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85.5% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 229: Chapter 7: Unafraid ll

Chapter 229: Chapter 7: Unafraid ll

-- SATURDAY, JULY 14, 2007 --

"I can't believe we have to go home so soon," I sighed, having finally caught my breath after my most recent ejaculation. Instead of continuing to stare up at the trees above us, I dug my elbows into the picnic blanket and sat up just enough to stare forward across the creek to the canyon beyond. The view from our clearing was quite nice. It wasn't THE most spectacular or most beautiful vista around, but the fact that it was the view from our clearing made it more special than any other. And I was going to miss it.

"So soon? We've been here for two weeks already," Dawn mused as she rolled onto her side to face me and propped her head up with one elbow. "When was the last time you took a two-week vacation?"

I shrugged. "Probably the last time I came here with my family for a full month. And that's just it: I've gotten used to staying up here for four weeks at a time instead of two. Feels like our vacation should only be half-over instead of completely done. I wish we still had two more weeks to go."

Dawn lowered her eyelashes demurely and slid a hand down the valley of her side and up the curvature of her hip. "Wish you still had two more weeks' worth of mornings to hike out here with me?"

She was just as naked as I was, with a figure even more spectacular than ever, and I let my eyes roam quite obviously along every square inch of skin I could. "You'd better fucking believe it."

Dawn started laughing as she shook her head in disbelief. "Twenty-three years and I still don't understand how you can do it. No less than six of the horniest nymphomaniac girls I know of just spent the last two weeks trying to wear you out, and you're as fresh as a daisy, ready to go for two weeks more."

I shrugged. "Daisies are tougher than they look." And with that I leaned in to kiss my best friend once more.

Dawn sighed happily into our liplock, and she raised her passion levels with me right up until the point where I resumed cupping and fondling her bare breasts and rolled her onto her back once more. Only then did she break away from me and raise a palm to press up against my chest. "Slow down, slow down, big boy."

I growled in mild frustration, having only ejaculated the one time so far this morning when my body was quite accustomed to shooting off at least a half-dozen times a day. But I knew Dawn was right, and I rolled away from her before sitting upright and crossing my legs.

Dawn sat up as well and used her right hand as a brush to comb her long, silky blonde locks across her head to all hang down the opposite side. The movement did wonderful things to her big breasts, and she watched me ogle her nudity once more before smirking and commenting, "Relax. It's not like you're going to be lacking for sex once we leave here. Your happy harem will be just as eager to satisfy you in San Francisco as they are here."

I sighed and stared out across the creek. "It's not the harem I'm going to miss." I glanced back at Dawn to see her reaction to that, and she blushed before coyly averting her eyes.

"It's not like I'll be that far away, either. We both know Berkeley's only a short BART ride away."

"And we both know we won't be making daily hikes out to our clearing after today."

"I'm going to miss you too," Dawn sighed. "But daily visits are out of the question. We both promised each other that we wouldn't let ourselves get carried away. You're engaged now. You've got commitments."

"I haven't forgotten."

"And yet you seem to have spent more time these last five days with me instead of your fiancée."

"Not true. Not true at all. Adrienne and I are always together."

"Well..." Dawn thought about that. "You're always together everywhere you go in the camp except for these hikes you take with me. You certainly spend more alone time with me than you spend alone time with her."

"Well..." I thought about that. A moment later I realized she might actually be right. "But that's only because Adrienne likes to have a girl or two in bed with us when I'm fucking her and therefore it doesn't qualify as 'alone time'. She's certainly gotten a kick out of eating your pussy while I drill her from behind."

Dawn blushed and popped her eyebrows. "And she's damn good at it too."

I shrugged. "Adrienne understands why alone time with you has been important to me. We've had a lot to catch up on, and she doesn't fear you stealing me away anymore."

"Nor should she. We're all on the same page now: she's going to be your wife; I'm your best friend." Dawn's smile brightened. "I'm surprisingly happy with that arrangement. I would have thought I'd be disappointed, because I've always believed deep down that I was meant to be your wife. I'd sort of resigned myself to becoming a homewrecker that destroyed your relationship with Adrienne in order to get myself back to that Number One position. But now that we're here, I'm really glad things worked out the way they did. I don't feel any competitive urge to supplant Adrienne's position. I get to be the 'best friend', and get all of the good stuff with none of the pressure, none of the 'girlfriend' expectations. And I get to be close to you... super close to you ... to the point where I actually spend more intimate time with you than she does. That part, I actually feel a little guilty about."

I shrugged. "It's really not so unusual for a guy to spend more time with his best friend than with his wife."

Dawn snorted. "It is unusual in the immediate five days after a couple gets engaged. And it's especially unusual when the best friend is a woman and the two of them spend all their time fucking."

I grinned and leaned in, mock puckering up for an exaggerated kiss. "Not all our time. Clearly we're not making the best use of this time right here and now."

Dawn rolled her eyes and put two fingers against my lips, using them to push my head away. At first, I playfully nipped at her fingers, but when I sighed and looked up at her with big puppy dog eyes, she snickered and leaned into me for a pleasant, serious kiss.

But Dawn was all business again when we broke apart, once again raising her palm to press against my chest. "I'm serious. We've ALL spent the last five days in this honeymoon phase, riding the high of your engagement. You and I have been awash in our own honeymoon phase, too. You say we have a lot to catch up on, but we haven't actually spent much of our alone time talking ... Down boy!" She slapped the hand that had been sliding up her inner thigh in search of pussy.

I retracted my hand and put on a sheepish expression. "Well ... there was the one time I said we should talk but you took me to the stables to introduce me to Aurora."

"After which you realized we'd never fucked in a barn before and you wanted to do it right away."

I blushed, my sheepish expression back.

Dawn sighed. "Don't get me wrong; having this much fantastic sex with you has been like diving into the ocean after spending the last year trudging through the desert, with only the occasional oasis to keep me from dying of thirst. But we are leaving here in only a few hours, and we have GOT to figure out how we're going to handle our friendship."

I shrugged, slowly walking my fingers up her bare leg once again. "What's there to figure out? You can come spend weekends at my place in SoMa, and I can drop by Berkeley once or twice mid-week after work for dinner; Brooke complains that I don't visit enough as it is."

Dawn shook her head. "No-no-no. Engaged. Commitments. Not getting carried away," she reminded me.

"It's not like I'm talking every day."

"You're talking three or four days; that's half the week! You're talking a drastic change in routine, and I'm not about to start spending every weekend at your place."

"What? You won't miss me?"

"Ben, seriously: You have a fiancée. You have girlfriends who don't spend enough time with you as it is. You've talked so much about Sasha being that 'constant' for you."

"Sasha said herself I don't have any one 'constant' anymore."

"No, you have four. And suddenly displacing all of them with ME isn't the right move for you."

I pouted. "Only five days and you're already tired of me?"

Dawn lightly clapped my cheek a couple three times. "Don't turn back into a needy wuss."

I frowned. "You implying I was a needy wuss before?"

Caressing my cheek, she simply flashed me a teasing grin.

"Okay, okay, okay." Hands up, I took a deep breath and collected myself. "Pipe dreams about falling straight back into old habits of spending nearly every waking moment together, if you're trying to figure out how we're going to handle our renewed friendship, my honest answer is: we don't need to."

"Don't need to what, figure it out?"

"We've already figured it out." I shrugged. "I know we both said it would take time to build a new friendship and figure out how 'New Dawn' and 'New Ben' would interact, but it hasn't turned out like that. Neither of us has dwelled on the past, nursed old wounds, or held onto grudges. Neither of us has tip-toed around the other wondering whether or not we're saying the right thing or doing the right thing. We're not thinking about how to become friends again; we just ARE friends."

"Like slipping into a familiar old sweater," Dawn mused with a contemplative smile.

"Warm and comfy and you already know it fits just right," I agreed. "And the proof is in the past five days: 'New' Dawn and Ben pretty much act the way 'Old' Dawn and Ben did."

"Is that a bad thing?" Dawn looked worried. "After all, Old Dawn and Ben turned out to be a disaster."

"Old Dawn and Ben were young and stupid and made mistakes. New Dawn and Ben can learn from those mistakes without sacrificing what we've always meant to each other: best friends."

"It sounds great, but..." Shaking her head, Dawn sighed. "I just feel ... guilty ... Like everything is going too smoothly. It's all happening too easily."

"We've been over this: You don't need to serve penance just for the sake of penance. You've suffered enough as far as I'm concerned."

"No, not that kind of guilt. And you're really sweet to defend me against the whole 'Dawn Must Suffer' thing."

"Then what?"

"Just what I said: that it's all happening too easily."

"You worried it's too good to be true?"

"No, not 'too good to be true'. Becoming best friends again like this is what I'd hoped for and isn't unexpected or anything like that. But..." Dawn furrowed her eyebrows in thought. "More like ... Like I don't deserve this. Like it should have taken more effort, more hard work ... more angst ... for you and me to get to this point. Like ... like it's all happening too easily."

"Well, we've both always believed magic happens here at camp. And maybe things have gone so smoothly because we both wanted to enjoy our time here for the few days we could. But the real world is fast approaching. We're leaving camp in a few hours, and we might find that our little honeymoon phase gets left behind with it."

Dawn grimaced. "I'm scared you may be right."

"But we'll make it work," I promised her. "Ben and Dawn Forever, right?"

I'd emphasized my words by raising my hand and miming a bracelet around my wrist, expecting Dawn to smile in recognition of the token she'd always carried as a symbol of our relationship. But instead her face fell, her eyes tightened, and she gave me a deeply apologetic look.

"Umm..." she muttered painfully. "About that bracelet..."

"So ... umm ... yeah..." Dawn mumbled in embarrassment as we stood at the top of the river embankment just off the trail leading back to camp. Rather helplessly, she gestured with one hand at the rushing waters frothy with white foam as it cascaded through the rapids.

With raised eyebrows, I looked across the rapids and followed them downstream, to the next bend downstream where the rapids faded away into a relatively tranquil pool before the river turned left and continued onward. I set my backpack down on the trail and took a careful step forward, leaning out nose-first just to see if I could get a slightly better view.

Dawn suddenly grabbed my elbow. "You're not thinking of diving in there after it, are you?"

I blinked and frowned before shaking my head. "I have to admit the thought crossed my mind, but--"


"But..." I continued, taking a step back and shooting her a smile. "No, I'm not that crazy or stupid."

Dawn visibly relaxed. "For a second there, I thought--"

"Now that pool down at the end there, past the rocks where the river bends to the right?" I continued, gesturing with one hand. "Not today or anything ... but I dunno ... The next time we come up to camp? Might be worth a casual swim. If we find nothing, we find nothing."

Dawn's eyebrows went up. "And if we do?"

I grinned. "Would be kinda cool, wouldn't it?"

She searched my face. "You're really not mad?"

I shrugged. "Having you back in my life is far more important to me than any piece of metal. True, it was a special token of our relationship, and you holding onto it in the face of a lot of pressure to get rid of it will always mean a lot to me. But no, I'm not upset with you for throwing it away. I know that learning I'd gotten DJ pregnant was terribly traumatic for you, and for all your talk about not suffering enough, I think you suffered plenty. When it comes to that bracelet, I'm only concerned with how losing it affects you. And crazy or not, if you REALLY can't live without it, I'll find a way to get it back."

I gestured toward the river again, and Dawn immediately held her hands up. "No, no, you're not jumping into the rapids," she warned with wide eyes.

I smiled and shook my head. "I can get you a new one. Maybe engraved from titanium or something instead of cheap mall kiosk silver."

"Oh, no, buster," Dawn laughed. "You think I want you buying me any jewelry before you get Adrienne a real engagement ring? Miss Famous Supermodel who's gonna have to show that rock to every fashion magazine in the world? I'm gonna start with the assumption that you're penniless as of right now, with your entire life's savings about to be put into diamond-form to be worn on your fiancée's finger."

I grimaced. "That may be more true than I want to think about. But seriously, when it comes to that bracelet, I'm more worried about you than about me."

"I'll be fine." Dawn took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I certainly feel better now that you've told me you don't really mind. Besides, the 'Ben Forever' bracelet meant more to me than just our friendship. I thought of it more as a symbol of our future romance. Better that it's gone. Better that I let go of old romantic notions, because we DO work better as friends."

"We do," I agreed.

"No pressure. We can just be you and me without expectations. You keep telling me to be unafraid of the future, and I'm trying. Honestly, it's easier to be unafraid when I have confidence in what we mean to each other NOW, and when I can believe that we'll be like THIS forever instead of wondering – or fearing – what will happen down the road. You've said it all along: romances can break. And if that ever happened to us again I would really lose you, and might not ever get you back."

I shook my head and reached out to her with one hand. "I won't lose you again."

She took it and squeezed. "And I won't lose you."

Pulling her to me, I touched her face with my free hand and trailed two fingertips down her cheek. I kissed her quickly and smiled. "As siblings, we are eternal."

She smiled back. "Ben and Dawn Forever."

Dawn and I rejoined the others at the cabins and we spent the remainder of the morning packing up our stuff. The parentals and the twins arrived shortly after lunch, we helped them unload their gear into the recently-vacated cabins, and once everything was unpacked, Adrienne and I finally gave them the news.

Rather than immediately announce our engagement, Adrienne and I had elected to wait for our family's arrival so we could tell them in person. Jaws dropped, Mom squealed and bear-hugged Adrienne, and the twins went hunting for Adrienne's finger in search of shiny rocks. Deanna hugged Adrienne a moment later, and both Dad and Jack Evans came over to shake my hand. The next several minutes were spent in animated discussion, with everyone wanting to know exactly how I proposed. We weren't about to tell them the convoluted story about my girlfriends talking Dawn into leaving camp, me having sex with her, and then dropping to one knee out in the dirt as I convinced Adrienne that she was still my Number One.

Instead, Adrienne and I simply shared a look as she explained to the gossip-hungry mothers, "It's complicated. For one thing, I technically said 'yes' before he even asked."

That brought on a fresh round of inquiries, but Adrienne brushed them off with her wealth of experience in deflecting such questions without appearing to deflect them. Right around then, Deanna Evans noticed how comfortable Dawn and I were around each other, and the whole conversation shifted. Still, Dawn and I each made it clear that we weren't going to suffer through any interrogations about the subject, and the parentals had to satisfy themselves that we WERE reconciled and that was the most important thing, and finally the discussion changed to topics related to these past couple of weeks at camp.

Meanwhile, Adrienne and I excused ourselves to hike down to the Main Lodge and make a phone call. There were only two more people in "The Family" yet to be notified, so I dialed Brooke's number and she picked up on the third ring. The same way we broke it to our parents, I told Brooke that we had some news, and Adrienne made the actual announcement that we were engaged. Brooke predictably got super-happy for us. Just as predictably, DJ was ... less enthused ... when Brooke shared the news.

Still, both girls gave us their best wishes, and perhaps recognizing that her "less than excited" response hadn't been the most polite, DJ went out of her way to re-express her congratulations to Adrienne and me. The girls promised to come visit us in San Francisco tomorrow, and we ended the call on good terms.

The eight of us who had been at camp and the six newcomers socialized as a massive family unit for a couple of hours through the afternoon, but then it was time for my group to head home. I loaded up my fiancée, my girlfriend, my baby mama, and my baby into my super-macho, super-cool navy blue with beige interior Toyota Sienna XLE minivan (with Sport rims!). Brandi loaded up Dayna and Dawn into her Camry. And we all set off for long drive back to the Bay Area.

Five hours later, I parked the van in our building's underground garage and gently woke my sleeping passengers. Kim took BJ straight to bed while the rest of us trucked our luggage into the elevator for the ride up to the 35th floor. Adrienne was both grimy from the long ride and still groggy from her nap, but her eyes lit up like Christmas morning when I hoisted her into my arms just outside our apartment. Sasha did the honors of opening the door, and Adrienne kissed me as I carried her across the threshold. But I didn't kick the door shut behind me or carry her into our bedroom to start a round of lovemaking like they do in the movies. Instead, I set her down on her feet and went back out into the hallway to start rolling in our suitcases. Plus, I had to ride the elevator back down to the garage to fetch the rest of the luggage we hadn't been able to bring up on the first trip. And by the time I'd gotten everything inside the apartment, I was exhausted and ready to sleep.

Not that I actually wanted to sleep in my dirty and grimy clothes. Adrienne told me we could wait until morning to finish unpacking, and taking both Sasha and me by the hands, she led us into her master bathroom and turned on the multi-head, multi-directional sprays.

No matter how tired I may have felt after the long drive and lugging all the luggage up to the apartment, it would've been impossible to not get an erection sharing a shower with two gorgeous naked women like Adrienne and Sasha. We took our time cleaning each other up, the only rule being that none of us was allowed to wash or dry ourselves. And twenty minutes later the three of us fell onto Adrienne's king-size bed.

The three of us enjoyed one last round of tender lovemaking, with me driving both of them to climax before filling my fiancée's pussy while she enjoyed a passionate kiss with her best friend. Quite content, I fell asleep with a beautiful young post-orgasmic woman cuddled against each side of me. And though I can't claim to have scaled the pinnacles of ecstasy or thrust my girls over cascading waterfalls of pleasure that late at night after such a long day, I knew that no one was dissatisfied with the way our day had ended.

-- SUNDAY, JULY 15, 2007 --

I awoke with my usual morning hard-on. My eyes were still closed, but I felt Adrienne's presence before me, and a wave of pure bliss spread across me.

This was heaven.

The morning air was cold against my right cheek, the pillow reassuringly warm against my left. I snuggled deeper into the covers and their cocooning heat while pressing my chest against Adrienne's back, which was covered only by a thin layer of cotton. My left arm snaked beneath her pillow to hold her from the opposite side, and as my senses came alive, the fingers of my left hand reflexively squeezed the large breast I was currently palming. My right hand firmed up over her hip, gently holding her in place while I reflexively ground my morning wood into her panty-covered ass.

Just another morning in the home we'd made together, the way things had been for more than a year now. Me and the girl I loved, with the added bonus of another girl I loved spooned up against MY back. It was the kind of morning men around the world could only dream of.

With my eyes still closed, I squeezed Adrienne just a little tighter, a hug of affection. But the pleasant affection soon gave way to primal lust, as fond memories of the many, many times Adrienne and I had made love percolated in my brain. I slid my right hand up from her hip, gliding my fingers along her belly and underneath her night shirt so that I could cup her right breast as well. Gripping both round boobs, I put a little more effort into dry humping her ass, feeling the crease of her buttocks fold my boxer shorts around my rod. Breathing deeply, I let my head roll forward to push my nose into her hair, smelling her sweet fragrance. And I exhaled softly as my body warmed up to make my erotic dreams into reality.

My fiancée moaned in her sleep as I fondled her, and inhaled sharply when my right hand moved around her hip and down the valley of her legs to find her crotch. My fingers slithered beneath her panties and lightly grazed over the top of her clit, causing her to shove her ass back against my erection. The tip of my middle finger found the groove of her pussy lips, gliding along until it felt a point of weakness, and there it penetrated. But it was only a short dip, enough to gather a little moisture before pulling back and spreading that moisture along the length of her furrow before returning and dipping once more. Again, I spread that moisture along her lips, repeating the process until she felt sufficiently lubricated. After dipping one more time, I let my finger glide higher along until I found that her little ball of pleasure had begun to peek out from under its hood. And ever so gently, I touched my moistened finger to it.

I kept this up for a good ten minutes. She nearly woke twice, especially when I slid my boxers down to my knees and tugged her panties down as well; but after such an exhausting trip, she didn't wake. And by the end of that time her pussy was a furnace, her labia were widely parted and showing plenty of pink, and her whole body trembled. The familiar scent of her bedroom's pillows and sheets blended together with the spicy aroma of her fully-bloomed sexual arousal. It was time.

I shifted my hips until I was right behind her ass and just a little further down the bed. And then, with cock in hand, I guided it into position and began to lean my hips into her.

I heard the catch in her breathing as she came awake. By then, I already had the mushroom head inside her snatch, and it was just a matter of pressure as I slid the full rod deep into her body. She moaned and rocked her hips while I reached around with wet fingertips and began to rub at her clit once more. And then I pulled my cock back out a few inches, paused, and again buried it in to the hilt.

Adrienne's left arm folded on top of mine, clutching my arm tighter against her chest. Her right hand moved back to grab my ass and squeeze it. "Oh fuck me, Tiger!" she gasped, shivering as she felt my meat fill her up.

Still with my eyes closed, I bent my head to kiss her behind her ear as I crooned, "I'm fucking you, fiancée."

"Mmm ... yes you are, fiancé," she replied in kind, letting out tiny gasps in response to each of my forward thrusts.

"I'm next," Sasha mumbled sleepily into my ear from behind, tightening her arms around my chest while spooning herself more tightly against my back.

"Why wait?" I smiled, and without dislodging my prick from Adrienne's twat, I twisted around to pucker up.

Sasha gave me a sleepy smile before she kissed me, sliding her arm down my hip before circling in front to fondle my balls. She tickled them, causing me to chuckle into her mouth. Her tickles also made my hips buck, sending my dick deeper into Adrienne and causing her to moan. Sasha rubbed Adrienne's ass, broke our kiss, and turned my head for me so that I'd once again focus on my bride-to-be. And she slapped my ass as if starting a horse, getting me to resume my rhythmic in-and-out thrusting.

At first, Adrienne reached back with her right arm to hold my ass and tug her hand with my every forward lunge. But after the first couple dozen or so, she clenched her cunt around my cock and twisted her hips forward, leading me with her pussy to follow as she rolled onto her belly. Grabbing her firm memory-foam pillow, she positioned it beneath midsection to create a little room for her massive breasts to not be completely squished beneath her weight. She also got her elbows underneath her, with her forearms between the mattress and the pillow, her legs together, and me straddling her body with my knees planted on the mattress to either side. It was more or less the perfect position for me to fuck her from above and behind.

So I did.

Six minutes later, Adrienne groaned, "Ohhhh ... migawwwddd..." as she pressed her right cheek into the pillow beneath her. Although she was still face-down, she'd gotten her knees beneath her and elevated her ass so she could thrust her butt back to meet my every forward lunge.

Sasha was kneeling beside us, stroking Adrienne's spine and reaching under to finger her lover's clit, helping her best friend get the day started with an amazing orgasm. And once she watched the gorgeous blonde finally go limp from pleasurable satisfaction, she turned to me with a smirk just in time to meet my ravenous kiss.

Yanking my cock out of Adrienne's post-climactic cunt, I swiftly tackled Sasha flat on her back. Lubrication wouldn't be an issue, not after she'd retrieved one of the Ben Junior dildoes to pump it in and out of herself in time with my thrusts into Adrienne. Knocking Sasha's legs aside with my knees, I planted the beautiful brunette on her back and rammed my dick all the way down in one thrust. And my girlfriend's fingernails clawed at my scalp and our tongues battled with a ferocity that was only matched by the violence of our zero-to-sixty rabbit fucking.

Six minutes later, Sasha threw her head back, arched her spine, and howled out her release. At the same time, I bit down on her neck to mark her as mine, even as the diluvial torrent of jism flooded her pussy to mark that mine as well.

After I rolled off, Adrienne was quick to tuck her hair behind her ears and go after the creampie. I listened to my fiancée slurp my semen out of our mutual girlfriend's vagina, and once I recovered enough energy to sit up, I straddled Sasha's chest and cradled her head while feeding her my half-hard erection still coated in her orgasmic pussy juices so that we could get started on Round 2.

No two threesomes were ever identical, but the three of us had developed some habitual routines over the last year or so. Morning threesomes always started off torrid, everyone eager to get their first cum. I'd slam-fuck one of the girls before finishing in the other. The first would slurp out the second's creampie and then one of them would suck me hard again. And Round 2 was typically more relaxed, more sedate: tender lovemaking more than lustful fucking.

This morning was no different. Instead of gripping Sasha's head and skull-fucking her for my pleasure, I caressed her cheek and let her take long, languid sucks of my rapidly growing member while she stared up at me with those big, beautiful brown eyes. Once Adrienne finished cleaning up between Sasha's legs, she sat up beside me and held my shoulders while leaning in to nibble her way up my neck. I turned to kiss my blonde lover and toppled off my brunette one, lying flat on my back so they could crawl over my body taking turns kissing me and fondling me and pulling my boxers off my feet before stripping their nightclothes off as well.

The three of us wound up in much the same positions we'd fallen asleep in, only this time we were naked and this time my renewed erection stuck up like a flagpole between them, long enough for both to have room for their hands. We took turns kissing each other, me with Adrienne, me with Sasha, and Sasha with Adrienne, before coming together for a three-way tongue twister. My hands stroked backs and fannies and my middle finger probed Sasha's butt cleft before hooking into her pussy from behind. She started stroking my shaft as Adrienne let go to tickle my balls, and as she pressed her lips to mine and penetrated my mouth with her tongue, her erotic moans of arousal increased in volume and urgency.

Adrienne reached around to grab Sasha's hips and pull our girlfriend on top of me. Sasha kept stroking my meat right until she got her sodden snatch centered over my cockhead, and she groaned as she slowly sank herself back down.

Adrienne's lips fastened around Sasha's right nipple while I craned my head around to feed on Sasha's left. Together, my fiancée and I nursed at our lover's breasts while she rolled her hips forward and back to make my joystick rub against her inner walls without yet rising or falling.

"Ohmigawd..." Sasha moaned. "Suck my tits ... Suck my tits ... Squeeze those big melons and fondle my—Ohmigawd!"

I hadn't done anything different to cause a change in Sasha's reactions, so I let go of my nipple and peered around to see that Adrienne had surreptitiously retrieved that vibrating egg and was currently buzzing it against Sasha's anus. Sasha's pussy had clamped up around my cock, and her hips had taken on a more random, gyrating motion that really carved my joystick around. And Adrienne took the opportunity to kiss her way up Sasha's neck and bite down to leave a second hickey on the opposite side of mine, as if marking her property as well.

Together, Adrienne and I methodically brought our mutual girlfriend to a new orgasmic peak with long hand strokes and targeted caresses. I remained flat on my back, never really making hard upward thrusts or anything. It was more of a whole body/mental climax for Sasha than a clitoral one, although at her moment of release she did bear down on my pelvic bone to rub herself off, and afterwards she tumbled off to one side.

Adrienne was quick to pull me on top of her, missionary-style, although she rapidly wrapped her long legs around my waist. We let Sasha recover from her climax and I focused on tenderly making love to my bride-to-be, our slow-burn kiss simmering with love and affection as I made short thrusts in and out of her welcoming body.

"I really love you, Tiger," she whispered softly, holding my cheeks in her hands as her golden irises sparkled in front of me.

"And I really love you, my Tigress," I replied in kind. "Love you enough to marry you."

She blinked rapidly before shaking her head. "Is this really happening? Are we REALLY going to get married?"

I arched an eyebrow but didn't stop thrusting. "Absolutely. Don't you know that already?"

Adrienne's eyebrows popped. "Of course I do. But it was one thing to believe it while we were all up at camp. You guys are right: it's a magical place. And I guess I had to reassure myself that it wasn't all just a dream now that we're back here in reality."

"Right here," I agreed, "in OUR home. The three of us in this bed, with Kim and BJ just down the hall."

Adrienne gave me a slightly nervous look. "And Dayna and Brandi eighteen floors down. And Dawn across the bay."

I frowned at her tone, and this time I stopped thrusting. "Are you not okay with my relationships with them anymore? Are you reconsidering how you'll want us to interact with them once we get married?"

"No, no. Not reconsidering." Adrienne quickly glanced at Sasha, who lay flat on her belly but had folded her arms beneath her chin so she could watch us intently. "If I could have my way, I'd keep you with us until the day we die. I love you, sugar."

"And I love you, honey," Sasha replied with a warm smile.

I arched an eyebrow. "'Sugar'? 'Honey'? That's new."

Sasha blushed and her eyes went to Adrienne. "Relatively new. The nicknames are growing on me."

"But just Sasha, is that it?" I asked sincerely. "You'd prefer if I ended things with the others?"

"No, no. I'm not asking you to break up with them," Adrienne replied hurriedly. "Kim, obviously, isn't going anywhere. Your relationships with Dayna and Brandi will run their course on their own. Dayna told me herself that she loves you to pieces, and she's always had an idle fantasy of marrying you herself, but it's never been more than that: a fantasy. She does want to eventually settle down, raise a family, and enjoy the kind of long-term happy life she sees her mom having; that's why she started down that road with Kevin, although it didn't work out. She's enjoying you for now, enjoying the ride for as long as it lasts. But she knows she'll eventually have to find her own Mr. Right."

"And Brandi's much the same, if not more urgent about telling herself to go out and move on," Sasha explained. "She said she's already talked to you about it, too. She can't be a harem girl forever."

Both ladies went silent, and the lone remaining unmentioned name hung in the air heavily. Finally, it was me who arched an eyebrow and asked, "And Dawn?"

Sasha tried to shrug flippantly, but I could tell it was a little bit forced. "She's not a harem-girlfriend, so there's no breaking up to do."

I blinked. "I sense a 'but' coming on."

The girls exchanged a wary look. It was Adrienne who finally said, "It's not a 'but'. It's a... 'We'll have to wait and see'."

I sighed at the guarded tone in my fiancée's voice. "I kinda knew everything was going too smoothly to be true. You were awfully permissive with me and Dawn going off to The Clearing alone to fuck each other's brains out whenever we wanted to, but even you can't go from 'convincing her to leave Morris Camp entirely' to 'welcoming with open arms' overnight."

The girls exchanged another look. This time it was Sasha who explained, "We'll both always have our fears, and not even an engagement ring can totally erase them."

I winced. "Sidebar: We'll need to go ring shopping pretty soon." Adrienne perked up at that, her pussy spasming around my slightly-deflating cock, so I added, "And it feels like someone is eagerly looking forward to that part."

Adrienne fondly looked over at Sasha. "And maybe we can get a matching one for her, too?"

Sasha quickly unfolded her arms, letting her chin fall to the mattress as she raised both hands. "Nuh-uh. This commitment-phobic career-focused girl is staying ringless."

Adrienne frowned. "'Commitment-phobic'?"

"I'm not even remotely thinking of leaving you, but no jewelry for me just yet," Sasha reassured her. "From either of you, huh?"

"Whatever-whatever." I waved them both off. "We're getting distracted. You were talking about being unable to fully erase your fears?"

"Water and water," Sasha explained. "Five days at your magical camp isn't going to tell us how you and Dawn will be with each other out here in the real world."

"Friends," I assured them. "Just friends."

"Where have I heard that phrase before?" Adrienne mused with a smirk. "You got a tape recorder hidden up your butt?"

I rolled my eyes. "Let's not talk about shoving things up my butt right now. As a matter of fact, let's just make that a standing rule for all eternity." Yup, my dick was deflating. And with a sigh, I rolled off of Adrienne to the edge of the bed so that I could prop my head up with my right elbow on the pillow, facing back toward both of my girls.

Adrienne sighed. "A lot can happen between now and whenever we actually get married. And while I've made this commitment, you know I'm not going to be rushing to get down the aisle until I know I'm ready. This is a BIG step for me."

"I know. You had always been so resistant to the idea of ever marrying me."

"Not so resistant to the idea of marrying you," she corrected. "Resistant to the 'mother' aspect of things, and I have to admit, I'm still not sure I can go through with that."

I frowned. "But you know I want a family with my wife. If you're still not sure about motherhood, why accept my proposal? Why not maintain the status quo?"

Adrienne shrugged. "Because I can't lose you."

I frowned deeper. "I don't want you agreeing to marry me just because you're afraid of losing me. I never wanted you to feel trapped or ... obligated ... into a marriage."

"I'm not, really I'm not," she hurriedly reassured me.

"Well it kinda sounds like--"

"I WANT to marry you. I've wanted to marry you for a long time," she insisted. "I tried to tell you on my birthday in New York last year."

"And I told you I wouldn't want you to marry me out of guilt."

"This isn't about guilt. And while I still can't say I'm completely over my fears of parenthood, I'm much more open to the possibility of it right now. While we've both talked about no one ever being completely ready to be a parent, I'm not worried about childbirth or responsibility or negative impact to my lifestyle. The thing that scares me the most is my fear of being a terrible mother, unable to communicate with my child, unable to cope, and ultimately messing up my kid and turning them into a horrible person. And because of that I'm not 100% sure I can ever go through with bearing your children."

I shook my head. "You'll make an excellent mother. I already know it; I just need to help YOU realize it, too."

Adrienne quickly rolled to me and held my cheeks. "I hope so. I wouldn't have said 'yes' if I wasn't prepared to face those fears. I've started coming around to the idea of having a baby with you, of creating a little bundle of joy that's part you and part me. It's just that I grew up in such a terrible situation that the thought of me doing the same to a precious little human being completely paralyzed me on the subject. Living with all of you, with Kim and BJ, it's been ... eye-opening for me. And I know now that I would never be completely alone as a parent. Even if you got hit by a taxi and left me a single mom, there's Brandi and Brooke and the twins, there're your parents--"

"And me!" Sasha volunteered, her love for BJ obvious on her face.

Adrienne beamed at her, and turned that smile to me. "I'm not alone. I'll never, ever again be completely alone. I have friends ... I have family ... and I know that together WE can raise a family. And knowing that makes me ... well ... less afraid."

Smiling back at her, I leaned in for a kiss. Adrienne met me tenderly, and there was moisture in her eyes when she pulled away.

"I love you, Tiger. Love you enough to have your babies."

That made me grin, and put a little starch back into my pecker at the prospect of giving her those babies right here and now. But as I rolled toward her again, lustful intent in my eyes, Adrienne raised a hand to my chest.

"But not now, Tiger. And honestly ... not for a while. I said 'yes' to your proposal because I believe I'm your Number One, your honest and sincere choice to be your Wife. But we're young and just getting started, and I'm not ready to settle down and pop those kids out just yet, alright?"

I arched an eyebrow and sat upright. "So ... long engagement?"

She mused on that. "I don't know about long engagement. Just an engagement long enough to put together a truly spectacular wedding."

"One worthy of your ego, Miss World-Famous Supermodel," Sasha chimed in.

Adrienne shot her a dirty look, but she blushed and grinned too. "Well, I don't want a small wedding. Maybe in June? Kind of a nice birthday present? We could even do a destination thing to Hawaii or Manhattan or--"

"-or Montauk?" I offered with a grin.

Adrienne smirked at me. "We'll see. Lots of time to figure it out. But first, about that ring..."

I groaned. "Dawn warned me a rock worthy of you would cost my entire life's savings."

Adrienne's eyebrows went up, and she shared another glance with Sasha. "Speaking of Dawn, I hope that a long enough engagement will give us enough time to figure out the Dawn-thing, too."

The mirthful wedding-planning atmosphere evaporated in an instant. I was already sitting upright, but now both Sasha and Adrienne joined me. I sighed and looked at both of them. "I have to wonder if there's ANY amount of time long enough for you to ever be sure she's not a threat. And I have to wonder why you let us be intimate friends again if you still fear her."

Adrienne and Sasha looked at each other again, and Adrienne stated, "We made a decision when we realized we had no other choice but to let you two be together."

"We tried to send her away," Sasha explained. "You ended up fucking her instead."

I grimaced. "I've tried to tell you, the sex part really doesn't--"

"Doesn't make a difference," Adrienne finished for me. "That part, we agree on. Dawn WILL be a part of your life, one way or another. If you two swore to remain abstinent from each other, it would actually drive you even closer together. Fighting those urges, attempting to resist the sweet treat right under your noses, would only drive you both insane and to want each other even more. Letting you two go ahead and fuck each other's brains out was the logical decision."

I raised my eyebrows. "'Logical'?"

"You won't lose her. You can't lose her," Adrienne elaborated. "So like I said: we had no other choice but to let you two be together. The only alternative would be for us to leave. And I'll admit that realization pissed me off to no end."

I thought back on Adrienne's rage. "I remember. And I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you."

She shook her head and gave me a resigned shrug. "I'm not hurt. I simply didn't understand at the time. I didn't get it before. I was too jealous, too blinded by the notion of Dawn meaning as much to you as you mean to me, for me to stop and listen to what you were trying to tell me. But I get it now. I understand what it's like for someone to come this close to losing something – to losing someone – so precious and so important that their loss would literally ruin the rest of your life."

"You do?"

"Of course, because I've now felt what it's like to come right up to the brink of total loss. When I nearly lost YOU."

I shook my head. "You were never in danger of losing me. I'd never walk away from you."

"Not you walking away from me. When I actually got up and walked away from YOU. -I- let my anger get the best of me and made the impulsive decision to walk out the cabin door. -I- tried to put my foot down and demand you choose between us, tried to make it a binary decision: her or me. And I shudder to think of what would have happened had you actually chosen one."

I shook my head. "I never would have made that choice. It was never a binary decision for me. I can't lose either of you."

"I know that NOW. But at the time, I was consumed with the idea that you might choose HER. And for that I was almost willing to walk away."

I popped my eyebrows and shook my head ruefully. "A little too close to willing."

Adrienne shook her head. "No matter how close I came, I'd never have gone through with it. You were right: losing you is my greatest fear. I can't let that happen. Never. It was hard enough living across the country from you. I. CAN'T. LOSE YOU. I just can't. So that's why I said 'yes' to your proposal. Because I'm already yours, Tiger. Always and Forever."

"And I'm yours," I replied just as seriously. "Always and Forever."

"But you're also hers," Sasha added as well, drawing both Adrienne's and my attention. "Maybe not romantically. Maybe just as siblings. But we all know you and Dawn can never be 'just friends'. And while she seems to be content with her renewed status as your 'sibling', the fact is that the very morning you and Adrienne got engaged, Dawn declared that her ultimate end goal was to be your Wife, your Number One. Yeah, she said later that she'll be alright if you end up marrying someone else. But the unfortunate reality is: we can never be sure if she's truly let go of that goal, not even AFTER you and Adrienne get married."

I shook my head. "I've said it all along: we're better as siblings."

"And we believe that you believe that. Otherwise Adrienne wouldn't marry you."

"But you're not convinced that she will be satisfied with 'siblings' forever."

The girls exchanged one more long look, communicated something with their eyes, and after a moment's consideration, Adrienne turned back to look at me. "Are you convinced?"

Rubbing my forehead, I sat up straight and explained, "I'm marrying you because I want YOU to be my Wife, my Number One. I can't lose either of you, but my choice in wife IS a binary decision, and I've chosen you."

Adrienne blinked slowly without otherwise moving, simply freezing me in place with her gaze. And in a measured tone, she repeated, "Are you convinced that Dawn will be satisfied with being your 'sibling' forever?"

Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly before shrugging and giving her my answer. "I honestly don't know."

Adrienne shook her head sadly, looking mournful enough that Sasha crawled across the bed and hugged her best friend from behind. "So you understand why even an engagement ring can't fully erase our fears."

I nodded slowly as I also crawled over and hugged my fiancée from in front. Together, Sasha and I smushed her between us, trying with all our might to make her understand our love and reassurance through our embrace. And after careful consideration, I replied, "I understand why you can't fully let go of your fears, but at the same time, there's one thing I want you both to do."

Sasha got it first. She looked at me with a smirk and answered, "You've said it enough times to everyone who would listen over the last few days: You want us to be unafraid."

Adrienne shook her head. "Kinda hard to be unafraid when the one thing you're feeling is fear."

"Be unafraid," I repeated, pulling myself back so I could tilt Adrienne's chin up so that she'd look me eye-to-eye. "Be unafraid. And this is gonna sound terribly shmaltzy, syrupy-sweet, and even a little childish. But I've suddenly realized why the phrase has been stuck in my head all this time."

Adrienne blinked at me, not yet understanding.

So with a helpless shrug, I went ahead and recited (but didn't sing):

// We were strangers, starting out on a journey. Never dreaming what we'd have to go through.

// Now here we are, and I'm suddenly standing ... at the beginning with you.

// No one told me I was going to find you. Unexpected, what you did to my heart.

// When I lost hope, you were there to remind me: this is the start.

Sasha's jaw dropped. "You have GOT to be kidding me."

I skipped ahead, keeping my eyes focused on Adrienne's as she stared right back into mine:

// Now here we stand, unafraid of the future ... at the beginning with you.

Adrienne, shaking her head in disbelief that she was going along with me, began to actually sing:

// Knew there was somebody, somewhere. Like me alone in the dark.

// Now I know my dream will live on, I've been waiting so long, nothing's gonna tear us apart.

I grinned, continuing to hold Adrienne's face in my hands, and I watched her begin to smile as well. And together we finished:

// In the end I wanna be standing at the beginning (beginning... ) with you...

For a long while, Adrienne and I simply stared into each other's eyes in silence, communicating everything with our thoughts and expressions. For a moment, I actually forgot Sasha was with us, until she leaned back in and wrapped her arms around the both of us, sighing, "I used to play that song on repeat when I was thirteen."

Adrienne giggled. "Me, too. I kept dreaming I'd get to share it with my Mr. Right."

"Looks like you just did," Sasha enthused.

Adrienne looked into my eyes and shook her head. "I knew who you were when I was thirteen: the boy my own age down the street. But we were total strangers. Nobody could have told me I'd find you. And what you did to my heart in high school was completely unexpected."

"Now here we stand," I said warmly before thinking about it and correcting, "well... sit..."

"Unafraid of the future," Adrienne added, giggling.

"At this new beginning..." I finished, "with both of you."

Adrienne smiled her agreement, as did Sasha, and since we were all still naked, it didn't take much effort to get me once again on top of my bride-to-be with my dick pounding her pussy and our girlfriend's tongue in my mouth.

Today is the first day of the rest of our lives.

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