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Chapter 151: Eidolon's Echoes


I'm back with the Next Chapter of Broken Shackles.

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Broken Shackles

Chapter 28

Eidolon's Echoes

14th April 1994

The air is thick with tension as Harry stood over the unconscious figure of Lupin, his heart pounding in his chest. The moonlit night casting eerie shadows over the scene, highlighting the man's pale face and the dark stains on his ragged clothes. Add the fact that the grounds are still half frozen and smashed to smithereens, it doesn't portray a semblance of beauty.

Harry's mind is racing, his hands shaking slightly as he gripped his wand. He knew what he had done and what he should do, but the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on him. Lupin's memories of the previous night could ruin everything, and the necessity of the action did nothing to ease Harry's turmoil.

With a deep breath, he raised his wand, focusing on the specific memories he needed to erase. "Obliviate," he whispered, his voice carrying a tremor of uncertainty.

The spell took effect instantly, a glow enveloping Lupin's head before dissipating into the darkness. Harry's heart ached as he looked down at his Defenseless Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, knowing that he just removed a part of the man's life. But it is necessary, he reminded himself, it is the only way.

After everything that transpired a few hours ago, even Harry's now heightened mind is demanding rest. He went through many emotions, changes, performed 2 rituals and sacrificed the young woman he liked and that seems to hit the ceiling of his mind's current capabilities. He doesn't know and has the mental discipline to undo the half-frozen grounds and let them be. The ice didn't affect him anyway. Why bother?

Not wanting to leave the man to death, Harry levitated Lupin's body carefully, wincing at the awkward angle of the man's ribs. They were clearly broken, a painful reminder of the chaos of the night. He made his way towards the medical ward, his mind a whirlwind of emotions, his mind silently pleading for forgiveness for everything he had done.

May it be the uncharacteristic disaster that is Hogwarts Grounds or shattered ribs the man he is carrying had or the lost memories his once secret girlfriend can't remember. As Harry covered Lupin's body under his Invisibility cloak and disillusioned himself, no one saw their approach.

He mastered the Disillusionment charm with Cho a few days ago when Cho wanted to learn something that can allow her to escape from her fanboys and after an hour's search, found the charm. She was very excited when she told Harry of her efforts to learn and Harry, with the simple explanations in his mother's diary, learnt the charm along with her.

They got it in a week in their 3rd and 4th years respectively and spent a day using the charm, completely exploring the castle, weaving through crowds of students with ease. To say Cho felt thrilled is putting it lightly. Shaking himself of the memories, Harry made his way towards the Hospital wing.

As he reached the entrance of the ward, he gently lowered Lupin's body, taking a moment to make sure everything looked perfect. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice catching in his throat. Then, with one last glance, he turned and disappeared into the shadows.

Ravenclaw Tower

Harry arrived at his dorm in the Ravenclaw tower, his heart burdened with a sadness he couldn't shake. He collapsed onto his bed, the chilling silence of the room echoing in his ears. As he lay there, he felt the soft slither on his body, immediately identifying his only sisterly figure, Mira, moving across his left leg.

Mira sensed Harry's desolation. Being attuned to his emotions, she knew of the turmoil raging within him. She moved further up, gliding gently across his chest, resting her head near his shoulder, her eyes glinting with empathy.

"Harry," Mira's voice resonated in the gloomy room with a soothing hum. "You lost someone who loved you. It's natural to feel sorrow, but don't let it consume you. You didn't do any wrong. I'm proud of you for defending her and saving Sirius." She said in a melodic hum.

Harry turned his head to look at her, his eyes welling up. "I had no choice, Mira. She was dying," he began, his voice barely more than a whisper. "But in saving her, I... I lost her." The loss weighed heavily on his mind.

Mira didn't waver, her gaze steady. "You did what was necessary, Harry. And in doing so, you saved Cho. There are many forms of love, and you showed one of the rarest ones today. Sometimes, love means letting go."

"But it hurts, Mira. Seeing her every day, knowing she doesn't remember..." his voice trailed off, the heartache evident.

The Horned Serpent nodded, understanding the depth of his pain. "And it might hurt for a while, Harry. It's a wound that will take time to heal. But remember, you're not alone. You have me, you have your Tonks, your friends and now, Sirius as well."

Harry turned to her with a stunned look. In his time coming here, he thought he would lose them somehow like how he lost Cho. He was prepared to shun them just to not cause them and himself any more pain. But her words paused his thought.

"Friends who remember," she added, a weak snake smile tugging at his lips. Harry huffed lightly, only Mira's attempt at a chuckle glistening her scales can be felt in the room. Her jab wasn't missed.

"In time, Harry, you'll come to see that this pain, too, is a part of the journey. It's what shapes us, and defines us. Today, you became more than just the Boy-Who-Lived. You became a man who loved deeply, and sacrificed even more so." She spoke with passion.

Harry closed his eyes, taking in her words. He felt a sense of calm wash over him, the intensity of his despair lessening ever so slightly. He knows the path ahead would be tough, but as he lay there with Mira, he also knows he won't be walking it alone.

He thought of everyone he likes and all who came into his life and changed it forever. Unlike the Tapestries of the old families, Harry saw it as a root system, a mirror to his psyche, in which he wanted to protect himself as the Tree. They are his roots to the world.

As the roots started, the Horned Serpent who started to hum a soft tune on his chest appeared at the start, revealing their deep connection as not only Master and Familiar but also as magical brother and sister. Following that is an almost dead root to the right on which Harry didn't dwell.

He looked past it and saw bright pink specs clumsily looking around as if it is not sure where to go. Harry got a genuine smile looking at that. Soon it moved straight down, and he saw a couple added below the pink specs, the Tonks couple. Next came the Black and greys of his Godfather beside them. Though he spent little to no time with the man, because of what the man felt for him, he grew very high up in the roots.

Harry saw Sirius's fight-or-flight instincts kicking in when he appeared in front of them as Eidolon. But within seconds, Sirius stood defiantly as if he didn't care what happened to him as long as Lupin was stopped. A task Harry gave Sirius before he vanished with Cho.

The roots then moved to reveal Mafalda, Terry and Padma. His friends. Though it's more personal in the case of the former. Thinking of friends, he wondered where Ron and Hermione were and as if being summoned, they appeared below his current friends with Neville. Harry is surprised by that.

He didn't help the Longbottom boy one bit after his promise and he vowed to change it. He remembered how close Neville is to becoming the boy-who-lived and wondered how that would have gone. That managed to stop him from going deep into the roots. If he had seen up, he would have seen a left system forming above just below Mira.

But with Mira's comforting and soothing presence by his side, Harry felt the weight of the day's events start to lift. He is far from fine, but he knew he'd get there eventually. For now, he took solace in Mira's wise words and the understanding of the silence of the room as he drifted off into a fitful sleep.

Scene Break

Medical Ward

Inside the ward, Madam Pomfrey can be seen tidying up when a soft thud caught her attention. Startled, she hurried to the door, her eyes widening in shock as she found Professor Lupin lying on the floor, unconscious and battered.

"Merlin's beard!" She exclaimed, her heart pounding as she quickly levitated him onto a bed. Her experienced eyes took in the extent of his injuries, her hands moving swiftly as she began to heal him.

The broken ribs are a concern, and she frowned as she worked, her mind racing with questions. What happened to him? How did he end up in this state? And who brought him here?

But there are no answers, only the urgent need to heal. She muttered incantations, her wand dancing over Lupin's body as she mended the broken bones, her face etched with worry and determination.

Hours passed, the night giving way to dawn as Madam Pomfrey worked tirelessly, her mind never straying from her task. Finally, as the first rays of sunlight filtered through the windows, she stepped back, her body aching with exhaustion but satisfaction in her eyes.

Lupin's breathing is even, his face peaceful as he slept, the injuries a thing of the past. Madam Pomfrey allowed herself a small smile, a sense of accomplishment warming her. But the questions remained, nagging at her, the mystery of the night hanging heavy in the air.

As the first rays of the sun began to illuminate the halls of Hogwarts, Madam Pomfrey's concern deepened. The mysterious circumstances of Lupin's appearance at the medical ward, coupled with his extensive injuries, left her with an uneasy feeling. She knew she had to inform the Headmaster.

With a flick of her wand, she sent a Patronus to Dumbledore, its ethereal form carrying her urgent message. Soon after, she sent another to McGonagall, knowing that the Deputy Headmistress would want to be informed as well.

Her Patronus is one of her recent accomplishments. As always being with the injured didn't help much in her case when she tried to learn it. After the arrival of a certain Potter, she managed to push through the last steps. As Dumbledore wanted to be in the know whenever Potter was in the ward and that's practically every few weeks in his first 2 years and every few months this year. Before she can reminisce further, the doors to the medical ward creaked open, and Dumbledore, his eyes twinkling behind his half-moon spectacles, strode in, McGonagall following closely, her face drawn with worry.

"Poppy, what has happened here?" Dumbledore asked, his voice calm but his eyes narrowing as he took in Lupin's sleeping form.

"It's Remus, Headmaster," Madam Pomfrey replied, her voice trembling. "He was left at the door of the ward, unconscious and with broken ribs sometime after midnight. I've healed him, but I have no idea what happened or who brought him here."

Dumbledore's expression is inscrutable as he approached Lupin's bedside, his long fingers stroking his beard thoughtfully. "Most peculiar," he murmured.

McGonagall's face is pale, her eyes wide with concern as she looked down at Lupin. "Who would do this to him? And why leave him here?"

"I'm afraid I don't have the answers, Minerva," Dumbledore said, his voice gentle. "But we must be grateful that he was brought here, and that Poppy was able to heal him."

"There's something else, Albus," Madam Pomfrey interjected, her voice hesitant. "His mind seems erratic, as if it's unsure of what happened and more than a few times I heard growls and whimpers coming from him as I worked. I think something major happened last night, something that made his other side fearful." Madam Pomfrey said with a sad sigh.

Dumbledore's eyes flickered, and the twinkle momentarily dimmed. "What do you mean by 'his other side fearful' Poppy?"

"I… I'm not sure." Is the only answer the matron could come up with. "But, I'm certain some kind of memory charm is involved…" She reluctantly added.

"Obliviated you mean?" Dumbledore pressed, the twinkle in his eyes dimming.

"I believe so, Headmaster," she confirmed, her voice heavy with worry.

A silence settled over the room, the weight of the situation settling on them all. Dumbledore seemed lost in thought, his eyes distant as he pondered the implications.

Finally, he spoke, his voice firm. "We must keep this quiet for now. No need to alarm the students or staff. Remus must rest and recover. When he awakens, perhaps he can shed some light on what happened."

"But Albus, if someone is attacking our own..." McGonagall's voice trailed off, her face etched with concern.

Dumbledore placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We will get to the bottom of this, Minerva. For now, let us be thankful that Remus is safe and in good hands."

He turned to Madam Pomfrey, his eyes soft. "Thank you, Poppy. Your skills and dedication are a treasure to this school."

She gave a weary smile, her face flushed with the praise. "Thank you, Headmaster."

With a final glance at Lupin, Dumbledore and McGonagall left the ward, their faces thoughtful, the mystery of the night lingering in their minds.

The doors closed with a soft click, leaving Madam Pomfrey alone with her patient, the room filled with the soft sounds of breathing and the distant call of birds heralding a new day. Her mind is still racing, the questions unanswered, but she knew that her duty is to her patients, not to the secrets of the night.

With a sigh, she returned to her work, her hands steady, her focus unwavering, but the shadows of the night still lingering in the corners of her mind.

Scene Break

With Hagrid

The sun had barely crested the horizon when Hagrid, with his eyes wide and face pale, stumbled across the destruction near the Whomping Willow. The ground was torn, trees uprooted, and an unnatural tundra had formed, he can see the outlines of hundreds of Dementors, half-frozen. His heart pounding, he rushed back to the castle to inform the staff.

When the teachers of Hogwarts were summoned by Hagrid to the scene, their reactions varied from shock to disbelief. They gathered around the site, their faces reflecting the horror and confusion they felt.

McGonagall's hands were clenched tightly at her sides, her lips a thin line. "What in Merlin's name happened here?" She demanded, her voice shaking with anger and concern.

"I've never seen anything like this," Flitwick squeaked, his eyes wide as he stared at the half-frozen Dementors. "Such power… Such destruction…"

Snape's face is ashen, his eyes narrowed as he surveyed the scene. "This is Dark Magic," he hissed, his voice dripping with suspicion. He couldn't think of anything else but Dark Magic that could cause such devastation. "Something very wrong has happened here."

Sprout, her face pale and her hands trembling, is looking at the uprooted trees and destroyed plant life. "The damage to the flora… it's catastrophic," she murmured, tears in her eyes.

Even Dumbledore, usually so calm and composed, looked troubled. His eyes were thoughtful, his face drawn as he walked around the site, his mind clearly working through the possibilities.

"This is no ordinary spell," he said, his voice quiet. "This is something ancient, something powerful. And the freezing of the Dementors… I've never seen anything like it."

"What do you think happened, Albus?" McGonagall asked, her voice tight with worry.

Dumbledore paused, his eyes fixed on the frozen landscape. "I cannot be certain, Minerva. But I fear this is connected to the events of last night."

He turned to face the assembled staff, his expression grave. "We must be vigilant. Someone or something has unleashed a force that we do not yet understand. We must protect our students and find out what has happened here."

'First Remus, now this. What's going on in my Castle? Who could have done this? I didn't even sense any disturbance in the wards.' Dumbledore pondered in his mind.

There is a heavy silence as the teachers digested his words. The weight of responsibility settled on their shoulders, and they knew that the days ahead will be filled with uncertainty and danger.

Hagrid, his face still pale, looked around at the destruction, his eyes filled with sadness. "Poor creatures," he muttered, his voice breaking. "Poor, poor creatures."

The staff dispersed, their minds filled with questions and their hearts heavy with worry. The destruction near the Whomping Willow is a stark reminder of the fragility of their world, and the danger that lurked just beyond the safety of Hogwarts' walls.

As they return to the castle, each teacher is lost in thought, pondering the mystery of what has happened and what it meant for them and their students. The bright promise of a new day is overshadowed by the dark clouds of uncertainty, and they knew that the months ahead will be like no other.

In the distance, the Whomping Willow stood silent and still, its branches reaching towards the sky, a sentinel to the secrets and dangers that lay hidden in the shadows of the magical world.

The unsettling sight near the Whomping Willow reverberated through the corridors and chambers of Hogwarts. The staff, though deeply concerned, decided to keep the details away from the students, at least for the time being and so declared the 15th a Holiday. The immediate priority was given to understanding what had happened and ensuring the safety of everyone within the castle.

Everyone was surprised to hear the day declared as Holiday and before the students' prying eyes could reach the grounds, a black cloth covered the Grounds view with the entrance blocked for all students. They were warned to not go that side for the coming days and harsh punishments were promised for those who violate.

Even Prefects and Head Boy and Girl were restricted from entering the grounds, showing the gravity of the situation. After announcing all of the above at breakfast, the staff who were called to Dumbledore's office left while the rest kept an eye on students.

Inside his office, Dumbledore sat at the head of his ornate desk, looking over the faces of the assembled staff. McGonagall, Snape, Flitwick, Sprout, and Madam Pomfrey are all present, and he could sense their anxiety about the night's events. The room is filled with the soft ticking of various magical instruments, adding to the tension in the air as they all sat, expressions serious, as Dumbledore began to address the matter.

"Thank you all for coming at such short notice," Dumbledore began, his voice calm but with an underlying note of seriousness. "I realise that some of you are still not fully aware of the extent of last night's occurrences, so I shall summarise them for you."

He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts, and then continued, "Late last night, an unknown magical disturbance happened near the Whomping Willow. The grounds were left in a state of destruction, and we also discovered a scene of half-frozen Dementors. Most concerning of all, our dear Remus Lupin was found injured."

"Remus's injuries are quite concerning," Dumbledore started, his voice filled with gravity. "Madam Pomfrey, will you please explain the nature of his condition?"

Madam Pomfrey nodded and spoke with a strained tone, "His ribs were broken, and someone has clearly tampered with his memory. He doesn't remember anything from last night. The memory charm used was sophisticated." She shared her findings after a few more diagnosing spells.

Gasps can be heard in the room as Sprout and Flitwick took in the information. Snape for his part didn't show any big reaction except for his eyes widening for a second. From the grave looks of Dumbledore and McGonagall, they understood they both knew of the condition.

McGonagall's face, still pale after hearing the condition of her colleague, inquired, "Could this be connected to the destruction near the Whomping Willow and the frozen Dementors?"

Snape's eyes narrowed, his voice dripping with suspicion. "This is undoubtedly Dark Magic. The complexity of such spells could only mean a powerful wizard is involved."

Flitwick chimed in, his voice tinged with concern, "But who within Hogwarts would possess such knowledge and skill?"

"Perhaps it is someone from outside," Sprout suggested, her voice carrying a note of fear. "The boundaries of Hogwarts have been breached before."

Dumbledore's eyes flickered with thought as he responded, "All possibilities must be considered. Severus, I entrust you with investigating the Dark Magic involved. Minerva, work with Hagrid and Sprout to understand the environmental impact. Filius, check for any complex charms involved. The frozen Dementors must be handled delicately."

"And what of the Ministry?" Snape questioned, his voice sharp. "They will not overlook such an incident."

"I will handle the Ministry," Dumbledore reassured them. "But we must be cautious and discreet."

Flitwick looked thoughtful. "We must also consider the safety of the students. If such magic is being used within the castle, no one is safe."

"You are correct, Filius," McGonagall agreed, her voice firm. "We must increase our vigilance and ensure that the students are protected."

Dumbledore nodded, his face etched with resolve. "Let us move forward with care and determination. The answers we seek are within our reach, but we must be patient and wise in our pursuit."

The room went silent for a moment, the weight of Dumbledore's words settling over them. Then they all nodded, faces set with determination, and began to disperse to their respective tasks.

After agreeing on the course of action, the staff dispersed with a sense of purpose, their minds filled with the gravity of the situation. The castle seemed to hold its breath as they went about their duties, each one aware that they are on the brink of uncovering something both dangerous and profound.

As they filed out of the room, Dumbledore's eyes lingered on the door, a thoughtful expression on his face. He knew that they are on the cusp of something significant, and he can't shake the feeling that this is only the beginning of a much larger and more complex mystery.

His thoughts are interrupted by a soft hoot from his phoenix, Fawkes, and he turned to the magnificent bird, finding comfort in his steady gaze. There is much to be done, and the path ahead is no longer certain, but he knew they will face it together, guided by their shared sense of purpose and unwavering commitment to the Greater Good.

With Harry

Harry changed his position when he heard a knock on the door. "Who?" Harry's voice came.

"It's us, Harry. Terry and Padma." Came the reply from the duo.

"What's up, guys? I'm reading something and I don't have classes for a few hours, you go ahead."

"We don't have classes today, Harry. Something came up and all classes got cancelled. We went to bring Cho, but she is still asleep." Padma said in concern and Harry shot to the door, opening it slightly.

"Can we talk about this in a few hours? I need to finish something first." The intensity in his voice didn't leave them a choice. They gave him a reluctant nod.

"Also, don't go to Cho and remind her about us. It's over." Harry said, not giving them time to protest and shut the door. Terry and Padma were too shocked to move and stood there for many minutes.

Harry walked back to his bed only to see a green-haired alluring beauty that seemed to transcend standards for magnificence. Her features are delicate and finely chiselled, with a face that radiated youthful grace, giving her the appearance of being around sixteen years old. Her eyes, a brilliant shade of aquamarines are large and expressive, sparkled with an otherworldly wisdom, seeming to hold secrets of ancient times and mischief.

Her hair is one of her most striking features, long and flowing, reaching down to her waist. It faintly shone a light-green colour, unlike his emerald eyes, reflecting the light in an ethereal glow that gave her a mystical presence. It is loosely tied back, with tendrils escaping to frame her face, accentuating her high cheekbones and soft lips.

Her dress is a reflection of her unique charm and grace. She wore a flowing gown made of a material that shimmered with subtle shades of green and silver. The dress clung to her slender figure, accentuating her form without being overly revealing. It had a modest neckline and long, billowing sleeves that gave a hint of her arms whenever she moved. The hem of the gown trailed behind her, swirling like a gentle mist in the invisible wind.

Around her waist, she wore a thin belt adorned with delicate crystals, each one catching the light and reflecting the colours of her hair. Her feet are adorned with simple but elegant sandals that allowed her the freedom of movement, adding to her ethereal appearance.

Her jewellery is understated but beautiful. A delicate silver chain hung around her neck, with a single, luminescent green gem that rested just above her heart. Her ears are adorned with small, matching green earrings that twinkled as she turned her head.

"Holy shit," Harry gasped as he took her features in. A peal of soft, melodic laughter echoed in the room at his reaction. Harry stood there, entranced in her beauty.

"Like what you see, Harry?" A familiar teasing tone asked him as the young woman in front of him posed in many angles, further drawing him into her beauty. He shook his head in amusement.

"Moments like these make me kick myself for not being able to shapeshift." He said in a semi-serious tone. "How long did you practise?"

"Few days. I was gonna surprise you with this just after your ritual, but things happened." She said in a sad tone. Harry gave her a nod.

"Yes, they happened. But it's for the best I suppose. You are safer than Cho is when people see us." Harry said with a faint smile. Mira gave him a challenging look.

"I didn't think you are into incest, Harry," Mira said in a conspiratorial tone which oozed off her smugness. Harry scoffed at that.

"Please. You know me better." Mira gave him an understanding nod and patted her lap. Harry walked and lay his head on her lap.

"You are a sister I never had, Mira. You are better safe in America than on my side. That's what I meant and in your Human form, we can go out for real and I can show you many things!" Harry said in excitement as Mira stroked his hair. He saw her aquamarines glisten for a second.

"Stop you, you are making me blush." She said, pinching his cheeks. Harry hissed in pain at that. "but I can't stay in this form for long. Changing into a Human is one of the Unique experiences I had and needs more energy than rest. 30-60 minutes is the limit." She explained and Harry nodded in understanding.

"I like my wings to stay like this anyway!" She said with a happy smile and Harry got a mischievous glint at that. He stood up and walked to the centre of the room, making Mira pout as she liked playing with his hair.

"Watch." He said as he closed his eyes in concentration. Slowly, everything around him started to change and soon, the familiar form of Eidolon stood in front of Mira, she gave an involuntary gasp at that.

His form is as fierce and intimidating as ever. "Majestic!" Mira breathed as she took in the full form of Eidolon. From his strong body to wide and gentle wings. The snowy crown to the 4 sharp talons he has.

"Ay nov wrigt." His cold voice came in a gentle whisper and Mira jumped back in fear. She looked at his head to see him rubbing his head sheepishly, a familiar emeralds looking at her in apology. Harry turned back and laughed heartily for jump scaring her. Mira pinched his cheeks again.

"Ow, ow, ow. Stop. Sorry, stop." He apologised and she let go.

"That's not funny, Harry. I hadn't heard such a cold voice before. It's as if, as if I'm insignificant in front of the creature and no matter what I do, I can't stop it. You got a hella strong Magical Creature to like you, Harry."

"I know right? I don't even know the full capabilities of them. And I've been dreaming for months about them. Maybe I'll find something. So this means I can beat you in a sky race now." Harry said in a smug tone.

"Why you-" As they are about to continue, Harry's Gringotts box clicked and started blinking, notifying him of a letter's arrival in 'G' knowing it is from Gringotts, Harry went to pick it up when another arrived in 'P' side of the box. He got curious now and picked both of them.

"Guess you'll be busy. See you, Harry. I'll go unfurl my wings. This body is too cramped." Mira wished him good luck and before he could stop, vanished. Harry nodded, resigned and opened the Gringott's letter.

'Greetings, Heir Potter,

I trust this letter finds you well. My name is Bloodstain, and I have the distinct honour of serving as your accounts manager at Gringotts. I write to you today concerning a matter of great importance.

By the will of your father, late Lord James Charlus Potter, and the ancient laws governing the magical inheritance, you are required to present yourself at Gringotts on your fourteenth magical birthday to formally claim the Lordship of House Potter.

The procedure involves several traditional rites and the signing of magical contracts that will bind you to the responsibilities and privileges of your Ancient and Noble house. The presence of the head of the house is essential, and the rituals must be completed on the appointed day.

Gringotts has scheduled your appointment at 09:00 hrs on 15th April 1994. This letter will act as your port key to the Account Manager's office, the code word is 'Lord'.

I must stress the urgency of this matter, as failure to comply with these traditions can have serious consequences for both the individual and the house involved. I respectfully request that you make arrangements to visit Gringotts at your scheduled time.

If you have any questions or require assistance with transportation, please do not hesitate to contact me through your Gringotts Box. My associates and I are at your disposal, and we are committed to ensuring a smooth transition into your new role as Lord Potter.

May your gold ever flow,


Manager of House Potter Accounts,

Gringotts Wizarding Bank.'

Harry looked at the time and he still had an hour to prepare. He also needed to talk to Sirius and decided to use his Time Turner upon his return. He asked Dobby for breakfast, which he brought it in a few minutes. Eating, Harry opened the second letter that came to his Potter side.

'Dear Master Harry,

I hope you're doing well! Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know what's happening at the Henry and Lollanthe Potter Childcare Centre here in Birmingham. Your recent generosity has been absolutely incredible! Thanks to you, we've taken in twenty more kids this past month. You should see their faces, Harry, they've found a real home here, and it's all thanks to you.

While we are thrilled to be able to assist more children, the rapid expansion is putting considerable strain on the resources. Mainly the dedicated house elf, Clicky, is working tirelessly to meet the increased demands. However, I fear that the current load is becoming too much for her.

Therefore, I kindly request your permission to expand our facilities and staff. Specifically, I believe that the addition of two more house elves would allow us to continue providing the high standard of care that these children deserve. If possible, I would like to begin this expansion as soon as possible, to ensure that we can continue to meet the needs of every child under our roof.

Lastly, I must extend my heartfelt gratitude for everything you have done for the Centre. Your support has not only enabled us to transform the lives of these children but also allowed us to dream bigger and reach further. The staff, children, and I are forever in your debt, and we hope to make you proud as we continue to grow and serve.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Your guidance is always appreciated, and your opinion holds great weight in our decisions.

With the deepest thanks and warmest regards,


Head Caretaker,

Henry and Lollanthe Potter Childcare Centre,


P.S. Clicky sends her best wishes and asks if you might visit soon. The children always speak of your last visit, and it would mean the world to them to see you again.'

Harry got a happy smile at that and decided to add the matter of elves in addition to all other topics he is going to discuss with Bloodstain in an hour. He also started writing a letter of his own to Ted, intimating Sirius's arrival and his safety.

As they have Sirius now, they can move to the plan of action as soon as possible and free him from false accusations. Satisfied with his letter, he used the sending feature of the Gringotts box and sent the letter to Ted.

Preparing himself for the day, Harry dressed up in his best robes and as the clock struck 9, he teleported to the outer chamber, unnoticed by Sirius and used the Portkey and vanished to Gringotts.

And Cut.

That's it for this Chapter, folks. Hope you all liked it. Tell me, what you think of the chapter and story in general.

Any suggestions are welcomed.

See y'all in the next chapter.

Black Infinity 1289,

Ja Ne.

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