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I feel terrible that damn old man deceived us in the most vile way

he looks what to tell us that he would give us a couple of kilos of meat for free, just to play along (snif, snif buuu buu)

in the afternoon my husband entered the house and he found me crying when he saw my state he told me "honey, what do you have, what's wrong?"

When I saw that my husband had arrived, I ran immediately and sank into his arms.

I begin to narrate everything that had happened this afternoon "George, George, my brother my little brother Neo, he left the village he left ..."

George waited for my whole story to finish and he said "Amber darling, your brother Neo is here in the Village, don't worry Neo let us know so we can tell all of you"

listening to what George tells me, I felt a big rock rise from my heart thank heaven, my little brother did not do anything stupid, but that stinky old man is to blame

damn where it is

George comes over and asks me "Amber, where's the baby?" Amber suddenly remembers something and smiles at George making a very naughty face "the baby is with Mariel, we have like 3 hours, what do you say honey"

with half-closed eyes and barely standing, his George face tells her everything "Sure, Sure babe" Oouu "I'm dreaming, get ready and let me change" Ouu "come in in five minutes please"

The first thing Amber does is take off her dress and loosen her bodice, entering her room where they have a wooden bed and enough padding to sleep comfortably

the moment she entered the room, the first thing that caught my attention was my husband

George was asleep and also snoring, this infuriated me immediately I went to pick him up with a good blow to the head

at that moment everything went completely dark, my first reaction was to scream but a very serious voice tells me "if you scream you'll die" I hold on tight to the back of my neck and lean on the bed

An emotion mixed with fear invades me I say "Wait, wait, who are you" he does not answer he only starts to hold my hands and places them behind my back I say again "please, please stop"

He leans me over the bed I say again "get away from me, damn George" does not answer the damn George is asleep he spreads my legs "NO, George No, NO, get away from me"


"No mm"


When I was about to go out I was a bit upset I will not deny it the crying of my sisters and my mother's were in the background, when I walked a few steps I was stopped by Tony's mother

Mrs. Patricia, a tall woman, about 5.8 ft (1.75m) her breasts are 34C slim waist, black hair, outlined eyebrows, but what caught my attention was her round butt and her loose dress does not cover her figure

✋ * plash * 💥🙉

I hit the back of my neck "don't let this get you down, come on let's go home we'll buy you a meal Rafael is waiting for us" we walked about 20 meters in that small stretch no matter how many times I try not to look at the hips of Mrs. Patricia

my eyes seem to be guided towards the rear of her that moves from one side to the other I only see how those buttocks stop

Unconscious or aware, I continue on my way, I keep moving forward and collide with them with that tremendous ass, I take the opportunity by grabbing Mrs. Patricia's waist, sinking my claws into her hips, fleshy and flexible skin Mrs. Patricia stops and turns around

✋ * plash * 💥🙉

She hit me again on the back of my neck and with a somewhat annoyed voice she told me "stop looking and waste time, come forward" neither of us spoke on the way Tony was ahead carrying the deer he just laughs because his mother hit me

Now it was Patricia's turn to look at the back of this brat his mind began to betray him a moment ago, not only did he feel his hands collide on her back there was something else that sank on his back mainly between his buttocks something hard and thick

Patricia's first thought was that Neo and Tony played a joke on her to make fun of her by reminding her of her marital situation that is why she hit him the second time but the only one who laughed was Tony

Patricia was so distracted that she didn't notice when Neo stopped crashing into her back "Ouch" her blow wasn't hard but she made her lose her balance by hugging Neo

Patricia only grabbed her chest for an instant but there is a big difference between seeing a lot of muscles and grabbing a lot of muscles

This aroused her feminine curiosity moving her hands over Neo's abdomen and chest, palpating, rubbing, kneading and pinching each muscle until Tony's voice asked her from afar "Mommy finishes checking the house I think he's only injured his arm "

Patricia reacted and the complexion of her face went from being white to a bright red mainly on her cheeks, she did not say anything, she just let go and walked away from Neo

she clears her throat and says "you are not hurt in the chest you can continue"

I wanted to play some pranks on Mrs. Patricia for having such a bold behavior with me but a sound stopped me

* Ding * 🔔

🗨 [1st special mission] {repeatable}

make your own legend in the village

Development: you can attack all types of women from young women, old women, widows, divorced, married and pregnant (only women)

Time: from dawn to dawn (1 victim per night)

Reward: 1 roulette per victim

Special reward: when collecting 5 victims

Condition: use your Assault Kit, a minimum of three ejaculations per victim

Penalty: Castration and expulsion from the Village

Note: your time has come, the Assault Kit will only work at night for these activities you are not allowed to carry out other types of activities such as robbery, beatings or murders

I stayed still I had to think of something quickly because I was thinking of leaving this village at night, Mrs. Patricia asks me "what's up, Neo, do you have any questions?" some itching

With a very serious voice I asked her "Mrs. Patricia is there a house that is available to live where people are not bothering me all the time"

Patricia sighs upon hearing such a question "Sure, there are several houses (sigh) they are only somewhat neglected but I know the perfect person who can rent you one of these houses, go home and prepare everything, see you right now"

Mrs. Patricia just turned around and left, I had to follow Tony home

when Tony's father arrived he was resting apparently the man continues with his problem Tony tells me "Shhh" he walks slowly and we turn him around entering from the back

Tony's father suffers from an illness where he has to rest most of the day and the night before it was only an hour maximum two hours but to make sure "hey Tony how many hours he should rest now"

Tony makes a sad face and tells me "last year, it was only 2 hours, now it is 4 hours he has to distribute it so that he can work a little, that's why we need food and things get more serious"

while we hang the deer I say to Tony "take off that face, bring the biggest pot you have, let's skin it"

Toni immediately recovers and tells me "well let's start for sure you know how to do it"

I do not answer him I just start to clean a large area where we will put the bamboo bed

⭐-POV by TELMA-⭐

That damn old son of a bitch, he cheated on me, like a child, now my baby hates me and is very likely to stay away from me forever (sniff, sniff)

but I'm going to make that damn old man pay I swear he'll regret this "Neo, Neo, where are you?"

* TOC-TOC- * 🚪

Now who will be "Say who's calling" the voice of a slightly restless Patricia is heard behind the door "Open up, friend, I have great news for you" I still have very swollen eyes from crying I look out the door and ask her in a way very cutting "I'm not in the mood for your jokes Patricia you want"

but the woman is unperturbed by my question and she shows me her stupid smile to end by saying "what are you waiting for, woman or will I have to go ask other people such as the widow Eleonor or the owner of the tavern"

I felt indignant at Patricia, something that these two have in common. is that they charge a silver coin for having sex with any man, the thought of those two reminded me of my Neo, again making me even sadder than I am

but Patricia's voice returns me from my world "Hurry up, woman or seriously I'll have to go with those whores or elsewhere, to rent a house to Neo" to whom she said

They were like a couple of magic words the door of the house I opened it with a bang and I did not let Patricia finish her sentence, when I made her sit down and speak more carefully all that she had to say to me slowly

the damned Patricia just cleared her throat and she told me "this is your great opportunity so you shouldn't let her go listen to me well I have a plan but you have to follow it to the letter"

when Patricia left I had to hurry to fix the house as quickly as possible I don't realize when Ari came in and asked me "what did that old woman want?" Ari and Patricia hate each other to death they have never taken each other and I think they would never do it in this life

I grab his arm and say "come on, come on you have to help me Neo will come to live at my in-laws' house I have to fix it and you can help me

⭐-END of POV-⭐

We finished cutting, cleaning and skinning the deer, when Mrs. Patricia arrived she told me "the house will be ready in several hours as long as you clean and eat we will take you"

"Thank you, Mrs. Patricia, here is your part of the deer meat"

Mrs. Patricia showed me a somewhat uncomfortable smile and she told me "but that useless boy didn't even help you in anything, and we still owe you for the fish"

She smiled at the lady and explained "Tony was a great help, also I plan to establish a small business and he will be my partner"

Mrs. Patricia tells me "okay, you want to go clean up inside the house, Tony is occupying the bathroom, I'll lend you some of his clothes to see if it fits you"

I push myself into one of the rooms of the house and when I take off my clothes, Mrs. Patricia suddenly came in. "Try on this shirt, it's Tony's, also try on these pants, but hurry, I'll wait for you here."

Without having a choice, I took off my shirt and pants. I tried on the clothes that she brought me and the shirt fit well, but the pants were too small.

The poor lady went around with her pants several times until she brought one of her husband's but that one was too tight.

When we were enjoying the food, my brother arrived, my brother-in-law George, my other brother-in-law Mateo, even my neighbor, Ari's husband, Mr. Kevin had to wait for me outside Tony's house.

At first it did something strange to me but Tony told me "those four and others have come with the excuse of seeing dad but then they show his colors so my mother forbids me to bring people to the house"

laughing I tell Tony "I'll finish soon I hope your mother doesn't scare me away at the end of the meal" Mrs. Patricia's voice tells me "that won't happen Neo if you give Tony a job you can even sleep here you know those two have the very heavy sleep "

Tony laughs and tells me "that's true friend we fall like stones in a lake" I return to see Patricia who has a very mischievous smile on her face I can't stand it and I say "it's good to know so I can make a mess inside"

Mrs. Patricia answers me "first, the business and you make sure you come in your best condition because the nights here will be very demanding, the field has been dry for many years

"I know, so it will be, so it will"

my relatives and acquaintances were waiting for me outside Tony's house to ask me everything that had happened and what my plans were

I told everyone what I had planned to do, I cleared my throat and said "I have planned to do a business with Tony until I collect the necessary money to go to the city" when they heard my plans they sighed my brother John asked me "Hey Neo what's up with the duel to the death with those bastards

I say out loud "it all depends on them whoever wants to fight a duel is welcome whoever wants to fix their situation with other things I am open to negotiation" when they all went to each one I give them a portion of deer meat

when everyone left Tony and his mother took me to my new house they told me that the place was a bit abandoned and that I had to do several repairs it seemed perfect

When I got to the new house, I was surprised. It was where my grandparents used to live before moving to the city with my uncles from my father's family. spoke for a couple of days

Mrs. Patricia tells me "your landlady will come in the morning or in the afternoon to see the price of the rent, she also offers several services but do not overdo it, remember that we have a deal"

Patricia's plan was simple to warm up the boy's hormones so that he would arrive at her house warm from hers and ready to be with her all night

Because she considers herself a demanding woman 3 to 4 times, not like those who, with good sex, are already sleeping with her, those things do not happen, they are 3 or 4 because her husband was like that

When Tony was dying of laughter for having brought me back to my family, the two of them went to her house and Mrs. Patricia was laughing alone, all the way, she returned to see me several times and she laughed even louder

of course I am a fish to cut

Upon entering the house I found a lady with blond hair, white skin, Amber eyes and her peculiar breasts DD of her with a brown dress shorter than normal her eyes as well as her face was swollen and sad

she was the one who spoke to me first "good afternoon sir, nice to meet you, my name is Telma" she gave me a nice smile to which I said "good afternoon Mrs. Talma my name is Neo"

She couldn't take it anymore and ran to my side to hug me but she stopped before doing it, her hands and body tremble for fear that she was going to reject her, she just opened her arms and said "come mom"

she starts to cry and tells me over and over again "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, so much" she hugs me tightly crying against my chest, I sit on a bench and put my mother on my lap, at times my mother's face he blushed but we both started talking like two old friends until he was late

my mother asks me with a little fear, she says to me "I have to prepare dinner, would you like you to accompany me to eat"

she answered him with a smile "of course mom, she just lets me do a small order and I'm with you"

we both left my grandparents' house I give you a greeting before getting lost on the way

As I walked through several streets, I arrived at my destination and George's voice told me "brother-in-law, brother-in-law, come have a drink with me, this will be the last one before I go home, come join me."

🍎 (★ ‿ ★) 🍎

I had planned to do several laps before deciding who it would be, the first of my victims walking through the streets until I saw an angel fallen from heaven

I followed him very closely

until she was near her house

as I put on the assault kit, I waited for the perfect moment and when I saw him fall on the bed at that moment I entered his room the plan is simple to wait in a corner and then act easy and threadbare

when Amber walked in, half of my work was done, because this time she was naked not like the last time I had a brawl fight from hell, she never wanted out

I go up behind her and put the hood on her head to prevent her from seeing me. She wants to hold him with both, masters, but I grab her by her neck and tell her "if you scream you'll die"

I grab her hand I bend it and take it to her back I do the same to the other, with the cord of my pants I tie them, I lean her on the bed

Amber starts screaming louder and louder

I take off her hood and tie it to her mouth, she tries to turn around to see me but I press her face on the bed and tell her "another joke of those and you will have to suffer the consequences"

maybe it was bravery, fear or stupidity

but she did the same again

🖐 * PASS * 💥

the blow resounded in the room Amber's buttocks tremble with her blow she yelled at her, pushed or whatever you want I said "MgNNg" besides that she did not understand nor did I pay attention to her

just "MgNNg"

but things were not over

🖐 * PASS * 💥


🖐 * PASS * 💥


🖐 * PASS * 💥


🖐 * PASS * 💥


on the fifth spanking he grabbed her hair, pulling her up and lifting her up, her face was a mess between snot and tears I said "close your eyes" I immediately closed them and to confirm her obedience I said "you will potare well or do you want to learn another lesson"

the snorts that she made, I don't know if they were of fear, hatred or fury, what was certain was that my little sister had her cave very wet, she would say that her cave had a leak

I just touched him a little and I completely wet my fingers, that caused me a big smile I got up, blindfolded him and ordered him to roll over on the bed lying on his back

I open her legs and tell her "I'll show you heaven and in the end you will ask me yourself to fuck you"

the image of her was unique Amber naked, lying with her hands tied behind her back, legs spread, gagged and blindfolded suddenly her breath shakes


My fingers outlined the entire contour of her vagina. I cry her and cry out for her. A long time ago, I stopped with my middle finger. I stimulated the little ball of her flesh, I had barely been stimulating for less than five minutes when Amber's body began to Tremble



"What happens that was very fast I'll show you something else"

Without waiting for her response, I bent down and got on my knees, sticking out my tongue, and began to lick the entire outside of her pussy.

at the end I licked and sucked her meatball, Amber's moans became more and more constant

* GNAM * 👅

* GNAM * 👅

conscious or unconscious Amber surrounds her head with her legs, pulling on her pressing more and more on her crotch

"PFFFP" "Mmnn"

between puffs and moans you only hear a little "Gi ... go .... me, gi ... go ... me .." but I ignore her and keep sucking and sucking until her body trembles again

"Now I will show you the magic of my fingers" but Amber's complaints begin to sound shaking her head very energetically

I get up and run my hands through hers, her body starting at her waist and ending at hers, her breasts and I pinch her nipples I pull them


Amber twists her body, I place my head between her breasts and I suck, pull and take small bites until Amber moans loudly again at this point I realize how dissatisfied she was with her husband I approach her ear and tell her "two conditions"

1 ° .- never talk about me

2nd.-You will be my bitch

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