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Chapter 2: red goblin chapter 2 abandoned

as the crusty but yet large green hand picks me up I feel a cold breeze followed by the eye contact made by the elder like creature were he then presumes to drop me down to waist height were I get examined by other green beings poking me and carefully examined.

this situation is shortly lived as I hear the thuds of a female male green thing as she screams.

female:"my €¥@&*×¥ @^&×& baby #%×**#"

this patern of screaming continues until she gets escorted out by 3 bulky horned green creatures.

After that spectacular display of motherly love to who I presume to be me the poking continues then a Lound yet firm chatter commences as I hear the key word "unpure" "disgrace ""waste" with the comments made by them I greatly worry for my future unfortunately I can pick up anymore word as for a complete lack of knowledge for the language.

this serade continues so I fall asleep as a baby would until I'm socked awake by a sudden movement as we leave the cave the bright sunlight give the green creatures more definition and from the small experience I have playing rpgs theye look very similar to goblins but this thought is cut short as I get launched of a cliff near the cave exit.

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