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Chapter 160: Chapter 160 Lin cheng is the Venerable’s Son?

Seeing how his aunt was really angry, Lin cheng felt warm in a weird way. Even though he was insulted he didn't blame this guy after all. He knew what he said kind of sound absurd, plus if someone came and said he was better than them.That person would also feel a little unsettle.

"Is okay, after all what I said might have sounded with not credibility in your eyes. But you see i don't care of your toughts. That beeing said I really found the donkey remark unpleasant. You should really sometimes measure your words or they might bring you trouble." Said politely and civilized Lin cheng.

Making Feng Yin stunned, after all she had previously seeing Lin cheng attitude in the previous cases. She didn't understand why he was beeing very soft.

"Why is this brat acting like this?" Tought to herself Feng Yin.

But the next moments made her understand this brat actions.

"By the way how about we solve this matter differently, since you don't believe about my words how about we make a bet? " Ask Lin cheng.

Even though he didn't care about Vin Yu toughts he was not hypocritical and actually wanted to at least make a slapping face scenario.

Perhaps it was because since coming here actually wanted to use this moment to make mischiev.

"Ha? A bet what you mean?" Ask Vin Yu weirdly.

"How about this your are the great elder of the Vin tribe so you must have good things on you right?" Ask Lin cheng in way that sounded he was stating a fact more than a question.

Before Vin Yu could respond Lin cheng Continued.

"You sew this pill is a Wash and Marrow pill with pills veins and is holy rank 3. I would fight your genius and If lose I would apologeizeand give it to you. Of course the premise is that you bring something good to the table."

Spoke Lin cheng while taking out a jade bottle and throwing it to Vin Yu.

Vin Yu grab the jade bottle and with his spirit Qi brought outside the Pill inside.

"Oh my this is..." Vin Lu couldn't finish his words from the shock.

"Is really a Wash and Marrow pills and is holy rank 3! With pills veins!" Vin Wu who have been calm all this time grab the pill from Vin Yu hands quickly.

"Are you for real?" Ask Vin Yu.

But this pills only had 6 pills veins instead a of nine.

Seeing Lin cheng take out such a pill, it made them look at him differently. After such a pill was a treasure that it was hard to get for them. The only people capable of doing such a pill was the Alchemy ancestor.

"Of course but the premise like I said is that you bring something, don't worry if I lose I won't go back on my words." Said Lin cheng after seeing them look at Feng Yin who had return to normal.

While Lin cheng was discussing the bet in the Feng Jinxue side was happening another thing.

"What happen?"

"Why did the Young Lady of the Feng family had killing intent?"

"I have no idea perhaps is because she saw how our genius damage the Feng family members?"

"I don't think so I have been seeing them and it appeard our great elder said something which anger her."

Multiple people could be hear talking and gossiping.

Back to Lin cheng side.

"Deal, but this bet I would take it." Said Vin Wu making Vin Yu breath sigh of relief.

"I also give my word that I won't interfere not matter the outcome." Added Feng Yin.

"Well how about this." Spoke Vin Wu taking out a huge rock that was glowing in silver

[Ding! Scanning object]

[Ding! Scan complete]

[Ding! Found Earth pure essence contains 280 billions exp points]

"Earth essence?" Said Feng Yin.

After seeing the object Lin cheng couldn't help but be excited in heart. But when he was about to agreed his aunt left him stunned.

"Only that? C'mon that's something that's not enough after all. When your genius take the pill he would breakthrough and would also absorb the Qi faster increasing his cultivation speed a little." Said Feng Yin with a dissatisfied expression.

"Okay." After gritting his teeth Vin Wu took out another thing.

[Ding! Scanning object]

[Ding! Scan complete]

[Ding! Found High Blood crystal contains 120 billions exp points]

"This is a blood crystal which was found in the Dark abyss. It would stimulate your blood and make your bloodline purer as you know we don't have a bloodline so apart from the energy it has no use for us." Said Vin Wu.

Seeing the crystal Feng Yin couldn't help but have her eyes sparkles. This was definitely a treasure.

"Deal!" Said Feng Yin.

At the same time feeling a little worry about her nephew.

"Could this brat defeat that guy?" Tought Feng Yin.

"Feng Jinxue vs Vin Chu!"

The announcer said.

A phoenix cry was hear in the sky.

When Lin cheng loom at the circle he was a phantom of phoenix appearing behind Feng Jinxue.

"Finally I'm fighting with you." Said excitedly Vin chu.

"Green rock armor!" Yelled Vin chu.

"Palm of destruction!" Yelled Feng Jinxue with her beautiful eyes glowing.

After getting Hit by the Palm Vin chu was surprise he was rebound back to the floor.



3 mins later...

"Winner Feng Jinxue."

Vin chu was kneeling in the floor with a perplex face.

"I lost?" Said to himself while he was bleeding by the mouth.

"Vin chu!" Vin Wu appeared next to him with a worried face.

Like Lin cheng previously said the bloodline for Feng Jinxue was superior making her summon even a phantom behind.

He had no chance to fight, perhaps if he had been in the Nirvana Realm he the outcome would have been different. But he had no chance to even express his full capabilities towards her.

"Our genius lost?"

"How is this possible!"

"Sigh it must be a joke."

A lot of gossip could be hear.

"Here grab this guys you did a good job." Said Lin cheng whole throwing healing pills to Feng Sil, Feng Jinxon and Feng Jinxue.

"Thansk cousin Lin cheng." Said Feng jinxon.

Even though Femg Jinxue was not hurt she took it with grateful smile.

Lin cheng nodded and kept walking towards Vin Wu and Vin chu position.

"Vin Wu let him take this and after a couples of minutes we will fight." Said Lin cheng with a calm expressions.

Hearing Lin cheng calling his chief name directly Vin chu felt umcomfortable. But since he didn't have strength and kept shut.

Vin Wu also felt umcomfortable, after all even though Feng Yin was a Celestia realm Lin cheng was not. But after seeing the pills in the jade bottle he also decide to stay silent.

15 mins later...

Two people were standing in front of each other. With fighting postures, one was a handsome male with brunnete skin. And the other was a good looking male who had a cocky smile with arrogance and self confidence.

"Boy don't worry i'll go easy on you." Spoke Vin chu while looking at Lin cheng.

"Why is Vin chu fighting wit a mere Void King Realm in the early stage?"

"I don't but wouldn't we lose face if people know were bullying too much?"

The people around the circle were also curious about the situation.

Lin chen was feeling a little excited, because since coming here have been goghtig with normal cultivators. Defeating them pure strength,now that he was fighting a real genius that could adjust to his strength he was optimistic.

"Do you think cousin Lin cheng would alright?" Ask Feng Lilo.

"He would be more than alright, last time even I couldn't beat him." Said Feng Jinxue making them stunned.

"Sis your right, but remember you guys were using weapons. And this basically is using his body as one. While it is not allowed weapon in the combat." Said Feng Jinxon with little worried look him.

"I hope if the little friend gets hurt you won't blame us." Said Vin Wu.

"Is okay if my nephews get hurts after all they are fighting so is normal. But I also hope the same if your Vin chu get Hurst don't blame us." Said Feng Yin calmly.

"Nephew?" Vin Wu had a confused expression.

"Yes Lin cheng is my sister son." Feng Yin said.

After hearing Feng Yin words the who table even stop breathing.

"You.. I'm sorry Feng Yin your saying Lin cheng is the Venerable of the Feng family son?" Ask Vin Wu Again with cautious tone.

"Hm."Nodded calmly Feng Yin while paying attention to the circle.

After hearing Feng Yin words Vin Yu had cold sweat running from behind his back. And Vin Wu and the other had a worried look on their faces.

How could have they imagine that the kid was actually the son of that unfathomable character. The Heavenly Deity Realm never interfere with normal central continent affairs. But if the hurt one of their son or worse offending him for no reason.

Wouldn't they get in trouble, now even Vin Yu was wishing to slap himself a couples of times. For his stupidity, he should just ignored Lin cheng comments and stay silent.

While taking it as junior words, instead of founding troubles.

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