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42.85% Ebony Scales / Chapter 9: Segment Nine, ‘The Haunting’

Chapter 9: Segment Nine, ‘The Haunting’

'Dr.Wu's Pov'

The great scientist of this murderous creature has been on the highest of guards, especially since he took notice of her and her intelligence. Each goat that was put in, what she did to said animal, how quickly she killed it and returned to the camera. All of this was being watched by him, as well as it was being documented on a small notepad that he had in his possession. This data was to good, and he couldn't afford to miss it.

"Just how much smarter would she become?", this question he asked himself constantly as well as feared.

Dr.Wu was no longer messing around here, and he had to do things on his own and hide it from the general. After all, the man took all of his data away and he had nothing to use at his disposal. He of course was not the only one watching her, for many who worked for the general watched her as well on expensive monitors and cameras. The general was becoming cocky, especially seeing that the animal recognized that going close to the camera would always bring in live prey for her to kill. Of course by the generals orders.

Each day this so called 'training' continued, for that was what the general called it. Was he really training her?, or was she 'playing' along so to speak? That was just it, no one knew and Dr.Wu had his doubts.

In two weeks time, this dangerous creature only continued to go near the camera more frequently. Some nights were haunting, for she would always look into the camera up close and stare into it with her eyes which glew in the night vision view of the camera. She would chuff out a deep throated gurgle as well, as if saying something to herself. It was just fascinating to see how she acted now in two weeks time.

The next morning however, something changed or rather she changed her actions which was surprising. She didn't go near the camera not even once and she merely stalked her cell, with restless steps. The general frowned sharply when he saw this change.

"What on earth!?! Why did she stop going near the camera!", growled the general.

Dr.Wu walked in having heard the sound of displeasure from the general, who ruled this place. "It seems like you can't train her?", retorted Dr.Wu as he looked at the screen for he saw his creation moving about in her cell. Her head was high as she looked around, as she stood on her hind legs as her tail kept her balance. The flare of her nostrils, that low huffing hiss that soon followed was a unique sound.

"Hold your tongue!", firmly spat the general as he looked in Dr.Wu's direction. Shifting to look at the screen again, the man of power watched her closely for it was like he was trying to understand what was going through her mind. Just what was she planning? Was she bored?

"Get ready for my next orders.", spoke the general as he turned away showing the scientist his back. Just this action made the scientist frown firmly, as he watched the man walk into a back room with a few collection of guards right behind.

"Next orders?", questioned Dr.Wu's mind for he didn't like the sounds of that. Just what was he going to do next?

Dr.Wu's questions would soon be answered, after about an hour the general walked out from the back room and spoke. "Turn off the lights here and in her cell."

At this, Dr.Wu raised a eyebrow only then to listen intently on the next words that were said by this powerful and cocky man of power. "After doing that I want you to shine a red dot in there, let's see her reaction to it?"

Just what was going to happen next?, Dr.Wu looked up as the lights cut off in a loud noise. Only the shine of the computers and the wall screens of her cell was the only sources of light in the room now. The night vision on the camera in her cell picked up her movements as her maw opened releasing a haunting sound similar to that of a raptor barking call.

Her cell was completely dark and the night vision was their only way to see where she was. Dr.Wu kept his eyes open and focused on the movements of the animal he created. He painstakingly worked his hardest to bring her to life, and now he just didn't know what she would do. Every single time he would think of her doing something, and she would do it coincidentally at the same time. Or do something else entirely which horrified him to no end.

'Sable's Pov'

The lights were cut, her pupils dilated in a instant in the darkness of her cell. Her maw shivered as she stood up on her hind legs before releasing a terrifying cry, her gaze shifted slowly to a red gleam. A red dot, and for some strange reason she felt this deep need to hunt it down and kill it.

Sable approached the red dot slowly now on all fours, her eyes firm on the red dot. Then something clicked in her mind, as her eyes slowly shifted to a very small opening. The red dot was shining through it, and instantly her mind went into overdrive.

Her strong limbs quickly turned as if on a mind of their own, her movements were incredibly powerful and fast as she opened her maw and released an overly excited cry. It didn't take long for her to slam against the wall which was actually a door as it caved in due to her strength.

Sable's arms sprung to life as she pried the heavily dented door apart with her mouth open wide to display all of her deadly teeth.


Such a delightful sound she heard, the fear in the voice pushed her onward as she pushes and claws at the door that was quickly straining and giving out. It didn't take long before she got through, and she was free from her cell. Loud sounds soon erupted around her as flashing lights colored the darkness in a timed rhythm, but she paid it no mind as she chased after the countless men who were running away from her in fear.

Three of the men were firing their guns at her in their desperate attempt to stop her. Each shot that hit merely bounced off of her, for her hide was bulletproof.


Before the soldier could finish his words, he was viciously charged into by Sable who was thrilled by his desperate attempts to stop her.

"Finally!", her mind purred for she was free and finally able to get her claws onto something else that wasn't a goat. Humans were what thrilled her more than any other creature to kill, she finally came to terms with it as well for she was the humans predator.

Their cries, their fear, and their expressions were what made them so pleasing to kill. Just no other animal would do, for they had to be a human.

The lights were quick to come on which startled her after she had delivered a bone crushing bite to the soldiers face. Her head snapped up to look at the two who were still firing at her, and she was quick to chase after them without any delay. Her body was quickly moving down the corridor, as screams echoed out around her.

Their screams were definitely haunting but that was what pleased her most.

'Dr.Wu's Pov'

"TRANQ HER NOW!?!", ordered the overly angry general. His face showed everything he was feeling, for his rage could not be ignored. "DO IT NOW!?!"

At first no one knew what was happening, for all they heard was terrified screaming. The only thing that they could see was the flashing of the alarms as well as the subtle lights from guns being fired. Chilling the scene was when the lights were turned back on, for this deadly creature had ripped and killed three soldiers in such a quick amount of time.

Dr.Wu could not deny it now, he would have to do the impossible and kill her before it was to late. If the army could not stop her, then no one could. All his work and all his time were spent into making her and then selling her off, his greed blinding him beyond all else.

He would have to do this, and he could not let the general know. After all the general wanted her for a weapon, and granted she was one. A weapon against all humans and any other life form that was to stand before her. She honestly was a psychotic creature who had the brains to figure stuff out. The longer she lives, the more dangerous she becomes.

She was a predator beyond his wildest dreams that he has ever made and yet if this keeps on, there wouldn't be anyone or anything to stop her. His decision was set, his face showed his determination to put a stop to this. Here and now.

As chaos continues, he allowed himself to run away without being seen. For so many people were focused on the deadly beast that was making quick work of any and all who stood before her. The terrified screams from people, soldiers yelling orders to one another, and the unyielding sounds of a alarm going off was the only occurring sounds within the building that they were in.

It was all about to hit the fan so to speak?, if they don't stop her now she could actually escape into the main land where many people live. That just couldn't happen and so he made his decision. It was a dangerous and difficult decision but it had to be done.

'Sable's Pov'

The blood on her maw, the sounds of fear and terror were all thrilling to her. She tore apart anything that got in her way, while charging down the corridor she unleashed a strong sounding roar that was bone chilling and intimidating. So many humans came at her, but could do little to stop her.

Being fairly massive and stronger than the humans, she literally was the appearance of a train that was going through anything that was in its path. In this case she tackled and ran over those humans who got in her way, and she didn't hesitate to use her mouth or claws on them either. Sable was a unstoppable force of nature and she knew it. She was finally able to get out and do things that she wanted to do, which was kill all who stood before her.

She would not stop, she had enough of being in cages. Sable wanted out and she was going to get out one way or another.

Loud thudding of her scaled feet definitely gave her away for the humans knew where she was. It didn't matter how many she killed, more would appear like the hive that it was. No matter what, the humans were all around her. Not that she cared, for she was ready to kill more of them. Their blood upon her jaws was such a pleasing taste and aroma that she adored.

It just clicked into her mind, she was made to kill the humans. That alone pleased her.

With enough force and strength, Sable found herself actually outside of the building that had kept her captive. The new scents that lingered around her nostrils was a new experience for her, that was for sure. This was all new to her but her heart knew what she wanted and so she ran forward. Of course she was not alone...

Before she could run at her fullest speed into the distant wilderness before her, a loud screech caused her head and body to stop as she felt a strong impact of something hard hit her side. Puzzled and stunned for a bit, did she display her fangs within her mouth while her claws opened to grab at the strange thing that was up against her side.

Sable was not aware of all the things that humans could use, even now they used such strange things against her. Quickly her anger grew as she let out a loud deafening roar that was full of aggression and frustration.

'Dr.Wu's Pov'

Sprinting as fast as he could, he somehow managed to make a strong drug that would do the job. He just had to shoot it against her neck, if he didn't hit his mark she would not go down for her hide was unlike anything else. Being bulletproof it was sometimes hard to do anything to her, but he must do this or else many more people will die all because of his reckless greed.

Seeing her somehow make it outside, he aimed his shot the moment she was still. The outside world was something she had never experienced before, but if she was to be free there was no telling what she would do to all the animals.

This was his chance!

The moment he pulled the trigger, someone grabbed the gun and pointed it upwards in order to sabotage the shot. "Are you out of your mind!?!", yelled Dr.Wu angrily at the general who made him miss his shot.

"You will not KILL her!?!", spat the general. He was blinded by the fact that she was a deadly weapon, and that he could somehow control her. "She is to valuable!?!"

The both of them heard the loud screeching of a vehicle run into something, and as they looked over did they see a military Jeep up against the deadly animals left leg. The general pulled the gun away from the scientist who was still overly angry about his decision.

Several gun shots rang out all of which hit the back of the animal that Dr.Wu had made. She let a loud angry cry, as her clawed hands pushed the vehicle onto its side. Her strength was no joke, but this gave the many soldiers time to shoot countless shots at her. Each shot being a strong tranquilizer, but the general fired a shot of his own with the same gun he pulled away from Dr.Wu.

It was a tracker dart, which would tell them where she was headed. Dr.Wu was still upset about what the general did making him miss his shot, how could such a man be so obsessed with power?

Power in which he plans to use irresponsibly?

Dr.Wu should of figured that he was power hungry, but he didn't think that he was that obsessed with it. Being the military and all, shouldn't they worry about the many humans who could die if she was to escape!

The general watched as the deadly beast ran off into the cover of many trees and bushes. He had a smirk on his lips which turned to a frown when he heard Dr.Wu speak.

"She needs to be put down!?!", yelled Dr.Wu.

"That isn't your call.", firmly stated the general. This response only angered Dr.Wu more.

"I made her and so it is my call! She is to dangerous!?!", Dr.Wu blinked as his right arm was grabbed harshly. "What do you think you are doing!?!"

The general merely pulled Dr.Wu along with him while shouting orders to keep an eye on the tracker he had placed on the creation that had escaped. He was going to bring her back, and this time he was going to use her against his enemies. Seeing that she had a tracker, it should be easy to get her back.

ThatAGurlBlue ThatAGurlBlue

I want to personally thank all of you for reading and showing so much interest in this story! I mean I knew that you would like it but the response has been incredible! ;~;

I wasn’t feeling well all night last night but this was a nice thing to see! So thank you all so very much! I hope you like the chapter! <3

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