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Chapter 152: Lord


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Broken Shackles

Chapter 29


15th April 1994

"Lord," Harry said and felt the familiar tug on his navel as he was squeezed through to the tube and after a few minutes, hit the cold pristine marble floor of Gringotts.

As he landed, Harry is greeted by a goblin, who inclined his head in a respectful nod. "Heir Potter, welcome. Bloodstain is expecting you. Please follow me." The Goblin said and Harry observed how he appeared just a few rooms from where he remembered Bloodstain's office was.

He followed the goblin down the grand marble hall, feeling many watchful eyes upon him. Goblins are not known for their warmth, yet he felt begrudging respect in their gazes.

As Harry entered the large and ornate office, Bloodstain's sharp eyes gleamed as he adjusted himself to a comfortable position in his seat. "Heir Potter, have a seat." Harry sat in the soft and comfy armchair.

Bloodstain studied Harry for a moment before speaking. "Heir Potter, yesterday marks your fourteenth magical birthday and as you are aware, per the will of late Lord James Charlus Potter, your father, it is time for you to begin the process of claiming your Lordship of House Potter."

Harry's eyes got an acknowledging look. "I was surprised by it taking place here." He said in a conversational tone.

Bloodstain nodded, his expression serious. "Indeed. The Potters are an Ancient and Noble house. To claim your rightful place as the House head, certain magical and legal procedures must be followed."

Harry leaned forward, his curiosity piqued. "What do I have to do?"

"First, you will need to undergo a magical blood test to confirm your lineage," Bloodstain explained. "This is a formality, but it is necessary. Then, there will be legal documents to sign, oaths to swear and finally, the House magic should acknowledge you. All this is magic related while what follows will be monetary. It may sound daunting but fear not, I will guide you through every step." He said in a business tone and Harry nodded calmly.

"What does being the head of House Potter mean? What responsibilities come with it?"

Bloodstain's eyes softened, a hint of understanding in his gaze. "I'm sure you know well what a Lord of House feels like." He said in a neutral tone, referring to the Lordship Harry already holds and at Harry's nod, he continued. "It means honouring the legacy of your ancestors, Heir Potter. Unlike your current one, it also means taking up the mantle of leadership within the Wizarding community and wielding the influence that comes with it. You will have control over the Potter assets, including properties, investments, and yes, responsibilities toward those under the protection of House Potter."

Harry sat back, absorbing the weight of what he just heard. He knew that this is not just about titles and wealth; it is about embracing a heritage that has always been a part of him.

Bloodstain's voice brought him back to the present. "Heir Potter, are you ready to begin the process?"

Harry met Bloodstain's gaze, determined. "Yes, I'm ready. Let's do this."

With a nod, his eyes narrowed calculatingly, "As part of the first step, we must discuss the family charter and family magic, two components that are integral to the Lordship of House Potter."

Harry's eyebrows furrowed. "Family charter? I know of family magic and I'm sure the Potters are Ward Masters along with my ancestors being good at Transfiguration and Potions. I'm afraid I don't know what you mean by Family Charter, Bloodstain."

Bloodstain's expression became even more serious, and he reached into a drawer, pulling out an ancient parchment. It was sealed with a wax emblem bearing the Potter family crest.

"This," he said, handing it to Harry, "is the Potter Family Charter. It is a binding magical contract that outlines the rights, responsibilities, and laws governing the head of House Potter and its members. It is something that has been passed down through generations."

Harry carefully unrolled the parchment, his eyes widening as he took in the intricate, flowing script. The document is filled with clauses and statements, some of them written in languages he couldn't recognize.

He didn't see anything like this when he became Lord Slytherin and his ancestor didn't mention such a thing anywhere. 'Maybe this is a recent addition?' A plausible thought came. Harry decided to not dwell on it as he saw Bloodstain start explaining.

"The family charter is not merely a legal document," Bloodstain explained. "It is imbued with the magic of the Potter line. It will guide you in your role as head of the house through the Lord Ring, ensuring that you uphold the values and traditions that have defined your family for centuries."

"And the family magic?" he asked, looking up. "You said the family charter will guide me through the Family magic through the Lord Ring," he elaborated.

Bloodstain's eyes sparkled with a hint of excitement. "Ah, the Family magic. It is, perhaps, one of the most powerful and mysterious aspects of your heritage. Within the Potter bloodline, there exists a unique reservoir of magical energy that has been accumulated and refined over generations."

He paused, as if searching for the right words. "This energy is connected to the very essence of your family. It is a source of power that can be tapped into by the Head of the House Potter. It can enhance your magical abilities, provide insight, protection, defend against, and even heal in some cases. But it must be used with wisdom and caution."

Harry's mind raced, trying to grasp the enormity of what he is hearing. "How do I access this family magic?"

Bloodstain leaned back, his eyes thoughtful. "Accessing the family magic is a deeply personal and often spiritual journey. It requires understanding your family's history, their values, their triumphs, and their failures. Some heads of the house have found it through meditation, others through magical rituals or quests. It is something you will have to discover on your own, but know that the magic is there, waiting for you."

Harry felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The family magic sounds extraordinary, but also daunting. A question came to him.

"Do all Families have house magics?" He asked curiously. He heard Bloodstain's sigh at that.

"It's not that simple, Heir Potter. Family magic rarely manifests itself these days. For some, it may show itself as their expert prowess in a particular branch of magic and for some, it may show itself as a unique magical ability.

"As you said, members of House Potter are renowned for their Wards and Potions and hold sizable recognition for it. But the most distinguishing factor for Potters is their Will power. Their Will to stand against the odds is one of a kind and trust me, I've been serving the Potters for 53 years, and I've seen your Grandfather and father in action against tyrannical dark lords of their respective times. " Bloodstain said with a nostalgic toothy grin.

Harry felt goosebumps at that. He didn't know the goblin in front of him has been his Family accounts manager for that long. He can only imagine how he compares to his grandfather's and father's legacy. As if reading his mind, Bloodstain spoke.

"Don't worry, Heir Potter. You are doing well for your age. Your predecessors didn't add 25 Million Galleons to the House accounts when they were 13." He said with a light chuckle and Harry smirked at the man. That brightened the mood.

"Heir Potter, the claiming of the Lordship necessitates the confirmation of your ancestry. This procedure will authenticate your bloodline and solidify your claim. Are you ready to proceed?" Bloodstain said moving the meeting forward retrieving a parchment from one of his drawers.

"Yes, but I'm a bit curious about how it all works," Harry said in an excited tone.

"Understandable. This parchment is called the 'Ancestry Tracer.' It is an artefact that dates back thousands of years and is used exclusively for these purposes. You will place 3 drops of your blood into the central basin, and it will respond to the magical signature within your blood, revealing your ancestry."

Harry nodded in understanding and Bloodstain gave him a small, ceremonial dagger, its handle encrusted with jewels. Harry cautiously pricked his finger and let 3 drops of blood fall into the basin of the device. The blood is absorbed, and the parchment began to hum and glow more brightly.

"Now, observe."

Harry stood before the ancient goblin artefact, watching in silent awe as his blood is absorbed into it. The soft hum of magic amplified, growing into a chorus of echoes that seemed to bounce around the room. Then, the magic exploded in a riot of colours, lines of shimmering gold, green and black shot out from the basin, drawing the form of an intricate tree on the parchment as the ink started to form names.

At the beginning of the tree, three lines branched out. One to his father, James Potter appeared in gold, another to his mother, Lily Potter (née Evans) appeared in green and a third to Sirius Black appeared in black. Under Sirius's name, the line is annotated with the title, 'Blood-adopted.'

From James and Lily's lines, the tree branched into two, showcasing the names of their parents in their respective colours. James' parents, Charlus and Dorea Potter (née Black) appeared on the left, and Lily's parents, Mr and Mrs Evans, on the right with a third line to Petunia and Vernon, which Harry ignored. Sirius's line also split, revealing the names Orion and Walburga Black.

Descending further, the line from Charlus and Dorea Potter led to their parents, and so on, with each generation detailed in the delicate script and colour they represent. When the tree reached Harry's great-great-great grandparents, two lines appeared in burgundy, one leading to Henry Potter, the other to his wife, Lollanthe Potter (née Peverell). The Peverell line was a significant one, and it branched further to connect with Ignotus Phantemous Peverell and his wife, Elliel Bisca Emerys in a silvery-grey Harry is familiar with.

At this, he heard Bloodstain gasp in surprise and filed to ask him later and observed the lines dance in joy as they revealed his ancestry. Maybe he should have taken this test sooner. He always wanted to know who are his ancestors and the test revealing their names and a rough look of how they looked gave Harry more info about his family than any of the books and portraits ever did.

To the side, tracing from his mother's line, a long line led to Lily Jasmine Cole (née Slytherin) which then traced back to Salazar Slytherin and his wife in silvery-green.

Harry watched the dance of lights, mesmerised by the magic at work. This is his family, his lineage, and his heritage. He is Harry Potter, Heir of House Potter, Lord of House Slytherin, a descendant of the Peverells, the son of James and Lily, the blood-adopted godson of Sirius Black. And now, he could see all those connections, glowing and pulsating with life before his eyes.

The glowing lines then started to recede, slowly drawing themselves back into the device until all that was left was the lingering echo of magic and the sight of the ancient basin now sitting quietly and unassuming on the table.

Harry looked to Bloodstain, clearly asking for answers for his previous outburst. Bloodstain gave him a thoughtful nod, arranging his thoughts.

"The Ancestry Tracer reveals one's relations to the magic and blood that flows in the individual. The preference is given to magic over blood, though Blood does play an important part as Magic is unbiased. The reason for my outburst before is what was revealed after Henry and Lollanthe Potter.

"I'm aware of your family's ties to House Peverell, a Great House of significance many centuries ago. But as time passed, the line ended with 3 brothers, only 1 managing to pass on their legacy, which, as you have seen, is Ignotus Phantemous Peverell. It was said that the stronger the magical ties, the brighter their name shines on the Ancestry Tracer.

"We both can see the brightness of Ignotus and Elliel Peverell's names are giving on your test. Which, as you are unaware is not common, Heir Potter. Your father's and Grandfather's ancestry tests stopped at Henry and Lollanthe Potter, never moving back from it. I'm sure you understand the implications of such changes, Heir Potter. For now, let's focus on the matter at hand," he said taking the parchment.

A sense of understanding passed between them. Harry didn't expect anything less from the professional manager. But the fact stood tall. He is not just Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived. He is Harry Potter, the descendant of a long and proud line of witches and wizards. His heritage is etched in blood, and it is now up to him to uphold their legacy. Another moment of silence fell upon the room as Bloodstain made a duplicate of the Ancestry Tracer and made some corrections to it. Harry watched cautiously. After a minute, he showed it to Harry for inspection.

Harry saw how his Mother's line ended with her parents, not tracing back any longer, his father's line also ended at Henry and Lollanthe Potter, not going back, and how the 'blood adopted' line from Sirius was removed. He nodded in satisfaction, understanding the goblins' intentions. With a nod of his own, Bloodstain drew an intricate line and the parchment vanished in fire.

"Is there anything else I need to know?" He asked, digesting what has transpired.

Bloodstain regarded him with a keen eye, packing everything. "You have much to learn about your House, Heir Potter, and much to embrace your lineage. But I have faith in you. You have the courage, the integrity, and the heart to be a worthy head of House Potter and other Ancient and Noble Houses you trace your ancestry to. We at Gringotts will assist you in every way we can." He said with a nod.

"We can now proceed to your Lordship ritual as your ancestry is confirmed. I can only imagine how House Magics will react to this." Bloodstain said mysteriously and Harry got a perplexed look at that.

"Please follow me," Bloodstain said, walking to the door. Harry followed and Bloodstain led him to an ornate chamber deep within Gringotts. Its walls were lined with gleaming artefacts, non-magical portraits of previous Potter Lords and Ladies, and inscriptions that seemed to move and shift as Harry looked at them.

Harry is surprised by that. He thought his family would have some magical portraits for him to talk to. He threw the thought to the side as they walked into a room.

In the centre of the room stood a stone dais, upon which rested a golden stand holding a shimmering sword and an ancient ring bearing the Potter crest. Harry can feel the room's magic thrumming in the air, alive and expectant.

"This room is directly connected via Family magic to all ritual chambers on all Potter Properties. That's how this is still intact as the rest were destroyed during the worst Wizards' foolish actions in the last war." Bloodstain said, his voice disgusted at the loss of valuable monetary assets.

"All the magical portraits and gold that was hidden in the estates were also destroyed as they didn't have very strong protections. We will talk more about that after this is done. Let's focus on the task at hand." He said, concentrating on the items in front of him.

Bloodstain began to recite an incantation in the goblin tongue, his voice resonating throughout the chamber. As the incantation ended, torches flared to life along the walls, casting a warm glow over the scene, the feel of Ancient magic intensifying.

"Heir Potter, step forward and place your hand upon the Potter Sword," Bloodstain commanded.

Harry approached the dais, his mind in wonder. His past rituals suggested by Salazar didn't fit the picture of what was going on in front of him. He reached out and grasped the sword's hilt. A jolt of strong magic surged through him, connecting him with generations of Potters who had come before him. Visions of his ancestors flashed before his eyes, their wisdom and strength becoming a part of him.

"Now, Heir Potter, speak the Oath of the Potter Lordship," Bloodstain instructed, handing Harry a scroll containing the sacred words.

Harry read aloud, his voice steady and strong.

"I, Harry James Potter, son of Lord James Charlus Potter and Lady Lily Jasmine Potter, do solemnly swear to uphold the honour, dignity, and responsibilities of House Potter. I pledge to protect, guide, and nurture those under my care. I vow to use my power wisely, with courage and compassion. In the name of my forebears, I claim the Lordship of House Potter."

The room vibrated with magic, acknowledging Harry's words. The sword and ring glowed brightly, sealing the oath.

"Place the ring on your finger, Lord Potter," Bloodstain said, approval in his voice.

Harry picked up the ring. The Heir Ring on his left ring finger shattered as soon as he touched the Lord ring. Harry is momentarily surprised, but he brought the Potter Lord ring near the right ring finger, where the Slytherin Lord ring lay. Suddenly, greenish silver wisps came out of it and clashed with the burgundy and gold of Potter one.

Harry felt a tug on his conscience in 2 ways, both House magics trying to break his mind for control and domination. Harry's enhanced mind saw the House magics in action as they tried to tear other apart.

But due to Harry's blood connection to both of them, his father's for Potter and mother's for Slytherin, they couldn't win and instead, decided to merge to form a new one. Harry saw in fascination as a new ring started forming.

The ring appears to be a masterful fusion of heritage and craft, symbolising the union of the Slytherin and Potter bloodlines. It started exuding an aura of power and mystery with the familiar warmth he felt when he got his mother's wand and his father's invisibility cloak, a testament to the magical legacy they represent.

The creation started from bands of the ring which are intricately intertwined with red and black threads, each colour representing a parent of Harry's family line. The black thread symbolises the courage and determination associated with the Potter family, while the red thread represents the ambition and cunning of Slytherin. His parents' hair colours, Harry realised. These threads are wound tightly around a base made of silver, ancient metal, giving a look of unity while retaining the distinct identity of each house.

At the centre of the ring lies 2 winged Lion-like creatures holding a sword each with a shield, a unique emblem that has traces of both Houses. The swords they held showing off the 2 crests of the Families. Harry is surprised by its close resemblance to Mira too but knows it's not a Winged Serpent.

The shield behind the lion is elegantly engraved, with unknown black patterns. The shield not only emphasises the protective nature of the ring but also stands as a testament to the combined strength and resilience of the two families.

Engraved in a graceful, timeless font on the inner band of the ring, the motto "Ambitiosa Acta Non Callida Verba" shines subtly. This Latin phrase, translating to "Ambitious Actions, Not Cunning Words," resonates with the shared values of both houses, emphasising deeds over mere words.

Though the ring is magically created, Harry can feel the echo of the enchanted metals and magical materials the ring possesses. Its craftsmanship is beyond ordinary, reflecting the influence of ancient magic. Every detail, from the lion's fur to the intertwined threads to the scales on their wings, has been crafted with expert precision, making the ring not only a powerful magical artefact but also a piece of art.

It also has Emerald and Black stones emblazoned into it at the 2 corners of the ring, surrounding the Shield as if protecting the Shield itself. Harry can feel the strong connection the ring has to him and the improved power trying to adjust with his magic.

Soon, the magical crafting completed and the ring adjusted to fit him perfectly, and a warmth spread through him, affirming his new role and connection to both his Families, the former faint Potter one strengthening to the levels of Slytherin ones.

The ceremony was complete with a bright flash of Gold and Silver, signifying Harry's acceptance as the Lord of House Potter and House Slytherin approving the ascension.

Bloodstain clapped, a gesture followed by the other goblins in the room, when they entered, Harry isn't sure. "Congratulations, Lord Potter. You have successfully claimed your birthright."

Goblins acknowledge strength and the spectacle in front of them, 2 Ancient Houses fighting for one young man's claim is very rare to be seen. This only solidified their belief that the young Lord in front of them has the potential to change the world.

Harry's chest swelled with pride and emotion. He knew that this is more than just a title; it is a responsibility, a calling, and a connection to something greater than himself. He experienced how it feels in his months trying to look after Hogwarts.

"Thank you, Bloodstain," Harry said, his voice filled with gratitude. "I'll do my best to honour my family's legacy."

"I have no doubt, Lord Potter," Bloodstain replied, smiling genuinely.

"If you please follow me," Bloodstain said and Harry was led back into the same chamber, all goblins giving him a nod of acknowledgement, unlike before, the armchair he sat on changed, with the new Potter-Slytherin Crest appearing on them. The majestical winged Lions standing proudly with their swords and shield.

They stayed silent for a few minutes, enjoying the silence. Bloodstain doesn't have free time with maintaining Potter family accounts and Henry Gold's investments with his other goblin duties. After a minute, Bloodstain broke the silence.

Bloodstain settled behind his desk, a meticulous look in his eye. "Now, Lord Potter, let's review your accounts and properties. I trust you'll find everything in order."

Harry nodded. "Of course, Bloodstain. Please, proceed."

With a nod, the goblin began, "Starting with the House Vault. The Potter Family Vault has an existing balance of 379 million Galleons and 73 million Pounds. From the recent settlement, we have added 25 million Galleons, and after the deduction of 100,000 Galleons for the Childcare centre and 1 million Pounds, your new balance stands at 403.9 million Galleons and 72 million Pounds." He gave Harry a minute to process the information.

"As the Lord, you need to approve a few million Galleons of Royalties for the Potions used and a few more millions of profits the Family investments reaped over the past 13 years," Bloodstain said, going into detail about profit from each business and investments House Potter made.

Harry listened to everything carefully, his Occlumency and enhanced mind helping him to easily process the information. After an hour of explanation of what is what and how are things of the Potter finances, Bloodstain nodded in satisfaction as he got Harry's sign on all the necessary documents. The Potter account wealth jumped a few more million in the hour to the Goblins' satisfaction.

Harry got curious about his business account and asked without delay. "How is the business account doing?"

"Ah, yes," Bloodstain continued, flipping through his ledger. "You had an initial sum of 2.5 million Galleons transferred from Dumbledore. With the additional 50,000 Galleons, your business account was at 2.55 million Galleons. As per your instructions, the Goblin investors have invested in your Family holding businesses and managed to completely buy The Times newspaper. Which cost 1 million Galleons on the day." Bloodstain said, surprising Harry.

"So, I now own The Times newspaper?" He asked incredulously and Bloodstain nodded with a proud smirk. Harry wanted to scream at the goblin at that. He never expected to own a newspaper and sure as hell didn't mean to buy the paper when it was up for grabs when he said 'Try to invest more in businesses my family already owns'.

With a resigned sigh, he readied himself for further shocks the goblin is going to give him on the day. "Continue."

"Of course, our investors also managed to acquire shares in many muggle technological companies. Like Apple, which doesn't sell apples and Microsoft which is not soft as well. Ridiculous names muggles come up with. They are American companies, so we had to involve American Gringotts as well.

"Our investors saw the opportunities in the American market and opened a Trading account in Henry Gold's name in the American Market and 1 million Galleons has been transferred to that account in both muggle and magical money. Your profits amount to 100,000 Galleons to date and 20,000 Galleons were deducted by Gringotts as we agreed. You also asked for a few more thousand Galleons transfers every month, which is also deducted from your account. The rest is deposited into your business account." Bloodstain said in self-satisfaction at the numbers and though Harry wanted to object, he couldn't.

They definitely had the forethought to jump into the American market like that and his Business account is doing well with 550,000 Galleons not accounting for his off-shore investments. Deciding to trust the goblins, Harry shared his decision.

"That's wonderful, Bloodstain. I want to transfer 7 million from my Family vault to the business account and ask you to continue your profitable investments." He said with a respectful inclination of his head and saw Bloodstain's chest swell up in pride.

"Certainly, Lord Potter," Bloodstain said with a toothy grin.

"Moving forward, we have your properties. As you were just an Heir, I was unable to tell you this. Your properties need repairs badly, Lord Potter. All of them had nothing but a lonely elf and no elf in some to take care of them." Bloodstain said in a matter-of-fact tone and Harry nodded at him to continue.

"Your properties include: Potter Manor in Nottinghamshire, which is completely ruined. Potter Castle, Potter Island, Shore of Britain, which is currently under war wards and needs repairs of wear and tear. House Elf needs to give access to enter. Potter Sanctuary, Sacred Grounds, Glasgow, Scotland, Elf needed to enter. Potter Beach House, Hawaii, in ruins. Not used for years. Potter Cottage, Godric's Hollow, completely destroyed." Bloodstain listed.

Harry went through the list, thinking which would be strategically useful to him as he knew the renovations and upgrades he is going to ask for will cost some hefty gold.

Potter Manor in Nottinghamshire, a good location in England, the house is near all necessities and he is sure there can be a fireplace that can be restored and connected to the Floo Network, but is that necessary?

"Just to get some clarity, Bloodstain, which shore is Potter Island located on?"

"South, Lord Potter. In the English Channel, not close to the shipping route. I heard it was rarely visited by your family and only an elf goes there and takes care of it from time to time. As soon as your parents went into hiding, War Wards were activated on all properties to mitigate damages, though few were already lost by that point." Bloodstain elaborated and Harry's eyes got a look in them. Bloodstain recognized that one. It is the same cunning one they get when they see a possibility to squeeze more gold.

Now this makes sense. 'Perfect sense indeed.' A voice in his mind agreed. He can be far away from all prying eyes and as he can Apparate, simply vanish to the place and give port keys to the people who regularly travel there. Being surrounded by Sea, the Castle can be easily defended against many things and if Weather wards were placed, the Island can enjoy a blissful peace even in the wildest of storms. Hell, he can escape to France if he wants to as the island is close enough to Apparate and it's not like he will be found by anyone that easily.

As the seconds went by, Harry's ideas and what he can do at Potter Castle only lengthened. After a thorough revision one more time and weighing all pros and cons of staying at Potter Castle, Harry decided. This is his best option.

"Bloodstain," Harry finally said, his voice firm, "I want to focus on Potter Castle. I want it to be a stronghold, impregnable and hidden from the world. Can we make it Unplottable?" His eyes gleamed with excitement.

Bloodstain's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "It would be a complex undertaking, Lord Potter. But it is possible. We can see what you want and see what Gringotts can offer," he suggested.

"Let's do it. I want to know everything that's needed. I'm sure we can restore other properties some other time. But Potter Castle... that will be my priority."

"Very well," Bloodstain said, marking the property as a priority and clearing the desk of other properties.

"I want to know exactly what protections we can put in place for Potter Castle. I understand that these might be expensive, but I want the best. I'm interested in hearing about all the options."

Bloodstain nodded, understanding the gravity of Harry's request. He began to explain the various levels of protection, "we offer 3 types of protections for a property. They are classified as Basic, Magical Advanced and Magical Superior."

"As you have guessed by now, the Basic protection only offers basic anti-Apparition and Portkey protections along with Muggle repellent wards. Next comes the Magical Advanced, in this protection, you will get a small ward scheme that will let the master know when someone enters the protected location, which is limited. And last one, Magical Superior, this one will offer a full ward scheme with a strong Runestone acting as an anchor to the property from the respective Family's magical reservoir.

"Basic protection costs 10,000 Galleons while Magical Advanced costs 50,000 and Magical Superior costs 150,000." Before Harry can speak, Bloodstain continued. "Basic protection is taken by almost all High-level Ministry officials while Advanced is taken by some Magical families and is given to the Minister of magic. Superior is what the most ancient and noble families have with a twist of their own for their properties." Bloodstain concluded.

"How good are they in the time of war?" Harry asked in an unimpressed tone laced with sarcasm. Bloodstain didn't feel offended at that, he even got a smirk at that.

"Most of the British 'nobility' would be alive if these protections could grant protection against a rune and ward masters." He said with a hungry smirk as if he knew Harry's next words would through Galleons.

"Brilliant, don't you think?" Harry asked in pure sarcasm. "I want none of those. I want something more-"

"Unbreakable? Unplottable? Which makes sure your house is safe heaven?" Bloodstain asked and Harry can see his voice flowing with greed. With a raised eyebrow, he nodded.

"I never said those are the only protections Gringotts offers, Lord Potter." He said mysteriously, unfolding a different parchment which looked green compared to the normal brown ones Harry is used to seeing. There is a list on that.

"We offer the best protections anyone can offer and with centuries of success, I present to you the Goblin protections Gringotts uses and offers only a select few. We believe in actions, not promises. And your actions have greatly benefitted the Goblin Nation. As your accounts manager, I'm proud to show you the epitome of Goblin magical protections-

"1. Magical Fog Protection:

- Invisibility Veils: Conceals the property under a shroud of invisibility.

- Mild Confundus Charms: Causes mild confusion in those trying to approach.

- Apathy Hexes: Induces lack of interest in the property to those who may stumble upon it.

- Cost: Around 500,000 Galleons.

"2. Bewitched Weather Protection:

- Enchanted Climate Control: Keeps the property surrounded by impenetrable weather, such as thick fog or driving rain.

- Misdirection Spells: Leads unwanted visitors astray, making them believe they're headed elsewhere.

- Animated Defence: Sentient statues and portraits that guard and warn of intruders.

- Cost: Around 3,000,000 Galleons.

"3. Magical Storm Protection:

- High-level Magical Barriers: Intense barriers that can withstand powerful magical attacks.

- Time-Shift Wards: Causes temporal distortion, making it difficult to approach or interact with the property.

- Creature Bound Guardians: Aligns magical creatures, such as griffins or phoenixes, to the defence of the property. (can be negotiated)

- Cost: Around 5,000,000 Galleons.

"4. Magical Disaster Protection:

- Full Dimensional Isolation: The property is protected within a pocket dimension, accessible only through specific magical means.

- Soul-Recognition Entry: Only those recognized by the core magic of the property may enter.

- Protean Charm Integration: The entire property becomes a shapeshifting entity that can rearrange itself to fend off intruders.

- Cost: Around 10,000,000 Galleons."

Harry's eyes bulged out seeing the protections. Even his enhanced mind and Occlumency couldn't stop the reaction from showing. He never imagined such things are possible and Goblin magic enables them to perform such feats.

He stared at the projected image that depicted each protection in a trance. It's as if he is told that Voldemort is a squib trying his best to take revenge on the magical world. These are just unreal. Bloodstain's satisfied visage isn't missed by Harry and he turned to the manager, gratitude evident in his eyes.

"I would be honoured to get such phenomenal protections, Master Bloodstain," Harry said with a respectful bow and now he got satisfied at the goblins' flabbergasted face.

He read in pureblood etiquette that Goblins like to be respected and though they tolerate wizards' existence and antics as they hold and run the magical worlds monetary system, if a wizard or witch respects their accounts manager or the goblins they interact with, it is seen as a sign of developing trust and seen as a great honour by the warrior race.

Bloodstain did so much for Harry, though all those are purely transactional and monetary in nature, revealing these protections to him, sharing titbits of his family and nudging him in the right direction when he is in limbo with Dumbledore are all an act of personal favour to the Potter lord.

Harry could have sworn he saw the goblins' eyes moisten at the edges before they were gone and Bloodstain gave Harry a genuine smile. "You remind me so much of your father and grandfather, Lord Potter." He said, coughing to get his emotions under control.

"You can call me Harry, Master Bloodstain. I'm the fortunate one to have such a capable goblin like you as my accounts manager." Harry said with a heartwarming smile. He got a happy smile in return from the said goblin in front of him.

As the silence fell, 2 goblins walked into the chamber with a cup of tea for Harry and Bloodstain which they drank in silence, each in thoughts of their own. Bloodstain's determination to support the Potter Lord stronger than before while the Potter Lord thought of how he can improve the protections even more.

After a momentary enjoyment of tea, Bloodstain continued, "These protections are designed to ensure that Potter Castle will not only be restored to its former glory, but will stand as a fortress, resistant to any form of magical assault. From the subtle deterrence of the Magical Fog level to the impenetrable defences of Magical Disaster, we can offer a solution tailored to your exact needs."

Harry's eyes are alight with interest, the descriptions igniting his imagination and determination. The legacy of the Potters, the history of his family, would be preserved and strengthened under these protections and he can stay safe with his loved ones under the protections of the castle.

"Prepare the plans for Magical Storm and Magical Disaster. I want to see how they will look in action and add a few more things to the list of protections." He said, taking a deep breath to continue. "Only I/master of the castle should be able to control the protections and allow access. It can be temporarily delegated to someone else as per need.

"I want all types of muggle, magical and magical creature transport restrictions. Only recognised or allowed parties should be able to visit the Castle. I also want to know how long it takes to implement all these and build such a castle…" Harry continued explaining his list of requirements, which included adding a ritual room, training room, gym, duelling room, library, and strong holding cell along with bedrooms and other requirements he wanted in the castle. If he is going to get a Castle, better make it suitable to his likes, right?

Bloodstain noted everything and after confirming one more time, gave him a thoughtful look, adding in all the additions into the renovation time. After a minute, he concluded and looked at Harry.

"It will take a few months in either case. With your additional requirements, the cost for Magical Storm will bump to 5.3 million and Magical Disaster will bump to 10.7 million."

Harry nodded in acknowledgement. "Once the plans are ready, let me know and I'll finalise which one. Also, am I needed when my magic is keyed?"

"Indeed. You should be present when we key in your magic and this project will be done exclusively by Goblins, so I assure you of the absolute secrecy of the Castle." He assured to ease Harry's worry. Harry nodded in understanding.

His attention then turned to another matter that had been on his mind: House Elves. Vali requested a few house elves for the Childcare centre and he is interested to know how to go about buying them.

"Master Bloodstain," Harry said, "I need a few House Elves, both for personal use and for the Childcare centre. Could you explain how one goes about acquiring them?"

Bloodstain's expression turned serious, and he leaned forward slightly. "Of course, Lord Potter. House Elves can be acquired through a few different means, depending on your needs and preferences."

Harry listened intently as Bloodstain continued.

"First, there are House Elves who are available for hire through legitimate agencies," Bloodstain explained. "These elves have chosen to work for wages and have legal protections. You can hire them on a temporary or permanent basis, depending on your needs."

Harry nodded, appreciating the straightforward option.

"Secondly, there are House Elves who belong to old wizarding families and are looking for new employment due to various reasons. These elves may still prefer the traditional bond of loyalty and service without wages. You can negotiate directly with the family or the elf in question."

Harry's brow furrowed. "And that's considered acceptable?"

Bloodstain's eyes narrowed slightly. "It is a matter of tradition and personal preference, Lord Potter. Many elves find pride and fulfilment in this kind of service, while others prefer the modern approach of paid employment. It's essential to communicate openly and ensure that the arrangement is mutually satisfactory."

"I see," Harry said, processing the information.

"Lastly," Bloodstain started, "there are House Elves in need of rescue or rehabilitation. Some may have been mistreated or left without a family to serve. They can be adopted through various organisations that focus on elf welfare. We must understand that these organisations are not governed by any magical country and instead work independently under ICW, hence they can operate in any country.

"You may get a question. Then why do elves not reach out to them? The answer is simple. No traditional family likes their servants to be treated equally and never discusses of such bodies with them and elves as a race are under a belief that they can't be alive without House magic protecting them.

"Which is, in fact, is mostly true. When an elf is born, it has the option to remain free or bind itself to a House magic. Free elves are weaker compared to House elves as they don't have the protection and anchor of a magical house or family. But once an elf bound itself to a House/family magic, they can never in their life be truly free.

"The feeling and power they get from anchoring themselves to a House magic will be so enticing to them, filling them with happiness. Once such protection is severed, they become weak, weaker than the normal free elves, desperate to find a master to be bound to. It's a sad reality they live in." Bloodstain concluded with a hint of pity.

Harry didn't expect a full course of Elf-lore when he asked the question but being a true Claw, he took it in stride, filing it away. Coming back to the options he was given, he made his decision known.

Harry's eyes brightened at his choice. "The last one sounds like something I'd be interested in. Helping those in need. I'm sure they will be happy to see many children enjoying their services. There is no shortage of funds as well." He added with a smile.

Bloodstain nodded approvingly. "A noble choice, Lord Potter. I can provide you with contacts to reputable organisations that specialise in elf rehabilitation and adoption. They will guide you through the process and ensure that the elves you take in are well-suited to your needs."

Harry smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction. "Thank you, Bloodstain. Please do that. Send a letter to Vali, the caretaker of the childcare centre with details, she will take care of it. And send 1 elf from the 1st option to me by summer."

"Of course, Lord Potter," Bloodstain replied, his voice filled with admiration. "I will see to it personally."

Harry finally came to the most important and sensitive matters he wanted to discuss with Bloodstain. After signing a few more documents which have the required paperwork, he looked up, his eyes full of mischief.

"Bloodstain, how can you help with a few vials of Basilisk Venom I have?" Harry innocently asked and watched as the Goblin'ss eyes widened in shock, the quill in his hand hitting the ground in surprise.

"Can you repeat it, Lord Potter?" He asked incredulously.

"Basilisk Venom, Bloodstain. I want to discuss about that," Harry said in an amused tone.

And Cut.

That's it for this Chapter, folks. Hope you all liked it. Tell me, what you think of the chapter and story in general.

Any suggestions are welcomed.

See y'all in the next chapter.

Black Infinity 1289,

Ja Ne.

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