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Segment Ten, ‘Unleashed’

'Sable's Pov'

New the scents were to her nostrils, her eyes restlessly looked all around her as she quickly moved without any restraint. This was not a cage, for this was freedom. Never had she experienced this before and she was enjoying it for what it was worth. Cool was the air upon her form, the feeling of the natural ground and earth was upon her feet which was different from the concrete flooring of the so many cages that she was held in.

Her mind was sent into overdrive for she was eager to explore all that was before her now. So intimidating her form was as her powerful tail maintained her balance.

She must run, to keep going!

Her mind roared for her to keep going, which in turn moved her further and further away from her captors.

It didn't take her long to enter the dense wild forest of the wilderness nearby either, for the trees and bushes hid her view from curious eyes. Everything was just so new to her, and she loved it.

Unbeknownst to her, she was actually starting to close in on a small neighborhood. Where people were living peacefully among themselves. Though, that peace would be ruined for she was moving in.

'Dr. Wu's Pov'

"I can not believe that you stopped me from killing her! I have told you time and time again that you can not control her!", hissed the man who created all of the creatures that had stalked the world in the once famous theme parks for all to see. However those times were long gone, and the dinosaurs were now living among the humans.

How did he know this?

Cause there had been sightings of the dinosaurs on American soil. There was even news about the first baby dinosaur to be born as well. He knew this, and was shaken up by it. But nothing would compare to the fear of his dangerous creation who now had free roam at this very moment. What he wanted to do now was capture her above all else before she causes more harm than good.

He knew how she acted just by observing her for so long, and he definitely knew that she loved killing humans far more so than any other creature. She was a literal danger to every little thing and she must be stopped. The only thing that was in his way unfortunately was this General. This power hungry man who would seriously do anything to have her, and would sacrifice everything in order to have her.

How corrupt this General was, that alone made Dr.Wu sick to his very core.

"Find her at once!", he demanded only then to be glared at by the man who had been holding him back and against his will.

"You don't give the orders around here.", spoke the words of a very controlling man. A man who had power and saw this creature as the world's most lethal weapon. "I will get her back and I will properly get her trained. She is far to important to just kill."

"Open your eyes! She is a weapon! A weapon in which no one can control or tame!", snarled Dr.Wu. He even met the glare of the General with his very own, not once did he look away either. This mans eyes did not compare to his creations eyes, for her eyes were far more terrifying. "She must be stopped!"

The both of them glared at each other now, the tension between them was very great. So great in fact that it made the surrounding area very suffocating.

Many people were moving about in which the General ordered, no doubt on the move to retrieve the hybrid who had just now escaped. The order had been given out earlier before the both of them got into a very serious discussion. Dr. Wu stood up for himself, and it was clear he meant business.

He was finally putting his need of money aside, after all money won't be any good to him if he was a dead man.

"Sir, the vehicle's are ready!", spoke a soldier who stood at the side of the General.

"Good.", was the only response that came from his commanding officer. The General merely turned away from the scientist, to follow the soldiers who were now entering their many vehicles. "I'm quite done talking to you. Escort the scientist to a holding cell, I will deal with him once I return."

"Hey!?!", soon snapped Dr.Wu as he was grabbed a hold of by two strong soldiers. "Let go of me!?! You can't do this!?! You can't control her!?!", shouted Dr.Wu as he tried to get out of the hands that held him down. He glared at the General as he was now entering a army Jeep, soon his eyes looked at him as he gave that all to familiar smirk. That alone fueled Dr.Wu's rage as he fought hard to escape the soldiers who had him now, but alas he couldn't escape them for he was soon knocked out.

'Sable's Pov'

Swiftly she moved about, the effects from the tranquilizers which were earlier fired at her did little to deter her from continuing on her way. She was actively on the hunt, for new sights caught her attention. The trees did very well to hide her from view, as she moved into a peaceful looking place which held a neighborhood full of humans.

Her eyes were so focused on the moving forms which were cars that moved about on the paved streets, not that she knew what the cars were. To her they looked like some kind of strange animal. Sable had of course encountered one and she had flipped it over.

They were so strange and yet they hit her hard, much harder than all of the things that were fired and or tossed at her to stop her. These humans which she has come to know, were not like any other animal that was introduced to her. From the times she was cooped up in cages, and buildings to what they fed her. It was all so different to what she was seeing now.

There was no cages, for all that she could see was open land without barriers to stop her. New sights and sounds, enticed her. All of this was such an exciting experience to her, and it made her feel very free without anything to hold her back. She could do whatever she wanted, and that was what she was going to do.

Sable closed in, and crossed the paved ground which brought her even closer to the humans living in the neighborhood. A loud honk erupted after she had crossed, for she didn't pay attention to the oncoming traffic. She continued to move on for she was far to excited to stop, while the car that honked stopped suddenly in a screech. The driver definitely was shaken up by what he had seen as he opened his door to look, along with his passenger who had stepped out of the car as well.

The buildings that she could see now from a bit of a distance were very different from the ones she had seen. They were large, but not enough to be considered a cage to keep her in. She didn't know that the many buildings that she saw were that of homes, stores, and restaurants in which were there for the humans that lived there.

Fences, driveways, sidewalks, and roads were pretty much everywhere for the convenience for the humans and families that lived there.

It was just so new to her.

She wanted to see more! The excitement that was growing within her continued to increase, and it would not end well for the humans who she would soon meet.

As she moved on, a rather new sound had gained her attention. It sounded like a animal, an animal that she has never heard before. Though she didn't know what it was, all humans knew of the sound. It was a dog that was barking, for it sensed that she was approaching.

'Dr.Wu's Pov'

"Ugh...", groaned the scientist as he rubbed his sore head. He soon recalled why that was for he was knocked out by the soldiers who had held him back from going after the General. He looked around himself while still holding his aching head. "I can't believe this."

Dr.Wu now could see where he was, for it was a cell. The General did say to put him there, and now that he was there he had to find a way out.

The longer he was in there, the worse the situation would become.

"Got to get out of here!" spoke a man with so much determination. He looked around his cell, trying to find a way out of it. Approaching the door he looked out of the little door opening, and saw one soldier who was sitting there.

"Let me out of here! Can't you see that many of people will be in danger!", yelled out Dr.Wu as he looked at the resting soldier who was no doubt guarding him.

The soldier merely looked at him, his eyes were very strong and focused on the task that was given to him. "I can't let you out. The General has gave me a strong order to keep you in that cell."

"This is crazy! Don't you know what she can do! She has never been outside before! She will be hunting everything that moves! Don't you care about the people and their safety!", replied Dr.Wu seriously. "You're a soldier! Aren't you supposed to protect people!?!"

His word definitely hit a cord to the man who was clearly a soldier. Dr.Wu watched as he stood up and approached the door with quite a hard look. "I won't be anything if the General finds out I let you escape."

"So you are going to listen to him and do nothing while the people who you swore to protect die!"

The soldier glared and closed his eyes before curtly replying, "Listen, the General will bring that animal back! Stop worrying so much!"

"I have to worry! The longer she lives, and the longer she stays out there, the worse she is gonna get!", snapped Dr.Wu. "She is not like the first Indoraptor, she is far worse than him!"

"...", he listened to Dr.Wu as he spoke seriously about this animal and he see that he was serious. "So what? If I let you out what are you going do? You don't have any weapons or resources to contain her?"

"I am going to put her down once and for all! Are you going to let me out or not!?!", replied Dr.Wu.

The soldier frowned as he looked to the side now in deep thought, his buzzed cut hairstyle of brown showed his eyes of the same color. "..."

Dr.Wu looked at him seriously through the little opening that was on the door. He could see that he was thinking about it quite hard. The scientist looked at what he wore, and saw the typical camouflage wear while he wore a white coat with white shirt and black slacks. The both of them were different, especially in their profession but would they be alike in thought.

That he didn't know while he waited for him to speak.

"Look I understand the position that you are in, and this is your job. But you must have an idea about how badly it is going to get if we don't do anything! I honestly don't trust your commanding officer, for he is not going to capture her in time! If he does capture her and bring her back the same thing will happen again and again until I finally put her down!", his words were earnest as well as they were honest. "I have an idea, and I know who to call. This person will help me but I need to get out of here and find him!"

"Ugh! Fine.", spoke the soldier giving in as he shifted to get the key out of his pocket, "I can't believe I am doing this!"

"Thank you so much!", replied a man who was very thankful. Dr.Wu was so glad and felt so much gratitude for the soldier who was going to let him go. "You can come with me! With any luck you won't lose your job as you help me? After all, they will see that you have saved so many lives!"

The door was pulled open and Dr.Wu looked at the soldier who had freed him and as he walked out did he ask again but seriously, "Will you come with me?"

There was a bit of silence between the two of them before the scientist finally got his reply. "Let's go."

Dr. Wu nodded as he quickly ran, with the soldier right behind him.

'Sable's Pov'

The barking only continued, for there was a dog behind some kind of metal barrier. She slowly stalked toward it with her eyes focused on the dog, and as she done so did the dog go crazy mad. This didn't really intimidate her as her maw showed her many teeth as a deep chuff escaped from her maw and throat.

"Come on man what is wrong with you boy!", groaned a man who was the dog's owner. Sable watched the man walk out, looking rather annoyed as well as sounding the part. That annoyance she sensed as her pupils became slits.

Without hesitation she roared out loudly and almost violently which got a different reaction from the dog and the man who had now taken notice of her and her presence. "AHHHH!?!"

The man yelled utterly terrified while his dog yelped loudly and ran away from the fence which collapsed to Sable's weight and form. She ran after them while roaring her haunting cry nonstop. Her eyes were so focused on the two fleeing forms, that she didn't take notice of the glass before colliding into it.

Sable had crashed into the back of the home that the man had owned, speaking of the man he was running out his front door while pulling his dog along.

Turning around quickly and crashing into many things, Sable was discovering all the new things that were owned by the humans. Even the television had got her attention, for she heard a lion's roar from it. Swiping at the television with her right claw, she made a large hole in the front of the television which was now busted all to pieces.

Sable was quick to look around and sniff for anything of interest after destroying the television. Broken furniture and glass was everywhere on the floor, after she had moved around and attacked anything that made a sound.

Her mind was still in overdrive for she was still hunting, but that changed quickly when she picked up on some scents. These scents were actually very pleasing and so she approached the thing that had these scents. It was food that much she knew, and she was very hungry after all that she has been through.

Flipping over the thing that held the food, did she help herself to it. The man's refrigerator was literally toppled over and broken into quite relentlessly for she was grabbing and eating everything that smelt edible.

The destruction within the home, along with all the sounds that came from Sable gained the attention of the neighbors who were walking out of their doors to investigate what was going on and where the sounds were coming from. She was not aware of this though for she was still in the house, and trying to get out of it after she had eaten her fill.

Eventually after awhile she got out by the way she came in, her eyes were focused and alert while looking around for her next target. Sable soon quickly ran back into the trees again, for she was still on the prowl. While she fled, the man who survived the attack called the police in a panic while keeping his dog close to him.

ThatAGurlBlue ThatAGurlBlue

Here is the next chapter! Thank you for reading! ^^

I am happy that so many people like this fanfic and are so interested in it! I am so happy I can’t find words! Again thank you! <3

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