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The Greatest Second Eruption (2)

'Sirin' emitted a very tense aura, the aura grew and spread to cover a quarter of the earth.

The land, oceans, plants and even animals were killed by the radiation emitted by 'Sirin'.

The land became barren, the ice in Antarctica melted instantly causing a vast tsunami, destroying buildings on land, various natural disasters suddenly appeared to devastate the entire world.

Seas the size of oceans seemed to drown one-third of the world at a visible speed, all vegetation withered away, animals in the sea, air and land turned into Honkai Beasts.

Millions of people who were unable to evacuate into the Ark were seen covered in purple streaks before their bodies fell to the ground and eventually resurrected as zombies.

The end of the world has come.

The only place outside that was not infected was Schicksal's base, which was 200,000 feet above sea level because it was protected by an energy shield.

Tesla, Einstein and along with others such as Ryoma, Sakura, Sagaki, Cocolia, Alexandra. stared at the large screen overhead that displayed a real-time picture of the outside world.

Their expressions immediately paled at the catastrophe that occurred with the mere arrival of the Herrscher of the End.

"Welt..." muttered Tesla with a worried expression.

The people who were evacuated looked pale and some even cried, went crazy, depressed and almost committed suicide.

Sensing the dark atmosphere, babies began to cry loudly, followed by small children to teenagers.

Grey Serpent and his clones tried to calm their panic, although it was not very useful.

"Ashborn... " Sagaki muttered with an unknown expression.

Hanagami who was being carried by his mother was strangely not crying, he was staring at the screen interface with a blank expression, his silver eyes momentarily showing a purple sheen.


"What the hell is this!? " Siegfried cursed at the havoc wreaked.

"Honkai radiation... To be able to create this havoc with just her aura... It is indeed worthy to be called the strongest Herrscher. " Otto said with a serious expression.

Surprisingly, the cherry trees and graveyard behind Sirin were not affected at all and were protected by a certain energy field.

"If the power of the Herrscher of the End with only three fragments of its core is this powerful... What about her full power? " muttered Shadow.

Right after he said that, the ground beneath their feet shook, no, the entire European continent shook.

Welt's expression suddenly changed as he felt this vibration, he raised his head and looked at 'Sirin' with wide eyes.

"She's trying to lift the European continent into the air!"

The ground at their feet rumbled before slowly lifting up.

Otto and the others immediately separated and kept their balance.

'Sirin' looked at them with a calm expression before snapping her fingers.

She opened several portals behind her that let out hundreds of millions of Honkai Beasts of various types and zombies. Every time they stepped foot, a rumbling sound could be heard.

And it continued to grow.

"Show me how you will fight, humans. " said 'Sirin' before floating away, she tilted her body and rested her cheek on her hand with a lazy look.

She didn't need to fight them all like she did against Kouro, she could use the Honkai Beast to weaken them.

As for the last shard of the core... She would take it after killing all the humans to perform the [Reset].

Think of it as her trophy after destroying humanity.

In the end, without someone like KOURO, humanity would lose against Honkai.

Thinking of this, she looked at the people who were threatening to her.

She looked at a light blue haired little girl who was strangely carrying a brush without an empty vase, although it looked strange, this girl gave her a premonition of danger.

'Sirin' then glanced at a black-haired little boy with purple eyes who had a similar appearance to Kouro.

They were both people she had never fought before even during the final battle on the moon in the Previous Era.


"Oi! oi! oi! Isn't the number of monsters a bit too much." said Siegfried while shooting the Honkai Beast using Judgment of Shamash.

*Bang! *

"What's wrong? Feeling scared? " said Ashborn while controlling his shadow ability to become a needle attacking the Honkai Beast.

Each of Siegfried's shots only killed a single Honkai Beast which was inefficient, seeing this, he gritted his teeth and combined his pair of pistols into a Zweihander before swinging it creating a huge flame.


"There's no end to it... " Aponia muttered, each wave of her hand brought forth yellow thunder that struck and annihilated hundreds of Honkai Beasts.

*BOOM! *

Welt on the other hand manifested various military transportation such as warships, fighter planes, tanks and so on destroying thousands of Honkai Beasts in an instant.


He did not use [Quasi-Black Hole] even though it was effective because that ability was inefficient, he had to save his energy to fight the Herrscher of the End later.

Shadow lowered his head like a predatory beast before being enveloped by the shadow under his feet.

[Formation: Shadow Tiger!]


He transformed into a huge tiger and attacked the Honkai Beast with his claws that could make the wind blow.

*Swosh! *

"Beast transformation? " muttered 'Sirin' seeing Shadow's transformation.

Kosma glanced at the countless Honkai Beasts charging towards them with a flat expression, he stood in front of Griseo and protected her.

He set up a fighting stance then clenched his fists and took a breath gathering strength before unleashing a blow that surpassed sound.

*BOOM! *

That punch made thousands of Honkai Beasts instantly crumble into dust, the impact of the punch also did not stop making tens of thousands of Honkai Beasts thrown into the air.

Griseo swung her brush with ordinary movements as if she was painting but each movement seemed to produce the sharpest slash, hundreds of Honkai Beasts that approached her were instantly cut in half.

Fu Hua looked at the Honkai Beasts that were rushing over like a tsunami before changing, her hair changed color to pinkish white, she was wearing [Grips of Taixuan}.

She set up a fighting stance and gathered momentum creating a phoenix shadow that carried smoldering flames before striking, her punch resulted in a supersonic impact of Phoenix-like shaped flames that instantly burned thousands of Honkai Beasts.

[Spirit of Cinder!]


Otto and Mobius were at the back not fighting and just watching, they glanced at the Honkai Beasts that were almost uncountable in number before looking at 'Sirin'.

"If we continue like this, we're just wasting time. " Otto said while killing several Honkai Beasts using the Void Archive.

Mobius only glanced at him before looking at 'Sirin' who was watching them lazily.

'Her strength is not much different from the one she showed when we fought her on the moon, fifty thousand years ago. '

Back then they were able to stop the Herrscher of the End though only temporarily as Phyllis opened the 'Door' to Finality and gave Kevin a golden opportunity to cripple her using his strongest attack.

'If not the help of SAKURA and Higokumaru back then. Before KOURO arrived, the victims would have been more than just Kalpas and Phyllis.'

'Now... I wonder who the [Savior of Light] is, who will save this world that has been destroyed...'

Kouro who proclaimed himself to be someone from the future crossed her mind before quickly shaking her head.

'Kouro's current condition is unknown, the worst possibility is that he is dead... Well, then it's really a loss since Kouro was the first person who could resonate with the core of the Herrscher of Shadow'

Thinking this, she turned to look at Aponia who looked back at her before nodding.

"Do it."

Aponia then immediately turned to look at Shadow who turned into a shadow tiger and cupped her hands before saying.

"Sid-kun, show me your true strength... 'Please' "

Right after she said that, Shadow's body emitted tremendous energy even to the point of making 'Sirin' stare at him.

Shadow returned to human form and looked at 'Sirin' with a childishly confident smile.

He stomped his feet on the ground and jumped into the air until he reached thousands of meters above the ground, as the shadow on his feet spread out before quickly moving to cover his body, the cocoon-like Shadow grew at a high speed until its size could devour an island.

The cocoon then began to morph into the largest mammal in the world.

The Blue Whale, no, the black whale because it was made of shadow.

But the black whale looks a little mutated similar to the Honkai Beast.

[Formation: Whale of Eden]

Right from the name you might have realized, the beast form that Shadow is using now is the Honkai Gene of Eden.

Shadow's true ability is that it allows him to transform into a Judgement-level Honkai Beast or higher.

He can transform into Benares, Chiyou, Vishnu, Parvati, and so on.

The giant black whale that hovered in the air until it covered the sky was seen slowly turning its body around before plunging to the ground.

Siegfried raised his head with his pupils dilated, "What the f*ck... "

"This way, Siegfried!" shouted Ashborn, the others were also in front of him, the shadow under his feet visibly widening before sinking into the shadows.

Siegfried also quickly jumped into the shadow in a pose like he was about to swim.

'Sirin' raised her head to stare at the approaching black whale before snorting.


'Sirin' snapped her fingers creating a large portal beneath the black whale and teleported it elsewhere.

Ashborn and the others teleported into space, sending them all into freefall.

They all quickly stabilized their bodies except for one person.

"WAhhh!!!" Siegfried with his face widened by the wind pressure held Zweihander in his hands tightly.

"Griseo-chan." Said Aponia who looked seductive, her fairly thin clothes felt very arousing to men, unfortunately no man took the time to look at her with such a gaze.

Griseo nodded her head and moved her brush as if painting something before a strange light in the shape of a large bird appeared.

The bird looked like an eagle but its feathers were plain white, its legs were three.

The bird caught Siegfried before letting the rest fall onto it's body.

"Damn it! Why me!" shouted Siegfried who was caught then thrown by the bird up letting it fall onto it's body.

"Ouch!" Siegfried rubbed his butt before standing up, he saw everyone staring down and following them.

"What are you all looking at? " Siegfried's expression turned stiff.

They were all staring at the moving white sea below, no, it was a Honkai Beast.

There were so many Honkai Beasts that the European continent was full of white.

The number might have reached hundreds of millions and might be close to a billion.

"As expected, if we don't attack it now, the Honkai Beast will never run out. " Mobius said calmly.

"What the hell! How are we going to finish off all those Honkai Beasts?! " Siegfried shouted.

"By the way, where was Sid teleported to?" asked Ashborn.


The black whale was apparently teleported to the middle of the ocean and when it fell created a tsunami tens of thousands of meters high as if a meteor had fallen.

*BOOM! *

Shadow who returned to his original form was seen floating with his eyes rolling.

The reason his power was sealed was because it was really taxing on his body.

Luckily he didn't overexert himself and just collapsed out of energy.

A strange dark brown submarine was seen coming out of the water before it sucked Shadow.

The submarine was driven by Vill-V who was watching in real-time using a special satellite she had built to monitor the world.


"Well, the important thing is that he's not in danger now. " Mobius said after looking at her watch.

"What should we do now?" asked Fu Hua while crouching down to look down carefully.

Mobius said nothing and stared at Siegfried.

Feeling her gaze, Siegfried then asked, "What? I can't possibly defeat that sea of Honkai Beasts! Even with the Judgement of Shamash I'm still not sure. "

"Do you want to make him use that serum?" asked Ashaborn cautiously.


"Serum? " Siegfried muttered in confusion before remembering something and taking out a serum Ashborn had given him.

"You want me to use this?" he asked cautiously.

"Yes. The serum will unlock the true power of someone who has 'Kaslana' blood. But as a result you must also carry a heavy burden. " Ashborn replied.

Siegfried stared at the serum in his hand with a pensive expression before clenching his fist, "If with this serum I can gain the power to protect, then I am willing to carry that burden!"

With a determined expression Siegfried immediately opened the serum and injected it into his neck.


Right after he injected the serum, he got an unfamiliar memory that instantly appeared in his mind...

The memory felt very real, making him hallucinate.


The memory brought him to the moon, Siegfried held his head in a cold sweat, he looked at the man in front of him who stood sideways holding the Judgement of Shamash Zheihander.

'Who is this man? Why is he using the Judgement of Shamash weapon?'

The man had a cold expression and short white hair with the same blue eyes as those of the Kaslana family.

Siegfried's hand unconsciously approached wanting to touch the Judgement of Shamash in the man's hand.

Only for- the man's hand suddenly held his hand tightly.

The man turned to look at him and said, "You have finally found me, my descendant."

The man was Kevin Kaslana, the first ancestor of Kaslana and the strongest warrior of the Previous Era.

"What?" Siegfried wore a blank expression.

"Listen carefully, I know you are here for one thing, to fight Honkai. I'll tell you the secret of our genes.... The true power of a Kaslana. "

Kevin's hand emitted flames before extending his hand towards Siegfried's chest.

"There is Honkai DNA in a Kaslana's genes that can be activated to generate power throughout the Kaslana bloodline. "

Siegfried felt the warm fire in his chest before feeling a tightness in his chest.

"This power will make you more than a human, even a Herrscher is no match for you." Kevin said.

Hearing his words, Siegfried tried to catch his breath and asked with a pained expression.

"Does... That include the Herrscher of the End?"

Kevin didn't answer his question, he just said with a calm expression, "Don't forget our vows, my descendant."

Siegfried felt that behind him was some kind of monster that would devour him alive.

Kevin then thrust Judgement of Shamash into Siegfried's chest.



Siegfried growled exposing his fangs and opened his monster-like eyes, his eyes were black and his pupils were blue in a vertical shape, his body sprouted some kind of blue scales.


But right at that moment his eyes filled with ferocity instantly returned to normal, as he instantly realized that he was in free fall right now.

"What the-" his eyes glanced down at the uncountable sea of Honkai Beasts.

He gritted his teeth and held Zweihander's Judgement of Shamash in both hands straight like Otto in "Thus Spoke".

He then activated Zeroth Power without hesitation.

'Zeroth Power!'

[Might of An-Utu!]

Siegfried's body was instantly enveloped in flames, Judgement of Shamash also changed shape to become even more fierce, he was like a meteor falling from the sky.


'Sirin' raised her head to stare at Siegfried or rather the Judgement of Shamash in his hand.

She remembered that weapon that was used to attack her by a man with white hair just like that man.

'Is he his descendant? ' 'Sirin' thought with a lazy expression, as if not caring about Siegfried's threat.

She wanted to see how formidable the man's descendant was which made her unable to move for some time.

[*SFX: Sing with me Sing for the Year~]

*BOOM! *

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