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70% Harry Potter: The Celestial Fox ( English Version) / Chapter 40: •Valentine's Day

Chapter 40: •Valentine's Day

The days passed quickly and in the blink of an eye it was already February.

Nothing noteworthy happened in the past weeks. Hermione made a full recovery within a few days of classes starting and will only have taken about 4 more days in the infirmary, a fact that gave her great happiness by not having to miss classes and just settling for doing work in the infirmary.

I, on the other hand, concentrated on my studies and training, I just can't get enough of it, leaving aside my desire to improve, the more I learn about magic the more I want to immerse myself in it, it's like an insatiable thirst for knowledge that only gets stronger and stronger the more I drink from it, sadly I had to slow down a bit this year. The professors seemed to have some kind of unspoken agreement to fill the students with hundreds of papers, and even if I had a great command of the subject, I still had to take considerable time to write the essays. At this point I really came to appreciate having Bloom and 9 Tails who seemed to think for themselves.

With a little concentration, 10 pens could move efficiently while writing the answers to certain questionnaires on the scrolls or directly writing a dictation of the information in my mind regarding the subject, while I myself studied other subjects. My focus was of course, the pendant; With a hidden threat that could come at any moment, I couldn't sit still without having at least a little contingency. Because of this, Bloom had to work very hard as my 10th hand while transferring my thoughts to the parchment.

One might think that studying Runes while at the same time you are thinking about an essay for 10 other writings could be inefficient and exhausting, but on the contrary, although there was a certain mental load and of course, in the long run it was quite exhausting, but not There was no problem for me to do it for long hours, after all, both Bloom and my 9 tails were able to act on their own and they only needed me to divide a small part of my mind to think and distribute the information, I would say that the effects practicing oclumency played a large role in this result.

This got me thinking a bit about how the other students would be doing when they only had themselves. Having thought this far, it was not difficult to suppose that this intensity was done on purpose, this way there would not be so many students roaming the castle in their spare time.

Which worked up to a point, there were still some students who were too lazy to try so hard or had other methods to get their assignments done and of course there were also well organized groups that divided the load among themselves to make it much more relaxed, but With that said, it's not like the students forgot about hidden danger just by being absent for a few weeks, so they weren't that reluctant to stay in their common rooms or the library for homework either.

I, on the other hand, had done it all by myself and did not join any study group, although occasionally I would throw in some help according to what Bloom told me when she went out to wander by herself, but it was only when I was in the mood and I was taking a break from research.

Among other things, Ron and Harry had found the TM Riddle book and although I was really very curious about the book, I decided not to interfere and remain ignorant in front of the book, in this way I would avoid being involved more than necessary.

Although it was a real shame, even if he knew that the book was a horcrux, he was really very curious about how Voldy imprinted his will or a whole personality in the book.

Although I have not personally studied about Horcruxes, it was impossible that just putting a piece of soul in an object would give it a will of its own, otherwise it would not be difficult to create clones of itself under the premise of dividing the soul.

Of course, not that there are many people bold enough to experiment with their soul, much less divide a part of it. The soul is the essence of the existence of every being and even in ancient families there are not many recorded methods to repair damage to it if by chance you were injured.

Perhaps only the Mallku family located in South America would know more about the subject, after all, it is their area of ​​specialty.


It was almost like any other morning at Hogwarts.

When I looked in the mirror I saw that I had a bit of dark shadow under my eyes, it seemed that I had overdone it a bit with my studies, although it is not like the nagging thought that something could control me at any moment was very reassuring.

Leaving that aside ...

"Why are you up so early?" I said as I finished fixing my uniform and looked down at the dresser.

Bloom was there looking at herself in the mirror as she finished touching up her appearance. He seemed to have woken up in a very good mood earlier today.

Bloom: "Isn't it good to be up earlier? I thought that was what you wanted."

His words weren't convincing anyone. It's not like it wasn't good for her to get up early, but it's Bloom we're talking about, even if she wants to get up early, she probably couldn't do it on her own without enough motivation.

Because of this, I could only give her a dry look as I watched her finish fixing her hair in front of the mirror.

"Of course it's good that you get up early and stop being lazy, but it can't be as simple as that."

Bloom: "mm? I don't know what you're talking about, well, I'm ready, why don't we go?"

I kept my gaze on her a little longer as I watched her fly out of the room. It doesn't matter if she don't want to tell me, it is likely that I will find out soon.

So, I grabbed my extendable bag and followed Bloom out of the room.

Today I would not go out to do physical training, I had reduced it in the last days after feeling that I was not making much progress, I suppose there is a limit as to how much more the body of a 12 year old child can be strengthened, it is already quite surprising how much physical force that my body can currently exert, at least by human standards.

So the most I could train now besides my magic is my sword wielding, but I'm also hitting a bottleneck with it, so unless I find a much more capable master in the future, I don't think my sword skills improve a lot.

With that said, getting up early in the morning was mostly a habit, but it usually took up that time to go back to studying. Today for a change I just wanted to go for a walk around the castle and clear my mind of other thoughts.

However, I had only taken a few steps out of my room when I heard Steve's yell.

Steve: "Ah, Extimum has turned into a zombie."

Mitchell: "Damn, I knew it, with that cold gaze it wasn't very difficult for her body to do it too."

Trudor: "Hmp, say that when you don't seem like one yourself."

Padma: "You exaggerate too much, although the dark circles… Hmm, that gives him a kind of dark feeling or aura around him, but it still looks good. Also the zombies are, I don't know, more dead? ".

Not far from the "secret" entrance to my room were Steve, Mitchell, Trudor, Padma, and Luna. They all seemed to be in a fairly lively mood, even if you ignore that almost everyone has dark circles under their eyes to a greater or lesser extent, outside of that, their skin was a little paler than usual, as to whether it was due to lack of energy. or from the cold of the morning, it was hard to tell.

"Why did everyone get up so early? Maybe you could understand if I saw Luna or Padma, but you three ...".

Mitchell: "Hey, hey, what do you mean by that? Don't compare me to those two over there, I have to get up early quite often for some meetings or training with the Quidditch team. TThe two of them are the only lazy in our group".

Steve: "Hmp, of course, how will I maintain my beautiful appearance if I do not rest well?" - He said while puffing up his chest with pride and exhibiting his rather plump figure.

Mitchell: "Bah, you have no shame."

Steve: "..."

Steve and Mitchell seemed to get into an argument and ignore the main focus of my question, but it was nothing new anymore, so I ignored them and looked at the others for an answer.

Luna: "Well, I was already here early, I was reading a book while waiting for you to come out and they came a few minutes ago saying all kinds of things about discovering the surprise for today".

"Today ... oh." I thought about it a bit and finally remembered the date, although it hadn't been very relevant before, it could only be that.

Steve: "Ah, it's true, I was about to tell you, knowing you I knew that you would not give much importance to the date, but today is different from the previous times."

Luna's words seemed to pull Steve and Mitchell out of their discussion and remind them of my question, so they rushed to complete the answer.

Mitchell: "That's right, today Lockhart-". - He was about to continue speaking, but was interrupted by Steve who covered his mouth.

Steve: "Hey, what do you think you do counting when I was the one who found out the information?"

Mitchell: "Ack, what do you think you're doing putting your dirty hands in my mouth, did you even wash them?"

Steve: "..."

And again they began to argue.

'They seem more animated than usual ... or maybe it's just the stress'.

Padma: "Steve found out that Professor Lockhart had a surprise for Valentine's Day." Seeing that Steve and Mitchell were being more annoying than usual, Padma ended up explaining what they couldn't.

Trudor: "So we decided to get up early to try to discover what the surprise is, and since we knew that you also woke up around this time, we were waiting for you; although Luna was already here by the time we arrived and Padma arrived shortly after we had come down from the bedroom".

Mitchell: "Right, so are you going with us?"

"Will you all go?"

Since Luna and Padma were here without Steve and the others calling them, it didn't hurt to ask.

Padma: "mmm, I actually planned to meet my sister to help her with some chores, but I'm also curious, so I'll go, anyway, I don't think my sister is awake yet."

Luna: "I was just waiting for you, so I really don't mind going."

Luna's response was not a surprise, she also generally woke up early, however, when she got bored or not sleepy she decided to wait for me to follow me wherever I went.

"Well, I didn't have anything special planned for the morning either, so let's go."

'Does this have something to do with your enthusiasm?'

Bloom: 'Mmm, in a way yes.'

-Bloom had actually come across some information while wandering around the castle alone and in addition to her curiosity and excitement to see what Valentine's Day was like, she had also heard certain information that she was sure would create great chaos.-

Although Bloom acted a bit elusive on the subject, there was a certain playful malice along with hidden expectation in her demeanor.

Mitchell: "Well, I'll lead the way."

Steve: "why do you- ...".

Steve was about to start arguing, but I quickly cut him off with a cold look that silenced him.

Listening to their childhood struggles might be funny once or twice, but it gets annoying if they do it continuously. Maybe I underestimate the mental pressure of the last few weeks a bit.

Padma: "At last peace."

Trudor: "They looked like two goblins fighting for gold".

Luna silently nodded in agreement, even she was beginning to get annoyed with Steve and Mitchell's behavior.


After leaving the Ravenclaw common room we wandered around the castle for a while and searched the places where they usually keep holiday preparations, we even asked the castle house elves, however we really couldn't find much, It was to be expected, even if we had clues that Lockhart was the one planning the event, the castle was too big and aside from some decorations being organized in the Great Hall, we really couldn't figure out what the surprise was.

On the other hand, I didn't really have expectations, I took this time just to hang out relaxing in an activity other than studying.

Bloom didn't want to say anything either, and shortly after we started the castle investigation she flew off to Luna and spent most of her time with her. I wasn't interested in forcing her to tell me either.

Padma had retired after searching with us for a while, she had yet to find her sister to help her with her homework.

At this time we were heading towards the Great Hall to have breakfast together with some groups of students who were also heading there.

The place had been covered by flowers of all kinds that hovered in different shades of pink along with a magical confetti in the shape of hearts that fell continuously from the ceiling.

You couldn't say it was really nice to look at, how to say… the decorations were a bit over the top and the colors were a bit garish, making it a bit unsightly.

Although, seeing that the spirits of the students seemed more animated, at least it had fulfilled its function.

And, although after the last attack everything seemed to have calmed down, the students still kept their concerns intact regarding the invisible monster.

Luna: "It's beautiful, although a bit exaggerated ..." .- He said while clasping his hands to collect the confetti of hearts that fell from the ceiling.

Steve: "ugh, because suddenly there are so many flowers, when we came before, the place still looked good, I just hope they don't have pollen, it gives me a little allergy."

Mitchell: "Friend, I think I'm going to get dizzy if I keep looking at the flowers, I feel like I'm starting to hallucinate, they won't be delighted, right?"

Trudor: "Then stop looking at them and walk faster towards the table."

I just looked around a bit and kept walking in the direction of our space at the table. I had just sat down when I heard a lively Lockhart announce from the teachers' table.

Lockhart: "Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I also want to thank the forty-five people who have sent me cards! ... ".

Yeah, I just listened to it for a bit and then ignored it and started serving my breakfast instead, it was unbelievable how much nonsense I could spout. It was the last straw when he blatantly claimed to have scared the basilisk. The man might be funny at times, but so much work lately doesn't leave me the patience to make the effort to listen to him.

I ignored him until at least the moment I heard everyone exclaiming.

Bloom: 'Extimum, look, they're dwarfs.'

Shifting my concentration away from my food, I turned my gaze to see a small crowd of dwarves in front of the staff table. They were wearing what was supposed to be a cupid outfit, but it just didn't match their physiques.

Although, as their name implies, they are indeed small, most of them maintain quite sculpted and muscular bodies and not to mention their somewhat grumpy faces, on the other hand, it seemed that their beards had been shaved so that they looked more like cupid.

Of course, if you were a dwarf and were suddenly hired for a job and then told to wear only diaper-like briefs, along with gold wings on the back and carry a harp or bow in your hands, you would not be very happy.

Well, at least some of them could wear the full white robe and not just a loincloth-like fabric, but surely they still wouldn't be too happy.

Lockhart: "So all day today they will be touring the school offering you Valentine's Day greetings and of course I am sure some of my colleagues will be happy to help you on this day. Why don't you ask Professor Snape to teach you how to prepare a love filter ?, Although Professor Flitwick, the very mischievous, knows more about enchantments of that type than any other wizard I have ever met. "

Well, seeing the teachers' faces after Lockhart brought that up was certainly satisfying and improved my mood a lot.

Trudor: "hahaha, seeing Snape's face really made my day."

Steve: "Didn't you see McGonagall's face? It seemed like she wanted to dig a hole and hide there until this was over, she's very unfortunate sitting next to Lockhart."

I didn't really give the event that much importance, after the excitement passed, I went back to my food and chatted a bit with the others until breakfast was over and it was time to go to class.

But maybe if I had paid more attention I could have avoided so much hassle.


Transformation class.

McGonagall: "Well, remember to make sure the porcupine has been properly transformed before interacting with it, otherwise you will get points reduced."

The first class in the morning was transformations, we continued with the activity explained in the previous class. Transform a porcupine into a pincushion. This particular activity created some conflicts with those born of non-magical, although it did not have much impact on those born in the magical world.

After all, if you weren't able to transform the porcupine properly and you were trying to stick a needle or pin in, let's just say it wouldn't be such a pleasant experience.

Of course, if you were careful you could test first by pulling out a needle that in the worst case it would only tear off a quill and it was much safer to test if the transformation was successful, although there were some who were too impatient and ended up hurting the porcupine.

Therefore, Professor McGonagall tried to check everyone in a timely manner and deduct points from those who hurt the porcupine.

Naturally if the spell worked, no problem would occur, the exact logic behind its operation was not too complicated, the spell only worked with creatures that possess spikes or the like, and it would be something like removing or adding these spikes naturally to the target and since at that moment his body functions essentially differently, it does not affect the being at all. That is clear, from a general point of view, but thinking about it a little more in depth it resulted in a slightly unsettling spell.

But hey, as long as you did it properly, everything would be fine.

* pack *

The door was suddenly opened in an impolite way and a group of at least 4 dwarves entered the room.

McGonagall was noticeably annoyed at the rude interruption, but upon seeing who entered, she seemed to acquire a resigned look.

Dwarf 1: "ahem, ahem, I have a letter for Daphne Grengrass."

Hearing the dwarf's words, the crowd did not wait and immediately turned their gazes to Daphne who seemed petrified at the sudden situation.

Dwarf1: "Oh, it's you, okay, let me read it to you."

The dwarf1 approached Daphne's seat and opened the letter, preparing to recite it aloud.

Daphne: "wait, wait, what are you doing? If it's a letter for me, just give it to me, don't you dare read it."

Dwarf1: "I'm afraid I can't, I must read them to make sure the recipient receives the message and the sender's sentiments are delivered."

Daphne tried to convince him for a while or take the letter from him, but in the end she couldn't get it.

Daphne: "sigh, good ...". Daphne had no choice but to reluctantly agree.

Dwarf 1: "oh, my cold maiden, golden hair like yellow rain and blue eyes like pixie, your cold voice drives me crazy like mandrakes, I want you to love me and fly with me on my broom".

Daphne's face was still calm at first, but the more she listened, the more her calm was breaking.

* giggles *

Daphne tried to keep her composure at first while listening, but in the end she hid her face with her hands.

Even McGonagall was trying her best to keep her face straight and not pay attention to such an embarrassing poem.

Steve: "On his broom huh ... ah, why are you hitting me Padma?"

Padma: "Hmp, Extimum told me that you only think dirty things and that I should hit you if you said strange things."

Steve: "What? Extimum, how can you tell that to Padma, that's treason friend, besides, I didn't say anything strange." Steve put on a hurt look as he rubbed his head.

I just rolled my eyes at Steve's comment, no one would believe that he was not thinking dirty things when he intoned the sentences in such suggestive ways.

Dwarf2: "ahem, ahem, well, I have a song for Extimum Shadowless."

Dwarf3: "Oh, me too."

Dwarf4: "I have a letter."

Hearing the words of the remaining dwarves, I slightly frowned and could notice a slight mocking smile from Bloom who was lazily sitting at the table.

The dwarves' words seemed to distract everyone's attention from Daphne instantly directing their gazes to me.

I must say, I hadn't paid enough attention to this event and forgot that, in fact, I also have a certain group of fans of varying ages among the students.

Dwarf2: "It goes like this, snow-white hair with…".

Before Dwarf2 could begin to sing properly, I waved my wand in a quick motion and opened an area of ​​illusion that covered the 3 dwarves, which was essentially suppressing sound within that area, or was technically altering perception from the sound itself in that area, sometimes the way illusion magic works was quite strange, yet it was perhaps the most versatile skill within my capabilities.

Noticing the sudden silence and the dwarf still moving his mouth, made it not take long for the students around to realize that he had somehow silenced the dwarves, so the hint of disappointment on the faces of many was not at all covered up.

Of course, I could still hear the dwarves, but no one else could. At least I took the time to listen to them, it is not like I did not appreciate the gesture, but it just seemed that the young magicians had not studied too much literature and their imagination in the use of words was disastrous, they almost seemed to put the first thing that came to them came to mind, things like "snow white hair with those beautiful colored lines troll vomit", I did not even know that troll vomit could be that color, one of them on the other hand, was quite bold in her statements clearly must have been from an older student, however, at least her letter didn't seem to compare me to strange things.

McGonagall: "Although I am not your enchantment teacher, I will give Ravenclaw 5 points for her excellent display of magic, Mr Shadowless."

McGonagall seemed to appreciate my act of silencing the pesky cupids.

The dwarfs finished shortly after and left after laying the letters on my desk, which I quickly swept into my bag.


The rest of the day, it was something similar, I received quite a few visits from the cupid dwarfs, but with a little magic, no one but me received the disastrous lyrics, although at least I received some that were more normal and even romantic.

I'm sure if it had been anyone else, I probably would have ended up buried in shame over failed attempts at poems and songs and even blushed over those latest letters.

It's not like some aren't watching me expecting to see a reaction when they notice that I still pay attention to every letter I receive.

It was honestly an interesting experience and a bit of fun, that's of course, because no one other than me was able to hear the content of the letters.

I even had to shoo Bloom who more than once tried to steal some of the cards from my bag, she seemed clearly discouraged with this development of events.

When I got to the dining room for dinner, the biggest topic of conversation had, of course, been the various letters that some students sent to each other.

"Well Steve, how many letters did you get?"

Steve: "Hmp, it seems that nobody knows yet to appreciate my beauty, just wait, in a few years, all this beautiful figure of mine will transform and become a great irresistible physique, then it will be the moment when I will reject all of them."

Mitchell: "Sure, and I'll be the captain of the Quidditch team when that happens," he said sarcastically.

Trudor: "Hahaha, I do get a letter from Rossetta from Hufflepuff, and another letter from Emma Vane from Gryffindor."

The girls Trudor mentioned were both sophomores and they were a bit recognized, at least so that those present here would have some impression of them.

Padma: "What are you so proud of? Extimum must have received at least 15 letters during the day."

Luna: "But that doesn't seem like a fair comparison, after all, Extimum is ... it's special." Luna wanted to support Trudor, but halfway down her voice and continued eating her food.

Mitchell: "You're right, Extimum is on another level, I only got a letter from a Slytherin girl, speaking of which, why don't you let us read some of your letters, Extimum?"

"Of course ... no, the letters contain the private intentions and feelings of their senders, as I could act so inconsiderately and leave them for anyone to see, it would detract from their value".

Steve: "Tch, spoilsport."

After that little conversation, we no longer touched on the subject of letters.

Speaking of Valentine, it was not a celebration that I had paid much attention to before today, it was just one more day, although the reasoning behind it was also obvious, on the other hand, and if my observations are not incorrect, it did not seem that sending dwarves with letters was a very romantic experience, even if your words were splendid, we would not say that the voices of the dwarves were very sweet or touching when compared to the caramel theme, so in reality today's event was more of a comical matter of seeing the misery of others.

With those thoughts in mind I had refrained from trying to send some letters or details by those means, as for trying by more conventional means ... I had some ideas that I would execute later.

To begin with, this was not an event I was planning to participate in, but it was not something that apparently I could remain oblivious after having received multiple letters throughout the day, so staying on the sidelines was not very appropriate.


When I finished eating, I just stayed in my sitting place, while I watched the noisy room and slowly my concentration was unfocused until I was left alone in the silent emptiness that was my mind at this moment.

And although reality kept running before my eyes, there was only silence and peace from my place. It was a feeling or perhaps a familiar memory, but at the same time unknown ... I could describe it as the feeling of enjoying the silence of the night in the city, that moment in which there are no more sounds of vehicles and the sound of all activity has stopped. , just an occasional noise from those others who are still active at such hours of the night. It is the contrast, the peace, the lonely feeling but at the same time calm in all that silence while you look at the city from the window.

Even more interesting is that such a comparison has no place in my current life.

Hmm, should I have some kind of existential question at a time like this? Although on second thought, I never questioned my existence, the memories I have, my lineage ... but having thought too deeply would not have led me to any answer, even Now I have no idea about it, it is not something too relevant now, everything I am now has no relation to what I possibly was, questioning my existence is also not an objective thought and questioning my lineage will not lead me to any answer with my current capabilities. That being the case, the only thing that remains is curiosity ... yes, curiosity, perhaps many in my place would simply choose to forget, but it is perhaps because there is this detachment in me towards the past, that remembering something like that generates simple curiosity.

I was born and raised in this world, so there is no strange or totally indifferent feeling towards it, however, perhaps it is this perspective that I sometimes get from my memories that makes me feel strangely distant from the world.

Maybe I should enjoy my life a little more, but magic by itself represents a great hobby and enjoyment. Although there is no such thing as a feeling of empowerment when I improve in my magic, but if there is this invisible confidence that grows stronger the more mastery over the world I gain, perhaps it is this confidence that makes some magicians look down on the non-magical?, mmm, but each being has their different talents.

Hmm ... well, I'm done writing the last letter, I guess I can save these thoughtful thoughts for another time.

-Although invisible to all, while Extimum was lost in thought, he was directing his queues to write reply letters to each person who sent him a romantic letter today and had the courage to sign her name on it, as well he also took the time to write a letter to her friends. Although he don't necessarily use a romantic approach after all, aside from Hermione who he had hardly been able to talk to today; He did not share any relationship that he consciously carried with romantic intentions, so the rest of the letters were using a friendly approach, Valentine also represented friendship, as for his male friends ... why would he write a letter to men in a day like today?

That aside, his main reason for responding to the other letters as well was that throughout the day he had been able to explore and feel the emotions of everyone around his.

Nervousness, shyness, courage, fear, shame, and even anger.

All those emotions could be clearly perceived by Extimum while observing the recipients and sometimes even unintentionally discovering the senders of said letters.

Even if her words were lacking in decorum, they were not without feelings, leaving aside the ones that were sent in jest, they all carried a real emotion along with the courage it required to decide to do so.

So, in response to all those emotions, he was motivated to answer the letters. Although Extimum's temperament was quite cold and to some extent insensitive, but the empathic perception of such emotions could still give him a rough understanding after a whole day of immersing himself in them, so he did not want to despise the strong emotions that he perceived from people. around it.

Therefore, he dedicate an appropriate response to each letter. -

"We're leaving now?".

Trudor: "Yes, anyway, we are done eating and some are also beginning to return to their common rooms."

Mitchell: "Oh, but Padma isn't back yet, where was she supposed to go?"

Luna: "She said she would be with her sister for a while and would come back later."

Trudor: "If that's the case, then we should go back first." - As he spoke, he took the initiative to get up from the table.

But he was stopped by Steve's arm.

Steve: "hey, hey, wait, we should wait for her, if we leave now, she would have to go back to the common room alone, although it has been quiet around here, we don't know if that monster is still around there."

Steve's words were not without foundation and most seemed to agree.

Mitchell: "But didn't Lockhart say that he scared the monster himself?"

Mitchell's casual comment made everyone stop and look at him with raised eyebrows.

Mitchell: "hehehe, don't look at me like that, I was just joking, I didn't mean it."

"Anyway, what Steve says is true, we should wait for her just in case, besides, I don't think it will take long, waiting won't kill us ... probably." The last part of the sentence was said in an almost imperceptible whisper.

Steve: "yes, yes, Extimum is always the voice of reason, wait, what did you say at the last?"

"Hmm? Wait won't kill us?"

Steve: "No, after that."


Steve narrowed his eyes at my denial.

Steve: "I'm sure you said something else ...".

Luna: " Padma is coming this way, let's go."

Steve: 'Forget it, maybe it's just one of his jokes.'

Padma: "ah, it's good they haven't left yet, I didn't want to go back alone."

Trudor: "Okay, let's go back."

With Padma now with us, we got up from our seats and started to walk out of the Great Hall.

As we walked through the doors, I lightly patted my bag and a group of different colored paper butterflies flew out from inside my bag and scattered in different directions.

** swish **

Steve: "Wow"

However, 3 of them did not fly too far before stopping.

The butterflies were beautiful pieces of origami with a lively touch in their behavior, they had an enchantment on them that would make them fly towards their recipient and only allow themselves to be caught by it, likewise, they had an enchantment that would hide their content from everyone except the recipient. Once in the hands of their recipient they would lose their living quality and would be like a normal letter.

The spells to do it weren't complicated at all and were just a creative use for the occasion.

The three letters that stopped nearby were naturally those from Luna, Padma, and Bloom. Needless to say, Bloom's butterfly was much smaller in size and almost went unnoticed by most.

Luna, Padma and Bloom soon took the butterflies that flew in front of them with their hands and brought them closer to look at them more closely.

Mitchell. " What were those paper butterflies?

Trudor: "They came from the magic bag of Extimum."

Padma was the first to take the paper butterfly in her hands, which unfolded into a letter in her hands.

Padma: "they are ... letters."

Mitchell: "oh, let me see, huh? Are they blank?"

Padma: "How blank? There are clearly words here, look" .- he said as he showed the others the leaf that the butterfly had transformed into.

Mitchell: "Nope, I don't see anything."

Steve: "Luna, you also received one, let me see."

Moon: "Sure." Luna turned the letter she still hadn't finished reading for the others to see.

Steve: "It is also blank."

"I did it this way, only the sender will be able to see the content."

Trudor: "Tsk, always with secrecy."

Steve: "Hey and where is my letter."

"They are only for women."

Steve: "Tch, Stingy." Steve muttered as he turned to continue down the road.



Zeroz7 Zeroz7

hey, how long, well actually not so much xd. I really wanted to go back up chapters before, but some problems arose and one thing led to another and when everything was solved I was left blank for a few days to write, well, I'm trying to get the previous rhythm back, but maybe be a little slow for a while, maybe here are two chapters

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