The 200 men and the 5 subordinates let out a war cry as they clashed against each other.
All the 5 subordinates used Holy Freedom towards the men in front of Dreamer in order to make way for their lord.
The 5000 arrows came down, successfully clearing the path for Dreamer and Liberi.
Dreamer didn't look back as he continued climbing the stairs and left the work to his subordinates.
The mansion had 3 floors and after climbing the stairs Dreamer arrived on the 2nd floor as he looked here and there.
"Where is the Head!?"
Dreamer could see many rooms on this floor and he didn't know where to go.
The strong presence he felt yesterday was not here on this floor as well.
He thought about climbing the stairs in front of him to move to the top floor but when he was about to move…
If a girl genuinely wants you she won't make things complicated... Anything else is a waste of your time. Send Me Gifts! Because it's my domain!