"A message? To whom? And why?" Tesla asked a string of questions.
"You will see." Dreamer just said this and turned towards his subordinates.
More particularly, at Liberi.
"Take out Apollo and Melda's body." Dreamer ordered.
Liberi nodded and from his bracelet, he took out Apollo and Melda's body.
Dreamer had already ordered Liberi to store Melda's body after showing it to the people.
"What now, my lord?"
"Now, let's find a nice location for our shoot." Dreamer said, roaming his eyes around the new city.
The subordinates didn't really get what Dreamer wanted to do but Liberi, staying with Dreamer for so long, somewhat understood Dreamer's intentions.
So he said, "If it's a message like a declaration, then there is no better location than in front of your statue."
"Hmm?" Dreamer turned his head, looking at the statue.
He was standing on the round door of the basement that Tesla created.
Golden Ticket. It turned blue, right? Haha.