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The science and magic of a reincarnated genius The science and magic of a reincarnated genius original

The science and magic of a reincarnated genius

Author: F_Maestro

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The end of a genius


Gene's POV

Since birth everyone, has hailed me as a genius. Well, they may be right or they may be wrong. I myself don't think I am. I rather see myself as someone who easily understands and comprehends the mechanics and working of this world easily. 

My story is rather a simple one and that begins in a town called Ether.

Leonard Ryouki and Sakura Ryouki are what you call a married couple. And like any other married couple, they live and enjoy life together. 

For a time they lived just the two of them spending each of their waking moments devoted to each other. This went on for a while till the day they decided they wanted to have a child.

What is special about these two and how is it connected to my story is the question you might be asking right now. Well, the answer is simple, they are parents, my parents to be exact. 

Now as my parents they naturally gave birth to me and then and there bestowed the name Gene upon me. I wonder why they named me Gene.

I am told that it was apparent that I was not a normal child from day one. I hardly believe the allegations but I just have to accept them since they are from my parents. 

Even if there is some exaggeration in my parents' stories there is no denying that my growth was a fast one.

When I was merely 10 months old, my Cognitive abilities started to show signs of their fast development. Within weeks I started to convey my intentions by the use of some sort of speech. At first, all I spoke was gibberish but then I soon picked on the local language.  A while later I gained my psychomotor abilities.

My mother who was a neuroscientist was ecstatic about my fast development. Being the scientist that she was, she got an itch of curiosity. She started to wonder how much and how fast I can absorb the knowledge poured onto me. This prompted her to test my memory capacity and logical thinking and she did this by teaching me the basics of science and math. 

When she saw I could easily understand the knowledge she poured out, she invited her many friends whom she had from the many science conventions she had been going to. They were to come and take me through the many sciences they delved in. She invited people who dealt in biology, physics, chemistry, and computer science.

I easily understood the knowledge they gave me. After a while, the spectrum felt to be too wide so I decided to specialize in computer science since it seemed the most interesting and the fastest to understand. 

I continued learning computer science from the age of three to the age of five enjoying every step I took. At the age of five, I created an AI which I named Liza.


My aim for creating Liza was so that I could easily expand and expound my knowledge beyond my human limits. Maybe one day I would get to conquer the vast sea of Knowledge. I continued developing Liza every time I saw fit until the point that she became a super AI.

When I was three years old, I got a sibling. Her Name was Hina Ryouki. She was also a fast developer but not as fast as I was.  She started talking at the age of 15 months. My mom seemed disappointed that she was not as fast as me though.

I decided to teach her all I had learned extensively which was computer science. The knowledge I grasped in two years she took four... Even though it took her more time to grasp she still quickly became a great force to be reckoned with. When I turn 8 I was enrolled into a school called S.A.T.E.G which stands for Science  Art Technology and Engineering to the Gifted.

In order to get enrolled into S.A.T.E.G, one was to present a practical project which dealt with the course one had specialized in. I presented Liza to the school. This got me some high marks on the practical part of the test. 

Next, we were to take a written test. The two tests both carried half of the entry points. The written test I took seemed a little lacking since it was too easy for a 'gifted' child or maybe that was just my point of view. I got all points on my written test while 90% in the practical part.

We the ones who had sat for the entry exams had our names ranked on the wall to show how high our rank is and the class we will be assigned to. Those who failed were not permitted to enrol into the school. I was ranked first among those who took the entrance exams and assigned To class 1-S.

In school, I was instantly dubbed the nickname tech wizard since I could do many 'amazing things' with technology. To say the truth that felt a little bit wrong. I was very undeserving of it since I could barely do anything amazing. Looking at the computer science course all areas that were available I seemed to have explored. This made me think maybe I should try doing something else since I felt I had exhausted the knowledge in terms of computers.

I decided to take a course in physics. My studies began with general physics and then later on branched towards quantum physics. In quantum physics, there was a theory about how every particle of matter in the universe contained energy which made them vibrate and materialises making it matter. From this theory,  I formed my own theory which I called the multiverse theory which stated that different worlds exist in the same space it's just that they vibrate at different frequencies and wavelengths making them no to interact with others since each one of the worlds occupied its dimension.

There and then I decided that I was going to prove this theory at all costs. I was to use myself as the test subject for this experiment hoping that I would become this world's first-dimensional traveller.

I then embarked on the quest of accomplishing this dream but for that to happen I needed to pick up on other sciences such as chemistry and biology or more specifically anatomy and botany. The knowledge of these sciences was to become my weapons of survival, so I deviated a little from my beloved physics and took courses concerning Chemistry and Biology. I enjoyed learning the courses for three years. At this time I was 14 years. My sister had already enrolled into the academy and had usurped the title of tech wizard since she showed even more technological prowess compared to me.


It came a time when I needed funds and support for my project, so I went to the Young scientists and technologist convention. There I was to suggest the theory to the people above I.e the sponsor for the Y.S.T.C but when I did many of them shunned my theory saying "although it's possible, its practical application is not applicable since the project would require a large number of funds of which many of us are not ready to risk on." I was struck by their words and was ready to give up but then someone who called himself the "supporter of impossible dreams" came and offered me support and financial backing for my project. I was happy at the mention of his words and quickly accepted his offer. I then decided to quickly go and asked my sister for help since she was one of the best people in the world with whom was good with technology and whom I could rely on. She quickly accepted and we began the project. We were to create a quanta frequency distorter which would become the gateway between worlds.


The machine took us over a year and a half to make and cost us over 5 billion dollars to make. I was surprised that our benefactor could give such huge sums of money. The machine was up and running. It was now time to test it out.

First we activated and tried to make it work but the machine just suddenly broke down.  I then realised the problem. The machined needed to pinpoint specific quanta in seconds so as to change their frequency, and by doing this it could create the gate to another world. But those kinds of calculations could only be made by a powerful AI. I then asked Hina my sister to install Liza my AI system into Hina QUFREDIS which was the name of the machine. She did so and soon the machine then began slowly but surely powered up smoothly and finally started up.

I was so ecstatic with the achievement. We began the experiment by sending a drone through the qufredis gate to collect the data. The drone entered the gate but the data it sent back was all distorted and gibberish we could not make out anything and finally the signal was lost. I then surmised that it must be the frequency distorter distorting the electromagnetic waves making it impossible to relay information through electromagnetic waves. With this, I  threw caution to the wind by deciding to go analyse and explore the world at the other end of the gate myself. But when I  told my sister of my plan but she refused to help me.  I used my persuasion tactics to persuade her until she finally accepted to help. She quickly jumped on her seat to reconfigure the gate to be wide enough for me to pass through. I was so happy that I would finally get to visit another world. But something went wrong after the machine started up. It had gone haywire since it was constantly blaring out the words  'Energy overload'.

My sister called out to me so that I go to her saying it was looking dangerous, but I could not let this project go to waste after investing so much money in it. I quickly ran towards the machine not caring what would happen. I only hoped I could reach it on time so as to manually shut it down. But my wishful thinking was not enough to stop it. I suppose I was to slow since I was soon engulfed in a bright blinding light assuming it was the light from the explosion offset by the machine and then moments later darkness filled my surrounding.

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