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40% Harry Potter: The Celestial Fox ( English Version) / Chapter 22: •She won't kill me, will she?

Chapter 22: •She won't kill me, will she?

It was early morning on March 7, it was a cold morning, although the sun threatened to change that quickly.

Extimum had left the castle for his morning training, usually looking for a remote area so as not to be disturbed.

--Pov Extimum--.

Upon reaching the area where I usually practice, I reached into my bag and took out my wooden sword, it was a long and heavy sword, it was made of a magic wood that was characterized by its weight, apart from that, it had nothing special, I usually use it for my practices or sparring if the opportunity arises, I could not bring a real sword to Hogwarts, it would be dangerous they said, it's funny they say something like that, when you can do more with a wand, on the other hand, swords at home are not really good, it's more relics instead of useful swords.

I did some push-ups to stretch my body, I generally divide my training into 3 sections, in the first I focus on exercises with the sword; in the second section, I break a bit and I focus on practicing the casting of spells, perfecting their casting and my understanding of them, sometimes I even try to cast them non-verbally or without a wand, the progress is not much, but it improves my ability; In the third section, I focus on my body, I would run around the castle, try to jump in air when I am not seen and hit a tree that I spells to be soft, it maintains its resistance but it is not painful to hit it, on the other hand, lately I have added some exercises with my tails, they are surprisingly fast and very strong, I have confirmed that they can lift or support my body weight even if I only relied on one of them.

Finishing my stretch, I grab my sword and stand in position.

** Ha - ha**

** swoosh **

I swung my sword forward over and over again, then shifted position and repeated the process.

At some point during practice, I started to sweat a bit from the effort and took off my uniform shirt, I wasn't worried about being seen, this place was quite far from the castle and I hadn't seen someone come to this specific place or at least not in the morning.

After practicing straight movements, I moved on to more complicated movements, I would move along with the sword, turn on some occasions or concentrate on mastering the sword while keeping closed to a specific space, it almost seemed to dance as I was carried away by the flow of the sword in every movement.

I was brought out of my concentrated state when I heard an exclamation.

???: "Wow, what incredible movements with the sword."

???: "Ah, don't stop, I'm sorry if I interrupted you, I was just passing by and I couldn't help exclaiming when I saw you move magnificently with your sword."

I stopped my movements and rested the tip of the sword on the ground, then looked at the person who interrupted me.

Extimum: "Oh, it's you."

???: "Ah, do you know me?"

--End Pov--.

Extimum: "well, if you leave me aside, there is no other student who has such a particular hair color, in fact, it is quite surprising that we have not spoken before, do not you think Nymphadora Tonks?".

Tonks was a young woman who exuded a happy aura, she had short hair that only reached her shoulders of a particular purple-pink color, bright black eyes and fair skin. She was quite old in comparison, due to her being her final year at Hogwarts.

Nymphadora: "ah, I would prefer if you didn't call me by my name, but you're right, we stand out a lot because of the color of our hair, although I've never met another metamorphmagus before, but I've seen you there a few times, Extimum". Nymphadora said as her hair turned red and then back to her usual purple.

Extimum: "Well then I'll tell you Nymp, it's shorter."

Nymp: "no, no, call me Tonks, I don't like my name."

Extimum: "it is true that its meaning can be interpreted in a not very aesthetic way, but its real meaning is quite the opposite, but it is fine, if that is what you prefer".

Extimum: "However, you don't seem to control your metamorphic ability very well." Extimum put away his sword and approached a nearby stone on which he sat, while he sat down, he also took the opportunity to put on his shirt.

Tonks: "yes ... sometimes you tend to get out of control with my emotions, on the other hand, I've never seen you with another color". Tonks said as she also walked over to sit next to him, however, she seemed to steal quick glances at Extimum's shirtless body, although she preferred older men and the current Extimum was very young, but couldn't help but appreciate his well-marked body for his age. .

Extimum: "mmm, well, that's mainly because I practice oclumency, you should try it, before I practiced it my hair also used to change color without my wanting it, only in my case it turned a deep blue-purple".

Tonks: "ah, oclumency, yeah ... it's too complicated, I've taken a few looks at the content, but I just can't empty my mind, I think I fell asleep when I tried, although I learned some defense tricks, but nothing more" .

Extimum: "I can help you with that if you want, it is difficult to control the transformations when they depend on the intention and they tend to take the subconscious intention, I would not be surprised if a metamorphmagus obsessed with someone ends up unconsciously transforming into that person without knowing it".

Tonks: "haha, you're right, hey why don't you continue with your practice? I want to see, you really looked cool while brandishing your sword."

Extimum: "It is not supposed to be a show ... but well, I still had a little to finish".

Extimum got up from the stone and drew his sword again, he had caught a bit of the bubbly and enthusiastic attitude that Tonks had.

After taking his position again, he continued his practice.


** clap, clap **

Tonks: "Bravo, it was magnificent."

Extimum: "anyone else and they would have been ashamed with all the enthusiasm you put into congratulating me." Extimum said as he lowered his wooden sword at the end of his routine.

Tonks: "From my point of view, it looks amazing, you should show your sword training to others, you will surely get a lot of fans."

Tonks: "Oh well, it's a bit late now, I had to go meet someone, but I forgot, hehe, we'll see you later, thanks for letting me see your sword dance." After she finished speaking, Tonks took off at a brisk pace to search for the person she left waiting.

Extimum: 'his personality is as enthusiastic and funny as I expected'.

Extimum continued with his training and then went to the large dining room to have breakfast with the others.


The afternoon classes were over.

Extimum was now sitting alone in the Ravenclaw common room, he was reading a book of Runes, since it was material for 3rd year onwards he did not have much support for the subject, but he was looking for something that could help him create an artifact that contained the effects you expected for your business, your research was going well so far, you had some ideas, the best way to do it was to set a model of the house or room on an artifact and then customize it with some spells, after which, you would apply the changes in the house, transforming it. Although that was the idea, but there were many things to consider, such as the fact that all houses are different, the barriers or spells that they possess, how to make his previous idea come true, at least he already had an approximate path by which to go.

As he concentrated on his book, he felt a sudden approach coming from his back.

Extimum: "I know you're there Steve."

However, Steve and whoever was accompanying him did not respond and continued to advance, Extimum knew it was them, the sound of their footsteps, their smell and even the emotions he felt that came from his back were familiar to him, so he wagged two of his tails and he stretched them out of the sofa he was sitting on, wrapped the two people he felt and gently pulled them to the sofa in front of him.

** woahh ** x2

Steve: "Damn, How did you know that I was there?, I clearly didn't make a noise."

Mitchell: "clearly you are very fat and your steps were heard by Extimum".

Steve: "Heh, it must have been your limp from training that made noise when you walked, I'm perfectly stealthy."

Trudor: "Stop arguing, you two, I told you that Extimum would be able to feel it coming and there was no point trying to surprise him, it almost seems like he had eyes on his back." Trudor arrived shortly after with a box in his hands.

Mitchell: "Hey, how did you cast us like that? Did you master a new spell? Although I've seen you throw objects, but I don't think you can lift us both."

Steve: "It's true, I almost felt like I was grabbed by something."

From the external point of view it seemed as if they were simply grabbed by something and thrown to the sofa, since Extimum kept their tails under the illusion, they could only be felt, but not seen, and even that would depend on whether Extimum does not exert himself because his senses are also deceived.

Extimum: "Even if they are silent, their malicious intentions could be felt while I was reading my book, as for how I cast them, we could say that it is a skill that I learned."

Steve: "You are creepy, man, how can you say that you felt our intentions? Then also did you know what we wanted to do?"

Extimum: "actually, I felt like you two wanted to jump on me, that's why I threw you on the couch."

Trudor: "Steve stop rambling, don't forget why we came."

Mitchell: "Right, Ahem, what are you waiting for Steve, stand up." Mitchell stood first and fixed his slightly messy uniform.

Steve: "Tch, alright, ahem."

Trudor, Steve, Mitchell: "Happy birthday!" Steve and Mitchell screamed as they threw confetti and Trudor opened the box to display a cake.

Extimum: "what, how did you know it was my birthday?" Extimum was truly surprised, he hadn't told anyone his birthday, it's not something you normally say unless specifically asked.

Steve: "But of course, how could I establish my gossip empire if I couldn't even find out information like that."

Mitchell: "It is true, Steve had to beg and promise favors to many professors so that they would tell him, but none were willing, it was not until he gave his reasons that Professor Flitwick told us."

Steve: "Shh, shut up Mitchell, how can I maintain my reputation if you go on saying how I get my information".

Trudor: "and I got the older students to tell me where the kitchen was so I could ask them to prepare this cake for you".

Extimum's gaze was fixed for a moment at the cake, there were some complex emotions running through his eyes, after a few seconds of silence on his part and when his friends noticed that he was not speaking, he turned his gaze to them and said.

Extimum: "Thank you."

His action surprised his friends, there was not the usual serenity in his voice and instead a slight warmth was perceptible, but the most surprising thing is that they saw for the first time how Extimum's hair flicked like a candle, its color had changed by a second, but then it went back to its original.

Steve: "pss, you saw that right?". Steve rubbed his eyes, it almost looked like he was hallucinating to him.

Mitchell: "hush, you'll ruin the moment." Mitchell had also noticed the flickering in his hair, they had already taken the trouble to do a little research on metamorphomages by having a friend being one, but they hadn't had the chance to see Extimum transform into something, to see that they could affect him just by celebrating. his birthday was surprise you.

Trudor: "well, look, open my gift." Trudor had put the cake on a nearby table and brought out a small package.

Extimum took the gift and opened it, inside there was a small table with runes, it was used to enchant objects quickly for students who were just learning and were not very good at it, although its use was limited to the inscribed runes, but it was very useful for the current Extimum.

Trudor: "I had seen you reading about runes and since we still do not see the subject, I assumed that it would be difficult for you to learn it without help, this table can help you while you learn".

Extimum: "Thank you, it will help me a lot at this time."

Steve: "hey, I'm still-".

Mitchell: "stand back, because of you they discovered us, so I will give him my gift first."

Extimum: "or just give it to me at the time, fighting to be the first in this situation is frankly childish."

Steve: "Okay, look at my gift, with this you will always remember us." Steve took out a small box that had a photo of all of them, it was curious to know that Extimum did not remember taking such a photo, it was probably edited with magic.

Mitchell: "Mine is a ticket to a very special place ... it was recommended by Steve and my father had one among his things, it will be for July, so you can go when we get out of Hogwarts." The context of such an entry sounded very suspicious, but Extimum received it anyway.

Extimum: "Thank you all for your gift and celebrating my birthday."

Steve: "Oh but it's not over yet, I took the liberty of letting everyone know, although I must admit it was difficult to convince the Slytherins and Gryffindors to be together without fighting while we came to call you."

Mitchell: "Wow, they looked like mad dogs, if we weren't careful, either side could start saying anything that would end in an argument. we better go fast, lest they have already started fighting again ".

After that Extimum followed them to an empty castle hall where they had invited their friends, the hall had basic decoration and they had put food and drinks on some tables, in addition to clearing much of the hall.

In the living room were Draco and his group, Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, there were also Daphne and Tracey, separated a little were Harry, Ron and Hermione and Neville; from Ravenclaw they had invited Padma and she in turn invited her sister Pavarti; Hufflepuff invited Susan and Hannah, the most surprising thing is that they invited Tonks, I had just met her this morning, I did not know how they managed to invite her.

Extimum even began to suspect that he had been watched all this time and while giving Steve a suspicious look, he seemed to sense it and know the reason for looking at him and responded quickly.

Steve: "don't look at me like that, she overheard our conversation and invited herself, we don't even know if you really know her."

Tonks: "Hmp, you talk like I'm sneaking into a party for the food." Tonks said that while clearly having a plate with some snacks in her hand.

Steve gave that a half smile, even he wondered if it would be so shameless.

Tonks: "hey, Extimum, I came to your party to wish you happy birthday too, look, I even brought you a present." Tonks said as she handed him dark bottle.

Tonks: "put it in the drink and you'll see how those tense over there become friends." Tonks leaned over and whispered close to his ear while slyly pointing out the group of Gryffindor and Slytherin who were giving each other provocative looks.

Extimum: "isn't it liquor, right?" Extimum opened the bottle and smelled a little, it had a fragrant smell, but he did not know what it was.

Tonks: "Aih, how do you think I would give them that? But this is much better." Tonks walked away and responded animatedly.

Extimum had his misgivings, but he didn't think she would give them something bad, on the other hand, he wouldn't dare to casually drink it himself.

Extimum: "pss, Trudor, add this to the drink." Extimum whispered to Trudor who was next to him

Trudor: "Ok" Trudor seemed to have less concern in front of the suspicious bottle and directly went to do it.

Then everyone took turns giving their congratulations and gifts, some gave great gifts and others just simple things like candy or magic toys.

Steve: "Okay, now everyone have a drink and we'll toast Extimum." Steve said that with a crooked smile, he seemed to know there was something wrong with the drink.

All: "Happy birthday." They all toasted and drank their drink, it was just a punch, but Extimum had brought out another drink and had changed the contents of his glass before the toast.

The party was supposed to last only a short time, since it is most likely that with the tense relationship of the guests they did not take any more time outside of delivering the gift and eating, however, soon after the mood seemed to change.

Extimum was not an expert in potions so he couldn't tell what the bottle contained just from its smell, but the effects were quite fast.

Extimum didn't know when things started to get weird, maybe it was after hearing Tonks's cheeky laugh as she watched all the mess. Everyone began to cheer up and jump around or dance with others. You knew things were really bad when you could see Draco dancing with Ron or Neville with Pansy, Others seemed to whisper things to each other while laughing.

Steve: "Damn, what was that? A potion of euphoria?"

Tonks: "hahaha, I don't know, a friend gave it to me to liven up the parties." Tonks looked just as euphoric, but somewhat more controlled, perhaps she had experience drinking such drinks.

Extimum: "how are you not affected Steve?"

Steve: "Heh, here as you see me, I have taken a lot of strange things and my stomach has a certain resistance to them." Although Steve said that with his usual demeanor, but still seemed to look more animated than usual, it was likely to affect him to a lesser degree.

Hermione: "Extimum come and dance with me." Hermione had approached at some point to ask Extimum to dance, however, before she could take Extimum away she was stopped by Daphne.

Daphne: "that, no, he will dance with me."

Hermione: "I invited him first."

Extimum thought that they would fight, but at some point their discussion changed and in the end they went dancing together.

Although we said dance, it was mainly children doing what they thought was dancing, jumping or moving from one place to another holding hands or arms.

Extimum: 'what a dangerous potion'. The effects so far seemed like extreme euphoria and the fact that you seemed to not only lose your inhibitions, but also your rational thought, Extimum found no other reason why Ron could dance with Draco.

Extimum: 'my first birthday was certainly interesting'. While Extimum was thinking about it, he took out a magic camera that he had been given last Christmas from his bag and started taking pictures of everyone, these would be truly memorable photos.

Extimum then took a glass with punch and took a light sip to know the intensity of the effects, at first he felt nothing, but then he felt as if he was full of energy and wanted to run and jump, luckily he had experience handling sudden attacks Sensory and emotional or otherwise he could have gotten carried away, the effect was so strong that his magic on their tails had come to flicker and make them visible for a second.

Extimum: 'damn, if this is just a sip, I don't want to imagine the effects if I took the whole glass.'


Extimum spent the party doing various things, sometimes I dance with whoever I wanted, in others I listen to the ravings or bold statements of some, other times I just observe or record what they said, he ate and drank normal punch, the party lasted a long time, they missed dinner time in the large dining room, it is possible that the teachers have wondered where the loudest of the first year of all the houses had disappeared, on the other hand Extimum and Steve made sure that no one left the room, it would be Too crazy if they came out in that state, Tonks was one of the ones who had the most fun listening to the nonsense they were saying and dancing with everyone, by the time she finished, they all fell asleep to the ground.

Extimum would definitely remember this day, then with the help of Tonks and Steve who seemed to be the only ones still awake and sane, they took everyone to their respective common room and asked other students to help them accommodate them.

For Extimum the party was especially emotional, because he had not celebrated his birthday before, for him it was just a common date, except for Bob's congratulations and a cake, he had not celebrated or received gifts before.


The next morning Extimum got up early as usual and met everyone in the dining room for breakfast, in recent weeks they seemed to have reached an unspoken agreement for their acquaintances to be in the same parallel places between their tables to see them at everybody.

By taking a quick look I can see several dark faces, those of Draco, Pansy, Hermione and Ron were especially notable, some others took it better like Daphne who only seemed to have a lost look, or Harry who although he felt strange, He found the situation more amusing than anything else, perhaps the most interesting expression was Neville who looked as if he had committed a grave sin.

Extimum sat at the Gryffindor table in parallel with Slytherin.

Extimum: "Good morning everyone." Extimum had already returned to his usual serenity, but he had a look full of interest and a bit of toy shop when observing the situation.

Hermione: "Good morning? Is that all you have to say? After what happened yesterday?"

Extimum: "What are you talking about? A lot happened yesterday, oh, You talk about when you told me that I was very handsom-".

Hermione: "shut up, I didn't say anything like that, You should have imagined it for the effects of that drink". Hermione covered his mouth so he wouldn't continue speaking, while she blushed a little.

Everyone present had memories of what they did yesterday for the most part.

Extimum: "It's a shame, because I didn't drink that drink and I have recorded here some of the most interesting confessions of yesterday."

Hermione: "What? You can't be serious right? Show me."

Ron: "Can you stop arguing about that now, my situation is worse, I ... I danced and hug Draco like we were fellow drunks yesterday."

Harry: "Don't worry Ron, look, Draco doesn't seem particularly happy with such a memory either."

Looking in Draco's direction, he still kept his face dark and it seemed his mind would not be returning anytime soon.

Ron: "You say that because you didn't dance with him, on the other hand, I did see you dance with Susan and other girls and you were quite audacious."

Harry: "Yeah? You must have imagined it, I-I don't remember any of that." Harry clearly got a little nervous when he remembered how he behaved yesterday, he had danced with Susan, Tracey and Hannah, even he wondered where he got so much energy and daring, he also remembers some embarrassing things he said that made him want to hide somewhere On the other hand, luckily almost everyone had said things that they did not want to remember and that is why they kept an unspoken silence between them not to mention it.

Neville: "you're still fine Ron, but I ... I danced with Pansy, she won't kill me, will she? I've seen her give me weird looks all morning and she's starting to make me nervous, besides, I ... I said strange things yesterday… ".

Tonks: "Yo, good morning everyone, I see that today you are less energetic than yesterday." Tonks who had just entered the dining room commented while observing everyone who was at the party yesterday.

Tonks: "yesterday's party was amazing, so many confessions, new friends and bold statements, ah, you will surely have more fun in the next years at Hogwarts with those memories." Finishing his words, he continued on his way to where the senior Hufflepuffs were.

When everyone heard his words, more than one blushed or hid his face in his hands, even the proud Draco had to turn his head away, the memories of the things he said would haunt him for a while. Not taking it anymore, she got up and pointed her finger at Ron.

Draco: "Listen to me well, Weasley, what happened yesterday ... you must completely forget it and I too will forget what you said, otherwise, Hmp, I will find a way for you to regret it." After finishing his words he left the large dining room, Crabbe and Goyle followed him, Pansy also got up and gave Neville a long look and then also followed Draco.

Some others who heard Tonks words like Hermione, Susan, Padma, Pavarti and Tracey hid their faces in their hands, even Daphne's stoic face flushed, although she refused to hide her face.

Ron: "ugh, I don't want anyone to know either."

Harry: "yes, I think it will be a silent promise between all of us."

Hermione: "I hate you Extimum."

Extimum: "Hmm, don't worry, I'll keep the photos and recordings very well."

His words seemed to make some a little nervous, but then they let it go.

Extimum: "by the way, has anyone seen Steve? I don't see him in the dining room."

Trudor: "huh, I think I heard that he was again chased yesterday by the second year girls from Ravenclaw."

Mitchell: "that damn fat man always does such dubious things."

After that everyone finished their breakfast and went on with their day normally, more than one of them will have spent the day thinking about the things they said or did at that party.

Zeroz7 Zeroz7

I must say that I laughed a little while writing it, it made me funny to imagine such a situation, I planned to continue with the plot, but then I wanted to introduce Tonks and take advantage of Extimum to turn 12 and this came out.

this event will shake up the plot at some point, ahaha so many implications of what they could say

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