side trying to find an answer.

*Sniffle* a Kobayashi starts crying into her sleeve and covers her face with said sleeve. "Cmon drink with me~" She whines in a very sad manner.

The dragon feels guilty to cause her savior distress. Her eyes are wide and sweat appears on its face. Then it's eyes shut like the crescent moon. "Ughhh…" she sighs.

Then a giant red magic circle forms infront of the dragon and its body glows red.

The dragons body goes from a red glow to orange and it shrinks down into a small ball. That ball quickly turns into the form of a girl wearing only a black cloak.

The glow dies down and they see bare feet touch down on the ground. Evan's gaze goes up the legs as the black cloak just falls down to cover the girls body. Evans eyes go wide as he sees the red of the dragons human body. The cloak covers from her left side around her body and back to her left side but it exposes a small portion of her left side until she brings her arm inside her cloak and it fully covers her. Her hair is long and blonde with flaming orange tips, she had red-orange eyes with dilated pupils. And her horns and tail are still present.

"Fuck me…..I mean… I a 'scalie' now?" Evan looked at her figure and then looked down at his hands as he sheds a single tear. "I don't want to be a scalie...I just want love…." Evan clenches his fists and closes his eyes as he denies his claims.

"Uhm…is he ok?" The dragon-lady takes the cup from Kobayashi.

*hicup!* Kobayashi looks at the dragon-girl that sits down in front of her. "He's just a whining bitch!... And you really were a girl" Kobayashi complains about Evan loudly but is quieter when talking to the dragon.

The dragon-lady holds the cup in both hands, her cloak revealing her soft looking body a bit. Her right thigh, side of her stomach, and her right underbreasy were showing. "Well, more or less" She looks away from Kobayashi. "Though I can't say I'm fond of using this magic" She proceeds to just down the sale in the small ceramic cup.

"Magic?!" "Oh, I like how you threw that back" Evan and Kobayashi say respectively.

"That's not the only thing you wanna see her throw back" Evan leans forward seemingly recovered from his crisis. He suggestively raises his right eyebrow.

"And what else would she throw back?!" Kobayashi states. She's too drunk to get his innuendo.

"Haaaah. I thought you were a fellow person of culture. *Hiccup*, Look at her! What can't she throw back!" Evan motions to her body and it's curves.

"Shut up! You dimwit!" Kobayashi says to Evan. Her face was already red due to the alcohol in her system. But now it's red due to her blushing.

"Give her….mah jacket…" Evan stumbles through his sentence as he leans back against the sword.

"Alright!" Kobayashi suddenly exclaims as she throws Evans jacket, that she forgot was there, at the dragon-lady. "Let's have a drink between women!"

"Oy!!" "Women?" "Hahahahahaha!!!! I don't care anymore!! Hahahaha" At first Evan complained. But then the dragon made a disbelieving face as she pointed at Kobayashi. She didn't realize this human was female.

(Ignore my above mistakes if I said Tohru knew Kobayashi was female. I didn't mean to and there is so much to go back and reread)

Hearing the dragon sound so surprised about finding out her gender makes Kobayashi turn to stone. And then hearing Evan laugh makes her crack in certain places.

After a few seconds Kobayashi turns back to herself and starts flailing her arms in the air again at the dragon. "I!…Am a Woman!"

"I-I'm sorry!" the dragon says and slightly bows her head.

"Now I'm mad so drink with me!" Kobayashi declares not taking no for an answer.

"Y-yes. I shall" The dragon says.

"Yayyy~" Evan raises his hands into the air.

The two women ignore the drunk man.

Evan lays on the ground, rolls to his right, and then moves his feet over his head in a sort of reverse somersault. And before he lays face down on the dirt and grass he roll infront of the sword, but now on the other side of it.

"He is…..more flexible than expected" The dragon says.

Evan then sits up and looks at the cross guard above him. The eyes of the skull seem to be looking into his own eyes. "Definitely…..Badass!"

"Haaah. Just ignore Evan....and drink! He's not like a normal human" Kobayashi says as she fills up the dragons cup, and her own.

"And you are?" The dragon asks as she brings the cup to her mouth.

"Me?" Kobayashi downs her small cup. "I'm just an average human. Nothing special about me…" She states

"You're wrong"

"Huh?" Kobayashi looks at the busty woman before her.

"Normal, you are certainly unlike any human I have ever seen before" The dragon says with a lot of emotion in her voice.

" Mmmm!" Kobayashi makes an annoyed sound. "Drink some more!"

"Okay" Ms. Dragon holds out the tiny cup.

"And let me touch your boobs!" Kobayashi also commands.

Evan pops his head out to the side of the sword. Seemingly EXTREMELY interested in the current topic.

"Very well" Ms. Dragon's voice was filled with contentness.

Evan falls to the ground. "Do it Kobayashi!"

"Wait really?" Kobayashi asks the woman who isn't even wearing proper clothes.

"Of course! You did save my life" She says with gratitude in her voice. And a small smile on her face. She was taught to repay those who helped you.

"Tell me what it feel like!" Evan says after he stood up. He's leaning on the pommel of the sword.

"Evan!" Kobayashi yells. "I'm not actually gonna fondle her boobs!"

"Yet~!" Evan coos

"I'm not!"

"You aren't?" They both look to the blond. Her voice had disappointment in it.

"No!" Kobayashi pours more for herself.

"Awwww, that was the perfect opportunity to feel up an actual dragon" Evan pulls the sword out of the ground and points it at Kobayashi. "You blue bal-"

Evan disappears from his spot and crashes into a tree behind him. In his place was a fist that was smoking and a certain curvy dragon lady with a scary face.

"Owwie" Evan croaks from the now destroyed tree.

"Do not point such a weapon at her!" The dragon shouts in Kobayashi's defense.

"Oy! Don't kill him!" Kobayashi reprimands the dragon.

Said dragon turns around with a bright smile towards Kobayashi. "Oh, I didn't mean to kill the human male. Only maim or seriously injure" She says, then whispers to herself. "But he is more durable than predicted. Weird human male indeed"

"You can't go around killing people. Life is precious! Even the small animal! Do not needlessly kill!" Kobayashi stands up as the dragon is in sieza. Like a boss scolding an employee.

"Understood. Miss Kobayashi" Dragon lady says as she bows her head slightly again.

"Good! Now let's drink some more!" Kobayashi sits on the ground close to her new drinking buddy.

Evan, now decently far away rolls off the tree trunk his ass was currently in. He clutches his abs. "Are my babies ok?" He lifts his shirt and sees that it's not even bruising or red. "Oh thank the Devil" he sighs in relief. The he falls to the ground with the sword still in hand.

He pushes himself off the ground and looks over at the pair that were far away now. "How did I get over here?"

He rolls his neck and cracks it. "Man!…"

"….I'm drunk!" Evan then walks back to the pair.

"I'm phine thanks pher askin" He plops down with the sword in his lap. They are sitting in a triangle but Kobayashi and ms. Dragon are facing eachother and ignoring him as they drink.

"Guess it's just me, myself, and….my sword" He pets it in a caring manner. Evan really liked the way it looked and reflected the moonlight.

Kobayashi starts complaining about her job for hours. Evan at one point swiped the bottle and took a few gulps before having it snatched back out of his hands. Kobayashi then slapped his hand away and he just friend being offended. After that he felt those gulps hit him and roll his world. He then proceeded to hug his sword as he layer down facing his friends.

After some hours of Kobayashi talking with dragon lady and Evan listening.

"Seriously, this world is unfair! I work my butt off, and what for?!" Kobayashi drunkenly shouts.

The blond curvy dragon lady also has a drunken blush on her face. "That's right, say the word! Let me put it out of its misery!" She shouts with the same drunken energy as Kobayashi.

"And like, what the hell?! Don't make me clean up after your subordinates!" Kobayashi gets even louder as she leans forward.

"Don't act like all dragons are lolicons who demand virgins maidens from villages!" The dragon shouts. "Haha~" she chuckles after she shouts.

"Yeah! And-" Evan was about to shout but he opens his eyes to see Kobayashi and the dragon sitting thigh to thigh, hip to hip, shoulder to shoulder. They had an arm over the others shoulder as they laughed and cheered together.

Evan just shut up and hugged his sword tightly. He enjoyed the view. Kobayashi didn't give herself enough credit. And the dragons cloak was revealing a very nice view as she raised her right arm into the air like how Kobayashi was raising her left hand holding the bottle that somehow wasn't empty yet. Evan just smiled. The dragon wasn't even wearing his jacket propers, she just put it on over her cloak. aAnd while it was big on her, it still didn't hide much.

The two of them laugh hard and then they separate to face each other while sitting down.

"Hahaha -burp- hahaha" the dragon burped literal fire. Evan would bet that the alcohol from her breath caught fire accidentally.

But the two drunk ladies just found it like the funniest thing yet. Kobayashi hit the ground as she laughed and the blond held her stomach with both arms.

After some minutes of laughing they both have to stop to catch their breath. Kobayashi sets the bottle down and holds the cup in her other hand.

"Why am I alone?" Kobayashi looks up at Ms. Dragon.

"I'm….." The dragon's expression looks like a lost or hurt puppy with admiration mixed in as she looks at Kobayashi with her face. "…..also completely alone now, in this world" it seems she has just now realized something very important.

Kobayashi's dead eyes close slightly behind her spectacles as she sympathizes with the dragon.

"I'm also alone!" Evan holds a finger up. But is ignored by the woman. "Shut up Evan!" "Why don't you make me?!" "I guess I will!" "Oh? You approach me?" "How would I make you shut up if I don't approach you?" "Come closer then!"

Evan starts talking with himself as he holds the sword and rolls on the ground slightly, more like rocking side to side slightly.

Miss Kobayashi and Ms. Dragon look at eachother.

"You've got nowhere to go?" Kobayashi asks a little sad.

"I don't" the dragon girl says in a low and sad tone. "In any case, I was alone in the first place"

Evan stops rocking when he sees this. "That's, *Sniffle*, So sad!" A trail of tears go down across his face horizontally since he is laying on his side currently.

"Then….want to come to my place?" Kobayashi tilts her head and shifts her body as she asks the dragon.

Dragon lady's eyes widen in shock. She hasn't heard those words before, and it was a human woman that said those kind words to her. Her eyes tear up and she hangs her head as her tail also curls up behind her. Her body shakes slightly. Then she straighten up and sits with her back straight and her hands clenched into fists pressing down on her thighs. "I-I do!" Her tears still in her eyes, tears of joy and happiness.

Kobayashi looks at her. She lets her eyes rest but keeps them open. And a small, genuine smile appears on her face. Evan had seen her smile before. But this was the purest smile he had seen on her face. It looked good on her. He hoped Tohru could make Kobayashi smile like that everyday.

Kobayashi closes her eyes as and a heavy blush appears on her face. She opens her eyes suddenly and leans forward as she exclaims. "Then become a maid!" A small bit of drool leaks from her mouth. "MY maid!"

Evan admits that this girl wearing a maid outfit would absolutely give him diabetes.

Kobayashi puts her hands on the dragons shoulders and gets closer to her.

The blond dragon looks up at this human woman with a dazed face. "I'm sorry?"

"Listen up" Kobayashi begins breathing heavily like a pervert would. "Maids aren't just simple house servants!" She stands up as she jumps backwards and points down at her 'soon to be maid'. "They originally had names based on their role, such as a house maid or laundry maid, plus there's the training they had to go through, unlike cafè maids-"

"Ah…" She seems to have realized something as she sidetracked herself and derailed her speech. "I'm Kobayashi" She holds out her hand down towards Ms. Dragon.

The dragon blushes slightly at her and takes her hand in her own. "I'm Tohru" the dragon lady says happily with a smile.

"And I'm Evan!" He appears standing up from his original position with his right hand holding the sword towards the sky and his left hand on his hip. "...…." He gets crickets as a response.

"So yeah, Tohru,…..It's not like I'm rejecting maid cafes or anything. They're nice in their own ways, but the maid profession has gotten a bad rep recently and I think they…." Kobayashi continues about maids.

Evan knew they were gonna be talking for a while. So he turned around and rested the blade on his shoulder. "Haaaaah…." Evan strolled towards the trees. 2 of them now nicked down. 1 is a clean cut while the other was broken with splinters around it like it got hit. "...I really am lonely tho…."

Evan looks up to the moon and raises his sword above him and admired it some more. The thing radiated bad vibes, not something you would expect from a Gods sword. But he believed in the Devil so maybe that's why the sword changed? He doesn't know, or honestly care. He has a badass sword so he won't turn a gift-horse away.

But this thing would get annoying to carry around all the time. Don't all the protagonists just let it rest on their back while it's not in use? And it magically stays there without falling at that.

He puts the blade on his back and closes his eyes and focuses on the sword staying there. And then his eyes snap open and he releases the sword from his grip. And then…..


The blade falls and digs into the ground. "Damnit…It's never that easy huh?" He sits down with his back against the sword. "Why won't you just stay on my back"

Evan can feel the cool metal of the blade against his back. He doesn't even feel the cold night air. "If only you could just…..stay on my back and then appear when I want you to! Like that one anime where their weapons were tattoos and they could summon their weapon at any time they want! That would be so epic-"

Evan began to feel the blade heat up and his back began burning as well. He jumped forward up to his feet and spun around. He didn't see the sword and then a deep and dark red light shined from behind him as the heat increased and his nerves shouted and protested. He fell to his hands and knees. He grabbed the grass and clenched his jaw tightly. The sensation of something entering under his skin on his back was immense. "Gahh….Rrrrggghhhh!" He groaned and moaned as the pain came in waves. It spread from his back to his chest. Then the rest of his torso. Then to his limbs. And then finally his head. It was always getting worse just when he thought it wouldn't and it became bearable.

"F-Fuck!" He puts his forehead into the dirt beneath him. The light had just flashed for a second and now he was in the darkness below the trees.

The pain then went from the skin to his muscles. This hurt like a bitch. But when it moved to his bones it hurt like a crazy bitch. And that was serious. He learned the hard way not to stick his dock in crazy.

He fell to the grass but still held the grass and his toes curled as his abdomen muscles constricted tightly along with his back muscles.

It even hurt to breath.

But then as slowly as it came it slowly left. And once the pain was gone he let out a long and pained sigh like the thief's from "Home Alone" would after they get hurt or tripped in the ice. Long and exaggerated. Almost like his member, just not exaggerated.

He just laid there, he wonders how bad that would have been if he wasn't drunk, or if it hurt more Because he was drunk. He doesn't even know what 'that' was.

All he knew was that his epic sword was gone and that whatever happened hurt a lot.

He was breathing heavily and moved his head to the side to see Kobayashi's 'maid-splaining' Tohru. But Tohru was eyeing Evan in the corner of her narrowed eyes.

Evan have her a thumbs up. Tohru just looked away back to Kobayashi with what he could guess was a 'Humph' but he was too far away to properly hear.

And then he blacked out. Not his conscious, just his memory.

Quade_The_Unknown Quade_The_Unknown

6754 words.

I liked this one. Not the beginning, but the rest of it.

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