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4.56% THE FUGITIVE / Chapter 11: Who is Gabriel?

Chapter 11: Who is Gabriel?

Esme almost cut her finger from the knife in surprise, but she moved her hand away in time and glanced at a man with dark eyes, a dark aura and hair, his navy pinstripe suit screaming money. "Lenny," Esme breathed. Isana stiffened for a moment in fear, but then she remembered she was a damn werewolf. Esme cleared her throat. "What makes you say that?" She smirked, meeting his gaze as she left the knife on the chopping board.

Lenny leaned onto the bar diagonally across from her, ignoring Hana, who asked nervously if he wanted a drink. "Not tonight, Hana. I'd like Esme to serve me," His eyes were locked with Esme's until he turned and walked towards a table in the corner of the room where the mood lighting was that much darker.

"Couldn't he tell me at the bar what he wants?" She grumbled under her breath.

"Mr Travine is VIP, Esme. He usually uses one of the VIP rooms. You should go to him now," said Rory, another bartender who seemed to have the hots for Hana, not that she noticed.

Esme wiped the lemon juice from her hands using a cloth and dropped it on the side, sauntering over to where Lenny now sat, two guards standing nearby. This made sure no one approached the man, including some women who kept glancing at him and giggling. A handsome man with a dangerous aura like his did that to people.

Esme stopped in front of his table, and he gestured for her to sit. "Sorry, sir. But I am working and cannot-"

"Sit down, Esme," He commanded, but his voice was low and gentle still. She didn't know how that worked, maybe he knew she was a bit rebellious to commands, but she found herself lowering down slowly and eying him cautiously.

Esme sat and crossed her legs demurely, an action that didn't go unnoticed by Lenny. It must be the skirt and heels; she was a mess the last time she saw him. "I think you're interesting because you live in a studio apartment with nothing but a couch as a bed but rock up here looking like.. Well, like that." He nodded his head in her direction while tapping a thin Cuban cigar on top of the table.

Esme blinked and looked down at her attire before looking at him again. "Is there something wrong with the way I look?" She raised a brow.

"Not at all. You look beautiful. And you have my attention.. not many people do.." He trailed off as his attention was taken by someone behind her. She refrained from rolling her eyes, believing he most likely noticed another woman.

"So, it seems," She drawled with a smirk.

Lenny looked back at Esme and chuckled before his face became serious. "You know, I can put you in a nicer place, closer to the city. Just work for me."

"You own a bar and come to a rival one?" Esme tilted her head to the side. "And even approach their staff about jobs. You really are bold, Lenny."

Lenny grinned, "I'm serious, Esme. It does not sit right with me that you live.."

"If you are feeling charitable, then you could always fix the apartment up without changing the price of the rent," Esme cut in and winked before standing back up. "But I have received enough charity in one day to accept such an offer. If that is all, sir. I can either take your order or return to the bar."

Lenny stood up, buttoning his suit jacket again; he glanced behind her again and nodded before looking back at Esme. "So bloody cheeky. I suspect a lot of customers come here just to see you." He took a step towards her, making Esme arch her neck as he leaned his hand on the table, towering over her with his unlit cigar now held between his teeth, grinning. "I have a meeting now. Try not to cause too much trouble. Or.. if you do, at least you can work for me." His eyes gleamed mischievously, then he leaned away and walked past her, followed by his two bodyguards.

Esme turned and watched Lenny's retreating back while her hearing picked up on people's conversations. She wasn't sure before, but now it was confirmed, Lenny Travine was part of the mafia, and she, the new 'ruffian' barmaid, knew him and was now someone not to be trifled with.

Esme started to turn away, but another figure came into her peripheral vision. One with a powerful presence, she stopped and looked back at Lenny and managed to get a glimpse of a man in a suit, his hair as white as snow. His broad back was also facing her as the two men started to leave the room.

Esme's feet started walking towards them before her mind caught up, her curiosity piquing. She wanted to see the man who radiated such power. The she-wolf swiftly grabbed a golden drinks tray, her quick steps catching up to the archway that led to the VIP rooms to the left of the hallway. She halted and stayed hidden behind the wall when she saw Lenny's guards a few feet ahead.

Holding her tray out, a few customers left their empty drinks on the tray in passing. At least she didn't look like she was sneaking about. Esme looked to the side again and saw them moving again; the hallway was quiet compared to the bar. Walking in heels was much more challenging to sneak in than her usual boots, but she kept her steps quiet. She knew from the power radiating off him that the white-haired man had to be a vampire who had sensitive hearing.

But what was a gangster doing with a vampire?

"This is not blending in, Es!" Isana whisper-shouted, panicked by what she was doing.

"True, but curiosity.." Esme trailed off.

"I see you made me wait to speak to Esme," The white-haired man drawled. His hands were in his trouser pockets, his gait lazy while he looked ahead. Lenny looked at him and grinned after reading his face that Esme couldn't see.

He knew her name? She also recognised that voice. But before she could wrap her mind around who it could be, Lenny was already speaking.

"We had some business to discuss, her and I. She.. intrigues me," Lenny pulled his cigar from his mouth and held it by his side as he looked ahead again.

"Business? I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to.."


She stopped and cringed upon hearing her name, turning to see Niko standing behind her, almost looming over her in his white shirt, waistcoat and tie, and smart trousers and shoes, looking quite dashing. When she looked back, the men had walked to the furthest end of the hallway and entered one of the VIP rooms.

The last she saw of the white-haired man was his crystal blue eyes lock with hers, glowing brilliantly and rendering her speechless before he disappeared inside the room. Again, his sharp eyes were what stood out the most, and he was gone before she could assess the rest of his features. Why was she acting like a girl with a crush!?

Esme turned back to look at Niko, who was looking at her sternly. She smiled, looking at his attire again, she parted her lips, about to comment on how he looked, but he held his hand up. "Don't. Stop dawdling and get back to work. I have to work in one of the VIP rooms, but Rory will be in charge until I return." He walked past her, not waiting for her response.

"Niko, you really do look dashing. It's quite sad really, I have this new outfit on, and you didn't even compliment me," She teased quietly as he stopped in front of the room where the two men and security guards went inside. Niko knocked and waited before looking at her, his face stoic, except for his ears that burned a bright red. Esme loved teasing him; he was too easy.

"He's so adorable!" Isana gushed, "Seriously, how old is he? Has he never been complimented by a woman before?!"

Esme chuckled aloud. "I thought you didn't like vampires?" She smirked.

"Hmph! Well, Niko is the odd one out!" Her wolf replied defensively.

Favouring a vampire, that was new..

Niko turned his attention to the door that opened, allowing him entry to the VIP room. "Thank you for the clothes," Esme whispered and turned around abruptly when Niko looked back at her. She walked back to the bar, tray in hand and placed it on the counter before rounding it, her mind far away from what the others were talking about.


Esme shut the dishwasher where she placed the dirty glasses and looked at Hana, who looked at her expectantly. She must have been talking to her.

"Esme, how do you know Lenny!?" Hana clasped Esme's hand and squeezed; her face was full of concern for her. Esme held back a laugh; if only she knew what sort of a bar they worked in.

"You are such a worrywart! There's nothing to worry about; he's just my landlord," Esme patted her friend on the back, but it seemed her words made Hana even more anxious.

"Looks like he was waiting for Gabriel," Rory informed her as he leaned back on the counter. "Your 'landlord' has been meeting with him for a while now. I wonder what deal he is trying to strike."

"Gabriel? Who is Gabriel?" She looked at the auburn-haired bartender while she ran the tap and filled up a glass full of cold water. She tried to play it cool, but was Gabriel, the man with white hair?

Rory stopped wiping the cocktail glass with a cloth and looked at her in surprise. "Who is Gabriel!?"

"Only an angel sent from above to grace us with his beauty!" Hana said dreamily as she wrung her own tablecloth in her hands and stared off into the distance.

Esme shook her head at Hana's silly response. He was definitely a vampire and one who frequented the bar a lot. A vampire with a powerful presence and seemed to be keeping a close eye on her. She should try to stay away from that one; she really needed to keep a low profile and stay out of everyone's business.

Unbeknown to Esme, she was going to see a lot more of the white-haired vampire from now on.

Chapter 12: The 'angel'

Since her shopping spree and running into Lenny at the bar, Esme found herself working more and more in the VIP rooms. This was a job meant only for Niko and the vampires from the bar below. But two of all those occasions, Esme had been serving Lenny.

He specifically asked for her and only listened to the live music he requested and made her sit with him while he asked her personal questions. Those questions were either answered with a lie or easily evaded. Lenny showed signs that he knew she was lying but did not push her further on it.

Esme was at the bar in the VIP room that she now related with Lenny. It was one out of the rooms, meant most likely for couples with their 'mood lighting' and dark red decor. She leaned her back against the counter, arms crossed, as she watched Lenny's security guards pack up the cards they'd been playing with and Lenny himself stroll towards her, his hand reaching for the ashtray. He dabbed the end of his cigar in the crystal glass tray and winked at Esme. "I'll see you next time, kid."

"If it's soon, I'll bring the rent money," She replied, retrieving the beer bottles from Lenny's security guards.

Lenny nodded and smirked, "Sure you don't want a new place?"

"Nope, I told you before. I don't need any headaches," Esme smiled and threw the bottles in the bin before saluting him in farewell. Lenny chuckled and shook his head before leaving the room.

With the mafia boss and his henchmen gone, Esme relaxed a little. She wasn't fearful of him, far from it, but she was feeling a little agitated and knew it was because she hadn't shifted in a while. Before Esme was ordered to work in the VIP room, she was close to arguing with a customer who wanted a discount after they spilt their drink on themselves from being too intoxicated. Luckily for them, Niko had called her away.

But the wolf within her was on edge, and if Esme didn't let her loose soon, she was afraid of how she would act. After cleaning Lenny's table, Esme left, her high-heeled ankle boots clicking on the floor as she returned to the main human bar. On entering, she saw Leo's face beaming at her and the woman on the other side of the bar scowl at her. Esme glared at her, then looked away quickly after seeing her face pale. Her eyes accidentally glowed, meaning the human saw her brown eyes change to amber.

The woman blinked and rubbed her temple, turning back to the bar and asking for some water. Esme smirked. She believed herself too intoxicated and seeing things. Most humans were like that; their minds sought out logical reasons for seeing the illogical or supernatural. Something that was not real in their world.

"That was reckless. Leo was watching!" Isana snapped with a low growl vibrating in her mind. Esme winced at the headache slowly occurring from her wolf's mood. She glanced at Leo, but he acted normal and didn't seem to see her eye colour change and glow.

"You know if Lenny keeps asking for you, I'm gonna start getting jealous," Leo winked at her. "I can only imagine how Niko feels."

Esme snorted at how ridiculous he sounded. "I'm sure more than enough girls can keep you company, Leo. And Niko is probably happy business is going up; it reflects well on him after all." She looked at how quiet the bar was now, but she knew how much customers paid for the VIP rooms.

Esme's head was starting to pound now, and she knew being at work was not a good idea right now. "I need some fresh air," She muttered loud enough for Leo to hear while she poured herself a drink and exited through the back without waiting for his response.

She walked through the staff room and didn't stop even after glancing in Paul and Nathan's direction. There was increased pressure in her head, silencing any sounds around her, so her reaction was instant when she felt someone's hand wrap around her hand and stop her from walking to the fire exit. Esme growled, whipping her head to the side to glare at who dared to touch her, her claws already elongated and now against Paul's throat.

"Nath, can you hear a puppy whining over there?" He sneered, not taking Esme's threat seriously.

"Hmm, what's one less vampire.. It is not like you are a pureblood," Isana had merged her voice with Esme's, briefly taking control as her eyes glowed brightly, tilting her head to the side. "You are easily replaceable."

"Guys.." Nathan, the other bouncer, stepped forwards, his face looking nervous as he glanced between the pair.

"Pfft, come on, Nath, she can't take me on. Not a weak rogue like her. This is just foreplay.." Paul tightened his grip on her hand, her fingers were being crushed, and the bones started to crack from the pressure, and he raised his hand to her face to caress it. "Ain't that right, sweetheart?"

Esme smiled sweetly at him, her claws cutting into his skin spilling a bit of blood. Paul smacked his arm down on hers, breaking free from her hold and stepped closer to her. Esme moved her face away from his hand and kneed him in the groin.

"Esme? Paul? What is going on here?!" Leo's voice rang through the room; Esme instantly broke away from Paul, who was now hunched over. She looked at Leo's concerned face, his muscular body tense and his hands fisted by his side as he strode towards them.

But Nathan stepped in front of him. "Go back to the bar. Forget what you saw here; you never came to the staff room," He said in a slow, calm voice, his eyes locked with Leo's, who repeated after Nathan in an almost hypnotic tone of voice before turning around and leaving with the door shutting firmly behind him.

"You bitch!" Paul reached for her again, but this time Nathan held him back. "You think you're all that for working with vampires.."

Esme turned her back on them and escaped, pushing open the fire exit door, somehow still holding onto her glass of whiskey. "You're nothing but a disgrace to your own kind!" She heard Paul still shouting after her. She rolled her eyes and stopped at the steps to the back of ONYX, the only light coming from the staff room and the streetlamp across the parking lot.

Esme closed her eyes and inhaled the sweet fragrance of the recent rainfall. The cold night air cooling down her overheated body, she stepped forwards and lowered down, sitting on the only dry step left. Could she really relax there with Paul in the building still cursing about her?

"Es, we need to shift more. It's not good for us or others around us. We aren't in a pack who will understand what is wrong," Isana chastised her. Esme spread her legs down the steps and stared at her black jeans where some of her drink spilt on them as she nodded in agreement.

"We will go for a run after work," Esme whispered aloud and stared in disgust at the blood under her nails, then looked at the dark bruising on her fingers from where Paul crushed the bones beneath. The pain was endurable, but she would need to rest her hand for a few hours.

"Seriously though, what is his problem?" She asked in her mind. Esme knew Paul could hear her and didn't want more of a headache and getting into a fight.

Esme looked up from her position on the ground after hearing slow footsteps of shoes on the concrete. She raised the glass to her lips as she drank in the sight of the man who was now approaching her. Sipping on her whiskey, she relished the burning sensation down her throat as the ice clinked in the tumbler from where she lowered it.

Esme knew if she hadn't taken a sip from her drink, her mouth would have gaped open at the model of a man standing before her. One look at his flawless skin and the red specks in his crystal blue eyes, and she knew, even by vampire standards, this man had to be the devil because nobody should be walking around looking that damn fine.

He was looking divine in his black trousers, waistcoat and a thick golden tie along with a band on his arm, his white hair dishevelled, the top two buttons of his white shirt undone, revealing a chiselled chest.

Too damn fine..

Even Isana was checking him out and couldn't help but agree with her. Vampire or not, he was not good for anyone's heart.

"Rough night?" He asked. His voice made her gulp and her mouth go dry.

The white-haired vampire tilted his head to the side with a slither of a smirk on his lips after she failed to answer him. That small notion snapped Esme back into reality and what his question was.

"Nothing I can't handle," She replied nonchalantly; she was not embarrassed by openly gawking at him. It was only natural, and she suspected he was used to it. This was the 'angel' named Gabriel. Quite fitting, really, she smirked at her inner thoughts. His powerful presence alone alerted her to who he was before seeing his bright moonlight hair.

Esme looked at her glass, listening to Paul now discussing her attitude and 'sweet ass' with Nathan. She narrowed her eyes slightly before raising the glass back to her lips, her eyes drawn back to Gabriel's against her will. She can't NOT look at him. It was as though he had bewitched her, and everything that was not him fell into the background, minuscule in comparison to the very fine-looking vampire who had not moved from his spot.

It seemed he, too, had been taking his time to watch her. Though she wasn't sure if he liked what he saw or not, his face was as hard as diamonds, handsome and terrifying and hard to read. Had he intentionally gone there to see her?

Why would he see you? You are nothing. Her doubtful inner voice whispered to her like a snake ready to attack. She took a sip from her drink in response.

"Is there something wrong with the staff room?" Esme looked back at the vampire, who was now only a meter in front of her. She was not taken aback by his quickness; she was more than used to his kind by now.

She sighed and looked at him tiredly, "What do you want?"

"To have a conversation," Gabriel replied in his velvety voice. That was hard to believe; he was probably curious that a werewolf was working at a vampire bar. But much like with Lenny, she would not be revealing anything about herself, no matter how good looking and charming he was.

"I'm not interested," Esme said in disinterest. She was very restless tonight, and her attitude was bitchier than usual.

"That's too bad, little wolf," The vampire replied with a dazzling smile. Esme paused briefly, then rolled her eyes and knocked back the last of her drink before standing up. Even in her heels and on a step, she was still smaller than him, craning her neck back to hold his striking gaze. She turned her back on him, expecting him to call out to her again, but he didn't.

Esme paused, holding onto the door. "The staff room is a little too crowded," She muttered before letting the door close slowly behind her, revealing the two vampire bouncers who pissed her off the most. She can't say why she felt obligated in responding to his question, but it wasn't his fault she was cranky.

Kelly_Starrz Kelly_Starrz

What do you think of their official first meeting?

Don't worry; there will be a lot more interactions between these two coming up!


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