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88.47% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 237: Chapter 11: Full-Court Press ll

Chapter 237: Chapter 11: Full-Court Press ll

Taking full advantage of my presence in their apartment, Dayna woke me up by first stuffing my morning wood into her mouth and then shoving it up her twat. The busty blonde went for a ride, and then I rolled her over and went for a ride, and then Brandi got to slurp her brother's cum out of her best friend's box. Everybody wins.

With morning orgasms now out of the way, the girls were free to ask me why I'd come over so late last night. We moved to the kitchen and Dayna made breakfast while I told them about Eden and Emma stepping up their pursuit of me, Eden's assertion that she always gets what she wants, and her promise to put on the full-court press starting today.

Dayna commented flippantly (while flipping pancakes, no less), "They've grown up, they're super-hot, and they wanna bang you: What's the problem?"

Brandi, a little more thoughtful, arched an eyebrow and asked, "You're feeling guilty, so you came here to ask how -I- get over the older sibling-guilt to be with you?"

I nodded and replied, "You've tried to end our physical relationship more times than I can immediately count, on account of that guilt."

Brandi shrugged and gestured back and forth between us. "And yet here we are again, your sperm soaking into my stomach just a few hours after your last load soaked into my colon." She waggled her eyebrows playfully.

"Here we are," I agreed. "Do you remember what you said last night?"

"'Fuck my ass, fuck my ass, oooh Ben, fuck my ass'?"

"Um, besides that."

Brandi giggled. "You mean the bit about not letting my head get in the way anymore. The stuff about not letting some societal 'they' get to decide the way I really feel about you."

"Yes, that stuff."

"But that was never a problem for you, was it? Having sex with me or Brooke is still having sex with your own sister, no different from you and the twins."

"The twins are seventeen."

"They'll be eighteen in little more than a month, and it's not like you've never had sex with younger girls."

"None so much younger relative to me. Having sex with a 15-year-old when I'm 16 myself is a very different thing than me having sex with the twins when I'm 23."

"Pssht, 18-year-old girls everywhere sleep with guys FAR more than 5 years older than them," Dayna scoffed before turning to Brandi. "Hey, remember that super-hot bartender who saw right through our fake IDs freshman year?"

Brandi blushed, covered her eyes, and didn't answer the question.

"The point is," Dayna continued, "this isn't about age. You're trying to make excuses. The question is: Why?"

I set my elbow on the table and dropped my chin onto my palm. Screwing up my face, I collected my thoughts and looked at Brandi. "Was your fear of the societal 'they' the only thing that made you want to stop sleeping with me? Or did you worry in some way that you were taking advantage of me? That you were... 'using' me?"

Brandi blinked and thought that over. "That first Winter Break..." she began slowly, "when I'd just started seeing Brian but we hadn't slept together yet and I had all these pent-up hormones ... Yeah ... Yeah, I worried that I was 'using' you."

"Even though I was quite happy to be used?"

"Even though. You and I didn't have a very strong relationship yet, and you were still a young kid letting his dick do all the thinking. I didn't know how you might react, didn't know if you'd fall in love with me, and didn't think it would be fair for me to lead you on, take what I could get, and then abandon you to go back to college."

"We were in different places in our lives," I commented thoughtfully.


"Just like me and the twins. And you made a good point about that being a time when we didn't have a very strong relationship. It's easy for me to feel comfortable having sex with you and Brooke now because we have such strong relationships. But I'm not that close to the twins, not emotionally."

"I suppose. But you and I still started having sex before having a close, emotional relationship. If anything, starting a physical relationship with you is what kick-started our emotional relationship. If not for you and me fucking each other that first Winter Break, we might never have formed the intimate sibling bond we enjoy today."

"Hmm..." I mused on that.

"Are you worried that you'd just be 'using' the twins if you slept with them?"

"Hardly. It's not like I need to go looking for sexual relief. If anything, they'd be 'using' me."

"And would you really mind being 'used'? Last I heard, that's pretty much what DJ's doing with you: getting her cookies from someone she loves without romantic entanglements – at least, no entanglements for now – so she can focus on her Senior year and graduate."

I frowned. "I suppose not."

"Are you worried about the twins falling in love with you if you did this? Are you worried you'd be ruining them for all other men and interfering in their natural pursuit of boyfriends and other romantic partners for themselves?"

I sighed. "No, not really. If I'd done this while they were in high school, maybe. But now that they're here in college, now that they're ... well ... grown up..."

Dayna sauntered over with the griddle, using a spatula to scoop up pancakes and stack them on the plate in front of me. "Looks like you have your answer," she commented with raised eyebrows.

I sighed. "Looks like."

But Brandi shook her head. "In the end, this isn't a decision you can really think your way through. No matter what your answers to these questions are, no matter what your head tells you, in the end your conscience will decide for itself. If at any point you feel forced into having sex, then it's NOT the right thing to do, period. If at any point you feel like you're being coerced into that kind of decision, then you can't decide 'yes'. It's not enough to be 'okay' with something like that; you have to WANT it. You have to want them."

My mind called up the memory of Eden lying flat on her back before me, staring up at me with lust, longing, and need, not trying to get me to fuck her but simply ... offering ... while my dick pressed up against her wide-open pussy.

"I want them," I stated before I even realized I was saying it out loud. "God help me, I want them."

"Then you have your answer," Dayna repeated.

But Brandi shook her head again. "No, this isn't a decision for you to make while having breakfast in our kitchen."

Dayna rolled her eyes as she headed back to the cooking range. "You guys think too much, you know that?"

Ignoring her, Brandi reached over and covered my hand with her own. "The next time you go over to Berkeley, the next time Eden puts on her full-court press and an opportunity presents itself, only then will you really know."

Brandi turned out to be right, with one caveat. I wouldn't need to wait until the next time I went over to Berkeley.

Most weekends lately I'd spend Friday night in Berkeley and then go home late Saturday morning in time to have lunch with Kim and BJ. Today's only exception was my starting location, as I left Dayna and Brandi's apartment after breakfast and rode the elevator up 18 more floors to enter my own. BJ saw me immediately as I came through the door, dropped his toys, and headed straight for me. He raced to me like a speed demon while I crouched and opened my arms invitingly.

A moment later, I scooped up my son and carried him back into the living room. Plopping down onto the sofa beside Kim, I puckered up for a kiss and then pointed BJ at his mama for another kiss. Kim asked how my night went, and I spent the better part of the next half-hour explaining it all to her while BJ ambled off to play with his toys.

Kim didn't ask nearly as many questions as I thought she might, nodding her agreement of Brandi's assessment that I'd know when I knew. Only then did Sasha and Adrienne emerge together from Adrienne's bedroom, having slept in this morning as they so often did. But although frisky Adrienne seemed in the mood for morning sex as she nibbled on my ear while wrapping her semi-clad body around me and reached her hand into my pants to start rubbing Li'l Ben, her stomach grumbled louder and I wound up cooking brunch for the girls instead.

I was still cracking eggs when the doorbell rang. I mentioned before that I wouldn't need to wait until the next time I went over to Berkeley, and that's because Eden and Emma had come to me. Eden had been serious about putting on the full-court press in the morning, and my sneaking off last night wasn't about to deter her.

Of course, the twins didn't make their intentions obvious right away. When Adrienne opened the door and exclaimed, "What a pleasant surprise! What brings you two over here?", the girls replied that they had a free Saturday and figured they hadn't seen little BJ in far too long. I hadn't yet told Adrienne and Sasha about my moral conundrum, and Kim wasn't about to raise the topic either, so my ladies readily welcomed my baby sisters and asked if they'd eaten breakfast yet. When the girls replied in the negative, I started cracking more eggs, and the girls settled down onto the floor to play auntie to my little boy.

On some level you'd think for a 17-year-old girl – her whole life ahead of her and not yet ready for motherhood – that playing with the real-world consequence of sexual intercourse would be put out of the mood for sex, but it didn't work out that way. By the time the food was ready and the girls stood up from the floor after handing BJ back to Kim, I could've sworn the aroused heat in the twins' eyes was even more intense. Maybe it was an evolutionary procreation instinct thing.

But heat in their eyes or not, neither twin acted unusual in any way, save for perhaps their unexpected visit in the first place. They chatted with my ladies, ate their breakfast, and asked if we had any plans they were interrupting. I explained that we usually just went out to get BJ some exercise and see the sights. Sasha suggested the twins come along. And Adrienne commented that she usually dragged me into her bedroom Saturday afternoons, but she was sure we could make time for that later.

After they all finished their meal, I bussed the table and brought the dishes over to the sink. I had just started loading the dishwasher when a pair of slim arms wrapped around my belly as a woman molded herself against my back. I glanced over my shoulder and popped my eyebrows in surprise to see Eden's sparkling eyes staring back at me, an impish grin touching her lips. "You did all the cooking, didn't eat a bite, and now you're cleaning? C'mon, we're the guests. Let us do that for you."

I arched my eyebrow. "Cleaning my dishes? If that's your idea of a full-court press, you are welcome to press away."

In response, Eden nudged her hips forward, pushing herself against my butt. "Pressing away..." she murmured before backing up with a giggle.

I turned around and pointed toward the hallway. "There's also a toilet ring forming in the hallway bathroom you can scrub away."

Eden made a face as she came alongside me at the kitchen sink. She hip-checked me out of the way and grabbed the first plate. "Go back to your family. Shoo."

I blinked in surprise. "Since when does my 17-year-old baby sister get to boss me around?"

Emma laughed. "Eden's been bossy since she first learned how to talk."

Eden rolled her eyes. "Yeah, Em. Reminding Ben of the time when we were toddlers is really gonna help our cause."

Emma blushed and averted her eyes.

I chuckled and left the kitchen to return to Kim and BJ in the living room. Adrienne and Sasha had already returned to their rooms to change clothes and get ready for the day, leaving me some one-on-one time with my little man. But eventually, the twins finished with the dishes, Adrienne and Sasha emerged with fresh clothes, hair, and makeup, and our little group was ready to hit the town.

After so many years, I think the twins had finally realized that getting (and holding) a guy's attention amongst their peer group, and getting (and holding) MY attention are two very distinct challenges. For one thing, the twins were used to being the hottest-looking girls in their social group. Not to say that they couldn't compare or compete with the women of my social group, but neither did they obviously stand out above the rest. And even if they did, my relationships with Adrienne, Sasha, and Kim were such that a passing pretty face didn't have much of an effect on me. Plus, Saturdays were usually baby/daddy days, so almost all of my attention was on BJ, anyway.

As I'd often told the girls: we were simply in different places in our lives, with different priorities. This morning excursion was about getting errands done and entertaining BJ, not about sex. I didn't have time to flirt or carry on much of an extended conversation while paying attention to the toddler in his infant stroller, and when I tried to explain that to Eden, she held up her hands defensively and stated, "Hey, don't go jumping to false conclusions. I'm just a girl trying to spend some quality time with her big brother and adorable little nephew."

I rolled my eyes and cocked an eyebrow. "Says the girl who promised a full-court press last night and then randomly showed up at my apartment this morning for the first time in forever."

Shaking her head, Eden explained, "The direct route never worked with you. I'm not trying to seduce you here on the street, and I'm not expecting to change your mind about us overnight. But I do know that as long as you see me and Emma as little schoolgirls not mature enough to be a part of your adult world, nothing's ever gonna happen."

Emma added, "We really ARE here just to hang out with you, to spend some quality time together, and to play with BJ. We want to be around more, to have you around Berkeley more, and just ... re-connect, you know?"

I gave the girls a skeptical look. "And if spending quality time together ultimately improves the likelihood of you two seducing me, then that's just a nice side effect?"

Eden shrugged. "Not gonna lie and claim that we don't want do certain things to you that would be impolite to speak of in public, but not gonna make that a condition for spending time with you, either."

"We've made clear what we ultimately want," Emma said with an identical shrug, "and I know our timing in showing up this morning seems suspicious. But we really DO want to spend more time with you, aside from that ... other ... stuff."

I gave them both skeptical looks, but sighed and rotated the infant stroller around. "Fine, you want to spend more quality time with us? One of you gets to push BJ for a little while."

Eden and Emma spent the next hour taking turns holding or playing with BJ, with Eden surprisingly turning out to be the more maternally-affectionate one of the two. Mentally I'd always thought of Emma as the gentler twin, but perhaps Eden was simply more used to playing "big sister" while Emma had always been "the baby" herself.

Nearing lunchtime, BJ started nodding off in Adrienne's arms. With his mama focused on her shopping list, my fiancée had been carrying him around the store, getting a big kick out of how cute he was while drowsy, rubbing his eyes, and repeatedly setting his head down on her shoulder. I figured it was time for his afternoon nap, so after taking my son back from her, I settled him into his stroller and buckled him up for the walk back home so he could sleep in his own bed. At first, the girls were all going to let me go alone, but five feet down the sidewalk, Eden abruptly ran after me volunteering, "I'll go with you. Keep you company in the apartment."

I furrowed my eyebrows and explained, "I really AM just putting him down for a nap."

"And I really AM just going to keep you company. Won't try to seduce you, I promise."

"Won't try to seduce me today, you mean."

Eden grinned and gave me a sheepish shrug.

I sighed and shook my head. "Alright then. If you really want." Glancing back at Emma, I added, "You coming too?"

My baby sister waved me off and said, "Nah, you guys go ahead. I'll hang out with the ladies and pick their brains regarding blowjob techniques."

My jaw dropped for a moment and I blinked twice, but I shook my head at Emma's impish grin and twinkling eyes before turning the stroller around again and walking way, giving the ladies a final wave over my shoulder. Eden hurried after me, and side-by-side we started the journey home.

As expected, BJ fell asleep in the stroller five minutes from home. I had Eden hold the doors for me all the way from the street level into Kim's bedroom. And after warning her to be as quiet as possible, I held my breath while unbuckling the stroller harness and carefully lifting my son up to gently place him into his crib. Usually, BJ was pretty good about making the transition from stroller to bed, but about 10% of the time he'd wake up and require another half-hour to get him to go back down again.

Thankfully, this was one of the other 90%, and Eden and I managed to slip out of the room without waking him. Breathing a sigh of relief, I inclined my head down the hallway and asked, "You want some coffee?"

"Sure, thanks."

I busied myself in the kitchen with the fancy Keurig machine before joining Eden on the living room sofa with two steaming coffee mugs. She blew on hers before carefully taking a sip. And with both hands wrapped around the mug for warmth, she looked up at me and asked, "So what do you usually do once BJ goes down for a nap?"

I shrugged and replied, "Usually, I'd take a nap myself, right there in Kim's bed so that I'm nearby in case he wakes up. Some of the ladies of the household get these late-night urges that have a way of sapping my precious sleep time."

"I'll bet." Eden giggled before taking another sip. Furrowing her eyebrows, she gave me an apologetic look and asked, "Why didn't you tell me? I could've stayed with the other girls and let you catch up on needed rest."

"It's fine." I waved her off. "It's not every day I get to hang out with my baby sister. That's why you came over here, right? To spend more quality time with me?"

"Of course. But we've already established that I'm not gonna try and seduce you. And to be honest, I don't really want to have the whole 'what have you been up to lately?' conversation. You ask me that every weekend when you visit as it is."

I chuckled and sipped at my own coffee. "Fair enough. What would you like to do? And remember that we've got a time limit before BJ wakes up."

"How about a game?"

I arched my eyebrow. "What kind of game?"

"Not what you're thinking. A board game."

"Board game?"

"Sure. My friends and I play board games all the time. Kind of a college thing, right? Bunch of intelligent youngsters stimulating their competitive instincts and all. We especially love Settlers of Catan. Emma's a master at it."

"I dunno. I actually didn't play many board games in college. My idea of 'game time' was Xbox or playing basketball. I think I remember Bert trying to get me to play Settlers once, but we don't have that game here."

Eden smiled. "I'll bring ours the next time we visit. But surely you have some kind of game here we could play."

"Uh, we have a chess set." I gestured to one of the tall glass-doored cabinets against the wall. "Adrienne got this really expensive gold-plated bronze set somewhere on one of her trips ... like Italy or something. We used to have it on the nightstand as an accent piece for decorating, but once BJ got mobile we had to put it away to keep out of a toddler's reach."

Eden grinned. "Chess works for me."

Shrugging, I set down my coffee mug and got up to retrieve the chess set. It was quite heavy, with the chessboard itself mounted on four handcrafted prancing ponies, so I had to be careful to balance it and keep all the pieces in their squares. But I managed to place the set down on the coffee table between us.

"What are we playing for?" Eden asked with a gleam in her eye. Setting her mug down and clapping her hands together to rub them excitedly.

"Uh, bragging rights?"

"Pssht. That's it?"

"Well we're not playing for money."

Eden got a twinkle in her eye as she smirked. "DJ told us you'd bend her over your knee and spank her ass when she lost at chess."

I coughed suddenly, choking a bit on my own saliva. It took me a moment to recover, but when I did, I croaked, "She told you that?"

Eden looked thoughtful. "Or was a spanking her punishment for winning? Hmm..."

I waved her off. "Doesn't matter. We're not playing for the right to spank each other."

Eden grinned and sat up brightly. "Well how 'bout strip chess?"

My eyebrows popped. "Didn't you just promise not to try and seduce me?"

Rolling her eyes, Eden muttered, "I'm not trying to seduce you. I just wanna up the stakes a bit. It's not like we didn't see each other completely naked just last night."

I shrugged. "So you really shouldn't need to see me naked again today."

"Well what do you want to play for? C'mon, I'm competitive and need some stimulation."

"What stakes do you play for at school? Please tell me you're not playing co-ed strip chess with your friends."

Fixing me with a 'Look', Eden asked, "Are you sure you wanna know the answer to that?"

Covering my face with my hands, I closed my eyes and shook my head. "No, no, forget I asked."

"Relax. The answer is 'no'. That's not to say I haven't played other types of co-ed stripping games in my life, but never strip chess, no. You'll be the first."

"I'm flattered, I think."

"Great! So pawns are worthless, but every rook, knight, bishop, or queen results in an article of clothing coming off. And if it's the queen, it's my choice of what clothing."

"For someone who's never played strip chess before you certainly have given this some thought. And when did I actually agree to do this?"

Eden gave me a 'Look' again, one that declared I was being the weeniest party-pooper of all time, and I sighed while shaking my head.

"Fine, fine, I'll play," I conceded. "But it's game over immediately if BJ wakes up, OR if anyone else comes home."

Eden shrugged. "Deal."

So wrong.

And yet so right.

But it's so wrong.

Yet so fucking right!

After everything we've been through, I'd think it'd take more than a nice pair of tits to get you excited.

Those aren't just any nice pair of tits. Those are amazingly awesome tits. Not the biggest or anything, but certainly some of the perkiest, juiciest, most perfectly-shaped--

Alright, alright, I get it already.

And they're hers.

I said I get it already. Get your mind out of the gutter. She's just trying to throw you off your game so she can win.

Well, it's apparently working. There goes your rook.

Ah, shit.

"One more piece of clothing. Off, Ben, off!" Clapping her hands gleefully, Eden bounced up and down in her seat, a movement which set those perfect breasts into motion with mouth-watering enticement.

Rolling my eyes, half in disgust at not seeing the trap and the other half as a method for forcing myself to not watch my baby sister's bouncing boobs, I stood up, unbuttoned my jeans, and tugged them down my legs.

With seven clothing-worthy chess pieces on the board, I'd established that my sweater, T-shirt, jeans, underwear, and each sock counted as an individual piece, with one freebie since I wasn't wearing anything else. Obviously, that freebie and the two socks were the first things to go, followed by my sweater and then my shirt. Losing my jeans left me only in my boxer shorts, representing the queen I'd carefully managed to not lose alone as my last line of defense along with a handful of pawns.

Across the table from me, Eden smirked and swept her long dark hair behind her ears before crossing her arms beneath her naked breasts, lifting and squeezing them together enticingly as if to show off her proudly erect nipples in appreciation for her view of my nearly-naked body. Unlike me, Eden had elected to lose her sweater, shirt, and bra FIRST while keeping her socks on in an effort to get topless as soon as possible. Whether a strategy to distract me or merely a way of toeing the line between "seducing" me and merely "presenting" herself, I couldn't be sure. But there was no denying the fact that I'd promptly lost three pieces in a row after her tits were revealed.

With a sigh, I kicked my jeans away from my bare feet and planted my hands on my hips to let her have a good look at me in my underwear. "Happy?"

"Not until I get those boxers off," my sister murmured in a husky tone. Her eyes shimmered as her gaze roved up and down my body. "Gawd-damn I keep forgetting how amazing your abs are. Don't get me wrong, I love your face and all that, but with those pecs and those ... mmm ... those abs ... Big brother, your naked torso is just sick."

I rolled my eyes and sat down. "Yeah, well, my chest and abs get a lot of workout."

"Fucking as much as you do is hard work. For the record: I'm gonna make you turn around and let me stare at your ass for a while once I get your boxers off. Thing looks like it's carved out of granite."

"Jeezus, Eed."

"Hey, I'm just looking, not seducing, right?"

I shook my head. "Never should have let you talk me into strip chess."

"But you did. And isn't this fun? I mean yeah, we've seen each other naked and all that, but it's so much different out here in the living room in the middle of the day knowing that I can't actually touch you, instead of someone's bedroom at night where sex stuff is a foregone conclusion."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. It's my turn." I sat down and scrutinized the board, ordering myself to focus on my next move. But a split-second later I couldn't help but glance up at Eden's tits hanging forward as she similarly hunched over the chess board across from me, and in my peripheral vision I caught the smirk spreading across her lips as she caught me ogling her once again.

"This is just deliciously naughty isn't it?" she laughed. "Brother and sister ... playing an innocent game of chess while gawking at each other's bodies? Isn't it just... wrong?"

Damn straight, sister.

Shut up, you.

"And yet so right," Eden finished.

Sounds like she's been taking advice from Brandi or something.

Or something. Forcing my attention onto the chess board, I surveyed the landscape and double-checked then triple-checked that my queen would not be in any imminent danger if I took the pawn at G5. Down to just my queen while Eden still had both bishops and a knight, I knew that if I didn't go on the offensive I'd soon find myself trapped and surrounded, facing imminent defeat. This way, I might lose my queen and lose the game even faster, but at least I'd have a fighting chance of pulling it out, especially if I managed to promote one of my pawns.

So I took Eden's pawn at G5 and used the threat of my queen to have my own pawn advance to D5. Perhaps seeing a way to trap my queen, Eden slid her black-squares bishop back to E7, threatening my queen knowing that even if I took the bishop, her knight at G8 would take me out.

But I wouldn't fall into that kind of trap, obviously. Nor could I leave my queen where it was, since the black bishop at E7 still threatened her. So I advanced my queen to G7, taking that pawn and threatening the knight at G8.

Unfortunately for Eden, the knight's exit to E7 was currently occupied by her own black bishop, and its only other two evacuation points were F6 and H6, both of them killing grounds for my queen. But at least at F6 the knight would be covered by the E7 bishop, so that's where she went.

In her haste, perhaps Eden forgot that the queen didn't have to go after the knight. Sliding two spaces to my left, my queen neatly knocked over the black bishop at E7. Oh, and her knight at F6 was still in mortal danger.

"Fuck!" Eden cursed.

I gestured for her to lose an article of clothing, and she sighed while standing up to remove her jeans. You'd think the jeans would have come off earlier, but Eden made the rules, and the rules stipulated that I could choose which article of clothing she removed when I captured her queen, so I'd picked her sock.

Now clad only in skimpy bikini-cut panties ... and one sock ... she canted her head and frowned while scrutinizing the chessboard. "How did I not see that?"

"Does the board really look all that different from that angle?" I asked teasingly.

"Well..." Sitting up straight again, Eden stared at the board before getting up and moving along the couch to stare at the chessboard sideways. Screwing up her face, she shook her head and glanced at me before muttering, "Well obviously you're seeing something different than I am from your angle."

I was about to reply back, but the words died in my throat in surprise as Eden got up again and backed her butt up toward my face. "What are you doing?" I finally managed to sputter as she literally sat in my lap.

"Seeing the board from your angle," she replied matter-of-factly, grinding her panty-clad ass down against my boxer-covered crotch. I'd developed a hard-on staring at her tits, a fact she undoubtedly would not miss. And as she rubbed her butt against my bulge, my baby sister glanced back at me with a renewed twinkle in her eye. "Oooh, what's this?"

"Don't play coy with me," I muttered. "You know exactly what that is: it's the result of you putting your perfect breasts on display for the last fifteen minutes."

"You think my breasts are perfect?" Beaming proudly, Eden grabbed both boobs in her hands and twisted her torso around to hold them up for me.

I sighed, "Eed..."

"You don't think they're too small? I mean, they're obviously not as big as Adrienne's or Dayna's. Not even as big as Sasha's or Dawn's, although I do think I'm getting close."

"They're perfect for you. Firm and perky and round and succulent and – the fuck am I saying? Okay, off my lap."

"But how can you be sure they're perfect without even holding them?" Before I could react, Eden grabbed my hands and planted my palms over her truly amazing breasts. I couldn't help but let my fingers close down around them. Still, she covered my hands with her own, making sure I wouldn't let go. And leaning back against my bare chest, she looked back at me over her shoulder with a naughty expression.

I sighed. Giving her a mournful look, I muttered, "I thought you promised not to try and seduce me."

"This isn't trying to seduce you. If I was trying to seduce you, I'd do this." Hooking her thumbs into the waistband of her panties, she snaked them down her legs, dangled them from the tip of her right toe, and finally kicked them off. My baby sister now sat in my lap completely naked except for the one lone sock.

"And then I'd do this!" Grabbing one of the obelisk-shaped rooks, she plunged the small bronze statue into her sopping wet pussy, pumping it in and out a few times before raising it to her lips and sucking on it like ... well ... like a cock.

"And then I'd do this." Twisting around in my lap and wrapping her arms around my head, Eden planted her lips on my mouth and gave me a fierce kiss that took my breath away. And even though I didn't mean to, for a moment I found myself kissing her right back.

But only for a moment. Coming to my senses, I abruptly turned my head to break our liplock while reaching behind my neck to grab her arms. "Eden, Eden, Eden..."

"C'mon, Ben, please?" My baby sister gave me big doe eyes from only inches away. Although she'd let me loosen the grip of her arms from around my head, she still kept them wrapped around my neck and shoulders.

"You promised."

"I know, I know, and I didn't mean to. I just can't help myself. Do you have any idea how long Emma and I have been dreaming of this?"

"I have an idea, which means I could only ever disappoint you." Shaking my head, I continued, "The real thing could never live up to the wildest fantasies you've been carrying around for however many years."

Eden bit her lip, glanced down at my chest, and got a naughty grin on her face. "Yeah," she muttered. "We've come up with some pretty wild fantasies."

"I'm sure you have."

"My personal favorite is the one at the Garden of Me." She looked up into my eyes now, staring right through them to another time and place. "Emma and I start underneath the waterfall, naked and horny, making out with each other and looking so amazingly hot until you can't help yourself from wading into the water and joining us. There's a flat ledge to the side we use as a jumping point."

"I remember it."

"Emma would sit on the edge of it with her legs thrown over my shoulders while I ate her out, and you'd be in the pool behind me, holding my hips for leverage while you sunk every last inch of yourself into me."

"That area of the pool is really hard to fuck in. It's deep enough that I can't build up any kind of speed."

"So you've already done that one?" Eden smirked. "Well one of my other favorites is in the living room of the old house. You'd be playing video games against me, and we both know how competitive I can be, so I'd get it in my head to have Emma distract you mid-game. She'd start nibbling at your neck and sliding her hand inside your shirt while you'd keep trying and trying to ignore her, until she finally had your pants down and mounted your upright dick. Only then would you finally put aside the controller, grab her ass, and hammer her up and down in your lap."

"One of your favorite fantasies is of Emma fucking me instead of you?"

"To help me win a game, of course. My baby sister doing it for me, really."

"Still, I'd have thought that would be one of her fantasies."

"Actually, her favorite is pretty simple: Waking her up in bed on her birthday by crawling under her sheets and sticking your tongue up her twat. Eating her out to a few starter orgasms before climbing on top of her and finally, finally letting her feel you deep inside her."

"Yeah ... real wild fantasies you two have got there."

"Okay, so maybe those weren't the wild ones. The wild ones are like you holding your breath underwater and sneak-fucking me beneath an inner tube on the lazy river at Wild Rivers waterpark. Or me crawling underneath the table during Thanksgiving dinner to give you a blowjob with all our family around. Or sitting in your lap with your dick inside me watching a movie at Edwards Irvine Spectrum."

"Bit of an exhibitionist streak there?"

"Little bit." Eden giggled and set her forehead against mine. "If you want the wild ones ... I've fantasized about you fastening a ball gag in my mouth and pushing me face-down on your bed with my feet on the floor, spanking me a few times before slamming your dick into me from behind. Emma would crawl on top of me from the bed, licking my asshole and probing it with a heavily-lubricated bullet vibrator. She'd prep me while you used my poor pussy for pleasure until I'd finally be ready to let you ram your gorgeous cock all the way up my ass. Did you know I've saved you that one last virginity? My asshole is still untouched by man. Do you know how many different ways I've fantasized about you sodomizing the shit out of me?"

"Wait, what?"

Eden shivered in my arms and tightened her grip around my neck. Closing her eyes, she buried her face in the crook of my neck and murmured, "I've dreamed of you doing it with my legs hooked over your shoulders while you folded me in half beneath your sweaty body. I've dreamed of you waking me up with the sudden intrusion of your dick deep inside me while we spooned together in my bed. I've dreamed of stacking me and Emma on top of each other doggy-style so you could claim both of our anal virginities one after the other. I've--"

"Wait-wait-wait." I pushed her away from me just enough so I could stare at her from a few inches away. But before I could say anything else, she continued.

"The only dicks that've ever been in my ass have been the Ben Juniors that Adrienne gave us. Do you have any idea how much I want the real thing?" She shivered again and dropped her right hand down to her naked crotch, hooking two fingers into her own twat and using her pussy juice to start strumming her clit. "When the girls told us about Tri-Delt West we fantasized about you just busting down the door to seize and inseminate us at will. Then when Adrienne gave us the Ben Juniors, Emma would blindfold me and shove three of them into all of my holes, pounding me to orgasm after orgasm until I couldn't take it anymore. And then we'd switch places so I could do the same thing to her."

"Jeezus, Eed..." I breathed.

"I've dreamt of feeling this," Eden murmured while slipping her hand through the flap of my boxers, pulling out my iron bar cock and stroking the shaft up and down several times before continuing, "feeling this stretch my body in ways it's never been stretched before."

I groaned and closed my eyes against the pleasure she was giving me, unable to resist or make her stop pumping my prick. But when I felt her weight shift as she began to line up my cockhead with her pink pussy, I opened my eyes and gripped both of her shoulders from behind. "Eden ... You don't want to do that."

"Of course I want to do this, and so do you."

"Not like this. Not sneak-mounting me in my living room while BJ takes a nap. You deserve--"

"I'm not some blushing virgin hoping for a romantic evening that takes my breath away," she interrupted me. "I've come so close without getting what I want too many times to let another opportunity slip away."

"But you promised."

"I also promised myself I wouldn't let you get away from me again."


"Ben ... my sexy, gorgeous, loving big brother Ben..."

"Please don't do this. I'm asking you not to do this."

"Don't you love me? I thought you loved me?"

"Of course I love you. Don't ever doubt that."

"Then why not?"

"I don't know! I want to, I really do, but not like this. -I- don't want it to be like this."

Grimacing in anguish, Eden fought tears in her eyes and whimpered pitifully. "Just the tip?" For emphasis, she reached down between us, wrapped her hand around my shaft, and swabbed my mushroom head through her soaking wet cleft.

"Please," I repeated, my voice tight and my breathing shallow. "I'm asking you to not let it be like this. Please..."

She blinked as the tears started running down her cheeks, and for a moment I thought she'd get off me. Instead, her eyes hardened and I tightened my grip on her shoulders, prepared to physically jerk her away from me if she tried to stab my shaft into her snatch. But she didn't try. She merely arched an eyebrow and gave me a calculating look. "New bet. The chess game isn't over. If you win, I leave you alone ... for good, until the time that you decide is right. But if -I- win, you fuck my socks off right here on the couch."

The bet was tempting. I'd already taken one of her bishops and the knight was next. Odds were that I'd win the game, and the prospect of relieving myself of Eden's full-court pressure was enticing indeed. Then again, Eden had already proven to me the value of her promise against the opportunity to finally get what she wanted.

But even more tempting would be the result of me losing. If I lost the game ... well it wouldn't really be my fault for fucking her, right? I wouldn't have a choice, really. A bet's a bet.

Decisions, decisions, and as I stewed on my predicament, I realized that Eden had shifted her weight again and started rubbing the head of my dick against her clit, masturbating herself with my mushroom head. But before I could say another word, a baby's cry sounded off throughout the room.

BJ was awake, squalling for Mommy or Daddy with his voice bursting through the video monitor on the kitchen counter. I glanced over at the monitor, feeling a great deal of tension melt out of me as I realized the decision had been taken out of my hands. I'd been saved by the bell, so to speak.

"Sorry, little one," I muttered almost apologetically. "Time's up. Game over."

That's when Eden plunged herself down, filling her pussy with eight inches of brother-dick in one thrust.

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