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29.73% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 79: The Party ll

Chapter 79: The Party ll

Adrienne eventually meandered off to chat with Monique and Dayna. She wasn't abandoning me, though. A gaggle of Tri-Delts were coming in my direction, the girls having managed to survive only so long without me around. Adrienne just patted me on the back and left me to my adoring fans.

I needed another drink and so collected my Tri-Delts and headed for the bar where Dayna's friend Antonio Calderon was currently bartending. "'Sup Tony. Can I get a Vodka Redbull?"

"Coming right up."

Two Vodka Redbulls were quickly lined up in blue Solo cups, one for me and one for Jocelyn Canilao. Three Vodka Cranberries were lined up right next to them in red Solo cups for Kelly Park, a recent Tri-Delt pledge named Jamie Miano, and a third girl I didn't recognize. I took my cup and thanked Tony for the drinks before turning and heading back to a less crowded area. The four girls followed after, although Jamie went back to thank the handsome Latino a bit more effusively.

Eventually, I wound up on the back patio, cooling off from the stifling heat inside while the three girls still with me huddled around. Jocelyn was giggly and amped and clearly didn't need the Red Bull's caffeine. Kelly was just making eyes at me that made obvious her lustful desires. And even the third girl was unabashedly checking me out.

There was an old couch that we'd stashed back here on the patio. And after settling onto the couch, Jocelyn promptly dropped herself into my lap and wrapped her arm around my neck while giving me a very nice downward view into her prominent cleavage. Kelly cuddled up against my side. And the third girl took a chair right in front of us.

"This is SUCH a cool party," the third girl looked around in wonder. "I mean, it's freaking cold, not like the islands. But these were a good idea." She pointed upwards to the source of heat. I'd rigged two overhead heat lamps last year, not unlike the one I'd repaired at Candy Carter's place in La Jolla.

Jocelyn patted my chest. "Ben put those up himself. He's quite the handyman. He even fixed my bed so it wouldn't squeak whenever he wanted to fuck me on it."

She laughed gaily and Kelly reached out and smacked her leg. "You're such a horn dog!" Kelly giggled.

"And for Ben, aren't you?" Jocelyn shot back. Then she turned to the third girl and drawled. "I swear he's made me cum more times in our last two or three sessions than I had in the entire YEAR before him."

The third girl blushed and leaned back against her chair, raising a hand daintily to cover her smiling mouth. And as I comfortably sat with one pretty girl on my lap and another leaning against my side, I paused to really check out the one in front of me.

She was quite tall, probably 5'10", and very, very pretty, with a mixed Asian heritage. Her naturally black hair was faded to a neutral brown and interwoven with blonde streaks. She had a great tan and a long, lithe, and toned body. Her legs looked incredible as she folded them over the end of the chair in her seated position. She wore a puka shell necklace around a delicate neck, and her eyes were a light brown that tended toward golden, just the way I liked it. Despite her height, she had a youthful face that made her look younger than everyone else. And she sipped at her cup with a delightfully naughty glee that made me think she didn't drink alcohol very often.

I went ahead and put my hand forward. "Hi, I'm Ben."

"I know," she giggled. "Everyone around here keeps talking about you. More even than just these two." She blushed deeply, and I got the distinct impression that this was another one of those nights where every girl in the house was discussing my sexual exploits.

She smiled and I smiled and then I raised my eyebrows. "This is usually the part where you take my hand and tell me your name."

"Oh!" she stammered, clearly embarrassed. "I'm Meli!" And she finally took my hand, shaking it lightly. Her eyes lit up with additional golden flecks when she felt the skin of our hands rubbing against each other.

"Pleased to meet you, Meli," I flashed my best charming smile.

"I'll bet you'd be pleased to meat her," Kelly giggled, and I rolled my eyes at the little innuendo. Kelly Park was a Junior and one of the six upperclassmen sisters Adrienne and I had double-teamed before Thanksgiving Break. Plus, she was Jocelyn's sorority big sister. There had been a few encounters since then, including just last night during the impromptu orgy with Bridget, Carli, and Andie. And from the way Kelly was inching closer to me, it seemed that she hadn't yet gotten enough.

Kelly was a study in contrasts compared to Meli. Despite being older, she appeared to be a scaled-down version of the new girl at only 5'4". Both girls were slender with narrow hips and modest bosoms. Both wore tops that showed off their flat stomachs, Kelly in a white belly shirt and Meli in a dark, sleeveless cropped top. But where Meli had gold-flecked eyes and gold streaks in her dark hair, Kelly had dyed-blue streaks and even blue-colored contacts. I found myself fantasizing about being sandwiched between them and finding out in further detail how they compared and contrasted.

And mentally I also added Jocelyn to that mix. Despite being Kelly's "little sister", I'd never had the pair at the same time. So I was thinking to bring all three of these babes back to my bedroom and put myself at the center of an Asian-variety orgy. It seemed like a great way to finish off the year by finally getting the sorority sister-pairing, plus Meli was fresh and young and very enticing. I could already imagine those long, slender legs folded up her own body and hooked over my shoulders while I pounded the young girl beneath me.

Continuing my conversation with Meli, I gestured to the two Tri-Delts and asked, "So how do you know the girls? Friends? Classmates? Roommates?" From how close Meli had been to Jocelyn throughout the night, I assumed roommates, with Jocelyn having pledged Delta Delta Delta but Meli not.

I was wrong. "Oh, we just met tonight," Meli giggled.

"She looked lost and lonely when I first got here," Jocelyn put in and then added flirtily, "Whaddaya say Ben, do you think we can make her feel welcome tonight?"

I grinned and sipped my drink. I found myself staring at Meli's tits. They weren't very big, but she seemed to be going without a bra and her nipples were prominently poking through the sheer top in the cool air. "We'll see," I replied.

Jocelyn pouted. "Aww, you need to give me something more firm than that. Otherwise I just might take her over to the Tri-Delt party and see if I can't convince her to pledge next year."

I shrugged noncommittally. The Tri-Delts were having their own end of the year party at the chapter house, with my girls just visiting the party here for a little while before returning to their sorority. Already Tonya, Lakhi, and Leighton had stopped by to say 'hi' and then left. And I hadn't seen Andie or Carli in a while. I very much wanted Jocelyn, Kelly, and Meli to stay with me tonight instead of leaving for the other party, but playing hard to get had become part of my routine interactions with the Tri-Delts, and I wanted them to work a little harder at their seduction before finally giving in.

Things wouldn't get that far.

The three girls and I continued flirting under the heat lamps on the back patio and we'd progressed to the point where Meli had taken the spot sitting on my lap, the beautiful young girl shifting her weight every so often to rub her butt against the bulge in my jeans. I think Jocelyn realized how much I wanted the new girl, and knowing my propensity for group sex, the Filipina Tri-Delt was dangling Meli in front of me as enticement to get us ALL into bed together.

So with Meli in my lap, I was just asking her who else she knew at the party, since she hadn't come with Jocelyn and Kelly, when a finger tapped at my shoulder.

Meli swallowed her response and looked up with me to see Ryan Tanner looming above us. "Hey Ben, got a minute?"

I gave him the universal "go away" eye roll to indicate I was making some serious progress with the trio of Asian babes around me. But he held his gaze and I acquiesced. Patting Meli's drumtight ass, I apologized, "Excuse me a moment, girls."

They pouted but stood up. "We'll get some more drinks. You want another, Ben?"

I waved them off. I liked to drink socially, but I was buzzed enough already and too much alcohol actually impeded my ability to get three ejaculations in one session. And I VERY much wanted to get three ejaculations tonight, one for each of them.

The trio walked away, Jocelyn and Kelly bouncing energetically while Meli looked back at me with lustful disappointment. I stared after her with some disappointment of my own and for a second, I thought of inviting her right back. But then I sighed, leaned back against my chair, and gestured Ryan to one of the vacated spots. "Sit down. What's up?"

Ryan shrugged and sat on the edge of another chair, not leaning back. He grimaced for a brief moment before steeling himself and stating, "I was talking with the others. Seems like everyone's interested in continuing this party at Dawn's and my apartment."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. Dawn and my crew leaving? True, I still had Brandi's and Dayna's friends and the Tri-Delts to keep me company here. But why was Ryan telling me this? And I noted the tension in his voice. "Doesn't sound like you're one of the interested people."

Ryan clenched his jaw briefly and looked down. But his sterling blue eyes flicked right back up and he sighed. "I'm fine, really. I think this is something that needs to happen."

I frowned as I thought through the implications of Ryan's statement, and I looked at him curiously. "What's going to happen?"

He shrugged and then stood up. "I don't know. I really don't. But whatever happens, happens. And I've decided that I can live with that."

And on that mysterious note, Ryan walked away.

I was still pondering the enigma of Ryan's statements when a pretty bottle-blonde with a great rack sat down beside me. "Cheers," she toasted while raising her cup.

I snapped out of my little reverie and looked over at Bridget Marks, a Senior Tri- Delt who had become something of a friend over the past couple of months. She had always spoken plainly with me, honest both in speech and in her desire for some no-strings-attached fucking. She'd been the first one Adrienne and I double-teamed once we decided that non-pledge Tri-Delts were fair game. And since then, she'd been my window into the behind-the-scenes political machinations of the sorority. I tapped my Solo cup against hers and took the last sip of my Vodka Redbull. Then I leaned back and smiled. "What's up?"

"Just thought I'd stop by and see how you were doing. The Tri-Delt party doesn't seem half as energized as this place is."

I shrugged.

"So have you decided who's going to win the prize?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What prize?"

"You." Bridget's eyebrows went up. "The pledge competition may be over but the jockeying for status continues. We're not tracking points anymore, but there's some discussion over at the chapter house about who's going to spend the night with you."


She shrugged. "Some girls get status from having the nicest clothes. Others from dating the star quarterback. It's the 'I've got what you want' mentality. Right now, the girls want you."

"And do you?" I arched an eyebrow at the busty blonde.

Bridget giggled. "I'm not a recent pledge crawling up the social ladder; I don't need the status. Yes, I want to spend the night with you, but only because I want to get my brains royally fucked out before Winter Break."

"Maybe," I smiled. "You're the only one around right now."

Bridget shook her head and then pointedly looked over my shoulder. "Only for now. Cadence has been at the window staring at you for the last fifteen minutes, waiting for an opportunity. Jocelyn, Kelly, and the new girl are just inside the door. They're waiting for me to leave you alone again. They know better than to intrude while I want to talk to you. Seniority does have its perks."

My eyebrows went up and I fought the impulse to turn around and verify what Bridget was telling me.

She leaned forward, offering me a tantalizing glimpse of her cleavage before standing up and patting my shoulder. "I'll be fine tonight, Ben. I should be heading back to the chapter house anyways. But be careful with my girls. Cadence and Jocelyn have been at each other's throats ever since that foursome you had to break Leighton's bounty. Cadence was in first place until that little stunt. And hell hath no fury..."

... as a woman scorned. She didn't have to finish the statement. I already knew. I finally did turn around and by now, saw through the window that regal blonde Cadence was towering over the shorter Jocelyn while Kelly tried to back up her little sorority sister. It seemed that no matter which way I chose tonight, I was going to piss somebody off. Ah, the complications of being a male slut in demand.

Bridget just smirked, patted my shoulder one last time, and then left. Cadence, Jocelyn, and Kelly smiled politely as Bridget passed, and I took the opportunity to slip away, heading into the backyard and going around the side of the house to come back in the front door.

I was just entering back in to the front door foyer when Dawn came up to me. "Ben! There you are!" She quickly attached herself to my left arm and looked unbelievably excited. "I can't WAIT. I still can't believe we're going to DO this!"

"Do what?" I frowned at her.

She came to a stop and looked up at me with wide eyes. "Ben! Ryan said he talked to you."

I shrugged. "Yeah, THAT was a weird conversation. He said you guys were all going over to your apartment."

Dawn looked horrified for a moment. "You ARE coming, aren't you?"

"What are you talking about?"

Gwen showed up and latched onto my other arm. "There you are!" She grinned at me with bright, lustful eyes and ran her hand down to cup my ass. "This is gonna be SO wicked."

"What is going on?" I asked again, but Gwen was already looking around. "Where's Adrienne?"

Dawn shrugged. She spotted Brandi and Matt Kanemura in the hallway, moved us over, and asked, "Hey Brandi. Have you seen Adrienne?"

Brandi grinned and jerked her thumb back at Adrienne's bedroom door. "Already in her room with Andie and Carli."

As if on cue, a loud, very happy female moan drifted through Adrienne's door, followed by another. My eyebrows went up and I smirked imagining the lesbian threesome going on in there. And Dawn verbalized, "Ahhh..."

"Well, it's probably better," Gwen said almost nervously. "Adrienne's orientation might have made things awkward for this. Plus, even numbers and all..."

"For what?" I asked. I STILL didn't know what was going on.

"Really, I thought Ryan talked to you about this," Dawn sighed. "The rest of us are heading over to my apartment." She read my eyes and realized that no, I really didn't know what was going on. But rather than explain right away, she clutched my arm possessively and started tugging me out the door. "Never mind. I'll explain on the way."

"You heading out?" Brandi called after us.

Dawn gripped my arm even tighter. "Yeah. We'll see you guys in the morning," she drawled with waggling eyebrows and a giggly voice. Gwen similarly clutched my other side and wiggled her butt suggestively.

Brandi just chuckled and waved at us. "Okay. Have fun guys. Just bring him back in time for us to drive home."

I still didn't know what was going on. But evidently, my friends wanted me to go with them to Dawn's and Ryan's apartment, away from the bustle of the party behind us. My impulses told me to trust Dawn; she was my best friend after all. My loins told me to go along with whatever Gwen wanted, as the look on her face made clear I wouldn't be without pleasure for this night. And my head told me this would avoid the Tri-Delt conflict. I wouldn't be choosing either Cadence OR Jocelyn and thus giving neither additional reason to hate each other. It would just further playing hard to get, which I could live with.

So I let Dawn and Gwen drag me out the door.

Thing is, if I'd known what mental and emotional anguish was waiting for me at Dawn's apartment, I probably would have turned right around and gone back inside the house.

Everything started off pleasantly. Dawn, Gwen, and I walked the short two blocks quickly and arrived to find Ryan mixing drinks and Bert and Robin on one of the couches. Robin clearly didn't need anything more to drink as she was still flying high and already being far more physically affectionate than I'd ever seen her. Actually, she was straddling Bert's lap and doing her best to shove her tongue down his throat.

"Get a room, you two," I drawled and Robin actually flipped me the bird without breaking her liplock with her boyfriend.

"If you can't beat 'em, join 'em," Gwen giggled behind me. She then tugged on my arm, spinned me around, and grabbed the back of my head. And before I could even blink, she threw me against the wall and did HER best to shove her tongue down my throat. It wasn't easy, being 8 inches shorter than me, even wearing 3-inch heels and rising up onto her toes. And ultimately Gwen dragged me over to the couch so that we could adopt a similar position to Bert and Robin, with that happy couple at one end and me and my dirty-blonde at the other.

Meanwhile, Ryan was in some conversation with Dawn, my beautiful blonde best friend holding his face in her hands and saying something earnestly. Eventually, they came over to join us, sitting side-by-side on the opposite couch. And only then did Gwen and Robin dismount their respective boys.

"So how is this going to work?" Ryan asked almost nervously, looking back and forth at both Robin and Gwen and then back to Dawn.

Dawn just looked at Bert and Robin. "Are you sure you two want to do this? Nothing will ever be the same again."

The young couple looked at each other for a moment before nodding together and then turning to face us. "Yeah," Bert breathed, staring in rapture at Dawn while still appearing quite nervous.

Robin, by contrast, was the most excited. She stared lustfully at both Ryan and me before nodding her head rapidly. "Oh, yeah."

"Excuse me," I now put in. "What the hell is going on?"

Dawn smacked Ryan's side. "You TOLD me you talked to him."

"I DID," he said defensively.

I blinked. "Not exactly, but that's not the point," I waved everyone off. "Just tell me now."

Gwen leaned in and wrapped herself around my arm. "It's the last night before break. We're all friends here. So for one night, and one night only, we're all going to play around a bit." She snagged a drink off the table and took a sip, restraining herself from giggling too much.

"Play around?" I arched an eyebrow.

Ryan said firmly, "Nobody goes any further than they want to."

"Oh, I want to go ALL the way," Robin exhaled excitedly before burping quite loudly. She slapped a hand over her mouth and then giggled as if it was the funniest thing she'd ever done in her life.

I jerked a thumb at Robin and looked at Dawn. "Is she aware of what she's saying?"

Dawn nodded. "It was her idea weeks ago, actually. Didn't think she was serious, but tonight she came up to us and said she really, really wanted to do it."

Gwen looked sternly at me. "But nothing leaves this apartment. Got it?"

"Of course, of course," I said quickly. Then I looked right at Ryan and thought about the implications of 'playing around'. Robin was clearly eyeing both me and Ryan. Bert was in awe of Dawn and Gwen. And if everyone was playing around, that also included me ... and DAWN. "Are you sure about this?" I asked the big blonde guy.

Ryan took a deep breath and looked at Dawn for a moment before bringing his gaze back to me. "I told you I wasn't sure. But I decided I'll accept whatever happens." He scooped up one of the drinks and practically chugged the entire thing, gasping as the alcohol burned down his throat. "It's like worrying about whether you should ask a girl out, not knowing how she'll react. You can either freak out, forever wondering about all the 'what ifs' ... Or you can just let it all hang out and do it. Whatever happens, at least now you know. I imagine you went through the same thing with me two years ago."

I wasn't quite sure what he meant, but I recognized the serious intent in his tone. And taking a deep breath, I nodded. Then I looked at Dawn, feeling both an uncontrollable excitement at the idea that I might ACTUALLY be allowed to play around with her as well as a disquieting sense of foreboding that this whole thing was going to blow up in my face. "So how is this going to work?"

This "thing" worked with instructional cards. Robin had found a swingers game in some shop on Telegraph. I hadn't known it at the time, but she and Bert had fallen into a rut and her lack of excitement in the relationship had led her to start speculating about exactly why so many girls were continually flocking to me. She'd also harbored a crush on Ryan, at least physically, since he was such a well-built specimen of man. And as it turned out, it wasn't that difficult to convince Bert. He was bored in the rut as well and had long held his own crushes on Dawn, Gwen, and Adrienne. He was a guy, after all.

Robin talked to Gwen about the idea and showed her the game, and since the dirty-blonde was openly comfortable with her widespread sexual desires, Gwen readily jumped on the idea. She was already fucking me, held some curiosities about Bert, and of course had the occasional wet dream about hunky Ryan.

The girls then talked to Dawn, who proclaimed that Ryan would never go for it. But when Robin brought up the idea at tonight's party, the big guy had surprisingly thrown caution to the wind and said, 'The hell with it.' Dawn was doing a poor job concealing her desire to, at the very least, make out with me with her boyfriend's permission. And seemingly everyone was on-board.

Ryan volunteered to talk to me for his own mysterious reasons, only the intent was never quite communicated. So they were only now getting my approval. And as it turned out, while everyone was friends with Adrienne, Gwen and Robin were FIRMLY hetero and had been relieved when it turned out the blonde bombshell was already occupied. Unless Adrienne brought another guy, she'd be a seventh wheel. And I personally knew Adrienne wasn't interested in boinking either Bert or Ryan.

So now it was the six of us, plentiful alcohol, and a swinging game. What a way to end the semester.

We all lined up in alternating boy-girl order — Ryan, Dawn, Me, Gwen, Bert, and Robin — on the two couches around the coffee table. Robin turned over the top card, from a pile marked "Level One." She held it up and shrugged. "Everyone make out with your partner for one minute." There were two sand-filled timers like hourglasses, one small one-minute and one large, probably five minutes.

It seemed easy enough and Gwen cuddled up next to me again. She was my partner by default, not that either of us was complaining. She was by far the more aggressive of the two of us right now — I was still wrapping my head around what we were about to do — and soon she was humming happily while carving out the inside of my mouth with her tongue. By the end of the minute we were breathing hard, but still able to keep a lid on things.

Ryan was the next in line and he flipped over the next starter card, reading aloud, "Everyone removes a major article of clothing." His eyebrows went up and the girls giggled. Shrugging, the three guys all removed their shirts but left our undershirts on. Robin lost her sweater, leaving her in a baby-T shirt beneath. Dawn removed her button-down, revealing a spaghetti-strap white camisole underneath. Only Gwen didn't have two layers, and when she pulled off her top, she leaned back to proudly display her nicely formed tits held aloft in a flesh- toned bra.

Dawn read the next card, and so we kept going. Some of the cards told us to fondle each other. Others told us to have a drink. Several times we were instructed to continue making out for a minute at a time.

The game instructions told us to play 15 Level One cards before spinning the "Swingers Wheel". The wheel was just a flat circular disc with an arrow attached to the center. Apparently the game could handle parties with more than six because there were really just four quadrants: Move one spot to the right, one spot to the left, two spots to the right, or two spots to the left. If there were only four people, the two couples just switched partners. After the 15 Level One cards, I was up next and spun "move one spot to the left". So the three of us guys got up and moved over, resetting the new pairings to: Bert and Dawn, Ryan and Gwen, and Me and Robin.

Now it was Robin's turn. With glee she turned over the first "Level Two" card and was told to remove a major article of clothing from her partner. Since she was a girl, all the girls would do the same. Whenever a guy pulled a card, all the guys would similarly do the same.

Unsurprisingly, all three girls decided to go for our pants. Robin even knelt in front of the couch while she pulled away my jeans, gasping in awe when the bulge in my boxers prominently jutted upwards right in her face. She reached out to touch me, but I slapped her hand away, scolding, "Not yet."

Bert had the next card, and everyone stopped breathing for a second when it instructed, "Everyone make out and fondle your partner for one minute."

Robin was again the first to break through the silence, vaulting into my lap and grinding her crotch against my bulge while attacking my lips with her own. She was messy and wet and unskilled and enthusiastic. I hadn't been kissed like that since the twins' fumbling first attempts and it took me a second to get her to calm down while I showed her a better way of kissing. And since I now had permission, I let my hands roam across the pretty brunette's nubile body, never deliberately going for her private parts. This was still warm-up.

Across the table, Dawn was similarly trying to contain Bert's enthusiasm, as if he were an overeager high schooler. The guy certainly wanted to get his hands on her tits. And next to me, Gwen and Ryan were tentatively sharing a liplock, both of them clearly interested but Ryan plainly nervous, frequently glancing over at Dawn. Ryan's nervousness carried to Gwen and things weren't going all that well. But at least it only lasted for a minute.

The awkwardness got even deeper when Dawn flipped a card and the girls were instructed to specifically fondle their partner's crotches for a minute. Once Gwen started really rubbing Ryan's cock outside of his shorts, the big guy just groaned and closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation, while simultaneously remaining stiff in nervousness. Robin was all frenetic hands on my cock. And Bert probably would have popped in his briefs if Dawn hadn't stopped rubbing him at the last moment. The nice Korean guy seemed deeply embarrassed by how close he had come, and now with the second "new" couple starting to succumb to awkwardness, I was beginning to think that the game would soon fall apart.

But Ryan flipped a card that told everyone to have a drink, which settled everyone down for a minute. And then Gwen flipped a card that had everyone make out and fondle the person on their left. That had everyone making out once again with their own original partner, and a minute of kissing someone familiar did wonders for soothing everyone's conscience. Bert and Robin found themselves staring at each other, reassuring each other that they wanted this wild and crazy experience. Dawn and Ryan were huddled close, Dawn reassuring her boyfriend that she loved him no matter what. And Gwen was just happy to have a fully willing partner.

It was a good thing everyone calmed down, because I flipped another "Remove your partner's clothing" card. I pulled away Robin's baby-T to get a look at those bra-clad breasts Adrienne claimed were better than her sweaters might have made them seem. Bert was hyperventilating as he also removed Dawn's camisole to leave her upper body in just her bra for those big D-cups. But while Ryan was playing the gentleman and going after Gwen's jeans, she leaned forward and said in a husky voice, "You can go ahead and take the bra."

My eyebrows raised as I looked over. Bert nearly stopped breathing. And Ryan licked his lips and glanced back at Dawn.

Dawn just waved for him to go ahead, and then the room went silent as Ryan reached around the sexy dirty-blonde who simply raised her arms and planted her own hands on top of her head, proudly showing off her upper body. He got the bra unhooked and then pulled the cups away, gently dragging the garment down her arms until they came off. And then Gwen cheekily put her hands on top of her head again to show those tits off.

I'd seen them before, but having them revealed in this manner made my cock harder than steel. While not quite as big as Dawn's, Gwen still had healthy, good- sized mounds that stood up firm and round with just a bit of heavy sag — 34C's I'd eventually found out for myself. The nipples were hard and erect and proudly sticking out at anyone who cared to look at them. And I felt my mouth watering at the mere sight of such pretty breasts. Gwen let us ogle her for a little while, and then she finally dropped her arms and asked, "whose turn is it?"

It was Robin's, and she promptly pulled another make out and fondle card. She pressed herself against my side and didn't hesitate to grab at my crotch. And this time, when I looked out the corner of my eye, I could see that Gwen had pulled Ryan's hands to her naked tits, encouraging him to fondle away, just like the card had said.

More clothes came off then. More kisses were exchanged. And there was even a card that shifted all the girls to the left, realigning everyone with their original partners but in different seats than where they'd started. By the time we got through 15 Level Two cards, we were all down to our underwear, with Gwen left in only her panties.

Then we hit Level Three. Ryan spun the Swingers Wheel and I found myself desperately praying to a god I didn't believe in that somehow Dawn and I would get paired together.

We did.

Ryan visibly tensed up. But immediately we guys were ordered to lose our last article of clothing with the first Level Three card, and the second card put us all back into make out and fondle mode. Robin was entirely in Ryan's lap as she humped herself against his muscular body and shoved her tongue between his pursed lips. She didn't reach out and touch his erect cock just yet, satisfied to ride it beneath her panty-clad crotch. Gwen and Bert were going at each other with similar enthusiasm. And now it was my time with Dawn.

For some reason, I thought back to my very first kiss with Dawn, way back when we were fifteen. Given how active Brooke and the twins and the other High Schoolers I knew had been, I was surprised Dawn and I had actually waited until we were fifteen for our first kiss. For me, I suppose it was a product of being such a short, undesirable boy. But Dawn? Most girls with her looks had already lost their virginities by their fifteenth birthday. But Dawn had been waiting for me.

I'll never forget how special I felt when she told me that.

Back then, I had been terrible. I had slobbered too much. I had no clue what to do with my tongue. And I kept bumping my nose into hers.

Today, four-and-a-half years later, I knew better. My fingers went to Dawn's cheek. Her hands went to my jaw and around the backs of my ears. And then the universe exploded as our lips found each other. Sparkles went off behind my eyes. My stomach flipped and then flipped a few more times. This was kissing. This was my DAWN.

This was where my world made sense.

Dawn didn't even try to grab at my body. I was buck naked and she didn't need to grope me or take my throbbingly hard erection into her hand. She knew it was there. She knew she could have it. But this moment was about our kiss. The feel of our lips against each other, feeling the simple sense of... rightness ... in this intimate touch, was all we really needed. Dawn was my soulmate. The kiss was just our reminder.

The Level Three cards had graduated to the 5-minute timer. But even with the longer duration, I felt like I didn't have enough time. In fact, staring at the stupid contraption of glass, plastic, and sand, I cursed the game that would bring me so tantalizing close to my Dawn and yet separate us again when it was all over. I would live this night in 5-minute increments from now on, and I knew that I would also be parted from Dawn again for some of that. And even when Gwen called time to get us to separate, my lips lingered on my soulmate's for just a little longer.

Two cards were down and in another thirteen, we'd spin the Swingers Wheel and I'd be forced to move to someone else. I looked to that future with doom and gloom, knowing that I would be separated from the one I wanted more than anything in this world. I'd bedded more girls in the past two months than any other stretch in my life. I'd fucked more pussies and throats and assholes than I could even count right away. I'd been cumming non-stop with such a variety of nubile beauties in such a variety of positions that I could fill an entire magazine full of Penthouse Forum articles completely on my own. But I'd trade them all if I could just stay with Dawn a little longer. I promised to my unknown god that I'd give them all up if I could just keep Dawn when Level Three ended. I didn't want to face the game's cruelty of bringing me with her for a short time and then pulling me apart when the round was over.

But it didn't turn out that way. Actually, the game was even crueler than I'd feared.

The third Level Three card ordered anyone who wasn't already buck naked to get stripped naked by their partner. Leave it to a stupid game to give me such a brief moment of happiness before yanking it all out from under my feet.

I gleefully pulled away Dawn's bra and couldn't help but sneak in a suckle or two of her tits as I did so. She smacked my head playfully and told me that wasn't in the rules. On the other hand, Gwen wasn't stopping Bert from doing the same and Robin was actively pulling Ryan's head to her chest.

Sometime before we'd gotten started, Dawn had snuck into her room to retrieve fresh panties, and for the second time in one night I found myself removing a soaked thong from my beautiful best friend's loins. The torn baby blue ones were probably still in my drawer back in my room. This pair was white and soaked with arousal. And while I wasn't daring enough to actually lick her bare-shaven slit just yet, I did sniff and take a quick taste of the white spandex-like material in my hands.

But then the fourth card landed. Everyone had to switch partners again, and Gwen and I found ourselves all alone on one couch while Dawn, Ryan, Robin, and Bert were together on the opposite couch. It felt like my world was coming to an end as I was separated from my soulmate once again.


Gwen didn't seem to notice my upset state. She was trembling and quivering with sexual energy by this point. She had fondled cocks and had her tits sucked. She'd french-kissed all three guys and had our hands roaming all over her flushed, skin-tingling body. She smiled at the way the fates worked out to bring us back into our original partners; and from the look in her eyes, game or no game she preferred me over the other two guys.

And she was THRILLED with the fifth card. "Orally pleasure your partner for five minutes," Dawn read.

For the first time, Robin didn't leap right into action. Whether subconsciously or not, the rest of us had always waited for her cue before carrying out the card's instructions, and no one moved at first. We all just sort of looked at her expectantly.

Robin reached her hand out to Bert, intertwining her fingers through her boyfriend's. She picked her eyes up and looked at the rest of us before taking a deep breath. "Are we really doing this?"

Bert looked hurt. "What? You can't give me a blowjob anymore?"

Robin blushed, smiled, and shook her head. "Of course I can, silly. But up until now, we've all just been kissing and fondling and the like. Now we're really getting into SEX." She looked at Bert and stated, "It's giving a blowjob to YOU, right now. But the next turn it could be Ben or Ryan. For all we know, we could be fucking someone else very soon."

Gwen piped up. "Thought you looked at all the cards beforehand."

Robin nodded. "I did. Actual penetration doesn't happen until Level Four. But still. Are we all ready to do this?"

"Are you?" Dawn asked Robin.

The pretty brunette pushed her glasses up her nose, the black plastic frames the only article other than jewelry she was wearing. Her perky B-cup breasts, very nicely shaped, blushed pink along with the rest of her chest as she inhaled and nodded. "I'm ready," Robin stated.

Bert nodded excitedly. "Me, too."

Gwen confirmed. I nodded. Then Dawn looked at Ryan and asked, "Are we doing this, babe?"

Ryan took a deep breath and looked at me. "Whatever happens, happens," he said softly. And then he gently took Dawn's face in his hands and kissed her.

Robin turned and kissed Bert. Gwen was a little more direct and simply sank to her knees in front of me. "I've been craving this all fucking night," she growled before promptly inhaling my prick, shoving the first four inches into her mouth while she sucked me like a vacuum cleaner. Robin flipped the timer and then similarly knelt in front of Bert. And while a part of me didn't want to look, I watched as my Dawn took her place in front of her boyfriend.

It wasn't the first time I'd seen Dawn giving another man a blowjob. The first had been with Ryan at his house that fateful Thanksgiving Weekend two years ago. And then at Dayna's Blindfold Party last year, my semi-transparent blindfold had let me see her get involved in a couple of different sexual activities when she didn't know I could see her.

But two years ago, I had been actively encouraging Dawn to find her happiness with Ryan. I'd wanted that more than I wanted her to be only mine. Last year at the Blindfold Party, she was exploring her sexuality beyond the only two serious boyfriends she'd ever had in her life. I'd been Adrienne's boyfriend and busy fucking my own six new girls as well.

Right here, right now, Dawn still wasn't mine. She belonged to Ryan: She knew it. I knew it. But we both knew we still wanted each other, and while I wasn't jealous of Dawn for being physically intimate with her boyfriend, I WAS jealous that she wasn't doing it to ME, right NOW. I wanted my cock in Dawn's mouth. I wanted it to be MY lap in which she was bobbing her head up and down. Again, I didn't mind that she was with Ryan, but I didn't want to wait any longer for MY turn.

Curse the damn 5-minute timer that would delay that from happening immediately.

Curse the stupid cards that had me partnered with Gwen and not my Dawn.

I'd waited ever since summer camp of a year and a half ago since being intimate with her, and I didn't want to wait any longer. Today was my chance to do so with Ryan's permission. Today could be my ONLY chance. And every second that ticked by was one less second I would have with her. I simply couldn't wait.

But I had to. No matter what turmoil my head was in, I wouldn't break the game rules. After all, those rules were the only thing that might allow me to actually make love to my Dawn. Even if Ryan started to second-guess his permissions, the game rules said I could.

"Awww, FUCKKK!!!"

I was shaken from my reverie by a male grunt. I blinked and realized I was staring off into space, staring at nothing. I hadn't been watching Dawn sucking her boyfriend. I hadn't been watching Bert and Robin. I hadn't even been watching Gwen nursing my own thick cock. But now I looked and saw that despite the clenched jaw and the agony on Bert's face to hold himself back, he was spurting his load into his girlfriend's mouth, unable to contain himself any longer.

Robin gulped for the first two bursts before opening her mouth and gasping for air, unable to take Bert's entire load. His nicely-sized cock kept spurting, shooting little ribbons of cum into the pretty girl's face. One streak even landed across her glasses. And finally she pumped out the rest against the upper slopes of her chest. The timer had run a bit past five minutes, but nobody seemed to mind.

Gwen turned around, smacking her lips noisily. "So what do the rules say about that?"

Robin shrugged. "We keep playing. Just gimme a second to clean up." And then she took a deep breath, her eyes looking a little more focused and her demeanor appearing a little less drunk. "And gimme a minute to gather myself. I didn't realize how weird this would feel giving my boyfriend a blowjob in front of other people. I CERTAINLY didn't know how weird it would feel for him to give me a facial in front of other people."

Robin headed straight for the bathroom. And then Gwen snagged a box of tissues and tossed it over to Bert so he could clean himself up. The guy blushed in embarrassment, but Gwen said, "Don't worry about it. We take it as a compliment that just being around me and Dawn gets you to pop off like that."

Dawn nodded and grinned. "Well, we HAVE effectively been doing foreplay for over an hour now."

"Really?" I arched an eyebrow. "What time is it?" I looked around for a clock to find that it was after 1am. There were only about six hours before the sunrise, when I would likely lose my Dawn.

"Doesn't matter," Gwen replied with a sigh, her eyes swiveling over to Ryan. "We're not finishing until I get a big dick inside me. Right?"

Dawn's eyelids dropped halfway and she slid her gaze over to me. With a husky voice, she drawled, "Right."

Fortunately, I didn't have to wait for Level Four to switch partners. Unfortunately, it wasn't yet to Dawn. The game, the world, the Universe was just toying with me, and I could feel the tension building inside me the longer we played.

Robin, of course, was thrilled when I had to split her thighs apart and start going down on her. Like Bert, she was pretty wound up from an hour of foreplay and the petite brunette squeaked in orgasm after the first four minutes, the only of the three girls to do so, although I surmised that was more a testament to how keyed up she was than any particular skill of mine. For example, Ryan was doing a bang-up job from the way Gwen was moaning and groaning. She didn't get off, but if we'd gone on another couple of minutes, I had no doubt she would have soon. And in the meantime, Bert was just in awe of being that close to Dawn's pussy. Unfortunately, that meant he wasn't doing a very good job, and she took the time to gently re-direct him and start teaching the poor guy what to do. He simply didn't have the necessary experience to measure up to guys like me and Ryan. But by the time this night was over, I was sure he'd have learned a lot.

Bert got the chance to put his newfound education to work almost immediately. Ryan pulled a card that directed him to be orally pleasured in a daisy chain by the couple to his left, which was Dawn and Bert. That meant Dawn was going down on him while Bert resumed eating Dawn out. The other part of the card also meant that Gwen, as Ryan's partner, was to be eaten by me while Robin feasted on my prick.

Gwen was ecstatic with the outcome. She was hot and horny and desperate for a good cum. While Ryan had gotten Gwen primed, I set her off. I knew her buttons too well to leave her without an orgasm, and inside four minutes I worked her over and sent her into a screaming climax. I then got to relax for the next minute and a half watching Robin bob her head up and down in my crotch, her pretty face looking uniquely sexy with her glasses and with her mouth stretched wide around my prick.

Right after that, we were directed to make out and fondle with the person to our left for five minutes, and I spent the entire time with my tongue in Gwen's mouth and my fingers in her snatch while she gave me a handjob that brought me agonizingly close to bliss. Ryan was all over Dawn, hungry for his own orgasm as well. And Bert and Robin almost lazily groped each other while more eagerly waiting for the timer to end and give them something new to do.

And then just to tease me a little longer, card fifteen had us switching partners. I FINALLY got paired with Dawn again, and for a moment my heart leaped up in excitement. But Level Three was immediately over and Bert spun the Swingers Wheel to switch up our partners. And I was paired up again with Robin.


"No more timers in Level Four. The card ends when you say it ends," Robin announced and then excitedly looked at Ryan.

The guy shuffled the Level Four cards and then patted them into a neat stack. Everyone tensed as Ryan grabbed up the top card and turned it over, saying in slightly shaky voice, "Fuck your partner right in front of everyone."




I found myself flat on my back on the floor between the couch and the coffee table. Robin was straddling my stomach with her hands around my head as she frantically crashed her lips against mine, huffing and puffing as she fought between kissing me and getting to the fucking as soon as possible. She tasted like breath mints and tequila and I had to admit that the sensation of her wet pussy leaking copious fluids all over my abs was quite the turn-on. And a minute later, she finally got a hold of herself and stared down at me, asking, "Please?"

Having caught my breath, I simply grabbed her hips and shifted her down over my crotch. No, she wasn't Dawn. No, I'd never really considered fucking Robin before today. But she was a cute naked girl with perky tits, a tight tummy, and an obvious willingness to take my cock deep inside her. And I was a horny guy who'd been teased, fondled, groped, and sucked for more than an hour.

Robin frantically reached between us while I held her hips, taking three attempts to grab my dick in her hand and elevate it into position. And then while cooing excitedly, she sank herself down.

Fucking HELL she was tight.

Robin only got the first three inches on that initial lunge. She'd already been eaten to one orgasm and had several gallons of lubrication leaking out of her by now, but she was still a petite girl with narrow hips and not much experience.

"So fucking BIG, Ben!" Robin groaned and wriggled around my pole, sinking another inch.

Gently, I gripped her hips and lifted her up a bit, almost so that my mushroom head popped out of her. But before reaching that point I reversed my course and firmly tugged her downwards, this time managing to get six inches into her tight cunt.

"FUCK!" she groaned again.

I pulled out out and then pushed in one more time. And finally I was fully ensconced seven-and-three-quarter inches inside the body of my pretty brunette friend. Robin panted and smiled triumphantly at having taken me inside, brushing her brown hair back behind her ears and pushing her glasses up onto the bridge of her nose while getting herself settled in place. Neither of us moved for a couple of minutes, just getting used to the new sensations.

Meanwhile, Ryan had laid Gwen on her back across the long couch next to us, wrapping her legs around his hips as he smoothly drove himself inside her. At first, I couldn't see much from my vantage point on the floor, but when Gwen lolled her head to the side, I could see her face with panting mouth and eyes squeezed shut as she felt the muscular man powerfully fucking into her body for the first time.

Across on the other couch, Dawn had taken charge rather than let an overeager Bert start rabbit-fucking her. Bert was seated upright while Dawn straddled his lap, undulating slowly and pressing her big tits into his face for licking while she humped up and down on his shaft, fucking herself with his cock.

And then I brought my attention back to Robin. Just like Dawn, she was humping herself up and down slowly. Her eyes were closed and her head thrown back as she absorbed all the sensations running through her body. I ran my hands up her torso, automatically testing out her erogenous zones before palming her tits and squeezing gently. "How does it feel?" I asked.

"So good..." she moaned. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled down at me. "You know I've only been with two men in my life? My High School boyfriend and then Bert. By the end of tonight, I'll have doubled my total."

I grinned. "And how do you feel about that?"

"Gawd, I'm such a slut," she giggled and then moaned as I let my hand down to tickle the patch of skin between her sixth and seventh ribs on her left side. She twitched and then groaned, "What are you doing to me?"

"Just giving you pleasure," I hummed and then dropped my left hand to her hip, extending my thumb out to rub lightly at her pleasure button.

Robin's reaction was immediate: she jerked and twitched, groaning again at the new sensation. And before she could recover from that one, I was on to the next, tweaking her right nipple.

"What are you doing to me?" she asked again, panting a little more breathlessly.

I grinned and kept tweaking various parts of her body, adjusting my cock inside her, running a finger over her anus, and caressing previously unknown erogenous spots on her upper torso. "Keeping you guessing."

"Why?" she panted and humped a little harder.

I chuckled. "I want to show you what makes me sooo damn special." I gripped both her tits and then gyrated my hips counterclockwise, carving my dick around the inner walls of her pussy. Robin immediately jerked again and groaned as she started tumbling toward orgasm.

"Oh, ohhh!" she gasped and arched her back. My left hand was now gripping her tight buttcheek, squeezing it and running my index finger through the cleft of her ass. My right hand dragged down the ribs on her left side and then moved to her love button. And while I started humping my ass off the floor to drive my cock deeply into her body, I thumbed her clit and pushed a finger into her asshole, sending Robin into an epileptic seizure. "Oh, I'm cumming!" Robin screamed. "I'm actually cumming during sex! OhmiGAWD! I'm CUMMING!!!"

Quickly, I pulled my finger out of her ass while her pussy clenched around me. I grabbed the petite girl by her hips and swiftly rolled us over, banging my side into the couch before I managed to orient us in a missionary position without my dick ever leaving her cunt. And lifting Robin's right leg over my left shoulder, I gripped her thigh and really started slamming my dick in and out of her compliant body.

"Oh, OHHH!!!!" Robin screamed and came again. For a girl who claimed she'd never before orgasmed during intercourse, it must have been pretty shocking to find that she was actually capable of multiple orgasms. And with a firm grip on her leg and my right hand roaming across her twitching body, I set out to give her at least one more.

"Oh, SHIT!" Gwen screamed from right next to me. Now that I was partially upright, I could see her entire body being jolted with each impact of Ryan's forceful lunges, her wobbly tits gyrating nicely on each one. She threw her head back as her second orgasm of the night swept through her body. And as if in response, Ryan started growling as well.

"Ohhh, unnngghhh!" Dawn was moaning from the other side. I turned my head to see her tight ass bouncing up and down rapidly, Bert's cock disappearing and reappearing into view. She was gripping the back of the couch as leverage for her spastic lunges, absolutely smothering Bert's face in her cleavage now. But I remembered the look of awe on Bert's face when he first met Dawn. If he died being smothered by her breasts tonight, he would die a happy man.

"Oh, one more, baby!" Gwen groaned next to me.

"I'm so close," Ryan whimpered but soldiered on.

"I'm cumming!" Dawn moaned.

"Mmphh!!!" Bert mumbled.

And then I was at my limit as well.

Sometime around midnight I'd left the End of the Year party at my house. Since then, I'd sucked face with three different babes, suckled on the tits of all three of them, and gotten my dick sucked by two of them. I'd brought two girls to orgasm with my tongue and fucked Robin to two more of her own. And now, an hour and a half later, I was finally about to blow my load.

"I'm gonna cum inside you, Robin," I grunted. "My big cock is gonna swell up inside your exquisitely tight pussy and it's gonna fill you up with a big load of hot, creamy sperm."

"Oh, gawd yes," Robin moaned beneath me.

"You finally are gonna get to feel the Big Ben experience, Robin. After years of rumor and hearsay you're gonna feel it. I'm going to blow your fucking mind and you're going to go to sleep for a little while, okay?"

"Oh-ohhh! Oh-ohhh!"

"I'll let you stay awake just long enough to feel me spurting inside you. The last thing you'll feel before you pass out will be the sensation of my cock exploding in your cunt, hosing down your insides with frothy semen and sending millions of sperm into your womb looking for an egg. Are you ready?"

"Oh, FUUUCK!" Robin groaned and tensed up, her head being thrown back as the beginnings of a monster orgasm spread across her.

"Urrgh-NOW!" I grunted as I felt the first jet of cum blast out of me to splatter against Robin's vaginal walls. At the same time, I let my left hand drift down and the fingers to glide through her anal crack before pressing the index finger into her anus. My right thumb found that spot between her sixth and seventh ribs again, tickling it while I rubbed the palm against her left breast. And I subtly shifted the angle of my cock so that my next few jets of spunk blasted off directly against her G-spot.

"OH, FUUUUUCCCCKKKKK!" Robin jerked one last time, her back arching off the floor with so much force that she actually lifted us both up into the air. Her eyes rolled up into her head and her arms flailed out, the right one smacking the coffee table leg hard enough to cause a bruise. But she was oblivious to the pain as she was already unconscious, her brain switched off even before her back hit the floor. Her body went cataleptically limp beneath me, and after hunching over her prone body for a minute or two to catch my breath, I pulled myself back and smiled with satisfaction as I saw the creamy froth bubbling out of Robin's now much wider cunt.

To my right, Gwen was panting and smiling. "Welcome to club, girlfriend," she said sweetly to Robin's unconscious body. And then without another word, and with Ryan still slumped on top of her, Gwen reached out to me and pulled my head to hers for a searing kiss.

When we broke for air, I turned to see Dawn sitting next to Bert, the poor guy with a shocked look on his face. He still couldn't believe he'd actually had sex with the beautiful blonde. For her part, she was sighing at the momentary relief of an orgasm while also having a fire in her eyes as she stared at me with unbridled lust. She wouldn't be totally satisfied until she'd had me. And I was of like mind.

"Whose turn is it for the next card?" I asked, eager for the game to eventually bring me back to my Dawn.

Gwen chuckled and groaned. "Fuck the cards. I just wanna do that again!"

Dawn was scanning the rules while Robin was still asleep. She picked her head up in surprise and said, "Oops. This says that the Level Four cards are only supposed to be done by the couple that reads it. So technically, only Ryan and Gwen were supposed to fuck back then."

I shrugged and said, "Whatever. What comes next?"

Dawn pointed to me and said, "Pick a card."

I grabbed the next one, which said, "Take a shower together." I looked down at Robin and smiled. It sounded like a decent idea. And a shower would have worked both pre and post-coital.

"Then you," I pointed to Dawn.

She drew the next one and got, "Spin the Swingers Wheel." Her eyes flashed at me and quite intently, she reached out and flicked at the arrow. It came to a stop at "move one stop to the left", and after a second to figure out what that meant, we realized that rotated Dawn to pair up with me.

"Finally," she breathed excitedly and then darted her gaze to Ryan.

Her boyfriend had just extracted his limp dick from Gwen's soaked pussy and shrugged. It wasn't like he could say anything at this point in the game, and Dawn's and my desire to be together had been obvious from the beginning. So eagerly, Dawn and I started moving to embrace each other.

"Wait," Gwen said and pointed to me. "You've got to finish your shower with Robin."

I arched an eyebrow. "You're the one that said 'fuck the cards'."

Gwen shrugged and stuck her tongue out at me, and for a moment I seethed at the dirty-blonde.

But Dawn took the second to collect herself and breathe for a few seconds. "No, you're right." She looked at Gwen and something unspoken was communicated between the two girls. "Thanks, Gwen."

"Anyways, if Level Four is picked by couples, then it's mine and Bert's turn eventually," Gwen said as she got herself up and dabbed between her legs with a tissue. She drew the next card and read, "Go into a private room and don't come back out until you're both satisfied."

Standing, the pretty girl jutted her hip out to the left side and smirked at Bert. The guy had come twice already tonight, but one look up at the sultry babe and his cock began stirring back to life. "C'mon cowboy," Gwen reached a hand out to him. "Let's borrow the spare room and make sure we're both satisfied."

In almost as much awe as he'd been with Dawn, Bert took her hand and let himself be led away.

That left just me, Dawn, Ryan, and Robin. I leaned over Robin, gently rubbing her face and shaking her awake. Her eyes fluttered open and I swiftly ducked down to give her a peck on the lips. "Morning, cutie pie," I said sweetly. "It's time for me to get you cleaned up."

"Oh..." Robin sighed lightly, her eyes shining. "Did I pass out?"

I nodded. "It happens."

"I didn't really believe it was possible," she said sleepily. "You really ARE a wünderkind."

I chuckled and then scooped an arm beneath Robin's neck, preparing to lift her up. I wasn't sure what Dawn and Gwen had communicated with each other, but from the look in Dawn's eyes, I figured it was something along the lines of 'don't appear TOO eager to fuck Ben'. Assuming I was right, it made sense for me to take Robin into the bathroom for a shower, thus giving Dawn and Ryan some private time to really figure out what was about to happen. As much as I wanted to fuck Dawn, I loved her even more and really didn't want to ruin her relationship with her boyfriend.

But once I lifted Robin's naked body up, Ryan moved in to take her from me. "It's okay. I'll go get Robin a shower. She's my next partner anyways."

I blinked and looked at Dawn. "Uh, that's okay. It's my job and you can spend the time with Dawn for a bit."

He shook his head. "No need. I know you two have been waiting a long time to do this. I don't want to keep you waiting any longer." His voice cracked at the end of that, and I just KNEW with certainty that no matter what else Ryan might say, he DIDN'T want us to be fucking, period.

I blinked and unable to respond to that immediately, I turned and set Robin gently on the couch. She looked up at us curiously, as did Dawn. I then stood back up and looked Ryan dead in the eye, saying, "If you're not comfortable with us doing this, we don't HAVE to do it."

"You want to," Ryan stated flatly. "SHE wants to."

"But YOU don't want us to," I shook my head. "You're her boyfriend. That gives you veto rights. And if you're not cool with this, we shouldn't be doing it."

"Dammit! You HAVE to!" Ryan barked, his momentary burst of anger surprising us all. He clenched his jaw and half-turned away, collecting himself before turning back and facing me. "Don't you get it, man? I'M the guy worrying about whether to ask a girl out, freaking myself out wondering about all the 'what ifs'. I don't know how I'll feel after you and Dawn make love again. I don't know how SHE'LL feel. But the point is: I'm stressing out EVERY SINGLE DAY about this shit. We've been friends, Ben, but now all I can see is the guy my girlfriend might leave me for. You haven't done anything serious, I know. You've had a zillion opportunities to cheat but you haven't. She tells me she loves me. You tell me you have no designs on her. But the fact is I KNOW you both still love each other in your weird best-friends-since-birth way and it's driving me NUTS. I'm tired of it. I'm at the point where I just want to KNOW, once and for all, how this might change us."

"You already know," Dawn said firmly, her own voice choked with emotion. "We were together in High School and then I went off to camp with Ben. I was honest with you. We had sex. We had a LOT of sex that summer. But I still came home to you and I've been loyal ever since."

"That was different. That was then. This is now."

"How is it any different?"

"I don't know! I don't know anything!" Ryan threw his hands up in frustration. "All I know is that I'm going stir crazy wondering about THIS 'what if'. What if you two slept together again? Would you come back to me? Would you not?"

"So what?" Dawn frowned. "Every time you have a crisis of faith in me you're gonna ask me to sleep with Ben just to see if I come back to you?"

"Maybe! You're a different person than you were before college, Dawn," Ryan moaned. "The girl you were then came back to me. The girl you are now? I don't know yet."

"Ryan, I promise-"

"You can promise me anything, babe. I love you and I'll believe you. But I'll always wonder the 'what if'." He took a deep breath and then held his hand out to Robin. "Look Robin, let's go take a shower together. I'll get you cleaned up and I'll be really gentle and yes, I've fantasized about running my hands all over your body. Dawn knows that because we talk every now and again about crazy shit like this. She even told me you've fantasized about me a couple of times."

"Traitor," Robin glowered at Dawn, who just shrugged.

Robin put her hand into Ryan's and she stood up. Then Ryan turned to Dawn. "I'm going to leave you two alone for at least fifteen minutes. Probably longer. I love you, babe. You can do what makes you happy. And whatever happens, happens." He kissed Dawn's cheek and then led Robin into the bathroom, closing the door behind them.

Then Dawn turned to me. "Now what?"

Ohhh this was so freaking complicated.

"I want to be inside you..." I moaned, looking over at Dawn's naked body. At 19, she was at her absolute peak of physical perfection. Her long, looong legs were toned and perfectly shaped, especially the way she crossed one leg over the other while seated on the couch beside me. Her hips had the perfect womanly flare, while her trim waist and tight belly were absent of any cellulite or excess fat. Her body curved wider up her torso to those overdeveloped 34D breasts, still hanging firm and round without any sag. I knew they would have to start drooping as she grew older the way Dayna's had just started to, but right now they couldn't be any better than they already were. Her lithe, graceful neck ascended up to that surpassingly beautiful face, the face of a goddess despite the look of worry etched across her brow.

She looked back at me and took my hand in her own. "I want you inside of me, too. So badly. You don't KNOW how badly I want it," she groaned as she pulled my hand up to her chest and pulled my opposite shoulder toward her.

"I DO know," I groaned, staring right into her eyes. "I want this just as badly as you. We haven't been together in ... forever. Longer than ever before."

"I know," she sighed. "When I saw the trickle of your cum leaking out of Robin's pussy, it was so hard not to just dive on her and suck it out. That used to be my one 'out', remember? I couldn't touch you directly but I could still taste your cum? I haven't even had that lately."

I groaned and moved my lips to hers, turning at the last moment and nibbling on her cheek. "Dawn..."

"Let's do it, Ben. I want it. I want YOU. I need YOU."

"Dawn, you know we can't..."

"Ryan said it's okay. This is our one chance. I don't know when he'll let us again, but right now we have to take this chance while we can."

"He SAID that. But you KNOW he doesn't want us to."

"He'll never want us to. Would you, in his place?"

"I would. If it would make you happy. You KNOW that."

"HE wants me to be happy, too. That's why he's letting us."

"That's not the reason and you know it," I whined. "This is a test. A test to see if you'll betray him."

"Don't be ridiculous. He wants us to fuck, Ben. He wants you inside of me. And he wants to see if I'll still come back to him after I've had you."

"Ryan would NEVER want me inside you."

"He did before," Dawn protested.

"He never WANTED me inside of you," I rephrased with new emphasis. "He LET us that one summer camp. But that was it. I know guys and I know Ryan. You even said it yourself not thirty seconds ago. He'd NEVER want us to."

"But he said..."

"He said he'd rather know how you still felt about him after we slept together. But he meant he wanted to see if we'd go through with it, knowing he doesn't want us to."

"How do you know that, Ben? What if he really meant he wants to know how I'll feel about him? If we don't do this, then he'll never really know and he'll STILL go crazy thinking about 'what if'."

I winced and looked away. I really DIDN'T know if Ryan would keep on worrying about his 'what ifs'. But what I did know was that Ryan didn't really want me to sleep with Dawn. And as long as he was her girlfriend, I just ... couldn't ... do it.

SUCKED, huh?

I shook my head. "I can't do this. I've waited all night for this. But I can't do it."

"Ben, please. I've waited more than all night for this," Dawn whimpered. "I've waited more than a YEAR for this!"

"We can't. I can't. Not while knowing he doesn't really want me to."

"Ben, please." She took my hand and placed it on her breast. Reflexively, I squeezed the melon and groaned at the touch of her skin beneath me. Her erect little nipple rubbed my palm so nicely.

"Dawn, don't do this to me..." I groaned.

"You want me. I want you. This is what we've been waiting for." She upped the ante by placing her hand on my cock, squeezing and stroking it. I swore I could have cut through steel with the thing.


She held up her hand, palm out to me, waiting expectantly. I raised my hand to match hers, lining them up together. Our hands didn't quite touch; the palms never got closer than half an inch apart. But then she closed the gap, intertwining her fingers through mine. "Ben, I want you. I want you more than he doesn't want me to," she stated flatly.

My eyebrows shot up. "Don't do this to me. Don't do this unless you really mean it."

"I want you, Ben. I've always wanted you. I told you we'd get married someday. What's a little playing around between soulmates?"

"But right now? Are you going to break up with Ryan right now?"

She flinched at the phrase 'break up'. It wasn't much, just enough for me to see it. She wanted me, but she wanted to keep him.

"Dawn, it doesn't work this way," I said urgently. "You can't have your cake and eat it too. Not this time. You LOVE Ryan. You chose him. Don't let your hormones rule you on this one. I don't want to be the one to fuck up your chance at happiness. Yes, I love you. Yes, I want to make love to you. And yes, I've been dreaming all night of being inside you. But if your boyfriend doesn't really want us to do this, how is it different from any other night?"

"Ben..." Dawn whimpered.

"No. We CAN'T do this. Not like this. I won't let it be like this. I love you and I want you and if we're going to be together again, it's going to be RIGHT. Not just a swinging party with a bunch of friends blitzed on too much alcohol. You're my Dawn. You're too special for us to get back together like this, especially when you're not even sure you want to get back together with me. Because that's the way it has to be."


"Because now I've realized that the next time I make love to you, I'm never, EVER going to let you go back to Ryan or to anyone else. I've made my mistakes and I've fucked up a lot of other relationships. But the one relationship I can never, ever lose is you. I'm not in Orange County anymore and we're not 500 miles apart. We're together now, and if we ever start a relationship again, it'll have to be the kind that lasts forever. I couldn't bear to lose you again. I WON'T do it again."

"It's just sex," Dawn whimpered, but I could see in her eyes she wasn't disagreeing with me.

"It can never be 'just sex' with us, and it never was. We mean too much to each other for it to just be casual. You've got your boyfriend. I'll always be your best friend. And if that's all we'll ever be, I'll be okay with that." I sighed and thought of Adrienne, choosing 'sister' over 'wife'. That way, she would never lose me. "As your best friend, we can be eternal."

"We can be eternal as lovers, too."

"Maybe ... But that's something we both have to think about first." I sighed and pulled my hand off her breast and then pulled her hand off my cock. "Maybe you'll choose me over Ryan in the end. Maybe not. Maybe there'll be another guy out there for you. But right now, you love him and you've chosen him. And I won't let you claim to choose me just because we both want to fuck each other so bad our teeth hurt."

"My teeth ACHE," Dawn whimpered.

I bit my lip and fought the urge to cry. "I know. Me, too. But I've got to leave now. Because we CAN'T do this. Not yet. Not like this."

"Ben!" Dawn whined as I got up and started hunting for my clothes. I just grimaced and started getting dressed. It's not easy when your cock is so hard and feels like it's a foot long.

"I'm sorry," I sighed.

"I love you..." she whimpered as I headed for the door. "I'll always love you."

I stopped at the door just before opening it. "I love you, too." I put my forehead against the wood and exhaled, fighting the urge to turn around, throw myself at her, and fuck her within an inch of her life.

Suddenly she was right behind me, pressing her gloriously naked body against me from feet to shoulders. She hugged me fiercely, squeezing my ribcage so hard I thought she might actually crack one. And then from behind, she gently kissed the back of my neck.

"You'll always be my Ben."

"And you'll always be my Dawn."

And then I left.

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