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Chapter 2: The Black Bulls

Recap: A former scarlet-eyed noble named Draku, came to Kikka to participate for the yearly Magic Knights Entrance Exam and proceeds to achieve an excellent performance in every test that were presented in the exam, especially in the combat test, where he demonstrated how powerful and capable his rare "Dragon Magic" is. During the selection period, all Magic Knight captains raised their hands for him, including the Golden Dawn, the strongest squad in the kingdom. Yet, he shockingly picked the Black Bulls, the worst squad in the kingdom, but with the right reasons. Currently, he's now in their wild and chaotic base, where he and his new friend and colleague, Asta, are going to meet their squad members. And from there, the story continues...

"Asta! Are you alright?", Draku ran towards Asta.

""Ouch! WHAT THE HELL IS THERE PROBLEM?!", Asta screamed.

"HAHAHA! What do you think of the squad? Pretty chaotic, right?", Yami asked them with a smile.

"Well, the squad really lived up to the hype of being the worst, captain.", Draku spoke and watches their base on fire and spoke again to Yami, "Uhh...the base is on fire, y'know...?"

"It's alright. No matter how many times we destroy this big old house that I just found before, it just reverts itself back to normal in no time, I think.", Yami spoke and smokes his cigarette at the end.

"Seriously? A house that reverts all the damages back to normal? Good grief. Captain Yami really found the perfect base for his disaster-loving squad.", Draku thought.

"Tch! Madada!", Asta slowly stands up and then screamed, "MADAMADAAAAA!!", and immediately runs back to the base once more.

"Hey, Asta! Stop running or you'll get blasted agai-", Draku warned Asta yet, it wasn't useful, as Asta got blown away once again. Draku then facepalms himself and said, "You really should start practicing yourself to think before you act, Asta."

"HAHAHA! He really is a dumbass. Welp, let's go and meet your squad, Deku.", Yami spoke.

"It's Draku, sir.", Draku thought.

"Huh?", Yami gazes at Draku with deadly intent.

"Nothing.", Draku quickly replied.

Eventually, Draku then accompanies Yami towards their base and lifts up Asta from the ground in the process.

"Good grief. You really need to control yourself, Asta.", Draku spoke.

"Sorry, Draku.", Asta weakly spoke while scratching his head.

Then, as soon as they enter the base, he now personally terribly wild and reckless his teammates are.

"So this is what the infamous Black Bulls looks like on the inside. First, we have two incredibly chaotic members, where one is a fiery delinquent, and one is a chirpy psychopath. These guys really represent why they're the worst. And then there's this guy who uses Glass Magic a small girl sleeping? What he a preda- No, no. There's no way that captain would let this animal live if he really is what I think of. Maybe it's just his daughter or sister or something! Tch! He stresses me out. Moving on!"

After that, Draku then spots a woman with pink-hair, who just woke up naked and continues thinking, "WOAH! SHE'S HOT! She got everything! Beautiful face, flawless skin, she got the natural big honkers, and lastly, SHE THICC!", Draku then unconsciously bleeds his nose and Asta finds it alarming and tells it to Draku immediately.

"Oh! DRAKU! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! YOU'RE NOSE IS BLEEDING!", Asta alarmingly asked.

"EEH! Don't suprise me like that, Asta! I'm alright. It's just that I saw something magnificent, that's all. Anyways, thank you for your concern.", Draku then wipes his blood with his forearm.

"Eh? Magnificent?", Asta asked.

"You're still too young for that thing, Asta.", Draku replied.

"Eh?! How old are you then?", Asta asked.

"21. How about you?", Draku asked.

"15. EH?! You're 21? But I thought you're like 17 or 18?", Asta shockingly asked.

"Well, you still need 3 more years to finally grasp what I meant, Asta.", Draku responded with a smile.

"THAT'S TOO LONG YEARS, DRAKU!", Asta responded with his eyes sparkling.

Draku then laughs it off and continues his observation, "Good grief. I should move on from that. Hmmmm..."

As he searches the area for the other members, Draku then spots a tiny girl eating in the table with a monstrous amount of food displayed just for her, "Huh? Is that a child? Or is she really just that tiny? And also, what a glutton! Amazing. She might be small but she's a monster in terms of eating! And finally we that even a human?", Draku spots a humongous grey guy(?), who just minds his(?) own business and smokes are coming out from his(?) mouth. And there, concludes his observation.

"Well, what do you think of our members?", Finral asked the two rookies.

"THEY'RE SCARY!", Asta replied.

"You guys really exceeded my expectations on how disastrous you people really are-", Draku was then interrupted when a magical fireball just blasted him, Asta, and Finral.

Then, Yami has had enough of their ruckus and took matters on his own by proceeding to fuse his left hand with his monstrous mana and clenches it, and went to intensely SMASH a huge portion of their base and furiously shouts, "DON'T BREAK ANYTHING!"

Eventually, everyone then ceased everything what they're currently doing for a moment, and immediately ran towards Yami to greet him, trampling Asta without knowing that he's there.

"Hey, can you even survive for the day, Asta?", Draku asked.

"I hope so...", Asta weakly replied.

After greeting him, Yami then appreciated their adorable greets for him, and proceeds to get angry for causing a massive brawl that pissed him off. Quickly, everyone then apologized for what they've done.

Eventually, Yami then began introducing his new recruits to his squad when suddenly, he noticed that Asta is missing.

"Hey, where's that shrimp?", Yami looks around before Finral points Asta, who is currently getting squashed by the humongous grey guy.

"Hey, quit playing around, will ya?"; Yami asked.

"BUT I CAN'T MOVE!", Asta strgglingly replied.

"Then move or I'll kill you.", Yami intensely gazes at Asta with bad intentions.

"YESSIR!", Asta then forces his way out and got out eventually.

"Captain really did mean it to give you a hellish experience in the squad. Just keep moving forward, Asta!", Draku concerningly thought.

"Alright, let's get back to it. So these two guys are your other new members.", Yami spoke.

"Other?", Asta asked.

"You mean there's more of us?", Draku asked.

"Only one.", Yami replied.

"Oh! We have another fellow rookie, Draku!", Asta spoke.

"You're right.", Draku answered and thinks, "Who could that be?"

"Anyways, introduce yourselves, will ya? Starting you, shrimp.", Yami asked.


"Hage? That remote village nearby the famous demon skull?", the delinquent asked.

"YES!", Asta responded.

"I am Draku from Acra Village. Please give me your guidance too.", Draku calmly introduced himself.

"Ara? The settlement nearby Heart Kingdom's border?", the naked girl asked.

"Y-yes.", Draku blushingly answered after he took a peek at her honkers.

"Hey, be useful and introduce us all.", Yami asked Finral.

"I'm useful for crying out loud!", Finral yelled and proceeds to start with the delinquent.

"This is Magna Swing! He's a delinquent, but he's a good guy!", Finral spoke.

"What are two waiting for? Greet me, goddamnit!", Magna intensely asked.

"N-nice to meet you.", Asta and Draku replied.

"And this is Luck Voltia! He's obsessed in fighting everyone that he see, but he's a good guy!", Finral spoke.

"I love fighting! You love fighting too, don't ya? Let's fight!", he estatically spoke.

"Nice to meet you...", the rookies responded.

"This is Vanessa Enotica, she's a drunkard witch, but she's a good girl!", Finral spoke while blushing.

Suddenly, Vanessa just stood up and walked towards the two newbies and erotically spoke, "Ara, ara. It seems you two are hardworking people. Maybe I shall give you both a "reward" for that."

"NICE TO MEET YOU!", the rookies passionately responded while their noses bleeds profusely becauss of Vanessa, who then threw up in front of them.

Suddenly, the guy that Draku suspects as a deranged pervert, came to them with a picture of a small girl and spoke. "This is Marie, my beautiful and angelic sister."

"Phew! Good grief. It's his sister after all. I really thought he was a predator or something. Thank goodness.", Draku thought.

"What do you two think of her? She's a goddess, right? If you two don't agree, I'll kill both of you. If you both agree, I'll burn you both alive!", Gauche spoke with murderous intent.

"Eh?!", Asta reacted.

"This is Gauche Adlai! He maybe a psychopath with a sister-complex, but he's a good guy!", Finral spoke.

"Nice to meet you.", Draku responded.

"This is Charmy Pappitson! She may look like a child but she's actually 19! She's also a good girl!", Finral spoke.

"Nice to meet you, laa!", she adorably spoke while her mouth is full.

"EH?! YOU'RE 19?!.", they shockingly responded.

"Sheeeesh.", the grey guy spoke.

"This is Grey, I really don't know who he is but, he's a good guy!", Finral spoke.

"Nice to meet you.", the rookies spoke.

"This is Gordon Agrippa! He maybe sisnter-looking, but he's a good guy!", Finral spoke.

"Both of you are really amazing earlier in the exams, Asta and Draku. I want to be friends with you guys until the day we die. I hope we can make a lot fun memories and acieve our dreams together.", Gordon silently spoke.

"Uhh...nice to meet you..." they doubtfully responded.

" And my name is Finral Roulacase! You might already knew me but, you didn't know that I am in fact incredibly popular with the girls!", Finral confidently spoke.

"Nice to meet you.", they responded.

"Also, I'm an expert lover! So if you want an advice about flirting with who you like, feel free to ask!", Finral confidently spoke.

"I WILL!", Asta passionately responded.

"I suggest you not to do it with Finral, Asta.", Draku thought.

"Well, that's all you can meet today.", Yami spoke.

"Eh? What do you mean about that, captain?", Asta asked.

"There are other members in the squad who are not here at the moment, and it's either they're on a vacation, on a mission, or just slacking off.", Yami answered.

"So we haven't yet to see the entirety of the Black Bulls, huh? I wonder if he/she is much way worse than everyone here.", Draku thought.

"Anyways, you two, try getting along with them.", Yami spoke.

"Yes, sir!", both of them replied.

"EVERYONE! THANKS FOR HAVING US!", Asta loudly spoke and Yami had enough of it and grabbed his head again and squeezes it intensely.

"Your loud voice really contradicts your short height, y'know?", Yami spoke with annoyance.

"AHHHH! I'M SORRY!", Asta squealed in pain.

"Shut up!", Yami then drops him a moment later and concludes their introduction and spoke, " That's all for today. If you guys are interested with these newbies, you can train them the way you like it, just don't kill them."

"Eh?!", the rookies spoke.

"Oh? That's more like it!", Magna delinquently spoke and then stood up and continued, "Mr. Yami says that you two needs to be toughen up! Well then be honored! As I'll be the one training you two, right now!"

"Ahh, I see. An initiation, eh?", Draku thought.

"Hey you! You loud-mouthed shrimp! Why can't I sense anything from you, huh, shorty?!", Magna fiery asked.

"I-I don't know!", Asta nervously responded.

"Huh? What do you mean you don't know?! You must be a dumbass, aren't ya?!", Magna intensely asked.

"Sorry, sir!", Asta responded.

"I don't know why Mr. Yami chose someone like you, who is a be all brawn eith no brains from a very remote village but, if you were chosen by our boss, then you must be someone interesting! I WANT YOU TO SHOW IT", Magna fiery spoke.

"YESSIRR!", Asta responded.

Eventually, Magna then lends his attention towards at Draku and points at him and intensely spoke," And you! You scarlet-eyed boy! You-", Magna then stopped when he sensed Draku's magical aura, which he intentionally release a part of it and asked while faking his suprised tone.

"Hmmm? What's wrong?", Draku asked.

Magna then removes his glasses and spoke, "Hey, hey, hey. What in the world is that crazy magic that I sense from you? Hey, Luck! You also sense it, do ya?"

"Yeah. He's crazy strong, Magna..", Luck seriously replied while smiling like a psychopath.

"Oh, I forgot to mention you dumbasses something.", Yami spoke and smokes his cigarette and continued, "Scarlet eyes here is our first recruit that made every captain raise their hands for him during the selections, including the Golden Dawn."

Upon hearing it, everyone was then shocked and made them speechless.

"Hehehe. Do you really have to tell that useless fact to them, captain?", Draku shyly asked.

"Your humbleness pisses me off.", Yami intensely gazes at Draku.

"Sorry.", Draku horrifyingly replied.

"Raised...all of them?", Vanessa shockingly asked.

"No kidding, Mr. Yami?!", Magna reacted.

"Amazing! Now I'm really craving to fight you!", Luck menacingly spoke.

"Who cares? Marie can just easily do that too, right, Marie?", Gauche then smilingly looks at his sister's picture.

"You're amazing, laa!", Charmy spoke.

"You should've seen him in the exams earlier. He was amazing and powerful, and beats his arrogant foe flawlessly, and possesses a rare magic called "Dragon Magic". Draku, let us be friends forever and ever, please.", Gordon silently spoke.

"Sheeeesh.", Grey spoke.

"You guys should've seen his performace in the entrance exam. It's amazing!", Finral spoke.

"Draku! One day I'm going to surpass you and become the Wizard King!", Asta passionately spoke.

"Please do it sooner, Asta.", Draku thought.

"But, how were you able to get this amazing recruit, captain?", Vanessa asked.

"He spoke something about his reason why but I forgot what he said. Just simply ask Deku here. He won't bite.", Yami spoke.

"It's Draku, captain.", Draku clarified.

"You got a problem with that?", Yami intensely gazes him with bad intentions.

"Not really.", Draku nervously spoke.

Suddenly, Magna just slowly clapped and menacingly looked at Draku, which garnered everyone's attention.

"Well, well, well. So you're now the Black Bull's golden boy, eh?", Magna softly spoke with a delinquent tone.

"Uhh...I wouldn't say that but uhm...maybe?", Draku spoke calmly but Magna quickly and intensely replied, "YOU'RE WRONG!"

It then suprised everyone in the squad and he intensely continued, "Just because you are an all-raiser candidate, that dosen't mean you're the 'chosen one'! In this squad! You're just a newbie! YOU HEAR ME?!"

"I know that this is just you toughening me up but, you slightly piss me off, Magna.", Draku thought and Magna continued.

"You won't and never will have the privilege to be treated like Mr. Yami, and that's because he's the MAN!! If you wanr the entire Black Bulls to acknowledge you, THEN PROVE IT TO ME THAT YOU'RE A MAN, SCARLET BOY!."

"Okay.", Draku smilingly replied.

"WHAT'S WITH THAT RESPONSE?!", Magna furiously asked and continued, "Tch! Anyways, I have something that you and that loud dumb shrimp hasn't have yet!"

"WHAT IS IT, MAGNA-SENPAI?!", Asta curiously asked.

"Let me guess. Heart and grit of a Black Bull, right?", Draku thought.

Magna then proceeds to grab his robe and smiles delinquently to them, and intensely spoke to them, "YOU WANT THESE BAD BOYS, DON'T YA?!"

"OHH!", Asta's eyes sparkle.

"Oh. I was wrong.", Draku wrongly thought.

"Pretty cool, right? DO YOU WANT THESE OR NOT?!", Magna intensely screams at them.

"YESSIRR!! GIVE ME ONE OF THOSE PLEAASE!", Asta loudly requested.

"Me too!", Draku smilingly asked.



"TONE DOWN YOUR VOICE, YOU GODDAMN SHRIMP!", Magna intensely reprimands him and continued, "Listen! You two will undergo a series of tests before you damned newbies recieve this robes, GOT IT?!", Magna intensely explained.

"Okay!", they replied.

"Magna.", Luck calls Magna in a calm and chilling tone.

"Luck?", Magna asked.

"Can I do the initiation for Draku? Please? Please? PLEASE?", Luck gazes at Magna with a psychopathic smile.

"EEK! You creep me out, you deranged scrappy jerk! Fine! Do what you wanted to do with the golden boy. Just don't do something stupid, got it?!", Magna spoke.

"O-kay!", Luck estatically replied.

"Draku! Goodluck to the both of us!", Asta then offers him a fistbump.

"Sure. And let's get one of those robes as our own, Asta!", Draku fistbumps him and smiles.

"Sure!", Asta happily replied.

Eventually, everyone is now gathered outside the base, where the non-compulsory initiation for Asta and Draku is about to begin.


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