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1.39% The science and magic of a reincarnated genius / Chapter 2: Hina's loss

Chapter 2: Hina's loss

Hina's POV

Being born into a family full of gifted people can be quite infuriating especially when your mother is constantly comparing you to your superior sibling always showering them with love and affection leaving you out in the cold. How do I know this you might ask, well because I was born into such a family.

My mother is a very influential neuroscientist, my brother a natural-born genius, and my father, well my father is an unknown. This is because of his never-at-home lifestyle due to this he is a mysterious figure in my life.

It was and still is a little bit hard living in such an environment, especially when all the time I am constantly being compared to my brother. Of course, it was, how could I expect it to be easy when my brother was like a genius among geniuses? He could easily comprehend whatever he was taught master it and even evolve the knowledge.

He usually set very high standards for me to match and this made him always be and forever remain the object of affection to my mother. Living with Gene brew feelings of jealousy and envy in me.

How could it not, he was the star child in our family but despite this Gene was not an arrogant or spoiled brother. In fact, he was quite the opposite. He always cared for me even when I acted cruelly toward him. He offered to teach me about computer science and technology. Yeah, just a normal day of the gifted helping the common folk. While the idea of the superior sibling stretching his hands to help me was quite annoying. I saw I could benefit from it so, in the end, I accepted his offer. For the longest of periods I had hated him, but the more we spent time together the more my hate and envy disappeared and the more my love and admiration for him grew. Eventually, we exhausted all the knowledge he had to offer. Due to this he simply told me to use the knowledge he had bestowed upon me to do whatever I would love to. Afterwards, he was enrolled in a school called SATEG leaving me all alone. I soon afterward started to miss the brother whom I had always envied whole my life. So I decided to follow him by doing all I could to become the best in computer science. I searched in each and every place looking for information to help me grow which it did. Eventually, my mother realized my capabilities and enrolled me into SATEG. I was ecstatic at first thinking that I had been reunited with my brother but as it turned out he was too busy to spend his time with me. My brother was too busy trying to achieve his dream so I could never meet up with him. Seeing how hard he worked inspired me to do the same. So I decided then and there to give myself an aim. I was to become the best tech master in the world. At least this would show my brother that I am also able to achieve something like he has.

I studied and studied and studied growing and growing until I grew to the point the school acknowledged me as a tech wizard. I also became the youngest tech master in my country, but my goal was to become the best in the whole world.

I continued with my quest to further my tech capabilities until one day Gene came and asked me to help him with his project. I was happy with this development. Gene had finally realized how good I was. This thought brought a feeling of accomplishment because I was yearning for Gene's approval. Gene showed me the blueprints of the machine he wanted to work on saying he required my skill set to make the machine work. We immediately began the project. It took us almost 1.5 years but we finally completed it. The testing phase was what came next. Gene sent a drone he had created to record data, but the problem was the data came back distorted and we could not make any sense of it. The drone soon got destroyed.

"There must be an interference in the electromagnetic waves being transmitted therefore a human test subject would be needed to carry out the data collection." Gene said these words casually walking towards the space suits we had acquired, "I would like to do it first hand." he continued as he wore one of the space suits. Seeing this I tried to stop him warning him how dangerous and reckless his Idea was. This made us to escalate into an argument which in the end he won the argument. I decided I could not let him go through with such a dangerous mission, so I corrupted the data that was needed to allow gene to enter the machine using a computer virus I had made. I thought the virus would make Liza not give the right positions of the quanta to be distorted making the machine not work. But this backfired on me. I forgot that this was Gene's creation I was dealing with here. Liza reacted to the attack from the virus by isolating itself in the power storage unit. This caused the machine to overload, causing a huge explosion. The explosion disintegrated Gene's body and Left me with one eye in the process. Gene and his work were lost that day. I grieved for several weeks after losing my brother. My mother was also not the same after the news of Gene's passing. The distance between my mother and I became even wider in the sense that she stopped talking to me at all.

I had lost everything with the passing of Gene.

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