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75% SWORD PRINCE / Chapter 15: first lesson 3

Chapter 15: first lesson 3

" thank you sir ,I bet I can achieve more than those who don't want to learn diligently" I answered the teacher , Amira is looking at me with hatred written all over his face .

" spoiled brat uhmm,w - what right do you have to tell me that I can't learn diligently" Amira is boiling with anger ,he might explode any moment from now .

" hey senior Amira ,I didn't mention any names here " i answered him looking a little happy that he is very angry right now .

" hmm " I can hear Amira groaning with anger ,like a lion who wants to pounce on its prey .

" Amira will you at least be calm and silent for once " the teacher speaks to Amira in a scolding manner .

" uhhm,ok master pachu" Amira is trying to cool his tempers ,while I on the other hand is smiling with victory .

master pachu walked to the front of the classroom,the other student in class are murmuring to each other

" you guys are welcome to today's lesson, for those of you having your first lesson here I hope that you are determined to continue anything that you want to do " master pachu starts the lesson with words of advice and motivation.

"yes master " everyone responding except the king of ego Amira.

" ok I hope everyone here has some knowledge about the martial art , I wish to teach the future genius and experts " master pachu continues, but the king of ego will not allow the class to go on peacefully.

" yes sir , I know I will be an expert in the sword part , I have some knowledge and I am pretty good with the sword " Amira cuts in to master pachu statement again.

" if you know you are that good with the sword then why did you think of attending this school," I am so angry that I have to talk back at the class king of ego.

"you little brat , you don't have any right in this world to talk back at me " he stands up from his bench angrily looking at me , and also pointing his fingers at me .

" and what makes you think that you are more superior than anyone here " I stands up from my chair also , but I wasn't pointing my fingers at him .

" uhmm you spoiled brat, I am better than you are in every way, I am more richer than you are , am older than you are and also more knowledgeable than you are , so you better have some respect when talking to me or else "

" or else what , and let me tell you the fact I am not afraid of you , you can brag from today till tomorrow, you are still the same student in the same class with me"

" uhmm you can't talk to me like that , been in the same class with you , but I am more experienced than you are , pest quake " he said .

" talking about expensive and wealth how much do you think you have , and how experienced are you , king of ego " I called him the name that I have been keeping in mind, ever since I found out he is a very proud and naughty student.

" can you be bold to call a million gold coin yours and what level are you in your training" he pushes out his chest and beating his hands to show how good he is .

talking about a million gold coin and three times richer than the king of ego , but I don't want to be a proud guy like him.

" well you may have a million gold coin, and a little experience you said you have , but I promise you I will surpass you in every thing I do " placing my right hand on my chest I said those words .

" and I will surely defeat you one day , you will s.... " before the king of ego could finish his statement, master pachu cuts in .

" enough of the bragging you two , Amira are you not ashame mending words with someone you called little and Even earning a name from him , if you can at least swallow your pride for a day " master pachu cuts in looking very angry with the king of ego Amira.

" ok sir , uhhm" Amira sits down after looking at me with hatred and anger in his eyes .

"ok since everything is settled for me , we shall proceed our lessons and I don't want to see or hear any disturbance ,any more disturbances that person will have to leave this school" master pachu said .

" yes master " every other student in the class responded and also king of ego did not respond.

" so I will be asking a very simple question and I hope the ones that called their self geniuses will be able to answer this , the question is what is needed for a fighter to plan and execute a good attack" master pachu asked .

( hello reader the form of writing will Change for now because of the different characters )

( third person POV )

everyone in the class kept their hands down only Amira ,the class

master pachu : ok Amira , can you tell us please, since you claim that you are a genius.

Amira : yes master, a fighter needs to be at a very good distance with his enemy, he also needs and also a good plan requires a good eyesight of your enemy and also speed is require .

master pachu : that is not what I want , though it a good plan but I need a very brilliant scholar to tell me what he thinks about this question.

Lee raised his hands, master pachu points at him .

master pachu : ok let me hear from the little one , ok Lee .

Lee : thank you sir, I think the criteria needed by a fighter to execute a good attack plan , is peace of mind and he or she needs to suppress his or her anger, if a fighter should execute his or plan in the midst of anger , his enemy might use this anger as a good point to strike his opponent.

master pachu : that is a brilliant idea ,you are on point.

Amira : (groaning in anger ) uhmm.

Lee : thank you sir .

master pachu : I love your spirit Lee , you have to keep up with your attitude, and don't listen to anyone trying to underrate you .

other student in the class are whispering and muttering to each other.

student 1 : ( whispering to another student) I think this is enough slap on Amira's face .

student 2 : that serves him right, maybe his name from now on should be the king of ego .

student 1 : ( giggles) that is a pretty name from Lee .

student 2 : that boy called Lee will be master pachu favorite from now on.

student 1 : no I don't think so , master pachu treats everyone equally, and I like that .

master pachu : ok class , this boy called Lee has just proven the fact that age doesn't matter , I hope some of you learn from his attitude, that nobody on the same class with you can act superior.

all student : yes master pachu.

master pachu: ok we shall proceed.

all student : yes master .

master pachu : and one more thing you need to know ,you guys came to this school to learn and make sure you fulfill your purpose of attending this school ,

let me add to what Lee said ,in other to plan a good attack,you need peace of mind ,you need to let go of all range and anger burning in you , if you should act fast , failing to execute an attack plan , that becomes an advantage to your enemy.

and also you need to be a little bit fast in executing your plan , fast in attacking and fast in executing are two parallel lines , been fast at executing if plans makes it difficult for your enemy to foresee your next move .

but been fast at attacking is a very bad idea ,you won't have good control over your mind and your body and your enemy will find it way too easy to see through your actions to know your next move ,and also finds it easy to defend himself and also execute a very fatal attack.

you need to have good attacking plan even if it takes a long time a man doesn't wish to be defeated he rather wishes to be the Victor at everything that he or she does .

and also be ready for anything, don't fear your enemy because of size, every living thing has a weak point, and it takes more hard work to be able to develop the habit of knowing your opponent weak point.

I hope everything doesn't fall on infertile soils , I hope every one of you , find a good point in my words and also be happy to execute a good plan with what I just said.

All student : yes master.

master pachu : ( clears his throat) is there anyone that wishes to ask a question.

everyone in the class nod their head as a no , master pachu also nod his heads .

master pachu : ok then that will be the end of todays class , I hope you guys realized the delay in Time today because of the word combat between Lee and Amira .

all the students started murmuring again .

Lee : I am sorry master pachu , I promise I will not repeat this again..

Lee apologizes to master pachu, but Amira kept on sitting down, without even looking at the Masters face .

master pachu : ok young Lee , I know you spoke out your mind because of his behavior, well that is impressive, I like your boldness.

Lee : thank you sir .

master pachu : ok we call it a day here , see you guys tomorrow ,and I also hope that tommorow will be at least peaceful.

all student (except Amira who is looking very furious) : yes sir.

master pachu walked out of the class ,and some of the student followed suite ,Lee also walks out of the class .

Amira : hey Lee , if you know you are man enough come and have a fight with me .

Lee stopped walking an faced the ranting Amira , who is looking very furious, the other student that was leaving the class stopped , waiting to watch a good fight.

Lee : I am not so lazy that I have to wait to fight some one .

Amira : don't think that I will allow you leave the class without having a duel with you , so you have to be man enough to fight me loser .

Lee : as you can see I am on my way out of this class so you better find someone else to fight with you , since you need it so badly .

Amira : ( groaning) uhmm you are trying to leave the class , without fighting, and I am not leaving the class without fighting.

Lee : see you later I am going home

Lee said turning his back to leave the class , the furious Amira rushes to give him a very heavy punch when someone from no where stopped him .

Amira : ( looking very surprised) w - what .

master pachu : I know you will want to have a duel with the young man, so I waited and you fell into the trap .

Amira : (looking more surprised) m - aster pachu .

Master pachu : you have proven yourself to be unworthy, trying to attack someone unexpected and you thought that victory will be yours , for attacking unexpectedly.

Amira : (still surprised) m - master , I thought you left the class.

master pachu : no time to ask , you guys can start going home now , Lee you can go home now , everything is settled.

Lee : ( also looking surprised at master pachu speedy intervention) ok sir .

everybody left the class , only master pachu and Amira .

master pachu : Amira, what attitude are you putting forward in this class , did you want the school authority to know that you are my son , I hope you remember that you are here on a purpose.

Amira : yes father I know .

master pachu : I hope you remember that you are here to take the master student, from the previous one so we can start earning good rewards .

Amira : yes father I will change from now on .

master pachu : that boy Lee , there is something about him that I don't understand, I hope he will not be your rival in this .

Amira : ( frowned his face ) yes father I know .

master pachu : so you have to be a little more friendly with him .

Amira : ( frowned the more ) I know .

master pachu : ok you can go home now , and remember to train very hard , you know your purpose , don't tell this to anyone.

Amira : yes daddy .

both of them left the class room .

reincarnated reincarnated

please Everyone tell me how you feel about the novel, tell me what you want to see and how you want it .

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