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Chapter 58: One on one fights.

Sirius couldn't help but blink when he saw the lists of the one-on-one battles. Only sixteen people made it to the final and there will be only one winner. The last Black wasn't sure if it was the work of Destiny or just a coincidence.

"Bloody hell, is that my Potter Luck™ or Black Insanity™?"

Midoriya, Uraraka, Hatsume, Hagane, Shinso, Tokoyami, Shiozaki, Monoma, Kaminari, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, Iida, Ashido, Tetsutetsu, Kirishima, and - surprisingly - Bakugo made it to the finals. Sirius wasn't quite sure exactly how they ended up in the finals, because that sort of thing should definitely be impossible with the formed teams, but something told him that even if he tried to understand something, he wouldn't be able to.

(On his own, Sero was unable to compete in the final due to broken arms and an injured elbow. Without his Quirk, he was practically defenseless. So Ashido took his place.)

The battles were as follows:

Shinso VS Shiozaki.

Todoroki VS Yaoyorozu.

Tetsutetsu VS Kirishima.

Iida VS Hatsume.

Bakugou VS Uraraka.

Ashido VS Hagane.

Tokoyami VS Midoriya.

Monoma VS Kaminari.

He highly doubted that the arena would be intact after Bakugo. Or Todoroki. Or Shiozaki. Actually, scratch that, he knew what he was signing up for when he took this job. But now he can channel his inner Snape to intimidate the students if they take things too far.

Was it a good idea to bully a bunch of teenagers with superpowers? Well, Snape once thought it was, at a school where everyone carried a potentially lethal weapon in their back pocket.

"Alright, I want a clean match, so no potentially lethal attacks. Got it?"

The heroes in training nodded and Midnight left the arena. As soon as she snapped her whip on the floor and yelled for the start of the round, Shinso began to speak.

"May the best man win?"

She frowned, immediately catching a badly hidden insult.

"Exc-" Shizoaki's eyes glazed over and a huge smirk appeared on Shinso's face.

"Gotcha. Now turn around and leave the arena."

The girl obediently turned around and started to walk away. The audience was confused by this development and upset that the two kids didn't beat the crap out of each other. Sirius just chuckled. Imperio - if Shinso doesn't choose a good Hero name, Sirius will force him to choose that one - did a good job, apparently he remembered the advice to end the fights as early as possible.

Obviously, the first round was for Shinso, few people could make their body not listen to his Quirk. Shiozaki was a little upset by this development, but still shook hands with Shinso as a good opponent would.

The second round began as quickly as the first ended.

Sirius immediately noticed that there was something wrong with Todoroki. The guy was almost shaking with anger and was ready to tear someone in half. Instead, he froze Yaoyorozu in a huge glaiser, the girl didn't even have time to create a flamethrower to defend herself.

"I'm sorry. I went out of line." Shoto muttered, but in the silence of the stadium, everyone heard him.

Midnight wanted to call the end of the match here and now, but suddenly the ice around Yaoyorozu began to melt. The girl's body was glowing due to the use of her Quirk, but Sirius couldn't quite figure out exactly how she melts the ice. Unfortunately, she didn't work fast enough, and a light blow to the temple from Todoroki sent the girl into a world of dreams.

This time Cementoss asked for a fifteen minute break to melt the ice and Sirius couldn't blame the Hero for that. Todoroki could most likely melt his own ice, but he had to be in better shape for the next match.

The match between Tetsutetsu and Kirishima was much longer than anyone could have expected. Two guys with almost the same Quirk were beating each other with terrible-sounding cracks, not even stopping to check their injuries. Sirius made a mental note that these two idiots needed to be taught how to fight dirty. Being indestructible is good, but if they can knock out opponents faster than they take damage, then it will be much better.

Kirishima blocked another right hook from Tetsutetsu and Sirius could feel the gears begin to move in the skull of the red-haired student. Suddenly, he kicked the silver teen in the stomach and elbowed him in the jaw.

<Look at this! Kirishima finally remembered that he has legs!> Mic shouted.

Aizawa sighed heavily and began to correct the horror that his friend's words had created.

<Kirishima like Tetsutetsu focus on boxing and similar martial arts. Kirishima's willingness to use anything against his opponents shows his ambition to become a Hero.>

Testutetsu, meanwhile, was kneeling to the ground and looked at Kirishima in shock. Suddenly, the silver teen jumped up in place and threw his arms out to the sides.


This cry was followed by an even fiercer battle than before. Sirius strongly doubted that this match was much different from the Quirkless fight. At least the crowd was not bored, everyone was interested in the outcome of this fight.

But in the end, both teenagers fell to the ground after being kicked in the head at the same time. It looked spectacular, but not very pleasant. Midnight decided that their match would be decided later, possibly in an arm wrestling round.

Iida vs Hatsume wasn't even a match, it was a live advertisement for all the Support Gear Mei had created during her time in U.A., because for some ungodly reason, Iida agreed to use Hatsume's inventions, which Sirius would talk to the heir of Idaten about in the future. No one in their right mind would use a Support Gear given to you by an opponent, even if the opponent has "good intentions."

Scratch that, especially if your opponent has "good intentions."

Sirius could tell that Mei was focusing on Gear to avoid attacks and to slow her opponents down. He didn't see anything that could be used to attack, at least nothing obvious. Because those retractable balance tubes can pierce someone's skull with enough pressure.

In the end, Mei gave in, which caused the fury of the blue-haired teenager. Well, nothing he could do about it.

Uraraka and Bakugo... Sirius didn't know what kind of Deity decided to put them against each other, but when he finds out, he will definitely say a couple of very interesting words to the idiot. Their Quirks were strong, but Uraraka's Quirk works best in an environment full of debris and other random things. Bakugo could throw Explosions wherever he wanted - Selim's memories of Kimblee did not give Sirius any comfort - and did just that.

But Uraraka did not give up without a fight, she stayed close to the ground and endured explosion after explosion, ignoring pain and weaving the web of her plan. Sirius smiled as he noticed the first fragments of the arena flying into the air, he knew exactly what Uraraka was thinking and could only applaud her determination to use such a dangerous plan.

Ochako dodged another attack and smiled like a madman. Sirius overheard some idiot start calling Bakugou a Villain, but left Aizawa to deal with him. The girl brought her hands together and the pads of her fingers touched each other, with a cry of "Release!" meteor shower hit the arena.

But even though Bakugo was a little inattentive this round, he still had his incredible instincts. So, throwing his hands up to the sky, he released a huge explosion, destroying the debris that threatened to break his back. After that, Uraraka tried to reach Bakugo for the last time, but she was too tired to continue and fell to the ground unable to move even a muscle.

And again Cementoss asked for a break, although this time it was much shorter. During this break, Sirius spoke to Godric. The Basilisk had an interesting idea to create a ritual that would collect lingering magic in the atmosphere and connect it to the rest of the Basilisks, allowing them to use enough magic to Apparate. Unfortunately, it was not possible, but the idea itself was interesting.

His conversation was interrupted by the appearance of a black-haired student with a bandage on her head. Yaoyorozu looked like a woman on a mission and Sirius found himself a little surprised that she could pull off such a look.

"Sensei? Do you remember in our first class you gave us the task of researching your alter ego?"

Yaoyorozu now had the full interest of the four-hundred-year-old Wizard.

"Ho? Do you think you found one of them?" Sirius waved his Wand and the same Ward that was around Hawks appeared around Momo. "Let's hear your guess."

Yaoyorozu sighed heavily and clasped her hands in front of her chest to calm her nerves.

"The history of my family goes back to the era of the samurai and ancient times when few people could even think about recording legends." She started from far away. "Our library has a section with the personal diaries of our predecessors, where the entries date back even before the fifteenth century. And I found one of my relatives' diaries, which was a little... Bizzare."

Sirius chuckled. Magic and Alchemy were indeed bizarre, he would give her that.

"He talked about the School in the Highlands of Scotland, where children learned to control their Magic. About incredible creatures that once walked the same land as us... And about his peers... About Harry Potter, who disappeared at the end of his first year of study, and Luna Lovegood who died on the fourth."

Sirius was silent, thinking about what exactly he heard from Momo. But in the end, he only had one question for his student.

"What was the name of your predecessor?"

"Longbottom Neville."

A bitter smile broke out on Sirius's face. Of course it had to be Neville.

"Ah, Neville... He was a good friend before my first death. Did you know that he was willing to fight me and my friends just to keep us out of trouble?"

Momo's eyes widened like plates. No one but her family could even see this part of their library! So there was no way Bla- Potter could read Longbottom's diary even if he wanted to. Her mother said it was most likely the effect of some kind of Quirk, but Momo knew there was more to it. Her library was protected by magic!

"Yes..." Suddenly another thought hit her like lightning. "Salazar Slytherin..." She gasped in shock.

Siruis just waved his Wand imperceptibly, imposing a vow of silence on his student, a necessity until the end of the year at least.

"I never said I was a Hero, did I?"

Today the first student revealed his identity and he will have to deal with it. But later.

"Look, the next match is starting. I wonder what Gin has in ger sleeves..."

Simple_Russian_Boi Simple_Russian_Boi

Yey, teenagers beating the shit out of each other! Love to see it, love to write it!

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