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77.01% Inspired Inventor (Tensura AU) / Chapter 66: 61st Move | Time Beyond Immemorial

Chapter 66: 61st Move | Time Beyond Immemorial

AN: As promised, here's the June chapters.

This chapter is shown as an introduction to the next part of the World War, as a result, it'll get really technical and scientific, so if you are confused at any time, just post a comment and I will explain how everything works.

Now is when we'll really see the Xeelee Sequence influence

As for why Scientia bit the dust, you know how in Shakespearean works, the death of the comic relief usually signifies a major change from comedy to tragedy? Yeah, Scientia is that change, it gets much darker and more intense from out here, all plot armor has been removed and anyone can die.

As I said, it will get worse before it gets better, DO NOT TAKE THIS AS A JOKE.


"There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen."

-Vladimir Lenin


Time immemorial, Rimuru City, the Jura Tempest Federation.

A young girl walked down the streets of Rimuru City, the capital of the budding nation of the Jura Tempest Federation. Decorations lined the nearby houses and stores, yet apprehension can be clearly seen on her face even as everyone around her celebrates the end of the War.

Chloe was feeling rather anxious. Today was supposed to mark the end of the Eastern Aggression, where the Eastern Empire would sign the peace agreement, thereby ending the war and later on, a reward ceremony for the Tempest Executives. After a very brutal war where 90% of the Empire's military and civilian industry got decimated, the old Emperor Rudra was replaced by the Hero of Light, Masayuki.

The official narrative was that Masayuki was an estranged son of the late Emperor, someone whom Rudra had exiled from the nation due to him 'being an embarrassment' now returned after the late Emperor legitimized him.

The validity of this statement, even to someone as young as Chloe, is questionable at best. But at the same time, trying to protest such a thing in the face of the now de facto superpower in the World is unwise at the best of times, so every nation just agreed.

The student of Rimuru was feeling rather useless, even if the war was so one-sided that no one on Tempest's side died, the fact that she had to run despite being an Otherworlder and possessing multiple Unique Skills made her feel even worse.

She doesn't deserve to celebrate victory. Chloe is a coward who ran when she could've fought against the Royal Guards during their assault on the Labyrinth.

"There you are, Chloe."

Chloe paused at the familiarity of that voice, turning to face it, she found Testarossa staring at her. Everyone else seemed to continue on their merry way as if the White Primordial wasn't there.

Testarossa was wearing more of a ceremonial military uniform than anything practical. She was summoned during the war when the Tempest Chancellor Rimuru had become a Demon Lord.

"Miss Testarossa? Aren't you supposed to help Rimuru in planning for the Peace Conference?" Chloe asked with a hint of confusion in her tone, her head tilted to the side.

"Chloe, what did I say about formalities?"

"Not to use them?"

"Exactly, but to answer your question Lord Rimuru has asked me to come to find you. He cares for you deeply you know, and he sensed something is wrong."

The black-haired girl had a small blush on her face. "I... I see. But, what's wrong?" Chloe tried to play off the ignorance card, but from the glint in Testarossa's eyes, it was not successful.

"Come now, little girl, you cannot fool a Primordial Demon such as myself. Tell me the truth."

Chloe swallowed hard at the tone Testarossa used, it was so motherly that it reminded her too much of her own mother from her old world. Tearing up a bit, "I... I just feel so useless."

Testarossa's gaze softened, and she came close and hugged the young Otherworlder. Placing her chin above Chloe's head, "Chloe Aubert, you are just a child, you shouldn't be thinking of these things, you should be enjoying your childhood instead of worrying about these adult issues!" She muttered to the child.

"But I'm an Otherworlder! My kind has always been viewed as weapons— ow!"

Testarossa chopped her head, a gesture the Demon learned from Lord Rimuru, "You. Are. Not. A. Weapon." The Demon then gripped the sides of her face. Tilting Chloe's face upward so that her eyes are staring into Testarossa's crimson eyes, "You are Chloe Aubert, an Otherworlder who was unfortunately summoned from this place called 'France' and only escaped slavery due to your age. You were saved by Lord Rimuru after he discovered that there were childrens from his World who were dying."

Using her thumb, Testarossa gently wiped away Chloe's tears, "You are not a weapon, you are Chloe Aubert. Now say it with me; you are not a weapon, you are Chloe Aubert."

Chloe's mouth turned into a frown, wondering just what's the purpose of this exercise.

"Come on, just do as I say," Testarossa choo-ed, "repeat after me: 'I am Chloe Aubert, a human, an Otherworlder originating from the World where Lord Rimuru reincarnated from, not a weapon to be used and discarded'."

"I...okay..." Chloe relented, "I am Chloe Aubert, a human, an Otherworlder..." The black-haired girl trailed off, forgetting what was supposed to be next.

"An Otherworlder origin..." The way Testarossa spoke really annoyed Chloe, it felt like a mother trying to talk to a 5-year-old

"I know okay! I'm an Otherworlder originating from the World where Lord Rimuru originated from, not a weapon to be used and discarded."

The White Primordial had a smile on her face, "Well close enough I suppose. Anyway," letting go of Chloe, the Demon held the Otherworlder's hand and started leading her towards an ice cream stand, "How about this, we'll get you a scoop of whatever flavor ice cream you want, and only then will we head back to the ceremony?"

Chloe pouted, "I'm not a child you can just bribe with ice cream!" She said indignantly.

To which Testarossa just chuckled, "Oh please, to me, everyone besides maybe Velgrynd, Velzard, or the other Primordials are children." She then sighed while looking upwards towards the sky longingly, "Ah... I wonder if you are here to see this, my first friend?"

Hesitantly, Chloe spoke meekly, "Miss Testarossa— ow!"

Chloe's head was chopped once again. Holding the spot where the Demon's hand had landed, the child was pouting once more as she looked up to see Testarossa having a playfully stern expression.

"What did I say about formalities?"

"Not to use them."

"Exactly. 'Miss' makes me sound old and a stranger!"

Chloe sweatdropped at the apparent cognitive dissonance. Deciding not to pursue it any further, the French went with the Primordial and got some ice cream.

While she waited for her scoop, Chloe managed to catch a glimpse of what the merchant was reading:

It was a newspaper with the title 'The Conqueror of Flame's Legacy'.

From her view, the newspaper was upside down, so reading was a bit hard for the Otherworlder, yet she nonetheless endured. The Conqueror of Flame was one of Leon's right hand and her former teacher. Chloe felt a tinge of sadness at the passing of her teacher.

She wouldn't be able to properly say goodbye ever again.

"Oh my, is that Chloe Aubert?"

The familiarity in that voice caused Chloe to instantly turn towards it, finding the source to be none other than Yuuki Kagurazaka who was smiling brightly.

Chloe frowned a little, almost imperceptible to anyone other than her. Despite his outward friendly appearance, Chloe's hair has always been on edge whenever she is near the Guild Master of the Adventurer Guild. No matter how much she tries to suppress it, her gut always says something is up with the man.

And it seems the same for Testarossa since she too, tensed ever so subtly. Giving Chloe her cone of ice cream, the Demon smiled at Yuuki, "Ah, greetings Mr. Yuuki, what do you think of the peace signing ceremony?"

"It was a fine ceremony. I had plans of sending charts to ferry refugees to Ingrassia should Tempest fall, but it seems that the contingency is no longer needed."

"I see. Well then, I hope you enjoy the celebrations, Mr. Yuuki." Testarossa was overly sweet.

After the man walked away, the Demon hurriedly brought Chloe as far away from him as possible.

"That is a dangerous man." She muttered as they entered the main entrance of the Colosseum of Rimuru City, "What a frightening individual, capable of even putting me at unease..."

Before Chloe could reply, numerous loud gasps could be heard coming from outside.

Testarossa grew alarmed, and before she could say anything, the Otherworlder ran out of the building.

She saw how everyone was looking up in the sky, like sunflowers facing the sun. Following their line of sight, Chloe saw a sight only thought possible in alien invasion movies.

Up there, in the cloudless blue sky beyond even the heavens, was a single white strip of... something that reflected the sun's glow.

Due to how high it is, none of the thing's detail can be seen besides its general shape.

The next thing she knew, screens the size of skyscrapers appeared overhead displaying a length of a black rectangle with a thick green chemical bottle-shaped icon with a pair of wings around it.


Space, in orbit of the Cardinal World.

A white cylinder anchored itself gravitationally in relation to the planet, staying still as it orbited in sync with the rotation of the planet.

Unknown to anyone besides a handful of the most powerful beings in the World, the alien ship was sending data toward deep space. Beyond the local galactic cluster deep.

> Magic-based civilization found. Threat Level: Extreme, multiple Class-30 Magicule Singularities found, three Class-40 Magicule Singularities detected. Maximum Efficiency: Authorized.

A small section of the 300-kilometer-long cylinder opened up. From that port came a set of antennas that started broadcasting a translated message using gravitational waves so strong they registered as 70 dB to a normal listener. Due to the nature of gravitational waves, there is not a single place on the planet where one can hide from hearing the message.

(AN: now, after doing some research, this may be a bit debatable, however, Gravitational Waves are described as compression in space, just as sound waves are compression in the air, so theoretically speaking by using similar principles, it should be possible to hear gravitational waves as long as it's strong enough.)

"Attention all Sentient Organisms of 23-890-4370208206-03. Rejoice, for the greatest mercy has been bestowed upon you."

Several more ports opened up on the sides of the cylinder, and from those ports flew out hundreds of black sycamore seed-shaped fighters each the size of a suburban house.

"Rejoice! For the times of worrying about trivial tasks like hunger will no longer be a problem."

These fighters were invisible to anyone on the ground as they absorbed all sunlight, appearing pitch black... That is until they started their descent down to earth.

"Rejoice! For the times of worrying about worldly problems will no longer be a problem."

Hundreds of streaks of light appeared in the skies, together they were so bright that the daytime sky darkened as if a blanket wrapped itself around the planet. The sun looked more like the moon as those fighters raced downward to the ground.

"Rejoice! For the chains of tyranny will be broken, you shall be freed."

Moving at beyond hypersonic speeds, the shrieking black sycamore seed-shaped fighters were coated in a layer of hot gas created from friction, burning brightly even as they pierced the edge of the stratosphere in seconds before slowing down to a level where they wouldn't look like a meteor as they approached.

"Rejoice! For you shall experience safety, free from any threats of planetary annihilation like asteroid strikes."

These fighters then started approaching en mass toward centers of human and monster habitation. With their speeds, they crossed distances of thousands of kilometers in mere seconds.

"Rejoice! For immortality is now within your grasp!"

As these fighters flew over the cities, they shot out a ray of blue light from their underside like flashlights.

"Please do not resist, For the Administrator Knows Best."

Humans and monsters alike started to scream and riot as whenever the light passed over them, their bodies disintegrated into dust, the only thing that remained was whatever they were wearing, be it armor or clothes.

It was a massacre as these rays passed through magical barriers unobstructed like they didn't exist, disintegrating the caster behind these shields. Every second, tens of thousands of people were disintegrated all over the world by these alien crafts.

Nations who have strategic weapons like saints or a Demon Lord's domain like Tempest, Ruberios, or the Eastern Empire tried to fight back, but due to the suddenness of the attacks, large percentages of their population disintegrated en mass before they could even respond.

Individuals like Velgrynd, Carrera, and Luminous tried to fight back against the sycamore-seed-shaped fighters, only to discover whatever they could throw at the invades was useless, absorbed by the otherworldly material. They tried different types of attacks, everything ranging from Carrera's [Abyss Annihilation] to Velgrynd's [Cardinal Cage] all the way to even [Gravity Collapse] or Zegion's [Zero Fill Wave].

Any attempts at either sealing or banishing the alien crafts were met with failure as the sycamore-seed-shaped fighters would just teleport out of the cage.

The only thing that at least somewhat affected the 'Nightfighters' as they've been dubbed was anything that can dislocate the local space-time or dimensions, essentially making passage impossible. Meaning that things like [Absolute Severance] and [Dimensional Ray] were absolutely critical in slowing down the alien's assault.

However, even when cut to ribbons by the dislocation of space itself, the Nightfighters will reform themselves soon after like two pieces of metal being welded together, seemingly ignoring the damage entirely and continuing their campaigns of genocide.


Walpurgis, a month after I-Day.

Chloe stood behind Rimuru as perhaps the strangest Walpurgis in history commenced.

The room was huge, the size of an opera theater with the table in the middle of the room being equally large, befitting more for something like a state banquet.

The most powerful individuals in the world were all centered in the room. Everyone from Storm Dragon Veldora to Hero King Gazel to Demon Lord Dagruel to Diablo to Emperor Rudra Masayuki to Rimuru to even Phantom King Feldway.

Every world (and those from other Worlds, namely Feldway) power was all inside this pocket dimension created by Guy Crimson.

The atmosphere is, needless to say, tense at best, and downright hostile at worst as enemies were forced to set aside their differences and come face to face to talk about how to deal with the threat.

It has been about a month ever since the tragedy of I-Day, while there are people who called it by other names, some used 'Judgement Day', others preferred 'the End of the World', most called it 'I-Day', which stood for 'Invasion Day'.

Most of the populations belonging to the West were gone, with the remaining monsters and humans in the world concentrated in the secluded depths of the Canaat Mountains or the Great Jura Forest, fighting a losing guerilla war against the invaders.

About two weeks ago, Heaven decided to make their appearance and triggered the Great Tenma War. They started off the war by trying to attack the Cylinder. In response, 34 Nightfighters congregated around the Mothership and each shot out a thick, golden beam of entropy that utterly tore all attacking Angels and 3 Primordial Angels to shreds. Rimuru described the beam to Chloe as 'A laser form of absolute entropy, a ray of anti-energy, an utter stillness that caused the spirit to collapse in on itself'.

Apparently, even spirits must obey some laws of physics.

So, with about 99% of intelligent beings now gone, the usually passive Guy Crimson finally decided to step in. His first move was to teleport the entire planet to another section of the galaxy. Next, he created an artificial Sun in place of where the Moon should've been with Ultimate Skill [Ra, God of Sun], this way, the world wouldn't freeze to death.

Nevertheless, the Lord of Darkness knows this is but a temporary solution, thus, he sends out an invitation to every world leader and powerhouse to join in on perhaps the largest Walpurgis in history.

It honestly shocked Chloe just how many famous people there are concentrated in one place, all three of the True Dragons, all 6 of the remaining Octagram Demon Lords, 3 of the surviving Primordial Angels, all 7 of the Primordial Demons—

EVERYONE of some importance or fame was here, signifying just how important this meeting was.

Of course, with this many people here, bickering and fights were inbound.

Or at least, that would've happened if not both Velzard and Guy flared their aura, silencing everyone and even causing some of the weaker monsters and humans to pass out, liquid dying their pants as they did.

"Now that we are all here, we can discuss the real problems," Guy said as he spread out his arms in a welcoming gesture, however, to the few remaining Saints of Ruberios, it looked more like death's welcoming embrace,

"—namely, how in the fucking world are some no-name invaders from the stars beating your ass so badly that I had to step in." He said in a tone that practically screamed condescension, "I mean, come on, you are all the powerhouses of this world! You all should be killing it out there!" He then looked towards Veldora, "Veldora, you are the fucking Storm Dragon, how in Veldanava's name did you let a mere Insectar— one of your students, by the way— beat you?"

Veldora looked like he wanted to disappear into a hole as the rest of the room focused on him like how a group of children zooms in on a candy store. Clearing his throat, "I, uh, their materials, uh..." he thought of an excuse, not expecting to be put on the spot like this, "whatever that black material is, it's strong enough to withstand molecular destruction, which all but the highest tier of the Mythical Grade could possibly even hope to match."

"Yet your student, Zegion, was able to slice a Nightfighter apart with his [Dimensional Ray]."

"Enough Guy, you've made your point: we disappointed you." Rimuru finally spoke up in his elven form. Having never eaten a human before, the slime known as Rimuru was forced into creating a new body when making public appearances in nations that are more human-based. So, having a strange fascination with elves, Rimuru decided to mold his humanoid body as that of an elf, with golden eyes, long ears, and long blue hair. "No need to give Veldora such a hard time."

Guy's eyes turned to the newest member of the Octagram and it lit a fire that the slime did not like inside it, "oh but I simply must Rimuru! For you see, a True Dragon is expected to be strong, they're expected to be among the Top 10, but Veldora clearly can't be counted as a teacher if his students could slow the Nightfighters more than he could."

He then placed a finger over his lips, looking extremely patronizing as he does, "And you, when you had beaten back the Eastern Empire, I had thought that you were something special, yet, percentage-wise, your nation was hit the hardest, wasn't it? While the Empire may suffer more losses, they have more people."

"Guy Crimson." This time Emperor Masayuki spoke up, with Velgrynd right behind him, "We are here to deal with the greatest threat to our existences, not to bicker like children."

Chloe looked at Masayuki with a wary eye. The Hero of Light changed so much after the events of I-Day, having gone from a bright young man who's bursting with hope, to someone who's cynical and brooding, having failed millions of people as the Eastern Empire was hit the hardest in terms of raw numbers.

"Oh Rudra, how far have you fallen..." He gently caressed his own as if expressing immense sadness, yet even to Chloe it was obviously fake, "but alas, I guess things do change—


"Ow!" Velzard slapped the back of Guy's head, insinuating that it was time to stop playing around. "Fine, fine, fine. Let's get to the crux of the issue: the aliens, who are they, and what do they do?"

The Red Primordial looked around expectantly before Velgrynd spoke up, "I... have heard rumors of them in my last travel to the Multiverse in search of the second last Rudra Shard. These entities were described as an existential threat to the established power base, spreading like locusts, capturing souls, and placing them inside these massive Star Computers. The soul shard I was trying to get belonged to an Emperor of a galaxy-spanning empire who was being curb-stomped by these cylinders until I stepped in."

Her eyes narrowed, Masayuki grabbed her hand and started to gently stroke it, "This cylinder and the Nightfighters are them, I am sure of it, only they are much stronger, having grown to such a degree that no energy-based attack could even scratch it."

The information the Scorch Dragon revealed overshadowed the fact that the previous emperors of the Eastern Empire were pieces of a whole.

"Wait." Rimuru budded in, the fires of hope burning in his eyes, "the people who were disintegrated weren't dead?"

During I-Day, Tempest lost close to half of its Executives to the Nightfighters' onslaught. In fact, had Veldora, Zegion, the four Primordials, and Benimaru not stepped in, more people would've died.

Had it not been Testarossa... Chloe ended that line of thought. In the past three months, she's had more brushes with death than all but the eldest of the Adventurers.

"It would appear so—"

"Then what are we waiting for?!" Chloe was a bit taken aback by how suddenly the slime had recovered the light inside his eyes, "let's—"

"Haven't you heard what Velgrynd said?" This time Masayuki interrupted Rimuru. "Dear, please elaborate on the materials these Nightfighters are made out of."

Chloe could still remember when the Hero of Light was this socially awkward yet uplifting dude who had all of his achievements given to him by his Unique Skill [Chosen One]. Now, the difference was like day and night.

Her lips formed into a grimace at how much one of her idols had changed.

The True Dragon's lips curled upward towards the edge at being useful to her beloved Rudra, flexing her magicules, Velgrynd created a life-sized holographic representation of the sycamore-seed-shaped alien vessel in the middle of the table. Most people were forced to tilt their heads up towards the ceiling in order to fully take it in. "certainly. Now, from what I could tell, these Nightfighters are utterly black, they have no reflection, nor could any forms of light penetrate it, not even [Neutrino Ray]. The material is... infectious, it has a self-healing property that is not magical but is inherent, so—"

"Hold on." This time, the Empress of Sarion cut Velgrynd off, "What do you mean these aliens don't have magic?"

Velgrynd, annoyed at some High Elf cut her off, raised an eyebrow, in a patronizing tone that reminded Chloe too much of Guy, "Oh? I thought for sure that someone of your status could see the flow of magicules. Oh wait, that's right, you're just a mere High Elf, not one of the highest existences in the World, so please shut up when the adults are talking."

"I will have you know I am—"

"You're what? Older than the planet?"


Her silence caused Velgrynd to smirk, "There, now shut up, the adults are talking." Seeing that no one else is interrupting, Velgrynd continued despite the awkward look that is on Masayuki's face, "Now, as I was saying, these materials behave similar to Strange Matter, only, it absorbs all forms of energy as well and do not appear to have an upper limit. I tried to test it out with my Ultimate Skill and heat up the air around these Nightfighters to temperatures millions of times beyond that of the Sun and they were perfectly fine afterward. In fact, they seem intent on protecting the ecosystem as it isolated itself in a barrier to prevent heat leakage."

Chloe felt a cold sweat go down her back. Even from hundreds of millions of kilometers away, Chloe was still able to feel the heat of the sun. So how hot is millions of times that?

How powerful must these invaders be if they could withstand such power? The Otherworlder felt despair before Testarossa placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, to which Chloe leaned her head on it.

"Excuse me, did you just admit to letting out an attack that could destroy the world?"

Velgrynd looked at the human who dared to speak up, with a casual tone like one would use when talking to someone besides a bus stop, "Well, I guess I could've caused the end of the world."

The human looked outraged for a moment before his advisor whispered to his ears. "Never mind."

Seeing that the human had been silenced, Velgrynd continued, "Now, it appears the only way to damage them is by affecting space, whether by separating it like the cracks on the ground in a drought, or doing what my brother's students did; affecting the dimension itself."

She looked around, a bit disappointed, "I'm guessing that none of you know how to affect those elements?" The number of humans who raised their hands can be counted on one hand, while there are more on the monster side, the total is still a drop in the ocean compared to how many Nightfighters there are.

"But... there exists quality over quantity."

Unknown to Chloe and everyone else beside Velzard at the time, Guy's body stilled into motionlessness, like a deer caught in a headlight.

That's when everything went to hell.

The ceiling ripped open, there was a hole in the subspace in which Chloe and the other leaders in the world resided.

The tear was connected into the uncaring vacuum of space, meaning that anything not bolted to the ground was instantly sucked out into the void.

Which included her and most of the humans. As she was being flung out into space, her movement stopped when a familiar blue tendril wrapped around her leg.

The wind blew loudly all around her, the subspace detected the sudden change in pressure and tried to compensate, thus it created a constant stream of gas pouring out into the starry void.

Looking down, her squinting eyes traced from the tendril wrapped around her leg to Rimuru's main body, seeing how he was overstretched trying to stop Benimaru and many other humans from being jettisoned into space.

That was until a blue translucent magic shield formed around the rip, cutting off the hole to the outside.

Every human fell onto the floor, those who were less martially inclined were groaning in pain while others like the remaining Ten Great Saints got up and readied themselves for possibly the last fight of their lives.

Chloe looked up at the seal and saw whiteness coloring half the rip, only to realize a second later that it was the same cylinder from before, only this time much closer, so much so that Chloe could see just how smooth it was, like a slab of ice or a block of wood sanded to such a level it becomes reflective.

The top of the cylinder that is facing her was especially weird since it showed stars, only the stars were different—

"—!" It was a mirror. A mirror that is so reflective that it blends seamlessly with the night sky.

The thing looked so familiar yet so alien, the cylindrical shape made it look like the doodles that Chloe would make in class.

Using the bright surface as a backdrop, the Otherworlder saw numerous black shapes orbiting around the cylinder like bees near a nest.

Before anyone could speak, Guy raised a hand to reinforce the barrier, causing the seal to become less translucent and more opaque, dying the white cylinder with a heavy shade of blue before fully blocking it out like multiple layers of a watercolor painting.

An instant later, multiple bright flashes occurred all over the surface of the cylinder—

The room darkened as if light no longer existed, and the opaque shield became blindingly bright, forcing Chloe to look elsewhere or be rendered unable to see.

It was so bright that even when the young girl looked away while closing her eyes, she could still see the redness of her eyelid as if she were looking at the sun.

"Heh, never thought I would go up against someone who uses THAT as projectiles," Guy said amusingly, like someone who's just been issued another challenge, "I never thought Primordial Matter could even exist in this day and age except maybe in the accretion disk of the Star Eaters."

"Impossible! Only I could create the First Matter and it's only with my strongest ability! You'd need temperature reaching upwards of trillions of Celsius to even approach that level of—"

"Well guess what sister? Your title of 'Scorch Dragon' has been challenged~" Velzard teased, completely taking the cylinder as a total non-threat with the light dying down

"Can I ask what are you guys talking about?"

Deciding to humor Rimuru's question seeing how the shield is holding up, turning to face the slime, "Primordial Matter is the first matter created at the beginning of the Universe—"

Guy cut himself off as his eyebrows arched upward, displaying genuine surprise.

Before anyone could ask what was wrong, the pocket dimension was split in two as SOMETHING had sliced it apart like a knife a single strawberry; absolute ease as a length of space became impassible for one moment.

Chloe was flung out into space, moving so fast that the rip quickly disappeared and the white cylinder steadily grew smaller and smaller.

The child felt like her lung was on fire, she felt like her skin was freezing, and she felt intense pain around her eyes as they started steaming since liquid water cannot survive in a vacuum.

She's burning, freezing, suffocating, and boiling, all at once.

She saw her life flash before her eyes, her movements now consisted mostly of twitches.

She saw her parents, smiling happily as they took her to the amusement park. She saw herself sprinting away in anger due to them barring her from playing the Fairs. She saw herself crouching behind another game booth, hiding from her parents before being whisked away to another world.

The tips of Chloe's fingers started to blacken— frostbite— she could feel the cold touch of death all over her body. She recalled the first few moments when she met her teacher, Rimuru, and about how he was the one who truly saved her.

Unknown to her now-destroyed eyes, an orb of white light started to orbit around Chloe's dying body like a person trying to resuscitate someone who just drowned.

The Spirit that Rimuru had given to her, the one that regulated her internal magicule.

Chloe, using her last conscious thought made a hopeful wish, a wish to repeat the same day all over again.






<<Conditions met, the individual known as Chloe Aubert has gained the Unique Skill [Time Travel]>>

In the time span of a second right before Chloe loses consciousness completely, she suddenly finds herself back in a familiar room.

The room which she had been summoned to when she first came to this world.


AN: Fun fact, 23-890-4370208206-03 actually makes sense when you realize it's Universe-Galaxy-Star System-Planet (counting from the star), meaning that 23-890-4370208206-03 means it's the 23rd universe, 890th galaxy, 4370208206th-star system, and 3rd planet.

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