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50.55% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 135: Starting Fresh ll

Chapter 135: Starting Fresh ll


"Amber! It's been an eternity..." Amber's friend gracefully glided forward and opened her arms for a welcoming hug. My girlfriend grinned and embraced the taller woman, and the pair exchanged cute air kisses just off each other's cheeks before settling into girlish giggles.

Standing back, my jaw was on the floor as I gawked at the strikingly gorgeous brunette. She was six feet tall and wearing heels on top of that, towering over Amber's 5'10" height. Her face was exquisite, with angular emerald green eyes that pierced anything they fell upon, a sensuous mouth, and strong cheekbones. And her body was sleek, built for speed. Her tits were proportional, full without being large. Her hips were likewise curved without being wide. Standing in a black cocktail dress that was cut short enough to show off her long, loooong legs, she looked like a supermodel stepped off the pages of a fashion magazine and into real life.

I myself was ignored, nothing but background noise. She gazed into Amber's eyes with a totality of focus that was simultaneously intimidating and reassuring, letting a person know (or warning them) that they had her complete and undivided attention. But then Amber was saying something and gesturing in my direction. And this brunette's glittering eyes fell upon me, simultaneously sending a chill and a thrill down my spine.

"This is my boyfriend, Ben," Amber introduced cordially. "And Ben, this is-"

"Cameron," I breathed.

Amber frowned. "Um, yeah. Have you two already met?"

For a second, it looked like Cameron blinked without closing her eyelids. There was a visible flash of something in those sparkling green irises: one moment she stared at me vacantly, as if I were nothing more than an irrelevant waste of space, and the next moment she recognized me.

"In a manner of speaking," I replied quietly, my mind suddenly awash with imagery. I remembered standing with Bert outside an isolated Berkeley Hills mansion. I remembered standing behind a one-way mirror, watching Elyse Laughton get triple-penetrated in the other room. And I remembered watching this spectacular example of femininity kneeling on the floor, swallowing rapidly as Carter Sheridan spewed his load down her throat.

I honestly thought I would never see her again. Although Carter had sent me a few emails and left me a few messages inviting me to some party or another, I had politely declined them all. While the guy was certainly entitled to live his life the way he wanted, that lifestyle of crystal meth and just... using women didn't quite sit right with me. I felt guilty enough over my part in it, fucking Jillian and Rebecca for his voyeuristic pleasure. But I told myself I'd only done it because of my anguish over losing Dawn, and once I got back to my senses, I swore to never go back there again.

And yet someone from that world had come to me. A sly smirk spread across Cameron's face, and locking that supremely intense gaze on me, she silently approached like a panther stalking its prey.

"Small world..." Cameron muttered in a cool voice that felt like it made my spinal cord vibrate.

My feet were rooted to my spot. My heartbeat sped up just as fast as if Amber were giving me a lustful, seductive look designed to turn me on, but my pulse wasn't racing out of arousal. Instead, I actually felt nervous fear. Cameron's countenance was just so still and impassive that it was a little disquieting. I couldn't tell if she was pleased to recognize me or silently weighing the different options available for eviscerating my intestines and then making my dead body disappear.

My spine tingled. This girl could give Viktoriya lessons in icy cool.

But after walking up just to the edge of my personal space, a little closer than perhaps she needed to be, Cameron extended a hand palm downward and with a limp wrist, uttering in a smokily-seductive voice, "Pleased to meet you again, Prince Charming."

I suddenly came to life at the old Halloween nickname. I could scarcely believe it had been so long since meeting Carter my freshman year. And with an old swagger coming back into my body, I flashed Cameron a lopsided grin and sketched a bow while taking her hand, kissing the back of it theatrically. "The pleasure is all mine, dear Princess."

Cameron cracked a genuine smile, and the icy façade broke away. Turning back to Amber, she asked, "You have to tell me how you two hooked up."

"Fine," Amber shrugged, still gawking at the two of us. "As long as YOU tell me how in the world you two know each other as well."


We'd met at an upscale restaurant in San Francisco, apparently one of Cameron's favorite places. Everyone ordered cocktails along with our meals and everyone got carded. And when we got our licenses back Cameron asked, "So you're 21 now? My how time flies."

"It hasn't been that long."

"But you're still a student."

I nodded. "Starting my Senior year in a couple of weeks."

"And this old broad can keep up with you?" Cameron jerked a thumb back at Amber with a teasing grin.

"'Old broad'," Amber spat with a smile. "You're a year older than me!"

"No matter your calendar age," I put in. "You both are gorgeous and will continue to be so for many, many years."

"Silver tongue," Cameron commented. "Is that how he got you?"

Amber laughed. "Actually, no. He got me because the girl downstairs left her bedroom window open. I had to hear her screaming bloody murder as he wracked her with orgasm after orgasm after orgasm all fucking night. You wouldn't believe the stuff my boyfriend is capable of."

"Actually, I would," Cameron replied quietly, flashing those emerald eyes at me again.

"Wait-a-minute," Amber said while frowning. She sat up straight, eyes darting back and forth between me and her friend. "Did you two ever-?"

"No-no-no," I cut in immediately. "Nothing like that."

Amber looked like she didn't believe me and stared at Cameron, looking for confirmation. The brunette shrugged and gave Amber a serene look. "No. We've never been intimate in any form."

"Then how would you know?"

"Ben came to one of Carter's parties a couple of years ago. Made quite the impression."

Amber's eyes popped and she stared at me as if in a completely new light. Unfortunately, her gaze wasn't exactly pleased. Actually, she looked rather upset. Furrowing her eyebrows, my girlfriend gave me a serious look and asked, "Ben, is that true?"

I suddenly felt a little nervous. Amber was clearly unhappy about me attending Carter's party, but I didn't know exactly why. Still, I couldn't lie. "Uh, yeah."

"Relax," Cameron put in quickly. "Ben's not a part of that scene. He only came the one time, and he didn't even smoke."

Amber fixed her gaze on me, biting her lip. "Is that true?"

"Uh, yeah..."

Sighing, my girlfriend seemed to relax. She slid her hand down my forearm and intertwined my fingers with her own, squeezing my hand firmly. "Okay..." she began, taking a deep breath to calm herself down. And then more for herself than for me, she repeated, "Okay..."

I looked at my girlfriend with concern. Clearly she was unnerved by something, and I felt an overpowering need to comfort her. Just then, the waitress returned with our drinks and left again. And as soon as her drink was in front of her, Amber reached out with her free hand and practically chugged half of it in one gulp.

My eyes popped in surprise. Worried, I stroked her arm and asked, "Honey ... what's wrong?"

Amber sighed and then looked over to Cameron, pleading with her eyes.

Taking a deep breath herself, the brunette shrugged and then fixed me with a look. "Amber joined the scene a couple of years ago with her boyfriend Dexter. Crystal Meth is ... well its an addictive narcotic, period. Most of the people we hang with can keep it in check, but not everybody. Dexter started going off the deep end first. They broke up, but then Amber got pretty hooked herself."

Amber squeezed my hand tighter and frowned, staring down at the table with that spaced-out expression I'd started to get used to.

"We'd already started to become pretty close friends by then," Cameron continued. "I did my best to help her out. Meth can be fun, but I didn't want her to become a full-blown addict. There are a few of those around, and I'm telling you, it's not pretty."

I grimaced. But then a sudden horrible image entered my head, and pulling my head back, I stared at Amber and blurted, "Did ... did you ever end up in Carter's voyeur room?"

Amber blinked quickly, gawking at me in shock that I would even know of such a thing. She gave Cameron an accusing look, as if to say 'You TOLD me he wasn't a part of that scene'. But to my utter and complete relief, she quickly shook her head and explained, "No, never. Carter's got a thing for brunettes."

"I know," I nodded, but then noticed Amber still giving Cameron the interrogatory look.

"Well, then that's one thing your boyfriend's done you never did," Cameron sighed.

Amber's jaw dropped as she looked over at me. "You HAVE been in the voyeur room?"

I blushed and stammered. "Uh, well..."

"With Jillian and Rebecca," Cameron explained, grinning wickedly.

"No, shit," Amber swore.

"Well, you asked how I could believe your boyfriend is a super-stud in the sack. That's what I was trying to explain. He and a friend showed up, they smoked a little pot, and then Carter invited him downstairs. Prince Charming here never touched the Meth and he still screwed both those girls into oblivion. After that, he just grabbed his buddy and left. Wham-bam, goodbye-ma'am."

Amber started laughing. She squeezed my hand again, but this time I wasn't worried about her emotional condition. She seemed truly amused, and shook her head as if in disbelief. "Ah, man ... Jillian. Piece of work that one. And Rebecca? I still remember ... Wait, when was this?"

Cameron looked over at me and shrugged.

I thought back, knowing that it was right before Dawn and I got back together. "Uh, April 2004. Little more than a year ago."

"Shit," Amber laughed. "I wonder if I was at that same party."

Cameron giggled. "You probably were."

Amber laughed for a few more seconds, and then sighed, a smile still on her face. "It feels like forever ago."

"I know it's been a while since I last saw you," Cameron explained.

Amber turned to me and squeezed my fingers, reaching over with her free hand to pat the top of mine. "It was another life for me, honey. Crystal Meth kept me wired, kept me awake for those long study hours. It made me think I was smarter and a better student. And yeah, it made my sex life pretty crazy. I started going down a path that wasn't right for me, but Cameron here helped me get off that road. I got cleaned up, and I poured all my extra energy into school. Two months later, I had a completely clean slate. You've asked me a few times why I don't seem to have any friends outside of work. It's because I left most of them behind when I got sober. But then I met you, and the rest is our little Disney fairytale."

Cameron snorted. "Knowing how horny you get, and knowing Ben, I don't think 'Disney' is quite appropriate."

"Fine." Amber grinned. "Penthouse Forum fairytale."

Cameron leaned over, reaching up with her hand to run the backs of her fingers across my girlfriend's cheek. Gazing adoringly at Amber, and then flashing a sultry look my way as well, she smiled predatorily and remarked, "Don't mail off your letter just yet. I think this story still needs a happy ending."

You know, I did say I wanted to see Amber in her natural environment. For our entire relationship, I'd really only seen the sweet, madly-in-love and casually-discussing-marriage version of my beautiful, buxom girlfriend. Now maybe my perception wasn't all that skewed. Maybe Amber really was an attentive, considerate, playful young woman who was deeply in love with me. Then again, I'd seen enough hints of her bitchy, condescending side to know that there was much more to Amber's personality than what I'd seen in these few short weeks. And the recent revelation that she'd battled drug addiction for a little while before getting herself out and wiping her slate clean for a fresh start with me told me that she was a lot more fragile emotionally than her confident, almost cocky demeanor might lead me to believe.

Maybe deep down, Amber was a virtual clone of Dawn, or at least my perception of Dawn: the epitome of perfection, in a way that mere words could not describe.

Maybe not.

Maybe deep down, Amber was an unstable schizophrenic, changing her personality at will like a chameleon in whatever way she needed to suit her needs: druggie slut, seductive predator, or sweetheart angel.

Hopefully not.

I really didn't know who Amber really was, and that was kind of the point. We first met less than a month ago, and my life had been a roller coaster of emotions ever since then. Each day we spent together was a chance to see something new in her personality, understand something more about her character. It was a radically different experience than I'd ever had before with a girlfriend. I'd known Megan, Cassidy, Adrienne, Allie, and Lynne since moving to Orange County when I was 10. I'd obviously known Dawn and DJ for even longer. I'd known Kim for two years before becoming her Master. And I'd even known Paige and Cadence for several months before taking those relationships to the "girlfriend" stage.

Amber was the first time I'd ever given my heart to someone without truly knowing them, and sometimes she could take me by complete surprise.

But maybe I should have seen this one coming. After all, whatever versions of Amber I experienced, ALL of them were horny, bisexual cumsluts.

Being the designated driver, I'd stopped drinking after the first cocktail. Not Cameron and Amber. The girls matched each other drink for drink until they were giggly, playful, and quite horny. Amber's BMW convertible didn't have a very big backseat, but by shoving the front passenger seat as far forward as they could, the tall, leggy beauties managed to find enough room to be all over each other. And since neither of them was wearing a seatbelt as I cruised down the freeway back to Stanford, I had to remind myself constantly to focus on the road and not gawk at the two of them getting half-naked in the rearview mirror.

The girls managed to fix their dresses when we got back to Amber's apartment. Giggling excitedly, Amber took each of us by the hand and raced us up the stairs and inside. But we hadn't even managed to close the door when Amber slammed me against the wall and tried her best to shove her tongue through the back of my skull. Cameron was instantly behind her, kissing my girlfriend's neck and pulling Amber's dress down to bunch around her hips. And only when Amber's bra fluttered to the living room floor did my girlfriend finally break away and gasp for Cameron to "Shut the fucking door!"

Cameron did so, and then Amber left me to grab her old girlfriend just seconds after the door slammed shut. She pulled the smoking hot brunette over to the couch, sitting down and pulling Cameron's face against her chest. The sultry brunette obediently opened her mouth and sucked in an erect pink nipple. And while gasping in stimulated ecstasy, my girlfriend moaned my name and hoisted her other exposed breast.

I sank to my knees and nursed at my girlfriend's teat. Amber held both of our heads, moaning an aural aphrodisiac of ecstatic bliss before picking her head up and staring down at us. "I wanna watch you two kiss," she groaned excitedly.

Cameron's eyes did that blinking-without-blinking thing again, and I saw a sizzling electric energy in her emerald gaze. Wordlessly, she pulled off Amber's boob and took my head in her hands. And then bending me backward across the couch cushions, she hungrily devoured my mouth and speared a tongue between my lips to do battle with my own.

I knew right then that I was in a world of trouble tonight. So many of my sexual experiences had begun and ended with me in total control. It wasn't that I was a dominant-type, my Master-thing with Kim and Viktoriya aside. I just knew what I could do sexually, and most girls were perfectly happy to let me be in the driver's seat so that I could maximize their physical pleasure.

Not tonight. Cameron was taking charge of me, batting away my hands when I moved to hold her. She forcibly pinned me down and dictated the terms of my surrender with her mouth. She was not a heavy girl, but at 6'0" and with lean musculature in her limbs, she was strong enough to compete with me. And since she currently had a significant advantage in leverage, there wasn't much I could do.

At the same time, Amber had gone into her competitive sex goddess-mode. Putting all of her medical knowledge to use, she began to manipulate my body with an aggressive purpose I hadn't felt since that first night we got together. My ribs tickled. A finger wormed its way into my prostate. And of course, my dick got sucked. I don't know exactly what the girls did to me. But the point is: Cameron and Amber teamed up to strip my clothes, titillate my senses, and wring such a powerful orgasm out of me that I felt like my spine had been ripped from my body and tossed onto the floor as I lay flat across the couch.

The world spun in a lazy circle above my eyes and my ears felt like they had cotton stuck in them. I patted my lips together to remember the feeling of suckling at my girlfriend's teats while her gorgeous brunette girlfriend gave me the blowjob to end all blowjobs. I didn't actually remember much of the fellatio itself, my mind having exploded since it happened. And I found myself curiously disappointed not to remember it very well. Getting your first hummer from a woman as gorgeois (pronounced gor-ZHWAH) as Cameron is something that should be remembered.

At least I still had a perfect memory of watching Cameron bend my girlfriend backward across my own chest to drizzle my ejaculated spunk out of her mouth and all over Amber's face, coating her from forehead to chin. And I could perfectly remember the sight of Cameron then bending down to lick it all back up.

The girls were gone now. The room was still spinning and my ears were still muffled, but I could hear their ecstatic moans drifting over me from ... somewhere ... probably the bedroom. I floated around for a while, feeling as if my very soul was rocking back and forth like a boat in an ocean of eternal bliss. And as I drowsed lazily, just contentedly enjoying the fuzzy, post-orgasmic delight, I wondered if this was what some girls felt like after I'd had my way with them.

Eventually, my hearing cleared and the room stopped spinning. Taking deep breaths, I felt my brain awakening as if I'd been asleep and only dreamed that two women could do such a thing to me. But then Cameron moaned, "Ohhh Amberrr", and I knew that I hadn't just imagined it.

I was naked and felt dried sweat sticking to my skin. The sounds of Sapphic ecstasy continued to float out from Amber's bedroom, and with only one ejaculation for the night, my well-practiced cock was already half-hard in readiness for Round 2. Getting to my feet, I padded over to the bedroom. And once there, I simply folded my arms across my chest and leaned against the doorjamb with a pleasant smile on my face.

Cameron was even more beautiful naked than I had imagined. Her lustrous dark hair haloed around her head as she lay across our bed. Beneath perfectly manicured eyebrows, her emerald eyes were filled with lustful fire and her sumptuous mouth gaped open in an erotic moan. Her full breasts looked to be a C-cup and sagged only a bit, with dusky rose nipples extending half an inch outward and placed perfectly atop each rounded globe. Her tummy was taut and toned. And her long legs stretched for miles as they went up and over Amber's shoulders and down my girlfriend's back. Even better, Cameron wore a black garter belt that held up sheer stockings, and nothing else. And the pink labia of her pretty pussy were on full display beneath a neatly trimmed beaver, becoming visible as my girlfriend sank down to jab a stiff tongue against her rosebud anus.

"Ben! Ben!" Cameron waved to me urgently. "C'mere! I need your cock in my mouth!"

Blinking in surprise, I risked a single glance to my girlfriend. Amber's sapphire eyes twinkled at me mirthfully, and she gestured with her irises for me to hop on.

I wasn't going to ask twice. Moving forward, I swiftly climbed onto the bed and let Cameron guide me into a position with my knees beside her ears, my shins pinning her arms down, and my hands atop the headboard for balance. Her head was propped up on a pillow and at the perfect angle for me to feed her my dick. And with a groan, I pushed myself inside.

Gawd damn it was a beautiful sight. Cameron's bee-stung lips looked like they were made for sucking dick, and her electric eyes were so energetic that I felt my spine tingling just for her to look at me. She moaned sensually as she feasted on my meat, sucking with such delight that I wasn't sure who was getting more pleasure from this: me or her. And I was certainly getting a lot of pleasure. Her cheeks caved in with just the right amount of suction. Her tongue teased the nerves running beneath my shaft. And her lips bobbed back and forth along my rod with the skillful dexterity of a firm hand.

So what if I couldn't really remember Cameron's first blowjob? I was certainly going to remember this one.

And this was just the beginning.

The next two hours were kind of crazy. Alpha-personalities all round, each of us tried to take charge and none of us succeeded for very long. Every time someone got the upper hand, the other two ganged up on them and turned the tables.

We started with a pretty typical threesome pose. After sucking me up to full hardness, Cameron flipped over onto all fours and ordered me to pound her from behind. Amber moved up to the head of the bed, reclining back with her thighs spread so that Cameron could return the oral favor. And we pulsed back and forth quite amiably until both girls got nice starter orgasms. But then Amber reversed herself and slid beneath Cameron in a sixty-nine, tonguing the brunette's clit and ordering me to fuck the new girl harder. And sandwiching the willowy beauty between us, we drove her up and over the proverbial wall.

Thing is, I really started getting into the mood with Amber egging me on to fuck Cameron harder and harder, to the point where I started spanking the brunette's buttcheeks. She got off on the little flashes of pain, cumming even harder when I spanked her three times mid-climax. But as soon as she was done, Cameron growled, "Who the fuck do you think you are, spanking me like a little bitch?"

I was surprised by her vehement tone. And after grabbing me and flinging me onto my back, Cameron mounted my face and slapped my cheeks none too gently. I was still smarting from the sudden pain and surprise when she ordered me to eat her out. And when I obediently began tonguing her pretty pussy, she just grinned wickedly as if she'd achieved a great victory.

Amber then climbed aboard, sinking her tight twat onto my upright prick. She leaned forward to wrap her arms around Cameron's body, cupping the brunette's perfectly-formed tits and nibbling on her graceful neck. I concentrated on proving to Cameron that I could eat pussy just as well as any girl, and my girlfriend went for a joyride on my fuckstick until she had two screaming orgasms.

By then, I'd eaten Cameron to cascading orgasms, figuring out how to trigger an aftershock while she was in the middle of a climax. I did it to her once, almost by accident, when in the middle of her first orgasm I reached inside her pussy with a finger and scraped a nail across her g-spot, triggering the second. Cameron's eyes popped open wide when I did that, whimpering pitifully as the dual bodyquakes rocked her. She looked down at me in surprise that I'd done it to her, and I quickly set about replicating the achievement again.

She was getting close when all of a sudden, the lovely brunette's body went rigidly still above me, even though I hadn't done anything particularly special to her. But in that sudden stillness, I heard an electric buzzing sound. And as I lifted Cameron's body up just a few inches to look, I saw that Amber was grinning wickedly as she pushed a small cone-shaped vibrator just a fraction of an inch into Cameron's asshole.

I went to town on Cameron's clit then, munching her to a very quick climax. She was still jerking from her first one when the second hit, and then the third. And with her eyes shut tightly and her face stricken as if in pain, she muttered, "What ... the ... fuck?" before a fourth consecutive climax jolted her and she shrieked before falling off my face and sprawling across the mattress. Amber then threw me a wink as she held up the vibrator and twisted it to turn the little bugger off.

With Cameron out of the way, I was then able to concentrate on thrusting up into my girlfriend. Amber pitched forward, pinning my shoulders back with her hands as she athletically humped me like I was one of those mechanical bulls at a bar. Her eyes sizzled as she clenched her inner muscles with enough independent control to make me feel like she could clench the base of my cock first, then the middle, and finally the head, drawing out my spunk as if stroking my rod with a third hand. I threw my head back and bellowed as I launched spurt after spurt of hot jism into Amber's cunt. And when my body finally went limp, Amber stayed proudly mounted atop me, smirking proudly as the conquering hero.

"I win!" she crowed, the last one standing (in a manner of speaking).

But just as Amber relished her own victory, Cameron appeared out of nowhere and tackled my girlfriend off my body. The hot brunette pinned the smoking blonde beneath her in a new sixty-nine, smothering my girlfriend's face with her own juicy pussy while extending a long tongue down to scoop out great globs of spunk from Amber's. Somehow, she managed to produce the little cone-shaped vibrator in her own hand as well, and still suckling out creamy sperm, Cameron pressed it to my girlfriend's anus.

"Gaaaah!" Amber groaned feeling my cum being sucked out of her while the incessant buzzing pressed deeper into her ass. Perhaps trying to regain the upper hand, she then grabbed onto Cameron's thighs and started eating with a fury, causing the other girl to groan as well.

But then Cameron picked her head up, my sticky white cream smeared across her lips. "Give her something else to suck on," she ordered.

I just nodded and knelt next to my girlfriend's head. Amber frowned, momentarily focusing on Cameron's snatch. But I just reached down and physically pulled Amber's face over to my crotch, prying open her jaw with my left hand and guiding my semi-hard prick into her mouth with my right.

Amber then had to surrender to the dual-assault. Cameron's excellent cunnilingus had worn down her defenses and my girlfriend's muscles went slack, no longer fighting us and instead just soaking up all the sensations we were producing in her. My dick had also fully elongated, and after dismounting the bed, I pulled both girls' bodies over so that Amber's head was hanging off the edge upside-down, letting me fuck her face and push so far forward that I could actually see my girlfriend's throat denting outward whenever I reached full depth.

My dick now hard and soaked with Amber's drool, I then laid eyes on Cameron's well-shaped ass. Her buttcheeks were well-toned, like the rest of her body. But when I reached forward and caressed her pussy from behind before sliding a finger up her crack and buzzing her anus, she quickly spun off of Amber's body and held a hand over her butt defensively. "No. I don't do backdoor."

I smirked cockily. "I've heard that before."

Pulling out of Amber's mouth, I began crawling up the bed like a stalking panther over Cameron's body while she slowly reclined onto her back beneath me. There was defiance in her eyes and just before I kissed her, she reached up a hand and slapped my cheek again. With fire in her green eyes, she told me coldly, "I don't DO that." And her tone was serious enough that I knew she wasn't just challenging me.

"Fine, no anal," I stated as if I couldn't care less. "But I'm still gonna make you scream."

She fought me as I grabbed her head and kissed her, boxing my ears and thrashing her head as if to break free of my grip. But I noticed that she didn't actually try to buck my body off of hers. And when I let go of her head, allowing her to turn her face away from my kiss, she didn't resist as I grabbed her hips and centered her pussy in front of my waving prick. She grabbed my right shoulder and put her free hand against my chest as if to push me away, but she just closed her eyes and hissed as my thick meat entered her slick channel for the second time tonight.

"Fuck you," Cameron spat at me vehemently.

I grinned and replied, "As you wish." And then I slammed my hips forward, skewering her to the root.

Indeed, I made Cameron scream quite a bit for the next fifteen minutes. With two ejaculations under my belt I knew I could last for quite a while. Rhythmically I pounded her, digging my toes into the mattress and dropping my entire weight down to ensure that I got as deep as possible with every thrust. Our pelvic bones impacted rather painfully each time, so much that I was sure we'd both be bruised in the morning. But that challenging fire in her eyes continued to burn at me, and after a while, she even sneered, "That all you got?"

Pulling out, I turned Cameron onto her side and raised her left knee up to her chest before re-entering her. The sideways angle let me get an extra half-inch deeper. And sliding a hand up her body, I grabbed her throat and began to squeeze while grinning in sadistic delight.

Only then did a trace of fear begin to creep into Cameron's eyes. She gasped at the lack of oxygen, her emerald eyes flickering. But just when I began to release her neck and let her breathe, Amber slid up next to her friend, sealing her mouth over Cameron's for a wet kiss while simultaneously grabbing onto the brunette's left nipple and twisting it fiercely.

My left hand clamped down around Cameron's neck once again. My right index finger wormed its way into the willowy brunette's anus. And my left hand slid down, centering her clit between two fingers and then strumming that love button with an intense fury.

"Hrk!" Cameron gasped into Amber's mouth, desperately seeking oxygen that was not coming. Her eyes flew open, bright green panic clearly evident. And her spine twisted in a vain attempt to throw me off her body before twisting right back and curling inward as her entire body thrashed in the throes of a monster orgasm.

Amber finally pulled her mouth away as I released her neck. Cameron got one last gasp of oxygen before her loins contracted as if giving birth. "HNGH! NGH! UNNNGH!" she grunted as her body curled inward even further toward a fetal position. And she vibrated faster than I thought humanly possible as the climax shook her very core.

Those sonic tremors carried all the way down to her pussy, where my cock felt like it was literally inside one of the girls' vibrators. Roaring with my own sense of victory, I slammed myself fully forward and crowed as the dam burst, spewing what felt like gallons of sperm into the back of Cameron's womb and racing up her fallopian tubes. Over and over again I fired, generating a bigger load than I thought would be possible for my third ejaculation of the evening. But just when I thought I was done, my hips surged forward instinctively and I spat out one more glob to lodge deep within her cuntal walls.

Two seconds later, Cameron's eyes rolled up in her head and the vibrations suddenly stopped. As she lay on her right side, Cameron's neck went limp and let her head loll forward. And her mouth slacked open to let out a small but steady stream of drool.

"Dayyum," Amber breathed, her own crystal clear blue eyes wide as she observed her passed out friend from just a few inches away. "What the hell did you do to her?"

Grimacing, I slowly pushed on Cameron's hips until my soaking wet dick popped free of her sodden pussy. Reaching a hand up, I rubbed my cheek, which was pink and slightly puffy from Cameron slapping it a couple of times. "She dared me."

"That she did." Amber started giggling. Seconds later, my girlfriend got a fresh gleam in her eye and she rolled over to me, taking my limp prick in her hand and surrounding it with her mouth, sucking powerfully.

I'd thought she was just cleaning me up, tasting the fluids sticking to my cock before switching over to Cameron and hoovering out my jism. But Amber stayed right on me, sucking and using her tongue to tease my prick until it began to swell once again. "Seriously?" I groaned, the rest of my body's muscles aching from the aggressive pounding I'd already done tonight.

Amber pulled off and grinned up at me. "There's something I wanna try."

"Fuck, fuck ... I'm gonna cum," I warned.

"Do it!" Amber urged, slamming her hips back to meet me with every thrust. "Cum up my fucking slutty asshole!"

Gripping my girlfriend's hips, I pumped her three more times before holding my cockhead just a couple of inches inside and ensuring that it went no deeper. Amber stopped her own thrusting motions, keeping still and bending her chest down to the mattress as she sighed and panted for air after her exertions. And with my left hand keeping her body still and my right hand stroking the exposed part of my shaft, I groaned and let loose with my fourth ejaculation of the night, spurting ribbons of cum through my girlfriend's dilated sphincter and into the entrance of her asshole.

"Nnngahhh..." I groaned as I squeezed out the last drop. And then sitting back on my heels, I grinned and surveyed my handiwork.

Amber's gorgeous ass was thrust up into the air, her anus gaping open wide after being stretched by my prick for the past several minutes. Even with the exquisitely tight warmth of Amber's asshole, it had taken a little longer than either of us really wanted to get me off for a fourth time, but thankfully Cameron had remained unconscious. The still-drooling gorgeous brunette had merely rolled onto her back, her head turned to the side as she breathed heavily through a gaping open mouth.

"Turn her face," Amber told me as she moved herself into position. Dutifully, I reached out and gently picked up Cameron's head with both hands, turning it so that she was face-up before setting it back down onto the mattress. Squatting directly above her, Amber giggled wickedly. And then she groaned, clenching her butt muscles together and squeezing out several creamy droplets of cum that splattered all over Cameron's face.

The willowy brunette woke up halfway through the process, blinking awake just in time for a glob of spunk to land over her left eyelid. She winced and turned her face, another glob splattering against her cheek. And then complaining angrily "Amber! FUCK!" she reached up and spanked my girlfriend's buttcheek.

Laughing, Amber spun around and turned Cameron's face upright once again. "Hey, you did it to me to start the evening, drizzling it out of your mouth all over my face."

"That stuff did NOT come out of your mouth," Cameron bitched.

Amber grinned. "No it didn't. But that's okay. I'll clean you up the same as you did to me."

Indeed, Amber bent over and licked it all back up. It's a sight I'll never forget.


Recently drained, I sat back against the headboard with a self-satisfied smirk as I watched my girlfriend sucking every last drop of spunk I'd just deposited inside Cameron's red-worn pussy.

"I shouldn't have let him cum inside me," Cameron sighed. She bopped my girlfriend on top of her head. "Make sure you get it ALL."

"I am, I am," Amber mumbled with a mouthful of cunt. "Not your fault, anyway. You were kinda out of it when he spunked you last night."

"I was fully awake this morning."

Amber giggled. "Yeah well that one's on you."

"Just couldn't help it," Cameron sighed, and then shook her head. "Carter's gonna be pissed enough at me as it is for not coming home last night."

"Forget Carter." Amber pulled back and sighed. "The guy's an asshole who just uses people. I keep telling you to leave him."

"I can't."

"Why not? I keep asking but you still won't tell me."

Cameron glanced at me before frowning and shaking her head. "I just can't."

Frustrated, Amber shook her head. But she dutifully leaned back in and rather mechanically made sure Cameron's cunt was completely clean. Only then did the two naked girls roll out of bed and begin to get dressed. I probably should have put some clothes on too, but I was enjoying myself too much watching their nubile bodies slowly slink their way into underwear, bras, and Cameron's cocktail dress from last night. She skipped putting the stockings and garter back on, just stuffing those into her purse.

Amber herself donned a robe and then gestured for me to get dressed as well. By now, I'd already moved out of Lynne's apartment completely and re-stocked everything here.

A horn sounded off outside. Cameron sighed, turning to look at us. "That'll be my ride."

I glanced out the window and saw a black stretch limo in the parking lot. I whistled appreciatively.

Cameron quickly leaned into Amber, kissing her firmly on the lips. "I had a great time. Next time, don't wait three months before calling me."

Amber smiled sweetly. "I missed you, too." And then she leaned forward to give her friend a strong hug.

When the girls parted, Cameron then turned to me. Abruptly, she wrapped an arm around my neck and jerked me forward. Grabbing my chin, she planted a soul-sucking kiss on me that literally took my breath away. And almost as violently, she tore herself away and pushed my chest to send me staggering back two feet before I regained my balance. "Next time, I'm making you pass out," she growled challengingly.

"Next time," I shot back. "I'm fucking your ass."

Cameron merely smiled, her emerald eyes glittering. And then hoisting her purse over one shoulder, she blew a final kiss at Amber and went out the door.

"Whew ... there goes a wild one," I chuckled, looking out the window as Cameron hopped into the limousine. The instant the car door closed, it lurched into motion and headed out of the parking lot.

Amber just bit her lip nervously, staring after the departing vehicle. "Yeah ... I'm worried about her."

I was about to ask why, but before I could, Amber turned and quickly went back into the bedroom.

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