POV: Astaros
We sat in silence at the remark of the priestess. Indeed her beauty was great but there had to be more to it right? Was it really just because the person who hired them wanted her all to themselves?
"So you believe the client is after her for either romantic or sexual desires?" {Astaros}
I felt a tinge over the soul link as I said this, alerting me to the fact both Dryis and likely Fillia are listening in.
The disgusting actions of prince Kamatra were a scar on Dryis's memories. Had it not been for his execution I would have gone on a journey to kill him myself.
But his father was faster and executed him.
"Yes I do, because this wouldn't be the first time it happened." {priestess Aurora}
I sighed.
"It's not that I'm skeptical but someone of your status shouldn't even have those concerns." {Astaros}
She laughed lightly, surprising everyone surrounding her. It seems this behavior was odd for her. Was she generally not cheerful? I'll ask around later. From Kali's description she was supposed to be cold and calculating.
Ever since she has shown up she had been wrapped in deceptions, fakery and secrets. To be honest I don't feel like it's my responsibility to unravel it. It was supposed to be a simple meeting between me and the priestess. Yet here we are dealing with kidnappings and bandits. What a nuisance this whole situation this is.
"I may have a high status but those who would come after me are of higher status and to add onto that, when have criminals ever seen status as a concern." {Priestess Aurora}
Well she isn't wrong about that.
"Fair enough. Want me to deal with this for you?" {Astaros}
The room went silent as everyone was surprised at my ease of offering aid.
"You are willing to investigate this and flush out the whoever my assailant is?" {Priestess Aurora}
Kali's eyes flicked between us as she tried to figure out why I was so eager to solve this. Noticing, I turned to her and explained myself.
"I am tired of dealing with foolishness right now and dealing with this myself would be the fastest way to crush our opponent." {Astaros}
Kali sat back as she considered what I said.
"Your usually never this proactive." {Kali}
I realized what she was trying to tell me but I wasn't concerned by it.
"I am willing to play whatever game this is. Why? Because I am tired. I am done with all the foolishness being thrown in my path. I will personally deal with this problem and it's branch concerns. I am going to eradicate the entire rabbit hole. No matter how long it takes. I will not be disturbed again." {Astaros}
I looked around the table and saw strained faces, and then realized my mana pressure was leaking out. I quickly retracted and everyone sighed.
"My apologies. I am just a little annoyed." {Astaros}
Kali sighed.
"Well its not like you don't have reason to be. I also think its a good time to end this conversation." {Kali}
I looked at the windows near the ceiling and looked at the dark purple and blue sky. I removed my helmet and leaned back in my chair.
"Indeed. I will begin my investigation tomorrow." {Astaros}
The group got up but the priestesses eyes were locked onto me.
"Priestess Aurora?" {Astaros}
She started out of her trance and stood up before smiling, bowing and leaving.
All without a word.
However I am an empath. I need no words. Though they would definitely be welcome considering what I felt.
And fear.
I am not a narcissistic enough to directly say it was me. But I am hypothesizing that perhaps I had caused these. I had enough problems today why not add the priestess to them.
"Astaros?" {???}
I turned and looked.
"What do you want?" {Astaros}
POV: Kali
Aurora and I walked back through the forest paths to the carriage. Our entourage followed closely as we took the dark winding path while I watched the priestess closely. Aurora was truly smiling right now. It was disconcerting to see someone as ruthless as her acting like a young maiden.
I have seen more nobles beheaded before her eyes than men die on the walls of Elden throughout my entire tenure.
"What are you so happy about?" {Kali}
Her smile wavered before taking on a new form.
"I simply enjoyed meeting Astaros properly and not in the middle of an assassination atte-." {priestess Aurora}
Her face suddenly froze as a purple magic circle appeared beneath her.
I began to circulate mana to interrupt the spell but failed as she was whisked away.
The guards with her then drew their weapons on me.
"Tch. Another new problem." {Kali}
Drawing both my Konda's I took a dual wielders stance. I won't make it back to town in time to alert the guild staff or authorities. New plan.
"Come on you idiots I need to inform the living weapon of this." {Kali}
Before he could even say his cliché taunt one of my blades' pickaxe-like tips pierced his collarbone heralding the rest of the massive blade which cleaved his shoulder straight from his torso as he screamed in pain.
"C'mon I said I don't have all day" {Kali}
The other two instantly rushed in thrusting their swords in but I swung my blade up in a vertical arc as I stabbed the other blade towards the man's head. He leaned his head to the side and thus the hook-like edge of the tip of the blade only left a small red cut on his neck.
I then swung it horizontally and he sensed my intent as he tried to run but the blade caught him and lopped off his head.
The other man who was just recovering from having his blade deflected was just recovering as I cut him down.
Now then let's head on back to Astaros's home so I can get a ride back to the city. Boy is he not going to be amused one bit.
Shorter chapter today as I am busy