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Chapter 18: Ch.18 The Dark Wizard, The Ice Queen and The Holy Maiden

After the Flourish and Bolts incident, the daily prophet made my name public and there were articles about a new young dark wizard on the rise. There were so many weird speculations that I am the son of Grindlewald or like a grandson. Lucius also gave an interview regarding this matter and said that I threatened to kill his whole family and not so surprisingly the article was written by Rita Skeeter.

And she exaggerated the incident as to someone getting hurt. The news caught the eyes of many old supporters of Grindlewald and Voldemort. They saw me as somewhat of a true Wizard. I don't even know why I got many death threat letters, I checked if it was only sent to this place or every other estate as well and it turn out it was sent everywhere and was also sent to Grindlewalds estates in the Baltic's region.

I saw all this as a useless endeavour of the weak. I also got a summon to Wizengamott for a formal trial. The trial was requested by Malfoy.


Date 30 Aug 1992 In the Wizengamot trial of Jonathan Grindlewald House.

I walked into the Wizengamot it looked more dreadful from the outside than from the inside. like have you heard of good lighting everything is lit with fire. There was a chair in the centre. and in front of it the members of Wizengamot I saw some familiar faces like Amelia Bone. I have some plans for her in the future. I also saw the toad and instantly my mood dropped.

I was sitting on the chair on which accusers sit. I was sitting comfortably in the chair I was wearing my Dark black long coat with a blue jacket and a white shirt with a dull red tie. I was looking comfortable. I didn't look scared one bit.

Lucius looked pissed. Arthur, James and Sirus were there. The trial commenced. Fudge said "The accuser Lucius Malfoy and the defendant Jonathan Grindlewald House. For threatening his son. Let the trail commence. Do you have a defendant Mr Jonathan?" Sirius was about to get up.

I stood up and said, "I will be defending my self Minister."

Lucius got up and said "Respected members this Child here on 20 Aug in Flourish and Bolts threatened my child. He was about to use magic but was stopped by me. I do not wish to punish the child severely but I want him to apologise to me and my son."

Fudge said "What do you say, Jonathan? Would you like to end this trail now?"

I smirked and got up from my seat and said "Respected Minister my name is Jonathan 'Grindlewald House'. I would like if you used some respect while you address me." I can't tell you how many people were shocked by my statement.

"And I will not apologise for something that I didn't do." Fudge was angry at me but somehow controlled it and asked in a cheerful tone and asked: "What is it that you mean Mr Grindlewald house?"

I smiled and said, "I never tried to use magic on Draco Malfoy nor did I threatened Lucius Malfoy's family in any way."

Draco got up and said "Lies..." Lucius gagged him down. Fudge asked, "do you have some proof?"

I said, "The Clerk of Flourish and Bolts and the Famed Gilderoy Lockhart awarded the Order of Merlin, third class, an Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defence League, and the five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award." as I said that they entered the room. I said, "Pardon them it took some time for Mr Lockhart to get here you know how busy he is."

Then the clerk took the seat and said "It was Mr Malfoy who threatened the child and even raised his wand if it was not for Arthur Weasley and James Potter Mr Jonathan could have been seriously hurt."

Sirius, James and Arthur were impressed and Lucius was vomiting blood metaphorically he wished to stand up and say something but I intervened and said: "Now Mr Lockhart would like to say something." Lucius sat down reluctantly.

Lockhart sat down and said "What the clerk said was the absolute truth I am seriously appalled by the actions of Mr Malfoy to threaten an innocent child. Shame on him."

Fudge said, "I think it is enough proof to conclude that it was Mr Lucius Malfoy who was in the wrong."

Lucius then got up and said, "Surely there is some mistake I would never do that."

I then said, "Are then calling Mr Lockhart a liar Mr Malfoy." Lucius knew that he was screwed either way and just couldn't do anything about it. I then continued "I too agree with Mr Molfoy that I don't want any severe punishment I just want him to issue an apology in Daily Prophet and want the compensation for the damage caused to my estate's in England. I believe that it is fair."

Lucius didn't argue if he could get out of this by paying the money he would gladly do so but the repair cost would also cost him a big deal.

After the trial was done an Apology was issued and Malfoy was removed from the school board with the help of Florian he gave the reason for student endangerment and he was out. His business also took a hit he was now marked.


It was now 1 Sept 1992

I went to the station early and got a compartment because I didn't want to deal with the problem of not getting through the station. I arrived at the station and sure enough, people were avoiding me. I was fine with it I could walk properly and not bump into someone it was amazing. To be honest I like being treated like this.

I found an empty compartment and no one entered my compartment. I put my briefcase on top with Nimbus, Cotton was still sleeping she has now grown again to 6' and was required to eat like a chicken or Rabit so I filled my suitcase with Hens and Rooster.

I saw some familiar faces walk by like Nevil and Sheamus, Hermione and the Weasley's. They all waved at me, I waved them back.

Daphne entered the Compartment with Victoria and Astoria and I said "Let me help you with that." I took their trunks and placed them on top they sat down.

I sighed in relief and thought 'Looks like Florian hasn't told her yet.'

"Dad told me what happened at Wizengamot, how could he accuse you of such things," Victoria said in disbelief.

"Ah, he paid for it and I gained two of my estates back so it is fine." I shrugged it off like it was nothing.

Then Daphne asked, "How much did Lucius have to pay?"

I said, "about 1 million Galleon." All of them were shocked at the no. Daphne was more impressed at the amount of money made from a silly incident.

Astoria then asked, "Are you the one that my sister has been talking about?" I was pleasantly surprised and said, "What did your sister say about me?" Daphne was embarrassed and Victoria was enjoying this and asked "What did your sisters say?"

Astoria said, "That you are a genius and are very mature for your age and are very cut...." Daphne gagged her and said, "I think that is enough."

After a few moments, the girls talked while I just worked on my rune I was very close to achieve powering the bigger devices. In a few moments, the train took off.

It has been a few hours since the journey had started. We were sitting in our compartment and talking and Ginny entered our compartment.

I treated her "Hello, there." She just nodded shyly. and then she said to Victoria "Have you seen Ron and Harry?"

Victoria said, "Aren't they supposed to be with you guys?"

Ginny said, "They were supposed to but we haven't seen them at all."

Victoria was very worried. I tried to console her but then I saw out of the window and said, "Oh, no" Victoria looked at me and asked, "oh, no what?" I pointed outside out the window, Victoria stood up and looked at where I was pointing and saw a blue car flying into the distance.

Victoria was visibly angry and said, "Oh, I am going to kill both of those idiots as soon as they land."

I felt bad for the poor lads even if you survive Snape Victoria would kick your asses.

We reached Hogwarts, Astoria went with some other first years on boats one of them was Luna and Ginny. and we went to the carriage which at first look empty but were pulled by Thestrals.

Victoria looked at the Thestrals and was fascinated by them I said "They are beautiful aren't they?" Victoria said, "I wouldn't say beautiful more like unique." Daphne was confused and asked, "What are you two talking about?"

Victoria was confused and asked, "Can't you see we are talking about these horse-like creatures?"

Daphne was even more confused and asked "What horse-like creatures? There is nothing there"

Victoria then looks at me and I explained to them "Thestrals are beautiful creatures which can only be seen by people who have seen death." and with that, the mood just went down. Daphne looked very uncomfortable I looked at those creatures and said "Don't feel sorry for us Daphne death is a part of life. Without it, life has no meaning."

We then went inside and I in an attempt at elevating the mood said "I have something for both of you." I took out a Cd. They looked at and asked in excitement "Oh, which song is in there?"

I said, "In it is a song written and sang by yours truly." They were surprised and asked, "We didn't know you could sing?"

I said, "I dabbled a little, listen to it and let me if it is any good?" They nodded and put that CD inside their robes.

About my robes, I didn't like how loose it was so I made them a bit tighter so it fits well on me it looked more like a coat than a robe but technically was still a robe.

We reached the castle and went towards the great hall. As I entered the great hall with Daphne and Victoria everyone was looking at us me because I was a supposed dark wizard, Daphne because she was the ice queen and Victoria because of being a potter and being a potions prodigy. Some people have started to call her Holy Maiden because she has been helping people in the hospital wing for over a year. When we walked together we had a certain aura of non-approachability.

We sat on our usual spot on the Slytherin table, Ted and Olivia came I got up and hugged him he said "How are you, my dark lord?" Olivia rolled her eyes and sat with the girls and started talking.

I said, "I am well, how are you, my commander?" We both laughed hard at that but to an outsider, it looked very stupid in the eyes of girls.

He then said "Read about your trial it was genius of you to use Lockhart. How did you convince him to take your stand?" the girls were also interested

I said, "It was easy really first I had to give money to the clerk to say what happened at the shop then I said to Lockhart that it will give him good press and he will be helping 'an innocent young orphan Wizard how was his biggest fan' and that is how he accepted to help."

They were amazed at that but then I said in a sad tone "It also came at a price I will be featured in his latest book Lockhart versus the injustice of Malfoy"

The girls were shocked and jumped up from their seats and said "WHAT?!" Everyone gave us a weird look and Victoria continued "You get to be in a book with Lockhart and that is a negative for you?"

I said, "I don't really like the guy and he has no proof as to that he was the one who did all those heroic stuff." Ted understood where I was coming from the also hated Lockhart, almost every man did.

Then we got into a heated argument over the 'accomplishments of Lockhart' and it was the one time that we all had seen Daphne be this emotional.

We stopped when the ceremony started and everyone went to their respective Houses Astoria in Slytherin, Ginny in Griffindor, Luna in Ravenclaw.

We were eating when we heard a loud crash and thumping noise and we knew what was up Snape took off and so did McGonagall because we had informed them as to what was happening with Ron and Harry and let me tell you McGonagall was mortified when she heard what Harry and Ron were up to.

After the dinner was over I reached my room cleaned it up a bit gave cotton her dinner a Hen and then went to sleep.


The segment with Cotton 🐍

Greetings readers, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for voting and commenting on the chapter.

The names were given by different people I had no opinion on the matter because my naming sense is very trashy.

I also have a small update I have started an original book but I will be still working on this book as well. I have already finished the chapter for the next day. If you want to read about the new book it is titled The Chaos Wizard. It is set in a modern fantasy magical world. Do give it a read if you are interested.

Thank you to all the people who voted.

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