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Progress 2


Hope you all are doing well. As promised, I'm back with the 2nd progress chapter for Broken Shackles.

Though I thought you would have many questions about the last chapter, I got a mixed reaction on Harry losing Cho. Some are happy that he can be with Tonks now while some are sad that they had to seperate.

I didn't expect the mixed reaction tbh. If possible, can you give me a reason in the below 2?

A. It's just the pairing is like that and no one cares or

B. I didn't write it well and build up enough for their break up to effect the story.

Your feedback is most appreciated and that helps me build on any future relationships Harry will have in the story.

Aside from that, let's jump into the progression.

First, I apologise for the lack of updates in the last year. Though I have many excuses lined up, i sincerely apologise and promise to give you at least 12 Updates in the coming year. Just so we know, with this chapter I managed to bump up the updates to 8 for the past year. ;)

The story is 164k/170k in based on where you are reading as I cross-post on 3 platforms regularly. FFN, AO3 and Wattpad. And you-know-where has an extra chap for now. I'm thinking of expanding them, but all in works, not a promise.

And I can see your frustration and irritation at the pacing of the story. Well I don't feel bad about it. It's more important to build the story than blitz through it to the end. We are in 3rd year now, honestly, I didn't expect the story to get this long for just 3rd year lmao. Let me in a juicy bit, the 'Harry Saving Sirius' line in my notes lead to the last chap just so you know.

Ridiculous, don't you think? But did you enjoy the chapter? You have your answer. And the events are too much for 1 day, I understand. They don't have schedule people, when Fate want to fuck your life, it will. It won't bother checking your schedule and plan.

We will be in Year 3 for 5-7 chaps and then we jump into my favourite book of the series. YEAR 4! That will be long, let me tell you. At the current pace, the story is expected to have 100 chaps, with 20 chaps for each year. But Year 4 will be more than that. I'll say 30 chaps for now. We have 164k/170k words as of now and I expect by the end we will breach 500k, maybe this gives you a better idea of how long it's gonna take.

Next in line are Harry's skills. To be honest, I'm sure most of you forgot his skills as it's been long since you last got regular updates and saw all of them in action. Let me list them out for better clarity.

Name: Harry James Potter (Slytherin)

Age: 14 (M)

Species: Human (Wizard)

Known Abilities/Skills:

1. Magical Animagus (Arctic Eidolon) - Hope the recent complete reveal of how he looks satisfied you all.

2. Familiar: Mira - Though not a weapon he can use, Mira is a bigger blessing to Harry than any of the below.

3. Parseltongue - the ancient language of snakes (Harry didn't realise the potential of parseltongue and when he realises, he will deep dive into it)

4. Slytherin Lord Ring - the Lord still holds 5 more rituals to unlock everything it has.

5. Hogwarts - the impregnable castle likes Harry and listens to him. Let's hope he doesn't have any nefarious intentions.

6. The Symbol - the mysterious symbol he saw in his mind ritual. Is it helpful? Maybe or I'm just messing with you all.

7. Invisibility Cloak - The Cloak of Invisibility which became the Potter family Heirloom.

8. Flying - an ability he got as part of Mira's willing Jewel transfer.

9. Shape shifting - another ability he got as part of jewel transfer. Still in training.

10. Invisibility - last ability as part of package. Didn't train a bit in it.

11. Occlumency - Schpeel's version

12. Legilimency - all result in same

13. Advanced hearing and Eyesight - because eating the Basilisk meat he won as the right of conquest, he has advanced eyesight and hearing.

14. Dual Wielding - he learnt dual wand wielding following Walkrow's advice.

Another 14? 14 seems to be a bad number for Harry lol. He lost his girlfriend when he is 14, created unwanted destruction and injured a Professor at Hogwarts and had to endure/perform 2 rituals back to back on 14th April. Seems fishy, hmm…

Ah yes, next comes Pairings. I'm hurt at y'all for your cruelty at Harry/Cho. So I'm not gonna reveal anything now. (taunts with tongue out)

Some of you jump into conclusions when you see the tags or as you read the story. All I ask is some patience. You will soon know who will be with Harry and remember, everything you read is not true, at least not all are.

But as you are aware of it by now, or will see in the next chap, I'll leave it to your imagination. You can always suggest of course and remember, I'm not Dumb lmao. I do everything with a reason. My Harry is a Slytherin in Ravenclaw, people. Who do you think came up with that idea, huh?

Do tell me how my take on Harry's Time Turner is. It's a bit complicated as it works differently in Canon and in my story. So do share your feedback.

Speaking of feedback, you all suck it. Not my Wattpad readers. They are very lovely and leave me comments to laugh and enjoy wherever they like to share. The rest of you, FFN and AO3 readers, suck at reviewing/commenting. It honestly saddens me, guys.

Though I have long passed the state of actively begging for reviews, they are appreciated people. Only my will to write the story is pushing the story forward, if it didn't, you wouldn't have gotten all the updates in the past 2 months. So do share your opinions.

The next progress chapter will be at 2.5k Follows/5k votes or 500 Kudos on the respective platforms or on next year Harry's birthday if none of the above aren't reached.

You-know-where can always screw up things if they chose to, so keep that in mind.

And I can't come up with anything else to write for this update. You seem to read more than ask questions. Hope the update answers some of your questions and clarifies a few things about the story.

That's it for this update, folks.

See y'all in the next chapter.

Black Infinity 1289,

Ja Ne.

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