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62.85% What I become villain in novel with netori system? / Chapter 41: 35. Huh Sexy Neighbour?

Chapter 41: 35. Huh Sexy Neighbour?

In the early morning, a ray of sunlight slid through from glass windows and fell on the face of a handsome teenager sleeping on a bed.


Teenager irritated by this light and hummed in annoyance while shifting his position in sleep.

*Brrring* *Brrring*


The moment he got comfortable and about to fall asleep again, His bedside alarm clock buzzed waking him up and in response, he crushed that clock to bits smashing his fist on it.

"So this is all real and not a dream." Max stared at the ceiling lost in thoughts. He at first thought that it was all his dream, a vivid dream he getting to fulfil his wishes before dying, So he can go into the afterlife peacefully but now it seems this is not that case.

"I am screwed, How the fuck did I get myself into this mess?" Max was just hit by the realisation. He made a pact with a God no- He made a pact with someone bigger than god, Giving him an existential crisis.

"Did all the religions right or only some specific ones? The decisions I made are made by me or am I just following some divine beings will? So did they care about me? If so why does he live that miserable life? Or I was just plaything of them? Am I an even matter? Is there is no free will?"*

This thought didn't occur to him at first because of the excitement of dopamine and adrenaline rush living in his fantasy world but now that he calms down they hit him.

"You should not think of all this host, That life of yours is over and you started a new one and I can guaranty you that in this life you have free will." System assistance appear out of nowhere beside Max and comforted him.

"You are the last person to say that I have free will. You force me to do things." Max give her a blank eye and refuted her but he did agree with her on the point that his past life was over and he have to start new. He can't move forward if he constantly lives in his past life.

"Huh-Uhh Thats for your own good host and you don't have to do it if you don't want to and face consequences." She was at first taken aback, Then answers Max with a pout.

"Yeah, I am not gonna refute that, I know you have the answer ready for it." Max didn't fall for it and argue with her. After all, if he argues she can simply say every choice have consequences and you have to face them giving him his own medicine about cause and effect.

"Hey that's not fair I put too much effort in it host."

Her triumph smile faded instantly and was replaced by annoyance, With her simple thinking she never thought about Max not playing her games and now she didn't know how to react and started acting like a baby.

"You can call me Max, You constantly saying host sound weird, Also what is your name you didn't tell me that yet and what are your functions?" Max didn't respond to her and quickly changed the subject. He still has many questions but he decided there are some questions that better not be answered to not lose his sanity.

"Ohh sorry, hos-ahem Max, I am system assistance whose task is to help you in your conquest. I can help you to better understand the system functions and hidden achievements about it. There are also a lot of functions in the system that you don't find out yet which will be essential for you after newbie protection is lifted and My name, I-I don't have one." System assistance at first give answers very energetically but at the end, her voice slows down with a mixture of sadness and envy.

"Ohh OK, So do you mind if I give you a name?" Max can hear the envy in her voice so he extended an olive branch to her.

"Really? Then what name you wanna give me?" She obviously become extremely excited and happy and eager to know her name.

"Uhmm how about Eve?" Max looked at her up and down and suggested this name.

"Huh, are you sure you wanna give me this name?" System assistance now Eve first looked at her devilish body then at Max in confusion. She didn't know much about names but she knows Eve name will not suit her at all If Max wanted to give her biblical name Lilith name will be most suitable for her.

"Yes I want to give this name, I know why you are confused but Eve name has other meanings too you know." Max see through what was on her "mind" and she is right Eve name didn't suit her but Max has another intention for giving her this name.

"Huh ho-Max I don't understand can you explain it to me, please?" Eve didn't get used to calling him Max but she correct herself midway and request an explanation. Although she has lots of knowledge but she is still new to this world and her thinking is still that of a child and because of that she didn't understand what's meaning is behind Max giving her this name.

"Okay I tell you, You know Eve means life but this name have another meaning which is living. So giving you this name means you are also living to be." Max casually answered her question.

He noticed her envy and distress when talking to her and you don't have to be sherlock to know the reason, After all, it's the same old question, Is android/ AI is living being or not and Eve also has the same question. Although she is not an AI she also fit the bill here, So Max used his wording to make her happy.

"Really!!? *Ahem* If you think like this then ok." Eve become excited and happy and asked in surprise but she quickly recovers herself and acted like it was nothing to hide her embarrassment.

"Ok Eve now can you show me the rewards I get yesterday?" Max know Eve was happy and that's what he intended to do. It's not he did this for her but he use this to earn her trust, After all, she is part of the system, Which means she knows its secrets and cheats So it's very productive to get close to her. It's like workers have to butter up their bosses for better opportunities.

"Ok no problem Max, Your rewards are already in your inventory. please open notification to know more about them." Eve quick agreed to Max request and opened inventory for him to look at it.


The mission is completed,

Rewards are following,

1 Sign-in chance

1 Premium lottery ticket

It's detected Host overfilled 2nd mission

Choosing rewards...

The reward is chosen...

Because of the host, the perfect score reward is being upgraded...

Host reward is...

Skill: Peach blossom eyes.]

"System uses both sign-in and lottery tickets." Max get up from bed and walked into the bathroom to wash himself off While commanding the system.

The moment Max said this array of items start spinning on his system panel but Max notice that one reward is more highlighted than others and when the pointer moved above it will slow down.


Congratulations Host you win "legendary incubus body".

You sign in successfully and get "Skill: Sex Copy"]

[ Host,

Details of rewards are like following,

Peach Eyes: Every 2 seconds of eye contact with the opposite sex will increase 1 affection of the party and after 100 affection is crossed it will need 5 seconds to increase 1 affection and so on. (Passive woman have a hard time taking their eyes away from your eyes also its make them easier to trust you.)

Legendary incubus body= Have characters of Succubus but amplified.

Sex Copy(Upgraded version)= Able to copy any ability, bloodline or skill of the woman without any restrictions(Note: Some power might be locked or debuffed temporary if it might become a threat to the host.) (Limit: One thing per day from each woman.)]

Although not Max getting used to OP rewards of the System but he still needed some time to recover before he come back to his senses.

"Eve, can you tell me why the lottery is acting like that?" After some time Max come out of the shower, The first thing he asked Eve was this, Which was bothering him.

"Whoa! that? It's because a lottery is not random but depend on a lot of factors like what you do to get a lottery opportunity, What you are needed?, What is a condition you are currently in etc. but it only increases their probability, That's why protagonist get things you needed in those novels but some times he will get "trash".Eve quickly got up from bed and answered Max question.

"So it's like that, No wonder they get things when they wanted to, I have an idea it works like this but now you confirm it." Max understand what Even said to him. He also wondered the rewards he was getting are have similarities to tasks he did to get them. This is the reason Max butter her up, Like now this information System refused to give Max because of lack of level but Eve just straight up said it.

Max just glanced at Eves hot body and flames of desire ignited in his body. He was controlling himself because although she act and look mature her thinking is the same as a child and even if Max is a villain he still has his boundaries but now after gaining a incubus body it's getting harder and harder to control his desire.

*Knock* *Knock*

As if God heard his pled and helped him. There was a knock on the door which helped Max to distract and control his emotions.

"Young master are you awake, If not you might be late for school." From the other side of the door, a calm emotionless voice comes from the other side speaker.

"Yeah, I am awake. I will be downstairs in a moment." Max speak in a cold voice subconsciously because when Max heard her voice he frowned. Ai's sounded like nothing happened between them yesterday. After speaking he started to think about reasons.

There might be two reasons for her this behaviour, The first one is that She didn't like him and acted as nothing happened between them to give him a hint but this possibility was quickly scratched off by him. He knows her from childhood and can tell she liked him and even if that's not enough he can see her affection for him surpassed 100, Which means she does like him. So second reason comes to his mind old Max. That's right old Max because she and he grew up together she knows how cold his personality is and if she even acknowledges the fact what happened yesterday between them the soft punishment will be to kick her out, So she is acting as if nothing happens and silently in agreement with whatever he wanted to with her. He can use her again to vent or never mentioned it either way she can still be with him as his shadow.

"Ok master breakfast will be ready when you go downstairs." Ai who standing behind the door take a sigh of relief when she heard the usual words of Max which us good news for her but she was also a little disappointed, She come here with little expectation in her heart but she still shook her head and go for doing her usual chores.

"Eve you also go back I will call you when I needed you." Max turned his head and said it to Eve. He wanted to do something about his ignited desire.

"Ok Max but don't forget to look at NP points you earn later and see notifications about it, Bye just call me I will come asap." Eve also agreed to him and vanished into thin air after she finished.

"Now what do I do with this?" After Eve is gone Max looked at his erect dick and loss of thoughts. He didn't want to disturb Takaki after last night exercise and Kaguya us not ready yet, Max also don't want to do that with Ai until he change his impression in her eyes.

"Forget it I might go for a run that will help to keep it down." Max shook his head and decided to go for a run to calm his emotions. So he wears a normal white t-shirt and blue shorts with jogging shoes which he buys it yesterday with Grace and Hope. After wearing this he looked into the mirror and was shocked even if it's just ordinary style clothes but when he wears it he looked like celestial.

"Hey if I stare too much at myself I might fall for myself." Max delivered a narcissistic comment and leave the house and run in direction of the closest park.

"Who is she?" Halfway through the park, Max's eyes fall on the woman with a very sluty and revealing dressing. Although her face was not that good compare to heroines like Hope, but her body was close to the level of Takaki which is the reason Max stopped and examine her. He notices that she was awkward wearing those clothes. After careful examination, Max wasn't able to confirm what her role is? He knows that with that body she is not a normal woman but he wanted to know her role if she is a villain like him or side character or lover of some protagonist.

"Hi nice to see miss, You look beautiful in this dress." Max never dare to say this casually to a stranger in his past life but in this one, he has this confidence because of his face value and trust in the system plus, there is a cold Max personality to help.

"Huh thank you-" The woman turned around to look at Max and wanted to say thank you for the compliment but the moment she looked at Max face she froze, She wasn't able to comprehend the beauty and handsomeness of Max.

"Why is this handsome man talking to her? Is that because of my dress? I am still got it, Seeing I can attract this man." She feels proud that even if she got old but her charm is still there making her happy.



Both Max and her wanted to speak but got interrupted by the notification sound by her phone and Max system.

Max was surprised the time couldn't be more perfect, Both his system notification and her phone notification appear at the exact moment.

"Sorry let me check the phone first." She apologised to Max and pull out her phone from her bag but when she looked at the screen she froze for a second and clicked something on it after some thinking about it.

Max got curious and about to ask her what was on her phone but got surprised by her next response.

"Let's have sex in that restroom." A sexy woman said this out of nowhere catching Max off guard. He never expected to get to say this but when he checked his system notification he knows why she said that, Then he also ready to complete his mission.

(A/N: I apologise to all readers, I know this chapter took so long but I was helpless because of my exam and what happened to my father(Papa) Although he is still in ICU but his condition is now stable and he might get discharged soon. I written this chapter from of the waiting ICU lobby, So there might be some inconsistency in this chapter, If you find some please report it to me I will fix them. Also that "*" Is for things I think to replace later or to explain it So if you see this "*" Star don't take that paragraph seriously because that might change or I explain it later.

Thanks for reading my novel and have a good day.

Also, I apologise XYZed for not responding even when he sent me a power stone every day without missing one. I hope you understand and forgive me.)

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