Anne Honigsmann and Marc Weidenmann are busy playing hide and seek. Try to play as long as possible before Anne is summoned. According to him, Marc's family is next door to the girl's family. However, because they are Jewish, the only way is to make a fake document in the form of falsifying their religion and attaching the New Germany attribute. It was agreed by Thomas Honigsmann and his wife. As his loyalty, Marc enlisted in the SS section. A poor family like Weidenmann feels proud and respects Führer.
In addition, Anne is grateful to be able to meet her childhood friend. Because the age difference is two years older than Marc, he automatically pays respect to Anne. But the girl refused and said, "You may salute my father. But for me and my mother, there was no need to do that. Because we uphold the honor and loyalty of the Führer in our way. So there's no need for you to think about or be tense with me."
* SA-Obergruppenführer: Leader of the senior group or one of the Nazi (New Germany) paramilitary ranks of the SS and SA, the first of which was created in 1932 as the rank of Strumabteilung (SA), and adopted by the Schutzstaffel one year later. Until April 1942, it was the highest rank SS commissioned, lower than the Reichsführer-SS