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Chapter 146 Taboo (R18)

Seeing his mother sexy bra Lin chen excitedly pick it up.

After picking it up Lin cheng smell the familiar smell of his mother.

Lin cheng put between his shaft and fill it obscenely with his precum.

But sadly after a while Lin cheng still have no discharge. In fact if it was before he would have discharged easily. But after doing those stuffs with his mother he felt that the stimulation was not stronger to make him shoot.

But seeing his mother almost finishing washing he felt an impulse in his heart.

"Mom." Call softly Lin cheng.

"Yes sweetie." Ask in a motherly tone Feng Fei after getting used to her the obscene sounds.

"Please look at me, I can't get out." Spoke Lin cheng whike breathing heavy.

"Cheng'er what you mean?" Ask shyly Feng Fei.

"Mom!" Lin cheng said in a high tone but that sounded desperate.

After hearing her son desperate voice Feng Fei turn around her sensual and erotic body.

And look at her lovely son with worried. But her son wash away her shyness and made burst in Giggles.

"Hahaha oh my look at you! You look so cute cheng'er." Giggle Feng Fei seeing Lin cheng with her underwear doing those naughty thing.

"Mom i can't shoot." Said in desperate tone Lin cheng.

This time Feng Fei who was charmingly laughing look at seriously at her son. Who had an anxious expression.

"Hmm what's wrong with cheng'er he look frustated." Tought worriedly Femg Fei.

"Mom can you get close to me?" Ask Lin cheng with lust.

Feng Fei who finish bathing wall directly to Lin cheng.

Feeling her son heavy breathing she really knew he needed released.

"Mom can you touch." Spoke finally Lin cheng without realizing what he had just ask.

But right now seeing his mother naked body, his feeling her so close his sanity was wipe out and his desire won.

"Baby mommy can't." Spoke Femg Fei flustered.

Even though she help her son in some thing, she still had a line. She could clean his body and everything, and he could use her underwear for those things. But this was a line she could never cross.

"Mom.. I beg you..." pleaded Lin cheng while kneeling and putting his for head on his mother thighs.

Feng Fei who was about to reprimand her son tremble. She had never hear her son beg, making her trouble. She knew he was in state of lust, and she knew she should repriman him. But hearing his plead and seeing him in this state made her subconsciously nor want to reject her son.

"What should i do this is wrong right? Should i scold him?"

"But cheng'er just beg me and he is so frustated?"

"But this is bad wouldn't i make him start having bad habbits?"

"But he beg me this is the first time my son has ever ask me for something?"

"But what if people learn?"

"What if he ask me again?"

A battle of internal tough pass through Feng Fei mind.

"Please mom..."

Feng Fei who was in a war internally was woke up by her son. She look down and saw his handsome and cute face making puppy eyes.

She had never seeing that expression before but it broke a in her self a thread that's was holding her.

"Feng fei what's the big deal he is your son and he came from your own body. Plus you can do whatever you want with him, he would always be your child anyway is not like your hurting anybody right?"

"And even uf you did so what? Nobody can tell what to do with your son. You are a Heavenly Deity Realm so you should only care about what your son needs."

"After is not joyful right? Cheng'er is always cuddling and pampering you so this and vice-versa so this should be also a form of pampering your son."

Told herself Feng Fei feeling more comfortable thinking she could pamper doting her son it melt burn the broken thread completely evaporating her second toughts.

Feng Fei squatted down and gently pushing Lin cheng back wards. Making him lay down facing up.

"Sweetie you can't tell no one about this okay?" Said Feng Fei.

Lin cheng who was having regrets seeing his mother actions felt he was in heaven.

"Hmm." Nodded Lin cheng.

Lin cheng who had lay down and was seeing his mom naked body on top of him. Suddenly lying felt his cock being grab by a delicate smooth hand. He saw his elegant and perfect hand of his mother grabing his erect shaft.

"Hmm cheng'er you pretty big is this normal "

Spoke her tought Feng Fei while her delicate hands clumsily stroke her son twitching dick.

She could feel Lin cheng precum engulfing her hand.

"" moaned Lin cheng not paying attention to his mother words

"Yes sweetie?" Ask Feng Fei raising her perfect and alluring face.

Lin cheng loon at his mother phoenix eyes and he could swear this was the best hand job he have even had.

"Mom...this feels so good...." Spoke Lin cheng lustful.



Lin cheng groans of pleasure sounded.

Feng Fei who was holding the hot and sticky cock of Lin cheng felt happy at seeing her son cute face in pleasure.

For the first in her life she felt something inside her heart that made her feel satisfied seeing her son expression.

So she put her two hands of Lin cheng hard cock stroke more softly with care.

Lin cheng who had his face melting in pleasure felt his mother movements and became excited.

During this time he had endure a lot whike nasturbating, on purpose he like to tease himself and the shoot.

Bur now having Goddess like sexy milf mother stroking his cock he felt a tingling.

"Mom.. fast... I'm coming..." Spoke Lin cheng with his face in red and his breath heavily.

Hearing her son words and looming at his expression Feng Fei accelerated her pace of stroking. And after a couples of second she felt the hot cock in her hand twitch hard than any previous time. Making her breat accelerated and breast go up and down.

"Ughh... don't stop mom...please..dont..stop."

Lin cheng moaned while shooting ropes of semen which hit Feng fei neck and breasts.

"Kya!" Scream Feng Fei from surprised but after hearing her son words she continued to stroke feeling she was squeezing Lin cheng sperm.

Lin cheng who saw his taboo semen touching his mother sexy body start it shooting more semen indiscriminately.

"Ugh." Moan Lin cheng.

"Hahaha." Broke in a charming laugh Femg Fei seeing how much kept shooting Lin cheng.

While she laugh her face was red from a weird excitement.

"I like this.." tought Feng fei.

Lin cheng who had shoot so much semen was twitching from the after math of climax. And his chest was going up and down. He could swear he had never felt this way even after having sex session with Tang sun and baishi.

He literally have shoot everything he had.

"Humph look what you did cheng'er bad boy now mommy has to clean herself again."

Feng Fei stood up while pouting coquetishly feeling her son Wark and sticky supermarket.

Lin cheng weakly raise his head and look at his mom. But the scene he saw made his heartbeat speed up and a huge satisfaction emerge on his heart.

Feng Fei stunning body from the neck to the sexy flat belly was cover in semen. His semen making feel like he mark territory.

In fact after regaining his sanity he did not have any regrets.

"This is heaven." Said Lin cheng his heart happily.

After couple of minutes Lin cheng stood up and walk towards his mother who was washing her body while preparing to put soap on herself.

"Let me do it.." Said softly Lin cheng.

"Feng Fei you can't tell no one about this."

Said Feng Fei in a serious tone while giving her son the soap.

"Mom." Lin cheng after picking up the soap stood in front of his mother and loo at straight at her eyes.

Feng also look at her son eyes and saw a huge affection on them and seriousness.

"Mom I promised that i won't tell nobody about this after all this is between my beautiful mother and me. I swearby the heavens." Spoke Lin cheng.

"Baby what are you doing?" Said Anxiousl Feng Fei hearing her son making a Dao swear.

"Cheng'er you shouldn't have don't that!"

Scolded Feng Fei.

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