Just then, the courtroom doors swung open, revealing a dignified figure adorned in ornate robes—the head of the council. As he entered, the atmosphere grew heavy with anticipation. All eyes turned toward him, waiting for his pronouncement.
As the council leader made his way towards the centre of the room, the courtiers instinctively lowered their heads in a deep bow, acknowledging his presence and the power he wielded.
The sound of rustling robes and hushed whispers filled the air, creating an atmosphere of reverence and submission.
Among the courtiers, one figure stood with unwavering composure—the Emperor himself. It was a matter of protocol that the Emperor did not bow before anyone, not even the council leader. Gabe maintained his regal poise, his gaze fixed on the council leader as he advanced.
The council leader paused momentarily, acknowledging the courtiers' respect before continuing towards the Emperor.
Sequel released! Go read: Rise Of A Porter: Primordial War!