"What's funny?" She asked, watching him with an innocent expression.
Seeing how innocent she looked, Harold decided to ignore her. He wasn't going to let her push him to do something evil to her. But one of these days, she was surely going to get punished for messing with him so much. Having come to that decision, Harold ignored her and started walking again.
Alicia, on the other hand, could not understand why he was giving her the cold shoulder. Hadn't he been the one to suggest that she make something she could eat? She didn't want to trouble the maids to help her after making one for everyone, so who else would she ask if not her supposed husband?
"Okay, fine, you can't chop veggies. But you can help me wash. You don't have to look so angry. Trust me, I may not be good at a few things, but I am a good—"
"Alicia," he called in a warning tone to stop her from talking because he feared he was going to lose it if she continued.
Thank you all for the gifts. You all are wonderful... Mwah!