Esme clung onto Gabriel a while longer, knowing her body would comfort him quicker and bring him peace. Gabriel's hands slid up her back under her shirt, and he lowered his head into the side of her neck, inhaling her scent and resting his head in the crook of her neck.
"Esme, what did you do when he called you a dog?" Gabriel asked quietly, with his face still hiding in her hair and neck.
Esme sighed, "Well, I have to admit I did not take it well. But unfortunately, I could only make a cut below his eye before he threw me off.. I'm sure you will punish him appropriately for me," She murmured back as her fingers started to thread through his silky locks, massaging his scalp gently. She kissed his head, knowing well that Gabriel would make Paul suffer; she had no issues at all towards it.
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