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Chapter \3/ Helping(?) & Azur Lane(?)



" AHHHHH!!!"-" Somebody help!!!"

While walking minding his own business, Yuuki suddenly heard distant screams and sounds of metal hitting flesh. The place where the scream came from was behind a small hill, so he couldn't see what's happening.

The situation seemed urgent, so for the time being he hurried himself. He ran to the hilltop and looked down at what was below.

And lord and behold, a Luxurious black and red carriage are being assaulted by a pack of gray blue-eyed wolves, like the one he killed early. The one's defending the carriage are two rolls of steel knights, surrounding It, with blue caps fluttering through the wind.

They are probably Knights, as they fought with their backs to one another with almost perfect motions with each other, wearing medieval armor, while using long swords as their weapons. There weren't any corpses, so it seemed nobody had died as of yet.

The Wolves numbered around 20. They had been attacking cooperatively with their high speed and big bodies. Oddly enough, they are doing quite well, they'd keep a good amount of distance and attempt to kill a Knight whenever an opportunity arises.

The Wolves were the overwhelmingly dominant force here. The Knights are all injured in some manner, their strength and stamina all but depleted. They'd inevitably be wiped out if things continued.

[ *Ding!* Quest-Help The Carriage Defeat The Pack Of Wolves!

Rewards: 5,000 SP | 100 Gold Coins | One Random Ability Ticket ]

Upon seeing this scene, Yuuki had already decided to help. Leaving now would just be ruthless, and it'd be a good idea to rack up some good deeds before entering a city, the system rewards totally did not help in any way or shape, or form.

Nope, total not. He's not a greedy bastard that would only help them, just because he's getting something out of It...

Without further ado, Yuuki started chanted In his high-pitched gibberish language," [ Light Magic: Arrows of Judgment! ]" Obeying his command, golden pentagrams appeared In a sphere around  himself.

Then at a rapid pace, the sphere started expanding and flattening out soon began shaping into countless blades of light above them.

" Huh? Has help arrived?" A Knight mumbled, blocking a blow from a wolf.

" Maybe some passing Adventures from the Guild?" Another Knight mumbled, slashing a wolf at its neck, killing it.

" And it's a Mage at that!" A knight with a red cap, whispered to herself In awe.

' Magic!' A younger child In the carriage thought, seeing those light swords floating In the air above all of them.

" Big Sis, look!" The child said In amazement with a childish young girl voice.

' Light Magic...' The Older Sister thought with unusual emotions.

" Release!" Soon booming throughout the area is a cute child voice, possessing absolute dominance. As if he is a King commanding his subjects to die while still holding their utmost respect for him. A cold and ruthless King, not caring for the lives of others, only for the results and outcome.


And as most would expect, the swords created out of the light impaled right through them, killing them Instantly, without them knowing or letting out a sound In protest.


Watching the bodies hitting the floor, all the knights and two girls Inside the Carriage shivered In fright and terror at the power of Magic.

To them, magic is mysterious and God-like. Only those bestowed magic are favored by the Gods, essentially Light Magic. Only God's utmost dearest is given It, some say those who possess Light Magic are the children of the Gods.

[ *Ding!* Quest-Help The Carriage Defeat The Pack Of Wolves!: Complete! | Rewards will be found In Inventory ]

" Haaah! That was Fun!" Breaking their thoughts process, the young boy's voice returned.

Sliding down the hill, Yuuki quickly made his way over to the corpses.

What made them shiver once more, is the disappearing wolf bodies when the young golden-haired Heterochromia-eyed child touched them.


Touching the last body, Yuuki glanced at them with a friendly smile," You don't mind, right~?"

Understanding what he means, the Knights quickly nodded also possessing a friendly yet respectful smile on their faces.

" No Sir!" The Captain of the Knights proclaimed quite loudly.

" You know I'm just a child, right?" Yuuki sweatdropped, hearing and seeing how respectful these Knights are,' Maybe It's a Magic thing?'

" Sir, you possess Magic!" She explained, as If it's common sense.

" Yes, I do."-' Ah, so it is a magic thing.'

Interrupting his thoughts a rather beautiful & aloof, and soft girl voice said," Thank you, Sir! I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't come along."

Exiting from behind the carriage is a tall beautiful girl around 14-16 years old with a slender frame and a promising large bust, she has waist-length dark-brown hair while possessing a pair of cute fox ears on top of her head, she has profound luminous purple eyes with red eye-shadows, behind her is her has six tail foxtails, drifting about. She wears a blood-red oversized miko, overlapping a tight-fitting black clothes, displaying her desirable curves.

" Amazing!" Jumping from behind her is another beautiful/cute girl, around 9-10 years old. She has short white hair with pointy cute fox ears and 9 tails. Her eyes are a blue color with red makeup similar to the first fox girl. Attire wise she wears a black top with a black belt below her chest. She wears a blue mini skirt and knee-high tights. She also wears a long overcoat that has a white theme and blue trimmings.

Performing a small bow, the older fox girl said In her soft soothing tone," Thank you, once more. It appears the strong smell from our cargo attracted nearby Gray Wolves. The adventurers hired as escorts were far too tired from our journey to continue fighting. I'm remiss to admit our carelessness."

" No problem..."

" Amagi." She said aloofly.

" Kaga!" The younger fox girl smiled, Introducing herself to Yuuki.

" As I said: No problem. I was just passing by. Helping you is only the right thing." Yuuki 'confessed' with a pleasant friendly expression, that only made Amagi's eyes sparkle.

" Most won't think like that," Amagi said sadly.

" True, most won't. But I'm not like most, or so I was told numbers times again and again." Yuuki explained, with a cute embarrassed expression, making the fox girl duo hearts flutter.

' Damn! This kid has a game!' One of the adventurers thought, man or woman, who knows.

' This fucker... I like this kid already!'

' Arg! Let me hug him!'

' Ara~ Ara~ Mommy likes~!'

' I trade my child for him. I swear he will bring me more glory to my family than my lazy fat son of mine.'

" Even so, that battle earlier was truly amazing. Magical one could say." Amagi chuckled as she watched the guards setting the carriage the right way up.

" You're praising me too much. It's only Magic."

Right when they heard that, all the Knights and two Fox's shivered.

' Only Magic he says!'

' Only Magic? Man, If it wasn't for today, I'm sure none of us would see magic In our whole lives.'

' Hahaha~! Now I'm sure I could win Cora over! The stories of the Light Mage is going to be a hit back at the Pub! I bet I could get In any women's pants with this!'

' The way he says It... It's like magic is an everyday thing to him... Now I'm curious where he's from.' Amagi commented to herself.

' I wonder if he could Teach me?' Kaga thought hopefully, with flickering eyes.

" What are you saying? There's no fault in my eyes, ask any of the adventurers escorting Us and you'd get the same answer." Amagi said, halting her current thoughts about the 'Only Magic', ordeal.

" Sorry for the Interruption Sir and Ma'ams, but we will have to get going, a tide of Demonic Beasts are moving Into our direction." A fully armored Knight said In a mature female voice with a bow, who Yuuki gathered is the Captain of the adventurer's group, escorting the fox girls.

" Well, if you don't mind me, I would be more than willing to help you," Yuuki said/asked, with a slight smile.

" No-"

" Ma'am I would take his offer to help." The Captain said, bowing once more, cutting off Amagi.

" Yes Onee-sama, let nice Onii-chan help us," Kaga said, making puppy dog eyes to Amagi.

" Truly, I don't mind In the slightest."

" Ugh! Fine! You can help us! Happy?" Giving in to Kaga's legendary ability, Amagi said looking away from Yuuki with light red blush on her face.

" Very much so. I'm sure my services will make you shout is pleasure." Yuuki said, playing with his words.

" Phrase your words better!" Amagi said with a profound bright red blush on her face, hiding behind her hands.

" Whatever you mean?... Could you be thinking something... ecchi!?" Yuuki said, making the 'Oh my god ' expression from a current Anime, with a bright blushing face.

" Ecchi? What does that mean?" Kaga asked cutely looking up at her Onee-sama, not letting Amagi say something.

Watching this exchange the adventurers smiled and chuckled fondly at Yuuki.

" Ugh!" Not saying anything, Amagi left inside the carriage with Kaga cutely following right behind her.

" Bye Onii-chan! Please keep us safe!" This was the last thing Yuuki heard from Kaga, before disappearing inside the carriage.

" Hiay!" Yelling this, the Captain hit the two white blue-eyed horses with a whip.


Making the sounds of an eastern screen owl the horses took off with the adventurers following behind.

Appearing on top of the moving carriage is Yuuki eating an Apple, humming a rather pleasant tone, that calmed the adventurers down a good bit.

' Let's have a good dance now World~' Yuuki chuckled to himself, taking a bite out of his Apple In a serenity manner, that only made the knights feel at peace with themselves.

Why should they feel scared?

One of the Gods children is with them!

A Light Mage at that!

Let them come. The only thing that will greet them is a beam of golden lights!

It's the Gods Will they will Survive!


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