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57.14% Ebony Scales / Chapter 12: Segment Twelve, ‘Being Hunted’

Chapter 12: Segment Twelve, ‘Being Hunted’

'Dr. Wu's Pov'

So long the drive was, for both him as well as Lance.

After all they had been driving for quite sometime, on their quest to find Owen. However the scientist felt very nervous as well as he was scared, and he had every right to be since his lethal creation was free. There was no telling what she was getting into, or how many people she was killing at this very moment.

Each second that had passed, only added more to his fear.

Course there was another thing that caused for greater concern, for he knew that the General was not about to let the hybrid go. That man was so full of pride and power, that he was clearly blind to how dangerous his creation was. This blindness was going to cause so many more problems down the road. He just had to find a way to stop this hybrid, once and for all.

Dr. Wu's eyes soon blinked as he heard Lance speak, and he shifted his gaze to look at him curiously.

"I know that we are looking for that guy, but we also need to make a plan?" Lance's voice at this very moment was so very earnest as he continued, "I mean if we don't have a plan, we are pretty much screwed right?"

Dr. Wu actually looked at him interested, for he liked the idea. If they actually made a plan right now, then they would be prepared if anything bad was about to occur. Thinking ahead was a good idea, and it just may save their lives. Lest they don't make a plan, and probably die by both his creation and the General.

"I like that!" nodded the scientist with a hopeful smile.

Lance sort of smiled as he glanced at him before returning his gaze back to the road. "So this animal of yours? Does it have any weaknesses that you know of? Anything that we can use against it?"

Dr. Wu looked ahead at the road while thinking, for the vehicles lights made the road more visible as it blared into the night. "She is literally bulletproof, and is always on the look out for weaknesses in people? I also know that she doesn't like overly bright lights? But they make her more angry if anything?"

Lance scoffed after hearing the bulletproof part, for he couldn't believe that an animal could withstand bullets. He glanced at the scientist who was thinking very hard about his creation. "Why on earth did you make it bulletproof to begin with!?!"

"I needed the money! The prototype was made the same way but it was a failure! I honestly thought that she could be the perfect one to be sold for millions okay!" snapped Dr. Wu who was now feeling guilty. "I never thought that changing her code would make her like this!"

Lance shook his head for he couldn't wrap his head around what he was hearing. "You must of had some inkling that this could of happened! I mean you studied her right!?!"

Dr. Wu rubbed his temples for he didn't want to fight right now, for he was trying to calm himself down. So much for trying to make a plan, and now they were arguing with each other. "I did study her since she was just a hatchling, she honestly showed promise. But I get it? I should of killed her then I just..."

Not to mention that he had remembered when she first hatched, and how her eyes affected him so. Would that be considered as an inkling, and if so then perhaps he should of killed her a long time ago.

Lance sighed while shaking his head, while doing a laugh that was rather confused. "You needed money right? Man, I will never understand scientists."

Dr. Wu removed his right hand from his head, as he slowly nodded. "Yes, money was my top priority at the time. But I changed my mind. I just know that Owen can help us, seeing that he knows about them. Plus he killed the prototype."

"Seriously?", smirked Lance after hearing what Dr. Wu said, while his hands remained on the steering wheel as he continued to drive. "He actually killed one of them?"

Dr. Wu nodded while replying accordingly. "He did. So maybe he could do it again?"

Lance kept his smirk on his face before frowning soon after as a thought entered his mind, even his eyes narrowed as he shared that thought. "Like that is going to be easy? I mean we are also taking on the General? How are we going to deal with them and this hellish beast at the same time!?!"

Dr. Wu frowned once Lance was done speaking, for both of them had the same concerns about that power hungry man. If he was to kill his creation, he would have to defeat the general first. Then an idea struck him.

What if his creation defeated the general and vice versa?

It was a good idea even though it was equally risky, besides how would they pull that off. The more he thought about it, did his concern grow. "Right now let's just focus on finding Owen first?", suggested Dr. Wu.

Lance merely nodded in response, as he focused on driving. "I sure hope he can help us."

Dr. Wu's brows furrowed a bit after Lance spoke, for the scientist knew that him and Owen weren't really 'friends' and more just acquaintances. According to his own knowledge, Owen knew a lot about velociraptors only cause he worked with them as well as trained them when they were young. Owen and him more or less tolerated each other back then, but after the incident at Lockwood Manor. The scientist had a haunch that Owen didn't like what he had done, when the first Indoraptor was made and was about to be sold. Though the people there tried to sell it, while he was against it.

If Owen decides that he won't help him, then he would have to kill his own creation on his own. He was also thankful that Lance was helping him right now, cause if he didn't then he would still be in that cell. "If he can't help us then we will have to do it ourselves."

Lance blinked as he glanced at Dr. Wu, who looked very serious when he had spoke. Without saying anything back for he understood how serious this was, did he nod silently. It would honestly be left to them to stop this animal, with or without Owen's help.

Dr. Wu thinking about it further, has now come to realize that he never even heard the General's name. "By any chance do you know his name?"

"Who? Oh The General?" replied Lance as he glanced at the scientist now. His eyes returned to the road which was visible thanks to the headlights of their vehicle. "General Camden."

Dr. Wu nodded in response for he was glad to know his name finally, though he still didn't like him. There was no way that prideful man would tell him anything, so why would he share his name with him. "I have to ask this only cause I want to hear your opinion?"

Lance nodded with a bit of a funny face, he even glanced at him while letting a small smile appear on his lips. "Are you like trying to study me?" asked Lance soon after in a bit of teasing voice.

Dr. Wu merely shook his head both at Lance and his views on scientists, but this did little to deter him from asking. "No I am not. I merely want to ask if you think General Camden can supposedly control that animal?"

Lance went silent afterwards as he thought about General Camden, and his abilities. After hearing about the animal that was bulletproof, and how dangerous it was. He couldn't help but think negatively on it. If a animal was dangerous it couldn't be controlled right?

"General Camden is a tough man, who is adamant in his ways. He is both strong and wise when it counts, but I can't help thinking that maybe he is taking on more than he can manage?" finally after some heavy thought, Lance spoke up. His face was twisted in a uncertain look, for he honestly felt that General Camden was out of his league.

Dr. Wu watched and waited patiently as the air conditioning continued to make sounds between them. The look on Lance's face made him wonder what he was thinking, and he prayed that it was logical. When his words left his mouth however, did Dr. Wu feel so utterly relieved. "You and I think the same. Thank goodness."

Lance let out a bit of a laugh, his faced eased a bit. "Why did you think that I would go bat shit crazy over the animal too?"

Sharing a small laugh, Dr. Wu looked outside the windshield as he watched the road move so smoothly as the lights caressed it. The light from the headlights also appeared to be pushing the darkness away. "Some what? I mean you wouldn't be the first?"

Lance chuckled, as he shook his head. His hands soon moved to the radio as he began searching for anything decent. "I'd rather take a dog over your animal. No offense?"

Dr. Wu merely nodded, seeing that he couldn't really blame him. A dog was a loyal companion, and was mans best friend. While his creation was a psychopath, and was a human killing machine. "It is alright. I get it."

As the two continued to have their small chat, Lance found a certain spot on the radio. The station appeared to be a mere talking one, where people can share ridiculous stories. The voices upon the radio were two men discussing something and one man, was completely distraught. Though the host of the station was laughing, and thinking that it was a bad trip.

"You are not hearing me!?! My friend was brutally attacked by something! The police say that it was a bear attack, but it wasn't a BEAR!?!"

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Back up? You mean to tell me that some strange animal killed your friend?"

"YES!?! He went camping and I was on the phone with him! The roaring and the screaming!?! It was one of them beasts!?! I know it!"

"Hey chill out man! Maybe you were tripping out really bad? I mean when you are high off your ass you might mistake a bear for one?"


Lance felt so many chills go down his spine as he listened to them talk. He glanced at Dr. Wu who looked very upset, as he sat there frozen. The both of them were greatly affected by this news, but Dr. Wu felt sick to his very core. They were even more aware that they had better get on the move. ASAP!

"We have to find Owen! NOW!?!" curtly snapped Dr. Wu. He was afraid that something like this was happening, and they were at this very moment. People were dying, and many more would soon follow.

"Right!" replied Lance as he stepped on the gas, as they went racing forward on their way to their destination.

'Sable's Pov'

A low chuffing huff that was from her, was barely present within the woods that she was stalking, her eyes scanned the area around her observantly. After getting a good look at the land from her perch, she knew that it was a good place to claim. There was so much promise here, and that promise only thrilled her more. She definitely was going to do so many more hunts very soon, and this excited her greatly.

She was free.

No more concrete floors or walls.

The small cells that once contained her were no where to be seen, for she was free.

Sable stopped suddenly however, for there was a faint sound that caught her attention. The forest that was around her now, hid her form well and since it was dark. She was fully camouflaged.

Her mind was on high alert, and so to get a better look in the direction of the sound did she skillfully stand up. Sable's head looked ahead for the longest time as she stood still, and for a brief moment the sound stopped. This fully gained her attention, as she stared in the direction where she first heard the sound.

Sable stood still, never once looking away.

Not until another sound happened behind her, and quickly her head turned in that direction. Her sharp eyes which were now slits, looked very eager to the experience that was happening now. For something was about to happen. The moment her head turned, did the area around her come alive in a sharp blinding light. Sable's form was completely exposed as the light hugged her form tightly.

Releasing a startled cry due to the light, did the forest come alive with silhouettes of all kinds moving about, along with many voices. Sable was quick to look in each direction of each movement, her eyes shook lightly all because of how bright the lights were. They were so bright, they literally burned.

"MOVE!?! MOVE!?! MOVE!?!"



The forest which used to be quiet was now full of the voices of the soldiers, along with her loud cries. Sable was so keen on every movement, that her body was quick to shift down on all fours. She was absolutely ready for this hunt, for these humans proved to be better than the ones she had killed. Immediately she was excited and that excitement soon turned into a blinding rage.

Sable's eyes quickly closed as the blaring lights that were so intense became even more so. It became so much that all that she saw was white.

Snapping her eyes open did she scream loudly in a violent roar, as her large form moved to the soldier closest to her. Her body collided into the man who wore armor upon his form.

The forest was now full of chaos, as the soldiers worked really hard in trying to subdue her. Which was not happening in the slightest, due to her rage. Sable was attacking everything that moved, while sounds of guns were being used. Everything was just fueling her anger, as she collided with each soldier and tore her way into there armor protected bodies. Each man that fell, another took their place.

These soldiers were very coordinated, as they shot tranq after tranq at her. Some were even using stun batons against her, which was a new thing that she has never encountered before.

Sable let out a loud roar as she was struck by a stun baton, her right claw was quick to swipe at him in retaliation. So much was going on, and as this continued to progress within the woods, did she continue to unleash her fury. Her head turned as her maw snapped upon the head of another man who was running at her with a stun baton. Swiftly throwing him to the side, did her body get covered abruptly by some form of net.

The launch of this net when it was fired, sent her down onto the ground on her side. Struggling against the net in her ferocity, did the net began to weaken and snap apart.



The soldier shouting this was running up to Sable, and was trying to unload more tranqs into her. He however was not alone, for another soldier ran up to join in.

"ARGH!?!" was the sound of pain from one soldier who was unfortunate, for Sable slashed at him the moment she was free enough to. His body fell, without a head. Her eyes quickly turned to his comrade who was backing up, as he fired tranqs at her.


As he screamed this, was he pounced on quite violently. He honestly tried to fight her to the best of his abilities, which made her feel stronger. She was stronger and knew it, as she clawed him. His armor was quickly weakening, and he knew it, as her claws were digging deeply into him. He was beneath her as blood fell freely from his mouth, as he shouted painfully at the soldier loading the next net. "HURRY AND SHOOT HER!?!"

At that moment the net was fired and Sable was quick to jump off of him, and watched as it swallowed up the guy tightly instead. Her head shifted sharply from where the net came from, and it was there that she had seen the vehicle with a loaded net gun on its back.

Sable knew then what to attack next.



The soldiers voiced their alarm, as they tried to stop her from attacking the vehicle. Sable of course was not about to go through that again, she was going to destroy it. Once she did that, these humans could not stop her.

So much was going on, and many soldiers were screaming at their own, as the large hybrid made her way toward the truck with the net gun. Brightly the lights blared into the trees covered by the night, and the sounds of many screams would only follow suit afterward. One by one, countless soldiers stood before her and the truck. As they shot countless tranqs into her in order to stop her, and some soldiers were voicing their disbelief at how she was still going.

"HOW!?! JUST HOW!?!"



One soldier was roughly grabbed and strongly thrown away violently, and Sable's mind purred to seeing him hit a tree. Another soldier she cruelly crushed into the ground as she closed in, while he continued to fire tranqs at her.

"GAS OUT!?!"

Immediately after this voice rang out a soldier threw a gas grenade, a strong scent entered her nostrils then and there. Roaring in response, Sable felt both her eyes and nose burn powerfully. At that very moment everything changed in her mind, she didn't want to be anywhere near there, where that burning stuff was. So she was quick to turn and run into the trees, rather blindly, for her eyes burned.


"MOVE!?! MOVE!?! We can't lose her!?!"

Sable ran blindly into the many branches and bushes that snapped, due to her size. As she continued to run, she heard a new sound which she had never heard before. It was a loud sound as it shredded through the night, and she couldn't help but open her eyes to see.

Her eyes stung as she opened them, while her nostrils kept burning. These humans definitely had new things to use, and she was slowly learning each new one that was thrown her way.

Looking back did she see a new form of transportation that the humans used. Though she saw them as some type of animals, the humans called them motorcycles. Sable quickly ran forward, as several motorcycles followed suit. She was quickly looking for any place that she could go, and her mind was sent into overdrive. For she was thinking on how to lose these humans who were close on her tail.

What she didn't expect was that she ran suddenly into a wooden fence, entering a humans backyard. Sable in her haste jumped onto the roof of this house, and looked up at a light blaring down on her. The blades and sounds coming from the helicopter alerted her to keep moving.

As she was about ready to jump off of the roof, another net captured her. Letting out a surprised barking call, she fell in front of the house. Frantically trying to escape from the net, did countless vehicles appear in the front of the house as well. The soldiers were quick to appear on scene as they got out of their vehicles, as she slowly stood up from the tattered net.

Feeling provoked and cornered, Sable roared loudly at them in pure aggression while standing before a house that held a family inside. This family was utterly terrified as they watched what was going on outside.

ThatAGurlBlue ThatAGurlBlue

I hope you all liked the chapter! ^^ I appreciate all of you and the comments! Thank you for adding Ebony Scales to your collections!

This lets me know that in someway I am a writer. ;~; Though I sometimes still doubt it, but it is cause of you who read the stories I write that helps me keep going. So honestly thank you. <3

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