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39.4% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 105: October ll

Chapter 105: October ll


"Ben?" DJ called up the stairs. "Can you come to my room? There's something I need you to take a look at."

Her voice wasn't urgent, like it would have been over a spider or some other hazard. Most likely, some other damn thing had fallen apart in this house, like an electrical socket burning out or a wall shelf collapsing.

Dawn and I had just finished taking a shower together, and Dawn was still drying her hair. While we hadn't had sex under the spray, there had been lots of groping and fondling, and I had a throbbing erection that seemed to be physically tugging me left and right as it searched for pussy.

I WAS planning to use said erection on Dawn. It was late in the evening, and we really had no better opportunity to fuck each other's brains out. But when I looked over at my girlfriend, she shrugged helplessly and gestured out the door. DJ needed me.

"Be right there," I called with a resigned sigh before tugging on light pajama bottoms and a T-shirt. And after ogling my naked girlfriend one last time with regret, I hopped down the stairs and then knocked at DJ's door.

She called out, "Come in."

I walked through the door and stopped dead in my tracks. DJ lay on her back across the bed, her head propped up by a pillow. Her blonde hair was pulled back tight against her scalp and then tied off in a long ponytail. She wore rather severe makeup, with heavy black mascara and eyeshadow. Around her neck was a leather collar, albeit without a D-ring or other leash. And the black theme was further continued down her body with a tiny black G-string over her pubis and a matching black demi-bra with half-cups that exposed her nipples.

Right beside her, with identically ponytailed hair, makeup, and leather collar, was Brooke. Unlike DJ, my sister's more modest bosom was fully covered by her bra. But as she spread her legs to the sides, I saw that her panties were crotchless, with a gaping hole in the fabric that fully exposed her pussy and anus. Also, Brooke wore sheer black stockings connected to a garter belt around her waist.

And there was one final touch: the two scantily-clad 18-year-olds were handcuffed together.

"Wow," I croaked, my jaw on the floor. "I don't think I've ever seen this look on you two before."

Brooke grinned. "I know. Adrienne sent this stuff to us out of the Frederick's catalog. We've been saving them for a special occasion."

"Special occasion?"

DJ glanced over at Brooke, leaning forward and pecking her best friend's nose. "I realized I haven't been a very good friend to Brooke these past couple of months. She and I got to talking, and we decided to do something fun together."

"And you came up with this?"

Brooke nodded. "We've never tried the whole BDSM thing, but now seemed like a good time to do it. Just ... be careful with those toys, will ya?"

There was a folding TV tray next to the bed. On top of it were various bondage instruments, from blindfolds to riding crops and even a thin whip. I'd used all of them at some point during my rather varied sex life. But despite my familiarity, I squirmed a bit inside at the thought of using them on my little sisters, DJ included in my extended family on that note.

"Uh, I'm not sure I want to use this stuff on you two."

"That's why we want you to," Brooke explained. "Neither of us is really submissive. But we want to try this. People always talk about how a little pain can make sex really, really intense. And we trust that you won't seriously hurt us."

DJ giggled. "Besides, there's someone else to help keep you in check."

"There is?"

"There is," Dawn answered from behind me. I whirled around to see my gorgeous girlfriend dressed in her own black outfit: a boned-corset and black leather pants finished off with four-inch heeled boots. She'd put on black lipstick and wore a black domino mask over her eyes and nose. Like the others, she'd tied her hair back in a severe ponytail. And reaching forward, she picked up the riding crop and immediately slapped it against her open left palm.

"Of course, ladies," Dawn drawled with a slightly evil grin. "I think you should be more concerned with Ben keeping ME in check."


I hung up my new Motorola RAZR cell phone, slapping the clamshell shut and sliding the ultrathin device into my back pocket. I took a deep breath to try and relax my racing heartbeat. Nothing was wrong; quite the opposite. The speaker at the other end of the line had more or less invited me to dine at a buffet of gorgeous, nubile young girls who seemingly had all gotten it into their pretty little heads that me fucking their brains out was a rite of passage they were required to take.

It was quite the tempting offer. But when I stopped and thought about it, my life was pretty nice the way it was. For the past month, at least, I'd settled into a very comfortable routine: I went to class, I hung out with my friends, and I had the most amazing sex with four young women who meant the world to me. Sure, the greedy bastard inside wanted to fuck the whole world. But the realist in me remembered the past two years of school. Even though I'd gotten to fuck a half-dozen of Brandi's and Dayna's friends, worked through a good percentage of the Tri-Delt sorority, and even nailed Dawn's friends Gwen and Robin, I hadn't truly found happiness until Dawn and I finally got back together.

My life was perfect now. Why would I want to mess with a good thing?

So closing my eyes, I urged myself to push past the temptations and concentrate on what truly made me happy. And once I felt relaxed enough, I got up and headed back downstairs.

Speaking of temptations ... Seven cute girls giggled in unison while gossiping about some stupid thing or another. Four of them were Brooke, DJ, Faye, and Meli. Two others were Tammy and Beth, Brooke's and DJ's other acolytes. The two additional froshlings were pretty and popular ... and had more than a passing interest in their friend's hunky older brother.

But I easily let my eyes drift past them to the seventh beauty, the true love of my life. Dawn looked over at me just like the other six when I clunkily stomped down the stairs, and the smile on her face was all I needed to see.

With my attention drawn to my girlfriend, the six 18-year-olds all looked away from me and returned to their conversation. I was cute, but I was quite clearly taken. And unlike previous years, my being in a relationship actually WAS a detriment to having me in their bed. Two years ago, I would have let Brandi's and Dayna's friends seduce me. Nowadays, I casually flirted with the froshlings, but went no further. I may not have been 100% monogamous, but I was definitely keeping the sexual creature leashed inside.

"What did Jocelyn want, babe?" Dawn asked when I returned to her.

I winced. "It's nothing really..." I hedged. "Already told her I wasn't interested."

My girlfriend arched an eyebrow at me, and then glanced back at the younger girls. She got up and walked over to me, directing me with her eyes to move into the kitchen for some privacy.

Once we were alone, she cocked her head and asked, "Wasn't interested in what?"

"She was inviting us to the Tri-Delt Halloween Party." I felt a quick surge of hormones and adrenaline. Recent resolutions to stay faithfully committed to Dawn or not, the very thought of mixing it up with the sorority house full of hot babes went straight to the core of my sexual being. And let's be honest: Halloween makes a great excuse for girls to dress like wanton sluts for a night, and I was sure to have plenty of eye candy around.

But I'd already made my commitment. The Tri-Delts had invited me to a party (ahem, orgy) once before, and I'd turned them down. I didn't really need a bevy of hot girls around to have a good time. And even if I DID, I was pretty sure I could get Brooke, DJ, Dawn, and Kim into the Master Bedroom all at once. It hadn't happened yet, but if I tried I could probably swing it.

Dawn was thoughtful, but then with a smile, she nodded and exclaimed, "Ooh, let's go!"

I was surprised. "Seriously?"

Dawn nodded. "You said Jocelyn invited 'us', right?"

Furrowing my eyebrows, I nodded. "Uh, yeah."

"So you won't have any hang-ups about leaving me behind."

"We've been over this. You know how the night will turn out if I go over there. I'm not that guy anymore. I love you."

"Oh, I KNOW you love me. Love is love. Sex is just sex. And I know we're not going to love each other any less if you boink a few pretty brains out. It's been a long time since you've had some variety, anyway."

"Variety? Have you been around me the past couple of months? I've got plenty of variety right in this house."

"That's not what I mean and you know it." She rolled her eyes. "C'mon, you telling me the idea of a little fresh pussy doesn't stir your interest?"

Dawn had her hand on top of my crotch, and before I could even respond verbally, my cock engorged just a bit. As fantastic as the sex with Dawn, DJ, Brooke, and Kim had been since school started, it was still quite the turn-on to think of sinking my cock into a never-before-used pussy. My girlfriend arched an eyebrow once again, a self-satisfied smirk on her lips. "See?"

"I don't know..." I moaned. My loins urged me on, but my conscience held me back.

"C'mon, it'll be fun. Remember 'fun'?"

I sighed. "The last time you told me that, we ended up getting stoned at Chevelle's place. And that night didn't turn out so great."

Dawn frowned for a moment. "I never actually told you that out loud."

"But you thought it."

She blinked in realization and then smiled. "Yeah, I did."

I shared her smile as we both reveled in the momentary reminder of our special connection. But then Dawn's smile turned into a smirk, and an arched eyebrow of her own. And right then I knew that I was about to agree with her, even before she finished her argument.

Still, Dawn had to make her argument. "First of all, there won't be any Tito's present. Yeah, there will be guys there. But I'm telling you point blank: I won't have a thing to do with them. You're my everything, Ben. I've fucked other guys. I no longer have any curiosities about what it might be like to be with another man, because I've been with you, and I KNOW that there's no other male on this planet that can make me feel the way you do..."

I could feel that there was more to her statement, and while she paused to take a breath, I interjected, "No other male..."

Dawn's sky blue eyes sparkled. And instead of continuing, she just stood up straight and beamed at me. "You DO get me."

"I do." I chuckled.

Giggling, Dawn leaned in and gave me a conspiratorial look. "I'll let you in on a little secret: For most girls, oral orgasms are always better than intercourse. We enjoy the bond of penetration, the intimacy of being held by our man. But I'm sorry; a dick in the cunt can't match a tongue wrapped around a girl's clit. So if I ever want some variety from you, well, a girl with her own box to experiment on is always going to interest me more than some blockhead guy."

I frowned. "But if a girl gives you better orgasms than a guy, what does that mean about me?"

Dawn laughed and stroked my arm. "Well, let's just say you eat pussy as well as any girl I've ever met. As for coital sex, you're the exception. I don't know how you do it to me, but sometimes I think you've got a tongue on the end of your cock from the way you can stimulate my insides."

I chuckled at the imagery. "Well thanks for the vote of confidence. But that still doesn't explain why you're willing to let me screw around. We both know you would've pitched a fit if Ryan wanted to bang some other girl. And I know you've got an open mind about this and all, but I seem to remember you telling Adrienne that you wouldn't let me out quite so much. Don't we have enough extra ... uh, marital ... activities?"

"We have some fun with DJ and Brooke, yeah. And Kim and Viktoriya. But as for letting you out ... I dunno. I was a different person back then. YOU were a different person. Freshman Ben couldn't wait to tap every possible girl around you, but Junior Ben has got his libido in check on his own. I'm not worried about you losing your head about this." She chuckled. "Look at us now! I'm the one trying to talk you into getting out more."

"This is just so weird."

"Come on. I'm giving you permission. For one night at least, let's get a little wild. I've heard the stories about you and Adrienne just exploding some poor girl's mind – your Big Ben and Adrienne Experience – but I've never actually seen you in action with these sorority girls. I'm getting wet just thinking about it right now."

Dawn's eyes glittered in obvious arousal, and right then my mind was made up. I took a deep breath, and then reached out and pulled my girlfriend to me, hugging her tightly. "Okay, you've convinced me. We'll go. I just don't want you to be thinking you have to set me free or run wild or anything. Maybe monogamy isn't in my DNA, but the ability to love you and only you IS."

Dawn giggled, quickly pecking my lips and then tapping my forehead condescendingly. "Silly boy. I'm not going to the Tri-Delt Halloween party just for you. That house is full of hot chicks that I find quite bangable, and you're my ticket into their panties. I'm doing this for ME!"

She laughed, a musical lilt that lifted my heart, carrying me along with her until I was laughing with her. And when we finally managed to calm down, Dawn slipped her hand into my back pocket and pulled out my cell phone. "Good. Now call Jocelyn back right away. I can't wait for this party!"


"Are you sure I can't persuade you to stay?"

I took a deep breath and forced myself to calm down before answering. The deep breath was followed by another, then another. Shit, I was panting. But I steadied my breathing and forced myself to calm down. It wasn't easy. After all, there was a gorgeous young blonde sitting in a lotus position on my bed.

Her hair was up in some weird twist and topped by a little red hat that looked like it belonged on that monkey from Disney's Aladdin. The hat was attached to some kind of pink veil that draped around her neck while leaving her beautiful face completely exposed. The pink tube top wasn't doing much to contain her BIG tits, although the red velvety half-jacket was at least obscuring the sides. And her pink pantaloons were made from some sheer material, threatening me with the view of her long legs beneath them ... and perhaps something around her crotch further up.

I'd never actually seen "I Dream of Jeannie" ... but I couldn't imagine anyone carrying off the costume better than DJ.

"Not tonight," I groaned, regretting the words.

"But I'm horny. Getting all dolled up like this ... Feeling fucking sexy ... It does things to a girl."

"So get laid tonight. No one is stopping you."

DJ sighed. "I don't just want a hookup. Haven't found anyone of quality yet. You've ruined me for other men. And even if I did find a good guy, I told you I'm too busy for a boyfriend right now. I want YOU!"

I sighed. "You HAD me last night. Remember?"

"Remember? Not really. You knocked me out cold ... AGAIN." DJ sighed, leaning forward and planting her chin in her upraised palm. The hunched over position really made her cleavage stand out.

"And I will again ... and again ... Just not tonight. Your sister is gonna need me, kiddo," I told her.

"Pssht. I know Dawn. She's gonna have her hands full with all the girls you bring into whatever room you end up in. You won't even have to touch her tonight to make her happy."

"Maybe. But I've got to keep myself going as long as I can. I don't want her party to end just because I've run out of gas."

"Fine," DJ moped sullenly. She leaned back, planting her hands on the bed behind her. The position simultaneously removed my downward angle view of her tits and gave me a new view of her boobage thrust forward.

But any lustful thoughts I was having were dashed when DJ then let out a long exhalation, a mournful tone in her hum. "I can't believe it's been a year."

"A year since what?"

DJ frowned, looking mildly annoyed with me for not getting it. "A year since your last Tri-Delt Halloween party."

Instantly, I got it. Last October, I'd been DJ's boyfriend. And last year's Tri-Delt party had been the catalyst for our breakup. "Oh, that part." I winced and began, "Deej-"

"No, no." She immediately waved me off. "Nevermind."

I just took a deep breath and made damn sure I was looking at her eyes. "For what it's worth, I'm still sorry. If I'd known how things would turn out, I never would have gone."

DJ pursed her lips, momentarily reliving her pain of last year. But a second later, she inhaled and shook her head. "No, it's fine. Our relationship was doomed from the beginning. You belong with Dawn, and I'm okay with that. We had to break up sometime."

"But it didn't have to happen the way it did."

"Doesn't matter." She shrugged. And then a wistful smile spread across her face. "Still ... I wonder what it would be like to be in Dawn's shoes tonight. Those Tri-Delts that came to the barbecue were pretty hot. If we were still together, I would have been your plus-one tonight."

DJ was lost to her momentary fantasy, and I moved to sit beside her, wrapping my arm around her uncovered waist. Instinctively, she leaned over to rest her head against my shoulder. "If it's that important to you, I'm sure we can work out other opportunities."

She took a deep breath, then looked up at me and quickly closed the gap, giving me a firm, longing kiss. But just when I felt like there might be something more to the liplock, she pulled away. "I'm okay," DJ began, rubbing her thumb across my moistened lips. "Just a bit of nostalgia. But you're right. Tonight is Dawn's night. Brooke and I will be fine."

I really didn't want to wear the Prince Philip costume for a third year in a row. Besides, Prince Philip was Sleeping Beauty's Prince; and he didn't match up with Dawn's Cinderella.

So this year, Dawn wore a white Grecian gown, with a plunging neckline to show off her bosom and an elaborate necklace to further draw one's attention to that area of her body. She'd curled her golden locks, and adorned them with a golden crown. Matching earrings and chunky bracelets accessorized the look. And the whole thing was topped off with a single-shoulder sash, also embroidered with gold, that could be used to cover her cleavage or be left draping down the side of her body. On this night, what more fitting costume than that of Helen of Troy, the most beautiful woman in the world?

Inspired by last week's argument over Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom, I was Helen's Paris. My tunic was patterned after the Trojan armor from the recent movie. I also had the forearm greaves and blue cape. At first, Brooke suggested I should be Achilles, but then we reminded her that Achilles and Helen had almost nothing to do with each other.

It was Kim who pointed out that Paris died before the end of the war, and she didn't like the association of me with a historical figure who was something of a coward. But Dawn and I shrugged this off. We'd watched the movie a few months back, and in the movie at least, Paris and Helen remained together despite the fall of Troy.

DJ affirmed the choice. After all, she thought Orlando Bloom was hotter than Brad Pitt. Dawn agreed. Besides, I had dark hair. And like Johnny Depp, to us 18 and 20-year-olds, Brad Pitt was just... old.

It was a good thing Dawn stated her preference while we were still at home...

... because wouldn't you know it? Some dude decided to go to the party dressed as blonde Achilles.

"My brothers of the sword! I would rather fight beside you than any army of thousands!" The large frat boy with bulging biceps and flowing, shoulder-length sun-kissed hair stood in the middle of the Tri-Delt foyer. Four guys stood around him, dressed in various costumes from doctor to pirate, etc.; although at the moment they posed in unison with Achilles as if members of his war party. Further into the living room stood a gaggle of about a dozen girls, giggling as they watched 'Achilles' exhorting on his friends with a big smile on his face.

"Let no man forget how menacing we are. We are lions! Do you know what's waiting beyond that beach?" Achilles swept his hand over to the girls, who started whistling enticingly.

"Immortality! Take it! It's yours!" Achilles pointed his sword, and the four already half-drunk guys whooped joyously before heading straight over to the waiting sorority girls. And everybody laughed in good humor at the end of that little show.

But it wasn't over yet. Dawn and I had just arrived, and one of the girls gasped and pointed over at us.

Achilles glanced over, and still fully in character, he jerked his sword out and aimed it at me, proclaiming, "Trojans! Thou hast defiled my lord's honor with thy theft of his beloved wife!"

"Seriously?" I glanced at Dawn. And then I looked up at Achilles. "I think that was Shakespeare, dude."

Instantly, the guy broke character and grinned. "Whatever. The speech part was over."

I chuckled and moved forward, Dawn hanging onto my arm. "I can't believe you actually memorized that speech."

"Hey. It was a bitchin' speech from a bitchin' movie." He thrust his hand forward. "I'm Achilles, but you can call me Jaron."

I grinned. "Ah ... Uh, 'Paris'. But you can call me Ben."

"And you must be Helen." Jaron took Dawn's hand and bowed, his eyes darting to her tits before moving to her hand. He kissed the back of it theatrically, then stood up and looked my girlfriend in the eyes. "It was a bitchin' movie, but I have to say that you, my dear, put the movie's Helen to shame."

Dawn blushed but smiled. "Why thank you. Do you have a Briseis here as well?"

Jaron smirked, a twinkle in his eyes. "Oh she's here alright. I just haven't figured out which one is her yet." He elbowed me in the side and chuckled. "If you know what I mean..."

His elbow actually hurt a bit. The guy definitely had Brad Pitt's muscles, and my "armor" wasn't actually all that tough. But I smiled and nodded. "Right."

"Well, I'll let you two do your thing. I'm off to find my Briseis. Good to meet you." Jaron finally dropped Dawn's hand and with one last radiant smile, he turned to join his friends in chatting up the waiting Tri-Delts.

"It's going to be an interesting night, isn't it?" Dawn asked warmly as she reattached herself to my arm.

"Yeah..." I nodded, surveying the scene. "You can't say my life is ever boring."




There are few things in this life more entertaining than some 80+ beautiful sorority girls screaming enthusiastically. Not all of them were screaming at the same time, but the house was absolutely packed with hot babes looking for a good time. As usual, some 60 of them were full Tri-Delt members. Another 20 or so were pledges, hoping to earn the right to join.

I let the pledges do their thing, concentrating on mingling with my "old friends". Jocelyn Canilao (She-Devil) and Kelly Park (Luau Girl) were absolutely thrilled that I'd come. Andie Holland (Shrek's Princess Fiona, human not ogre), Tonya Brackett (Halle Berry Catwoman), and Lakhi Sharma (Naughty Nurse) all stopped by to chat and flirt. And there were others, some of whom had been double-teamed by Adrienne and me back in the day, who came over to flirt with winks and suggestive comments.

There were also two moments of mild awkwardness, although neither turned out to be a big deal. Misty Madsen saw us, and with Grace Choi in tow, came over to say 'hi'. Misty came to me with open arms, and I hugged her warmly, but when I turned to Grace, there was hesitance on both our parts before Grace finally caved and gave me a chaste embrace.

Really, Grace just sorta held my shoulders for eighty-three milliseconds while briefly leaning her cheek toward mine without actually touching. "How's Adrienne?" she asked, quickly backing away.

"She's good, she's good," I replied, my mind racing through my memory to recall how my adoptive sister and her ex-girlfriend had not had the best of breakups. And while a part of me felt that Grace didn't deserve to know what was going on in Adrienne's life, a part of me also wanted to rub Adrienne's success in her face. "Actually, Adrienne's doing really well. She's been crazy busy, so much that I haven't seen her in a while. But just last week, she told us she's been accepted on the next Sports Illustrated swimsuit photo shoot."

"Really? Sports Illustrated? Wow!" Grace's eyes popped open and she turned to share in her amazement with Misty. She seemed genuinely happy for Adrienne, and I felt my mood softening just a bit toward the pretty Korean girl.

"Yeah," I nodded. "They've got quite the whirlwind tour coming up: Bahamas, Honduras, Croatia. I forget the rest. Adrienne's not yet sure where they're sending her."

"That's so cool," Grace breathed.

Misty giggled and elbowed her friend in the ribs. "You coulda held up the magazine and said, 'That's my girlfriend!'"

Grace blushed and looked down demurely before flicking her eyes over to me. She shook her head and shrugged. "It never would have lasted this long. It was fun, but I always knew I was more into guys."

Dawn touched my arm and said sagely, "It all worked out for the best."

Everyone agreed to that point, even me. While Grace may have momentarily broken her heart, Adrienne was off pursuing a dream.

"Ah, how's Kim?" Grace then asked with a wince.

I blinked, "Kim?" I wondered for a second why Grace would ask about her before remembering that not only had Kim been a part of Grace's and Misty's circle of friends, but also Grace's submissive.

"Yeah, uh, I heard she moved in with you guys."

Blushing, I took a deep breath and then gave Grace a steady look. I was sure a world full of innuendo was in my eyes. "She's fine. She's taken care of."

Biting her lip, Grace nodded thoughtfully. "That's good to know."

Misty evaluated her friend for a moment. I watched the two of them, wondering just how much Misty had known about Grace's and Kim's prior relationship. But Grace quickly switched topics and within a few minutes, the four of us managed to get past the awkwardness and move on. And after a pleasant chat, we then went our separate ways.

But I wasn't out of the woods yet. Big, translucent wings caught my attention to the left, but it wasn't a butterfly this time. Instead, Cadence Carmichael was dressed to the nines as Peter Pan's Tinkerbell, complete with her strawberry-blonde hair in a cute bun and a sheer green mini-dress that was barely there. The 5'11" Amazon floated above the crowd, currently pursued by Mr. Achilles himself. But for the moment at least, my ex-girlfriend wouldn't give him the time of day.

Perhaps feeling my gaze, Cadence turned and looked directly at me with a quiet intensity. Her brilliant green eyes bewitched me for a moment, and all the old lustful urges I had for her came streaming back to me. It wasn't that I still had romantic feelings for my ex-girlfriend. Quite the contrary. But she was still bewitchingly beautiful enough to get me half-hard with a single glance.

For once, Cadence didn't look away. She glanced at Achilles for a moment, and then headed in a direct beeline to me. "Ben! How are you?" she called ebulliently, raising her voice so that others around turned and stared. Automatically, my arms opened as she floated directly into me for a hug.

My nostrils were immediately filled with Cadence's spicy scent. Her skin felt cool, but almost tacky to the touch, which I realized was a fine sheen of spray-on sparkles that adorned her bare shoulders and upper torso. Daintily, she kissed my cheek, and then warmly smiled at my girlfriend. "Hello, Dawn. You look gorgeous tonight."

"Uh, thanks." Dawn flustered for only a half-second before smiling confidently. She candidly ignored the possessive way Cadence draped herself around my neck, and merely asked, "How have you been?"

"I'm doing well, thank you." The gorgeous girl with big tits and a tiny waist snuggled her cheek against mine, sighing, "You don't mind if I borrow your toyfriend for just a minute, do you?"


"By all means. I'm not the jealous type." Dawn smiled sweetly, but her eyes narrowed. She caught my attention and I heard her words rattling around my brain clear as day. 'I said you could get laid tonight, but you are NOT touching this one. Understand me?'

I swallowed reflexively and nodded fractionally to my girlfriend.

Cadence sighed again. "I'm between boyfriends at the moment. So I've gone without for far too long."

Dawn's voice was all honey, yet clearly calculated. "I'm sure a girl with your beauty won't stay available for long."

"Thank you for the compliment," Cadence said in the same syrupy voice, her tone gaining an edge to it. There was a fresh tension in her arm as it wrapped around my neck. "Still, I'm but a plain Jane compared to the great Helen of Troy."

Dawn's smile thinned. It was a compliment, but there was more going on between the two girls than the words being said. "You're too modest. I know you certainly caught my Ben's attention quite well while you had him."

"Perhaps, but he deserves you," Cadence continued. "He was such a wonderful boyfriend in the short time we were together. So committed. He will always be very, very special to me, and it's good for me to know that he's well and truly happy."

"He is," Dawn stated confidently, her smile widening again. "I make sure my man is completely satisfied."

Cadence grinned, her left hand rising up off my shoulder and up to play with my cheek, drawing Dawn's attention there. At the same time, her right hand slid down and under the hem of my military tunic, finding my shorts and deftly copping a feel of my bulge.

Immediately, I stiffened and stared with wide eyes at Cadence just as she yanked her hands away, covering her mouth and giggling mirthfully. She glanced to her left. No sign of Achilles any longer. So putting the heel of her hand against her chin, she blew me a kiss. And without another word, she turned and flitted away.

I sighed. Some people never change.

// It's a dead man's party ... Who could ask for more? ... Everybody's comin', leave your body at the door...

I don't think it's possible for there to be a Halloween party without Oingo Boingo. I don't even know when the song came out, and had no clue who "Oingo Boingo" was, whether a whole group or a single English dude. But even Eden and Emma knew this song.

"Don't run away, it's only me!" I mouthed while Dawn coyly turned away, only to have me tug her right back up against my chest. She giggled as she collapsed against me, and right about the same time, I felt a pair of hands walking up my back.

Far from being alarmed, I simply craned my head around. Lots of girls had been going by, copping a feel here and there. They were always girls I'd already become intimately acquainted with, and I didn't really mind. But I was surprised this time, as Cleopatra (Carli Singer) moved in and nuzzled her cheek against mine before pulling back.

She laughed, I laughed, and the three of us finished the song out with me taking turns dancing with both girls. And when the song ended, moving on to something a little more current, I head-nodded the girls off the dance floor.

"Hey," I said loudly over the music. "It's good to see you. Figured you'd be busy with all your Pledge Mistress tasks tonight."

"Oh, I was." Carli waved me off. "All the instructions are done. Time for me to just enjoy myself."

I grinned. "How's the new crop of girls?"

"They're great." The Senior redhead smiled, glancing at Dawn before returning her gaze to me. "Almost as pretty as last year's."

I grinned wolfishly. "Their pledge task tonight anything like last year's?"

Carli's grin matched mine. "Something like that. Don't worry, I told them you were off limits."

I mock-pouted, but to my surprise, Dawn moved in. "Oh, that's not necessary."

"No, it's okay," Carli reassured her. "Plenty of guys out there."

Dawn smiled suggestively and shook her head. "No, seriously. Ben and I are looking to party tonight." There was a definite innuendo in the way she said 'party'.

Carli's eyes popped open in surprise. "Really?"

Dawn nodded. "Really."

Without a second's hesitation, Carli whistled out the corner of her mouth. Seconds later, Princess Fiona (Andie Holland) appeared at her side. "Put the word out," Carli began, staring straight at me. "Bounty is at 50 points."

Andie glanced at me with her eyes sparkling. She grinned, nodded, and then turned to leave. But Carli reached out and grabbed her arm, stopping her sorority sister from departing. And with a glint in her emerald eyes, Carli smiled.

"The bounty is on Dawn," Carli clarified. "Zero for bagging Ben."

Andie's eyebrows shot up.

"You heard me," Carli stated firmly, letting go of Andie's arm. And with a giggle, the younger girl disappeared into the crowd.

"This oughta be interesting," Dawn marveled.

Carli just flashed us a toothy grin. "Have fun tonight."

As we went up to the second floor and entered a bedroom, I had a flash of déjà vu. I'd been in this hallway of the Tri-Delt house many times before, but I was specifically flashing back to last year's Halloween party.

Even though it wasn't the exact same room, there was the same kind of whiteboard on the door with the three-Delta sorority logo drawn on it. The slender, pretty brunette leading the way stopped and wrote her initials below it. And with a glance up the hall, she took Dawn's hand and led us inside.

Last year, the brunette had been Misty Madsen, a friend of Adrienne's who had put all her eggs in one basket to get me behind closed doors. She would become the first to have what rather infamously became known across the campus as "The Big Ben Experience."

Adding to the sense of déjà vu, the brunette this year had a similar height and physical build. She even wore a sexy uniform, albeit a white nurse outfit instead of Misty's powder blue stewardess dress. But there were some very important differences. For one thing, I had been the sole target of Misty's lust last year. And even with her fellow pledge Lakhi Sharma tagging along to distract me, I'd still blown her mind and left her face down and unconscious, her body simply unable to handle the overload of sexual pleasure.

This year, the pledge had to contend with both me AND Dawn. She never had a chance.

"Please ... please..." the pretty brunette begged about an hour after entering the bedroom, sounding even more plaintive with her English (UK) accent. "No more ... no more..."

"Just one more," Dawn growled, still feeling juiced. Shifting her hands down the freshman pledge's thighs, she gripped the younger girl's legs just behind her knees, pushing them outward to spread the girl's crotch wide open. "Besides, you wanted this," she chuckled.

She was right. Nora, the brunette in question, did want this. Over the course of the evening, the born-and-raised in London freshman pledge made it clear that she was here in America to gain new experiences and break free after her stuffy upbringing. She had stated quite plainly downstairs that one new experience she desired was to intertwine her limbs with my gorgeous girlfriend and never let up on giving each other pleasure until she passed out from unbearable ecstasy. I'm sure Nora meant it as hyperbole, but Dawn and I simply took it as a challenge.

Not that Nora had been the only girl making such an offer. A few minutes after word of the bounty on Dawn spread, we soon found a dozen cute freshman and sophomore girls wearing Tri-Delt pledge pins coming by to flirt with us. More specifically, they were coming to flirt with Dawn, leaving me to feel like so much discarded meat just hanging around the side. Of course, many of them figured out they would need to butter me up in order to get into Dawn's panties, but it was still a very strange feeling to be in this house and NOT be a focus of attention.

Strange or not, I decided to take the opportunity for what it was: a chance to observe a seduction without necessarily being a part of it. Some girls tried to seduce Dawn the way they would a guy, with joking touches, batted eyelashes, and proffered cleavage. I found myself becoming interested in those girls, hoping that Dawn would pick them or that they would otherwise throw themselves at me, bounty be damned.

But other girls had a much more subtle way of flirting. They let their friends be obvious and, for lack of a better term, trashy. In the meantime, they engaged Dawn in light conversation, making pointed remarks and more subtly brushing their fingers against her arms. Nora was one such girl who truly seemed to be interested in making friends while gently probing to find out what was inside Dawn's head as much as she admired my girlfriend's outward beauty.

Of course, Dawn had to question the girl's motives. Making friends is one thing. Pretending to making friends because you want to earn pledge points is something else entirely. But when questioned, Nora shrugged and gave us both a sly smile. "Forget the points. In all honesty, every Tri-Delt pledge has heard about the Big Ben Experience. There's even a whole section on you in our orientation booklet. Although we were first told you were off-limits tonight, half the Tri-Delt pledges are creaming their panties right now to see if the legend is to be believed. Don't believe me? Look around."

I did look around. Sure enough, I caught the glitter of a dozen pledge pins in our general vicinity, with many of the girls noticing my gaze and smiling flirtatiously as soon as they realized they had my attention. "But what about Dawn?"

Nora laughed musically. "That's the best part. I'm fully bisexual; been screwing boys AND girls since I first learned to diddle my own clit. I knew what I was signing up for when I pledged the sorority; I came to this party looking to get laid tonight, as I'm sure the both of you did too. But I like girls more, and even though you're Big Ben, you're the famous Dawn who managed to tame the beast."

Dawn laughed at that.

Nora's eyes just glittered as she now quite obviously ogled my girlfriend. "And I got a real thing for blue-eyed American blondes," she drawled, her accent thick.

I moved next to Nora and joined her in ogling my girlfriend, commenting, "I can relate."

"When it came to finding someone to hook up with..." Nora trailed off, simply eyeing us both up and down with a wiggle in her eyebrows.

So English Nora led us up to the second floor. She found an available room and marked it "unavailable" by signing her initials "N.C." for Nora Cavaday. And with a glance up the hall, she took Dawn's hand and led us inside.

Well, Nora led Dawn inside. Whitney Arvidsson signed her initials next to Nora's and then led ME inside.

Did I forget to mention Whitney? The other pledge, a sophomore, was a Nordic pale blonde with paler blue eyes and a nice rack, just the way I like them. She was even dressed in her High School Cheerleading outfit. Once Carli lifted the ban on me, the hyper-excited young girl immediately came at us, doing all the completely UNsubtle things girls do when they really just want to conk a man upside the head, mount his rigid dick, and ride it until she sees stars.

Dawn and I had reminded the pledge that there were no points for bagging me, but the girl didn't care. She'd heard enough about the Big Ben Experience to want her own, and she was willing to finish dead last if she could get it.

Worked for me. I was already envisioning the sight of perky Whitney bent facedown over a bed while I reamed out her tight asshole from behind. Rather than see Whitney as competition, Nora eyed the blue-eyed blonde as fresh meat. And Dawn was all for making things a foursome.

So now we were here.

As I mentioned before, we spent an hour in varying combinations before Nora started pleading for mercy. As luck would have it, the room had two double beds. Nora and Dawn fell on one, tugging at each other's dresses as their lips locked and their tongues delved into each other's mouth excitedly. On the other bed, Whitney pretty much did exactly what I thought she would. Conking me on the head was by accident, pushing me onto the bed so hard that the back of my skull tapped the headboard. But she took advantage of my slightly dazed state, jerking my pants down, tugging the crotch of her panties aside, and sinking her soaking-wet pussy down around my rigid dick without so much as an introductory kiss.

Five minutes later, Whitney crested into her first of many orgasms while she urgently humped up and down my rod with my hands beneath her cheerleading top, guiding her motions by gripping those big tits. Dawn and Nora were getting pretty close themselves, even though neither had even gone down on the other yet. They were too busy fingering each other and swapping spit while nibbling on each other's neck and slowly stripping their clothes off.

Girls were girls, but they were going a little too slowly for my current mood. The idea of fresh pussy after these months without had me desperately craving Whitney's snatch, so after my Nordic blonde got her first cum, I pushed her off me and then pointed her to the other bed.

Dawn had rolled on top of Nora, pinning the slender girl down and nibbling on the brunette's exposed right breast while she dug three fingers into Nora's damp pussy. And I pulled my own girlfriend out of the way, surprising her.

Nora was pretty surprised too, opening her eyes and sitting up to find out why she wasn't being fingered anymore. But before she could react, Whitney was facedown in her trimmed muff, licking happily while I went to the foot of the bed, took Whitney's hips in hand and drove my dick into the blonde from behind. And Dawn finished things off by squatting over Nora's face.

A daisy-chain of orgasms soon followed. Dawn came quickly, gripping the headboard white-knuckled while she writhed and squealed atop Nora's outstretched tongue. Nora came next, her ass bouncing off the bed as Whitney's able rug-munching paid dividends. Whitney then came a second time, shrieking into Nora's crotch when I added a few healthy hand-spanks to my pelvic thrusts already impacting her ass.

We then switched positions slightly. Dawn slid down the bed and beside Nora so that they could caress each other's cheeks and kiss tenderly, Dawn licking her own orgasmic fluids off of Nora's face. Whitney crawled forward, putting herself on top of both of them so that they could all grind semi-clothed chests against each other and engage in a hot three-way kiss.

And I, worked up after an hour of partying downstairs while ogling all the sexy young babes in skimpy costumes around me and now taken to my limits by Whitney's clenching cunt along with the view of three gorgeous young coeds kissing each other all at once, busted my first nut in an explosion of hot, powerful jets of creamy jism.

It would not be the last tonight.

Once Dawn realized I'd spunked inside of Whitney, she jerked the pale blonde over to the other bed and ducked her head beneath the Tri-Delt pledge's cheerleading skirt to slurp out all my spending. Meanwhile, I sat on the bed with Nora kneeling before me, proving with her mouth that despite her stated preference for girls, she still knew a thing or two about cocksucking. But even after she got me hard again, I didn't immediately mount her. Like all girls who prefer girls, they appreciate a good amount of cunnilingus from a guy. And I had a reputation to protect. So after lifting the comely brunette back onto the bed and then peeling off the rest of her nurse's costume, I knelt between her legs and started creating a new Playbook.

Tongue to right inner thigh. Immediate quivering. She's a sensitive one. Index and middle fingers of right hand walking up her ribcage. Ooh, ticklish too. Especially at... 10th rib. Note that. Walk fingers higher, up the sternum before turning toward left breast. Circle around it, not quite touching the breast tissue. Extend index finger, tickle the nerve running beneath left breast. And while she's distracted, straight lick from perineum and up through vaginal cleft to her clitoris.

"AWAUUUGH!" Nora shrieked in surprise.

I just grinned and resumed my explorations.

Meanwhile, Dawn and Whitney were not idle. Dawn's Grecian gown now hung off one of the short posts at the foot of the bed, and Whitney's cheerleading top was nearby. The girls were in a sixty-nine, with Dawn on the bottom, gripping Whitney's bare buttcheeks fiercely as she delved her tongue deeper and deeper into the teenager's channel to get every single drop of my cum she could find. Her tongue would come back out, swiping up and down to wrap around the sophomore pledge's clitoris. But when Dawn's tongue went a little higher and buzzed over the girl's anus, Whitney tightened up and squealed, "Ohmigod! Do that again! Lick my ass!"

My ears perked at Whitney's squeal, and I briefly pulled my head out of Nora's crotch to look over. At the same time, Dawn turned her head to look at me, and when our eyes met, my soulmate's eyes danced. 'You know you're gonna fuck this girl's ass before tonight ends, don't you?' her eyes asked.

'Oh, hell yeah, ' my eyes answered.

Dawn just grinned and went back to buzzing Whitney's anus.

I went back to teasing Nora. While every girl is a little different, some things are always the same. There are standard plays that work on just about any girl, depending on their sensitivity level, and by now I was using a mix of those old favorites along with a few exploratory touches tailored specifically to Nora's unique physical responses.

For example, I knew that if I did my "paint shaker" thing as Brooke termed it, followed closely by slow, rhythmic plunges of my left index and middle fingers into Nora's vaginal channel, and then rubbed her 10th left rib before squeezing her left nipple and clamping down on her clit, I could produce quite the screaming orgasm in the young, panting brunette.

So I did the paint shaker thing. I plunged my left fingers through her vaginal channel. And I rubbed her 10th rib before squeezing her nipple.

But I didn't clamp down on her clit. Instead, I backed away from it completely, licking downward through her labia, away from her clit before turning to the side and nuzzling her inner thigh.

Nora trembled. Her legs quivered. Her entire being tensed up in preparation for an orgasmic explosion that never came. And when she finally realized that, she sagged and whimpered pitifully. "Awww..."

"Not yet," I mumbled with a grin.

Gasping, Nora clamped her thighs against my ears and complained, "That's the FIFTH time you've said 'Not yet'!" Her English accent made the whole rant even whinier. "Stop playing with me! Make me cum!"

Gently, but firmly, I reached up and pried Nora's legs apart. And with a slightly evil grin, I raised myself up so that she could see my face and queried, "Why would I ever do that?"

Mostly just to continue messing with Nora's head, but also to sate my immediate lust, I then left her alone completely while moving to the other bed. Dawn and Whitney were laying next to each other, pressed chest-to-chest with their legs scissored around each other so that they could rub their pussies against one another, Dawn's trimmed rug grinding against Whitney's bare-shaven mound.

Dawn had her back to me, and after spooning in behind her, I guided my cock into my girlfriend's juicing wet snatch from behind. The love of my life crooned as she felt me filling her up, and together the three of us undulated on the bed for a couple of minutes while Nora desperately frigged herself on the other bed in an effort to find release.

But just when I heard Nora's breathing get to that certain point, I regretfully pulled out of Dawn and gestured over to the other bed. "Keep her occupied, but don't let her cum," I ordered.

Dawn beamed at me, with twin rows of pearly teeth, before nodding and answering, "Yes, Master."

I chuckled and shook my head in amusement at Dawn's use of the term. But focusing on my task, I quickly rolled Whitney onto her back. The bubbly cheerleader was already close, and she urgently tugged my dick inside her. "Mm, fuck me ... fuck me Big Ben. Feel my slutty cunt wrapping around you and pound the ever-living shit outta me!"

Sounds like a plan. Whitney fell into the category of nymphos with hyper-sensitive nerves that produced orgasms in bunches. It was simply so easy for her to cum that I couldn't have teased her at the brink of orgasm if I tried. So I didn't try. I did just as she asked, raising the young blonde's legs over my shoulders and laying the wood to her like an expert lumberjack.

It really wasn't a nice thing to do. Poor Nora was stuck on the other bed, having experienced only the one orgasm while Whitney had eaten her out in the beginning, and having been strung along to a half-dozen near orgasms since without quite achieving that release. Even now, she had Dawn licking and suckling and titillating all the nerves of her body without quite letting her crest over into peaceful bliss. And at the same time, she was forced to both watch and hear me fucking Whitney's brains out while the perky blonde loudly announced to the entire universe just how many multiple orgasms she was capable of.

I rammed the Nordic blonde to her sixth climax while I folded her in half on the bed. Whitney got her seventh when I picked her up and started fucking her against the wall. And then Whitney got her eighth when I dropped her facedown on the bed with her feet on the floor and started drilling her from behind.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" Whitney howled the whole time. "Ohmigawd you're such a fucking STUD! Pound me! Hammer me! Harder!"

I did as Whitney wanted, staring right past her pale blonde head and over to the other bed where Nora stared back at me with a mixture of malevolent hatred and desire crossing her dark brown eyes. The young brunette lay on her side, panting from exhaustion and tension while Dawn lay immediately behind her, fondling the brunette's tits and fingering her cunt from behind. Even though she hadn't been very physically active this whole time, it would have been less tiring for Nora to get a minimum of ONE orgasm. At least that way, her muscles would have relaxed at least once from their current state of unbearable tension.

Well, Whitney got her NINTH orgasm, the blonde's body giving out as she collapsed limply against the bed. Her pale blue eyes went glassy and a dark spot was forming on the sheets beneath her cheek from all her drooling. It was a good thing her hips were on top of the mattress, supporting her weight; otherwise she probably would have slid off it and onto the floor.

Standing up, I dragged my long dick out of Whitney's used and abused pussy. The angry, purple tool waved in the cool air, drawing the direct attention of both Nora and Dawn. The malevolent hatred was gone from Nora's eyes now. All that was left was desire. And biting her lower lip, she moaned as I finally began walking over to her.

Dawn slid to the side as Nora rolled onto her back in invitation. The pretty brunette was hyperventilating as I mounted the bed and moved between her legs. I planted my hands on the mattress next to her shoulders. I dipped my head so that I could tenderly brush my lips against hers. And I eased my cockhead on touch alone until I was nestled assuredly at the entrance to her pussy.

"Oh, God..." Nora whimpered.

I pulled back just enough to smile, replying, "Nope. Just me." And then I dropped my weight down, burying my cock in to the root.

"Awaaaauugh!" Nora groaned before Dawn's mouth covered hers, sealing it with a fierce kiss. Holding my upper torso above the pledge, I rapidly thrust in and out of her clenching cunt, taking her already primed body closer and closer to orgasm. Like a guitar string tightened and tightened and tightened until there was nothing left to tug, she was right at her breaking point. And just as she was about to snap...

... I pulled out. Chuckling to myself, I dismounted the bed and got to my feet. I rolled my neck and shrugged out my shoulders to get the kinks out. And then I circled back around to the other bed.

"FUCKING RAT BASTARD!" Nora screamed at my departing back in absolute anguish, her accent getting thick. Dawn started playing with her again, but this time the brunette just howled and thrashed in a fury, batting my girlfriend's hands away.

Yeah, that REALLY wasn't nice.

I just grinned and immediately went to the nightstand of the second bed. Last year, I'd found a convenient bottle of Astroglide there, and this year was no different. Whitney, still facedown on the bed and still drooling, was half in the dreamworld, barely cognizant of what I was doing as I greased up my pole and then squished a few dollops into her ass. But the pale blonde certainly woke up when my mushroom head notched at her anus. And her spine stiffened while her fingers clutched the bedsheets as I drove my thick prod deep into her bowels.

"Ohhh, fuuuu..." Whitney groaned, feeling me invade her asshole.

"You're next," I growled, once again looking past Whitney's blonde head over to Nora.

She'd resumed looking at me with malevolent hatred once again, but at my words, a sudden fear took hold of her irises. "Uh ... I don't do that," she mumbled hesitantly. This time, when Dawn began stroking her breasts and fondling her snatch, she didn't resist.

"Ungh," I grunted, pulling out of Whitney's backdoor until just the head remained, the mushroom cap being retained by the blonde's tight sphincter. I looked up at Nora again and grinned. "Oh, you will tonight."

"Fuuuuu..." Whitney moaned, clenching the bedsheets tighter.

"Ungh ... ungh..." I grunted. Except for the break to tease Nora up and down to her near-climaxes, I'd been fucking for nearly an hour. Even though I was used to this exercise, I was getting a little out of breath. And to be perfectly honest, Whitney's ass was tight enough and hot enough to force me to actually concentrate on not losing my load.

I wanted to cum in a girl's ass tonight ... but I wanted it to be Nora's.

"Nothing to it," I groaned, pumping generously with long, languid strokes.

"Oh, fucking ... fucking 'A' ... fucking ass," Whitney moaned, her eyes rolling up into her head. "Fuck my skanky ass..."

"See ... She loves it," I commented. I neglected to mention that after nine orgasms, Whitney was just about as relaxed as a human being was capable of being, while Nora was wound up tighter than an over-coiled spring.

"I don't know..." Nora whimpered. She was staring at Whitney's blissful face. Truly, the pale blonde was floating on cloud 9, seeing nothing, with a goofy smile that still drooled as she simply absorbed the blissful feelings coursing throughout every cell of her body.

"You want this," I intoned, gesturing down while I sped up slightly, my pelvis impacting Whitney's buttcheeks with meaty slaps. "More to the point, you want this."

Like I said before, Whitney fell into the category of nymphos. Every button I pushed was a trigger, and hers were big, obvious, and effective. I leaned down, reaching my right hand beneath the young blonde's naked body to cup her right breast. I pinched the nipple with my thumb and forefinger, and then rubbed it between my fingerpads like it was rolled up putty. A jolt of energy shot down Whitney's spine, followed quickly by the fingertips of my left hand tickling rapidly along her vertebrae.

I drove my dick to the hilt up her ass, and then rotated myself at full depth counterclockwise so that the entire length of my baton rubbed against every nerve within her colon. My left hand circled around her pelvis so that I could bracket her clitoris between my middle and ring fingers, strumming it powerfully. And when Whitney jerked her head back to scream, I clamped my right hand over her mouth and nostrils, preventing her from breathing.

One: first jerk.

Two: second jerk.

Three: Touchdown.

"Hrk!" Whitney gasped for oxygen that wasn't coming as I felt the pressure of her desperate inhalation against the palm of my right hand. Her eyes flew open and she twitched erratically for about three long seconds, her eyes impossibly getting even wider as the twitching carried down her neck and all along her spine. And she thrashed in what looked like desperate death throes as the poor girl probably climaxed harder than she'd ever done in her entire life.

When Whitney's eyes rolled up in her head, I released her mouth to let her unconscious body breathe. With my right hand no longer holding her face up, she fell like a sack of flour back onto the mattress. Her face wasn't quite in the same position as before, so a new dark spot of drool began forming beneath her cheek. But even though she was already passed out cold, her body kept twitching with mild orgasmic aftershocks.

"Holy shit..." Nora mumbled, her eyes wide, with that sudden fear back in her irises. "Is she alright?"

I chuckled, slowly extracting my still hard dick from Whitney's unresisting body. "Sure. Happens all the time."

"And you want to do that to me?" she asked, decidedly scared.

Dawn piped up. "I believe your words were: 'Intertwine our limbs together and never let up on giving each other pleasure until we pass out from unbearable ecstasy.'"

"Shit! I didn't know you could actually DO that!"

With all my muscles glistening with sweat after my exertion, I strode back around the bed. For the second time, Nora watched me approach. But whereas last time she rolled onto her back in invitation, this time she gawked in obvious trepidation.

"I don't know..." she repeated.

"Shhh..." Dawn soothed. "We're going to blow your mind."

Nora suddenly stiffened. While she'd been distracted, Dawn had retrieved the bottle of lube from the other nightstand. Now, Dawn had just shoved a lubricated finger through Nora's anus while simultaneously biting down on the brunette's exposed neck. And after getting the young pledge suitably lubricated, my girlfriend rolled onto her back, pulling Nora above her face-to-face.

"Enjoy this," Dawn cooed soothingly, still nibbling on the girl's neck while nestling their naked breasts amongst each other and rubbing their pussies together.

Breathing heavily, Nora nodded and braced herself on her knees. Though exceedingly nervous, she was also unbearably horny after being unable to cum for nearly an hour despite being subjected to all the sexual stimuli. Her lower lip quivered, and she started to cry softly in anxiety. But she thrust her ass out at me and waited for the penetration.

"Oh, God..." Nora whimpered when she felt my hands on her hips and my cockhead begin pressing at her sphincter.

I leaned forward far enough that I could whisper in her ear. "We've been over this. It's just me."

Right fingertips to right inner thigh. Left hand to squeeze left breast, with middle fingerpad rubbing the nipple. Now trace down around the globe, applying fingernail pressure to the sensitive nerve running beneath it. Now down to the 10th rib, tickling it gently. And drag the right hand down her spine rapidly before circling around and ... oh, thanks, Dawn.

Just beyond Nora's heaving shoulder, my soulmate for all eternity smiled at me. At just the right moment, she'd slid three fingers into Nora's gaping pussy and raised her thumb up to bear down hard on Nora's clit.

Three ... two ... one...



Nora's scream would have been loud enough to wake the whole house, had someone been asleep. As it was, her scream was just deafening enough to rattle my head. But I pushed past the momentary discomfort and focused on FINALLY allowing myself to piledrive my way through the brunette 18-year-old's tight bunghole and find my own orgasm.

"UNNNNGHHH!" I grunted, blasting wave after wave of scalding jism deep into Nora's bowels, an incredibly large load, even for me, after letting my balls manufacture more and more cum without any release for nearly an hour.

"Aaaaahhhh!" Dawn yelled, a little more quietly beneath us. Even though she had been the only one actually touching herself, with her own hand in her crotch, the experience of masturbating while a pretty brunette got buttfucked by her boyfriend while pressed tit-to-tit and being able to fondle said brunette all the while was more than enough stimulation to get herself off.

Nora collapsed onto Dawn's chest, completely exhausted and unable to support herself on her arms any longer. My girlfriend hugged her tenderly, rubbing her back even as I continued shooting spurts of cum through her dilated anus to lodge deeply within the young girl's bowels. But when I finally squeezed out the last few drops, I shivered and did a push up to keep my weight from crushing the poor unconscious girl.

"Ohhhh..." Nora moaned quietly.

My eyes popped open as I rolled to the side. She's still awake?

Dawn looked just as surprised as me, turning her head to get a good look at the young brunette's face. Sure enough, although Nora was teetering at the brink of consciousness, her eyes were still fluttering open and she moaned weakly.

I didn't feel bad. I mean, I was used to making girls pass out, but it didn't happen every time. Some girls could just handle the explosions of pleasure better than others.

But Dawn wasn't satisfied. Taking hold of Nora's shoulders, she rolled the girl off and into a supine position. And then with a little grin at me, she slid down the bed, parking herself between Nora's thighs, lifting her legs and leaning in to tongue up the trickle of my cum leaking out of the freshman pledge's asshole.

"Please ... please..." the pretty brunette begged, stirring just awake enough to whimper. "No more ... no more..."

"Just one more," Dawn growled, still feeling juiced. Shifting her hands down the teenager's thighs, she gripped the younger girl's legs just behind her knees, pushing them outward to spread the girl's crotch wide open. "Besides, you wanted this," she chuckled.

Three minutes later, with Dawn sucking out every droplet of cream she could get and while nuzzling Nora's clit, the poor girl had one final orgasm. And this time, she passed blissfully into the dreamworld.

When we told Carli what happened, Nora and Whitney each got 100 points.

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