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26.02% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 69: Summer Camp ll

Chapter 69: Summer Camp ll

"Mmm ... DJ, this is dangerous..." I groaned.

"Mmph," the cute, blonde teenager mumbled, her voice muffled by my cock filling her mouth. She popped off long enough to say, "Re-LAX. I told you, my mom and dad aren't coming back here before dinner. And even if they did, you really think they'd care?"

I sighed and dropped my head back, accepting her answer. One side benefit to DJ being the only Evans daughter on this trip meant that her cabin was well and truly empty most of the day. Then I groaned in pleasure as the little minx re- inhaled my prick, this time taking me all the way down and using her throat muscles to massage my cockhead. And all further worries about parents flew out of my head as my brain began swimming in pleasurable endorphins while the sexy teen expertly fellated me.

It didn't take long before I was painting DJ's tonsils with my sticky load of cum. And as each jet of spunk flowed out of me and down her gullet, I felt myself floating away on a cloud of bliss. This had truly been an incredible four days of pleasure. DJ had attacked me with an enthusiasm and endurance I hadn't experienced in a long time, at least from only one girl. In a way, she reminded me of my early days of being sixteen with Dawn, when that Evans daughter had first discovered the joys of sex at camp.

And then it hit me. "What day is it today?"

DJ furrowed her eyebrows and gulped, using a finger to wipe up the last traces of semen from her lips. "Huh?"

I glanced down at the pretty girl, seeing the confusion in her crystal blue eyes. They were so much like Dawn's. "What day is it today?" I repeated.

"Wednesday," she replied. "Why?"

"No, the date." I shook my head. "It's the 9th, isn't it?"


"It's Dawn's birthday!" I sat up suddenly.

DJ sighed and sat back, arching her eyebrow. "You just came a gallon in my mouth and you're thinking about Dawn?"

I blinked rapidly, recognizing the tone of an annoyed female immediately. "No, no. It's not that, Deej." I quickly moved forward and kissed her, holding her shoulders tightly. "Sorry, just random thing popped into my head. I think this is the first of Dawn's birthdays I ever missed."

DJ snorted. "Do you even know when MY birthday is?"

I smiled. "Of course. April 16th."

DJ went from scowling to smiling immediately. "You DO know!"

I grinned. "It's exactly a week after mine." Then I sighed and looked away. "I've got to call her."

DJ frowned. "Call her? You never called me on my birthday," she pouted.

I smiled and reached out to brush my hands against her cheek. "We were never that close, kiddo."

"Still," she pouted further. "It would have been nice..."

"Next year, I promise."

"Really?" The cute girl perked up.

"Sure. And after that, we'll both be at school together, right? You're coming to Berkeley, aren't you?"

"I hope."

I sat up and started fumbling with my shorts, zipping myself back up. "C'mon. Let's go to the lodge so I can find a phone."

"Do we have to?" DJ whined. "We've still got an hour before dinner..." She leaned forward on the bed, planting her hands between her legs and thrusting her cleavage at me.

My mouth watered as I glanced down at the firm melons that had nothing to do with the upcoming dinner, but I was on a one-track mind at this point. "I'll make it up to you. I really want to make sure I get a hold of Dawn."

DJ rather nervously bit her lip, but she didn't stop me from climbing off the bed. I reached my hand out to her, helping her dismount down to the floor. And then we set off to head down to the lodge.

"You can't believe how happy I am that you called me!" Dawn bubbled into the phone. Ordinarily, I'm not a phone person. Things just don't click for me when I can't see whoever I'm talking to, can't read the expressions on their face. But the joy in Dawn's voice was unmistakable. I had no problem "reading" her enthusiasm.

"You're my Dawn. And it's your birthday. Just because you're not at camp this year doesn't change that," I said firmly. "Still ... I wish you WERE here..."

"I know. I'm still sorry it had to be this way."

"Don't worry about it. If nothing else, I'm sure Ryan is thrilled you're staying nearby."

Dawn chuckled. "Of course. He wouldn't say it, but he was freaking out about the idea of you and me at camp again. Last year was one thing, but ... well..."

"I know. It's fine. Less temptation this way. Besides, your little sister has been quite eager to take up the slack." I chuckled. "Seriously Dawn, DJ has been an absolute nymphomaniac. Girl hasn't left my side for the entire camp."

"Really?" Dawn giggled. And then with a thoughtful tone, she added, "You know, as soon as DJ found out I wasn't coming to camp, her eyes got REALLY big. I didn't realize it at the time, but I think it's because she knew you were going to be single this summer. That girl's had a crush on you for a long time."

It was my turn to wonder, "Really?"

"Really. I once asked her why she's never settled down with a serious boyfriend. At first, I thought it was because she'd gotten too much advice from Dayna about playing with many boys being more fun than just being with one. But DJ just said that none of the boys she ever met measured up to you."


Dawn giggled. "Really. I wonder if I should worry about little sis trying to poach you while I'm gone."

I chuckled. "Nah. We're just friends ... well ... horny friends. The kiddo won't leave my dick alone."

Dawn laughed. "I'll bet. And I'm sure you have lots of opportunities with my old cabin being empty most of the time."

"We have. Plus, we spend a lot of time at the clearing."

Dawn went quiet for a few seconds. Dead quiet. And when her voice came back, there was an obvious tension in her tone. "You took her to our clearing?"

I blinked twice in surprise at her tone. "Uh, yeah."

"To OUR clearing?" Dawn said a little more harshly. "You fucked her in OUR special clearing? Alone?"

"Whoa! Whoa!" I waved my hands, momentarily forgetting that Dawn couldn't see me. "Wait a minute. DJ said quite explicitly that she asked your permission. And now that I think about it, she said you specifically gave her the green light to keep me company this summer since you were quote/unquote 'abandoning' me."

"I never said ANY of that!"

"What? Seriously?" I exclaimed a little too loudly, then winced and looked around, making sure no one was staring at me. There weren't a lot of public phone connections at camp, just small phone booths in a hallway off the main lounge. And with no cell tower nearby I didn't have that option, either. I just shut the phone booth door a little more tightly and whispered harshly. "DJ said she knew you'd rip her head off later if you found out."

"I would! I will!"

Ah, hell.

DJ immediately knew something was up when I went to join our families for dinner. She took one look at my face and hers went ashen gray. Then, when I moved to take my usual seat between her and Adrienne, she didn't make any attempts to put her hand on my leg or otherwise get frisky and flirty the way she usually did. And I wasn't doing anything to engage her, either.

I wasn't the only one to notice the change in behaviors between me and the youngest Evans daughter. Mom glared at me as if I'd done something to upset the girl while DJ's mom looked more curious than anything. And across the table, the twins were whispering to each other in hushed tones while not-so-subtly darting glances at the two of us.

After a semi-awkward dinner, we broke up to do our usual evening things, agreeing to rendezvous at the bonfire later on. I turned to look for DJ and saw her walking rather hurriedly away, and I called out, "Deej! Wait! Hang on!"

She put her head down and sped up her walking, so I literally broke into a run to catch up to her. We'd gotten a good distance away from anyone else or any buildings as I grabbed her arm and turned around right in front of her, blocking her path. "Hey, hey."

"I'm sorry!" she wailed, moisture in her eyes. "You weren't supposed to find out!"

"Whoa, whoa," I held her from running away. "Find out what?"

"Don't you know?"

I winced and took a deep breath. Sometimes I forgot how teenage conversations went, both parties making assumptions left and right without any real communication taking place. I decided to change that by putting my cards out on the table, "I just know Dawn didn't give you permission to take me to our clearing."

DJ blinked and just stared at me, processing that bit while also trying to figure out whether I knew more. "Is that it?" she asked.

"Sort of. What are you scared of me finding out?"

DJ's lips pinched together so tightly they started turning white. Whatever secret she had, she wasn't letting me know now.

I sighed and stroked her arm. "Hey, it's me. You can tell me."

She shook her head vigorously side-to-side. I frowned and let out a long exhalation. And as calmly as I could manage, I asked with sincere heartfelt emotion, "DJ, please?"

She just stared at me for a long few seconds, long enough for me to start thinking of something else I could say to calm her. Even though we'd never been the closest of friends, mostly due to the age gap growing up, we were still almost family and I didn't want to let this awkwardness persist longer than it had to. But she beat me to the punch.

With a suddenness that caught me off-guard, DJ jerked forward and planted her lips on mine, giving me a searing kiss that left me breathless. "I'm in love with you," she choked out before turning and running away, really sprinting this time, leaving me standing all by myself.

This was weird.

DJ didn't come to the bonfire that night. Deanna Evans did approach me, telling me that her youngest daughter was hiding out in their cabin. But I wasn't sure what I would say to her even if I went over there.

Hadn't I already gone through this once this year, with Paige? And hadn't that one blown up in my face? I liked DJ. I really, really liked DJ. She was cute, energetic, and a nympho-abso-friggin-maniac when it came to sex. But let's face it; I wasn't in love with her. Hell, she was Dawn's little sister. I didn't even dare to consider falling in love with one of Dawn's sisters. It would just be ... wrong...

So what could I do? Right away, I ruled out the Paige approach. No way would I agree to continue being with DJ the way we'd been for the past four days, as a psuedo-couple. Even if DJ claimed she would just want whatever I could give her, I knew now from experience that hopes get raised even without cause. And if DJ got her hopes up, she would form expectations, and I'd inevitably disappoint her. Having a nasty "breakup" of sorts with one of Dawn's sisters seemed almost as bad as falling in love with one of them.

Could I go up to her and tell her flat out I didn't feel the same way? To confront her would be to force a decision before either of us had a chance to think things through, which was a no-win result for me. I knew I couldn't tell her I loved her, too. And if I rejected her, she'd be hurt and awkward around me for the rest of the summer.

Best now to let things cool off. Best now to give her time to think.

Better not to act until I had a better idea of what consequences there would be for my actions.

A few years ago, I was a short kid who couldn't get a girl to date me for longer than three weeks, let alone get one of them to fall in love with me. Now I had hot girls like Paige and DJ claiming they were in love with me and a host of others like Felicia, Monique, and others ready and willing to jump into bed with me. But ironically, the two girls I loved more than anyone in the world, Dawn and Adrienne, didn't want to be with me.

When did my love life get so complicated? Seriously, sometimes I wished I could go back to being a semi-innocent 16-year-old, dating Megan and only Megan. Things were simpler back then. Well ... sort of simpler ... if you didn't count Keira ... or Cassidy ... or Adrienne...

Too bad there was no alcohol at this family camp. I could REALLY use a beer right now.

"Ben, will you go with us to the Garden of Me?" Eden opened her eyes WIDE in what she knew was a surefire way to get me to say "yes". I couldn't help it. My baby sister really did have puppy-dog eyes. And even though I would now have to term her more "pretty" than "cute", flashing me those eyes still worked like a charm.

"Of course," I nodded. It wasn't like I had anywhere else to go. DJ had been quiet and awkward at breakfast today. As expected, we hadn't gone hiking to the clearing this morning, either. And even though Adrienne and Felicia had invited me to hang out with them by the lake, I didn't want to go anywhere I might accidentally run into DJ. So that even ruled out me trying to find a volleyball game or meeting up with Gary Wong. I figured DJ would approach me when the time was right. And for the moment, I just wanted to get a hundred miles away from here. Hiking out sounded like a great idea.

But I was curious as to why Eden would invite me. "Aren't you girls old enough to go by yourselves?"

Emma answered for the pair of them. "Yeah, but we thought you might like to come along."

Eden continued, "You've seemed kind of lonely today." She frowned, looking sorry for me.

"Besides, Ana really wants to see-"

"Emma!" Eden sharply cut off her twin sister, glaring at her warningly. And then with an almost sickeningly sweet smile, my baby sister turned to me with an angelic expression on her face.

"Eden..." I warned. "What's going on?"

"Nothing, nothing," she said dismissively. "Girl thing. Do you wanna come or not?"

"Please?" Now it was Emma's turn to make the puppy-dog eyes.

I shrugged. "Of course."

"Hurry uh-uup, Ben!" one of my baby sisters whined from a hundred feet in front of me, stretching the word 'up' into two syllables. I figured it was Emma from the pink headband she was wearing. Her fists perched on her hips as she stood atop a boulder further up the trail.

"Why? So I can listen to you guys nattering on about the Lizzie McGuire movie?" I called back with a grin on my face. Then I turned and reached a hand out to Ana Ramirez, the gangly, 14-year-old friend of the twins, who claimed to need a little extra help on our hike. My eyes momentarily yo-yoed down to her wobbling breasts as she hunched over to hoist herself over the fallen log. She was wearing a spaghetti-strap tank top that wasn't doing a very good job of containing her developing bosom, and like my baby sisters, the young teenager had certainly sprouted in the past year.

She took my hand and climbed over, dusting herself off before standing up straight and then catching me checking her out. The lovely Latina flashed me a beautiful smile, momentarily reminding me of her big sister. Lucia Ramirez was two years older than me, and one of the smokin' hot friends of Dayna's and Brandi's. Lucia had always sported a big pair of tits that rivaled Dayna's for size, and from the looks of it, Ana was well on her way to catching up.

Blushing at having been caught checking out a young girl, I turned away and looked up to Emma. "We're coming, we're coming."

My baby sister just smirked at us, flashing a wink in our direction before turning further up the trail. Or had she winked at Ana? What was going on?

In any case, Eden, Emma, Ana, Jenny Wong, and I made it to the Garden in record time, for the girls at least, although I had to stop and help the girls a few times. It was a tribute to how they'd all been growing taller and stronger for the hike. And when we got to the waterfall and pool itself, the girls proved they had grown when they all stripped down to their swimwear.

Eden and Emma were in the same bikinis they'd worn our first afternoon: nothing outlandish, but certainly enough to prove they had actual breasts and feminine bodies. Jenny was also in a bikini, but of the sports bra and shorts-style with frilly laces around both top and bottoms. Despite being six months older than the twins, she was still less developed, with a flat chest and minimal hips. But she was no less pretty in the face.

The eye-opener was Ana. In addition to being almost a full year older than the twins, she was also ahead of schedule in her physical development. The not yet 15-year-old took off her tank top and shorts to reveal a string bikini in bright yellow, with low-front, high-hip bottoms and a top that didn't even try to properly contain her breasts. Ana was about the same 5'5" height as the twins, but she was certainly more voluptuously built.

"She's getting hot, isn't she?" Eden smirked in my ear while Ana was disrobing.

"Like her sister," I muttered without thinking about it.

"Didn't you have a crush on her sister?" Emma asked innocently from the other side of me.

I sighed. Only a small crush in the way every young teenage boy looks at a hot older chick with big boobs. "That was a long time ago. I think I was about your age, maybe even a little younger."

Eden giggled. "Which would have made Lucia about Ana's age," she said with a teasing grin.

I took a long look at Ana again, realizing that Eden was right. For a second, I thought back to 13-year-old me staring at 15-year-old Lucia. But then I shook my head to clear it and collected myself. "C'mon, girls. Let's play."

We splashed around for a good half-hour, nothing strenuous since everyone was still recovering from the hike. But everyone cooled off and the girls egged me into showing off by making a few swan dives off the 10-foot ledge. I figured we were just in for another relaxing day at the Garden of Eden.

But then the garden's namesake unleashed her little plan. "Okay," Eden announced. "Time to tan, girls."

Jenny almost immediately squawked, "You're not serious!"

"Of course I am!" Eden chirped. "You don't want to get tan lines, do you?" And with that, my baby sister stretched herself out on her towel, stripping off her bikini top and tossing it aside, baring her cute, perky titties. Beside her, Emma was similarly losing her top, showing off an identical rack, and laying down.

"Whoa, girls." My eyes popped wide open and I gawked at my sisters. "What are you doing?"

Eden grinned. "We started sunbathing topless whenever we came out here. Since we're not in camp, we can get away with it. Look, no tan lines! Aren't we so grown up?"

I just blinked in amazement.

Meanwhile, Jenny hissed, "But your brother's here!" The Chinese-American teenager turned beet red and darted looks at me nervously.

"So? He's seen us naked before. He's just our brother."

"But! But!"

"Relax, Jenny," Ana said soothingly as she moved alongside the twins and spread her towel out. She then removed her yellow string bikini top and exposed those very nicely formed breasts to my gaze. I couldn't call them "titties", since they were much too big for that term. Heck, not even fifteen and they were bigger than Brooke's. And my jaw dropped as the hot Latina girl rather proudly thrust her chest at me before turning and lying on her back. "You don't have to take off your top if you don't want to," she added.

"Easy for you to say. You've got nothing to be ashamed of," Jenny growled right back, gawking at Ana's big breasts, capped with thick, dark nipples. I couldn't blame her. I was gawking as well.

I then noticed Eden glaring at me and head-nodding to Jenny. Clearly, I was supposed to say something. My mind raced for something appropriate, and I immediately fixed on Jenny's complaint that Ana had nothing to be ashamed of. "Don't be embarrassed, Jenny," I said softly. "Guys like breasts in all shapes and sizes."

"So what, you want to see my flat chest?" Jenny scowled.

I shrugged. "Like Ana said, you don't have to do anything you don't want to. But speaking as a guy, yes, I'd love to see you topless."

Jenny blinked a few times, seemingly caught between shedding her top to join the other girls and covering herself with her shirt in terror. But then her eyes sharpened and she accused, "Easy for you to say. You spent all week with DJ, and her boobs are HUGE."

I sighed. "Clearly, I'm not with her now."

"Why is that?"

"It's complicated," I sighed, and looked away dismissively.

Jenny bit her lip nervously, and then looked over at me intently. "Would you really like to see me topless?"

My eyebrows rose, but I knew better than to do anything but take her seriously. So leveling my gaze at the pretty 14-year-old, I answered sincerely, "Yes, I would. But I would never pressure you."

"But it would only be fair if you did, too."

I chuckled. "I'm already topless." I mimed to my bare chest.

Jenny blinked twice before her eyes sharpened and she asked with an eager tone, "But would you take off your trunks?"

Ana's shot up straight and twisted around, immediately gawking over at me and the rock I was perched on, apparently even more eager than Jenny to see if I would take off my swim trunks.

I arched an eyebrow and glanced at the twins, who were looking at me thoughtfully. And then I looked back at Jenny. "Ah, I would be naked then."


"I don't think that would be appropriate."

Now it was Ana's turn to blurt, "So?"

But Jenny had already seized on another idea. "Okay. I'll take my top off if you do something for me."

My eyebrows furrowed. "For you?"

Her dark eyes were shining as she leaned forward eagerly, almost panting as she said, "Will you kiss me?"

I blinked twice and straightened my spine in surprise. "You want me to kiss you?"

She nodded quickly. "I still remember the first time I saw you kiss Dawn. We were all here ... right over there, actually." Jenny pointed to a spot further to the left. "I thought it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen," she breathed.

I blinked a few more times and glanced at the twins. Eden just nodded to me with a little smile on her face. And when I looked back at Jenny, the cute girl just bit her lip nervously again, looking adorably cute as she whimpered, "Please?"

She REALLY wanted this. So I figured, what's the harm? "Um, okay."

Jenny lit up like a Christmas Tree and she shivered before rather awkwardly shifting around, not sure if she should come to me or wait for me to come to her. I settled the matter by dropping off the rock and calmly, but steadily, walking straight over to Jenny.

When I got to her, the young girl looked ready to collapse from nerves and I shushed her soothingly while reaching a hand to brush some of the hair back from her face. She sank to her knees and I went down on one knee with her, stroking her right shoulder with my left hand while holding her cheek with my right. "Don't be nervous," I said softly.

She gulped and nodded, staring straight into my eyes without blinking. I started to move in just then, but suddenly Jenny jerked back and chirped, "Oh, wait." Her hands scrambled up and she quickly started tugging her top off, baring her not- quite A-cup breasts that were nevertheless capped by very hard, very cute pink nipples.

I grinned. "You didn't HAVE to do that," I chuckled.

"Oh. Uh, I thought- I mean, I thought you- MMPH!" Jenny stammered before I simply closed the gap and pressed my mouth to hers. She went rigidly still when my lips touched her own, her eyes flying wide in shock.

I pulled away almost as quickly, smiled warmly, and said, "Relax, Jenny. Just relax." And then still holding her cheek in my right palm, I moved in more slowly this time, giving her time to recognize my approach before I tilted my head to the side and almost experimentally tasted her lips.

"Ohhh..." Jenny moaned, her eyes fluttering. I massaged her lip pads slowly with my own, just nibbling a bit. She started panting then, her mouth opening up in a subconscious invitation, and I accepted it by slowly pushing my tongue through the gap to begin playing with hers.

"Ohhh... " Jenny moaned even deeper, and then her instincts took over. Without warning, I suddenly felt her hands clamp onto the back of my head as she pulled me closer, mashing her mouth against mine and french kissing me with wild abandon. She was wet, she was sloppy, and she was oh-so- enthusiastic. She lacked any finesse, but it was FUN.

The next thing I knew, I was flat on my back with a topless Jenny Wong sitting on my stomach, dry humping me and doing her level best to cram her tongue into my throat. I was really glad her big brother Gary wasn't around to see this. She moaned and whimpered and continued kissing me without breathing for what seemed like forever. And then suddenly, her body screamed out for oxygen and she jerked away, toppling off me and gasping for air.

"Wow!" I blinked rapidly, trying to get my bearings as I lifted myself up on my elbows.

"Ohmigod!" Jenny covered her mouth with one hand as she looked at me in astonishment. "Ohmigod!"

"Wowww, Jenny!" Eden cheered. "Didn't know you had it in you!"

"That was really nice," I complimented with a smile. It HAD been fun.

"You looked like a pro!" Emma added.

"I've never done that before!" Jenny looked wildly at Emma.

"Really? With anyone?" My baby sister arched an eyebrow. "REALLY?"

Jenny shook her head rapidly side-to-side.

"Well, then. That was a GREAT first kiss," Eden enthused.

"My turn!" Ana hopped up.

The next thing I knew, the stacked Latina had taken Jenny's place on my stomach, draping those pretty tits in my face before she got her hands around my ears and her mouth pressed up to mine.

At that point, my brain just turned off. Really, I went completely on autopilot from then until orgasm. I simply wasn't capable of rational thought anymore.

Ignoring questions of right or wrong, I filled my hands with perky teenage asscheeks, dragging Ana down until she was grinding her crotch on top of the erection in my trunks and crushing her bosom into my chest. Our tongues dueled happily as the young girl moaned in obvious heat. And she was the one who grabbed my hands and pulled them up to her firm, youthful breasts, directing me to massage and squeeze those ripe melons.

We made out to our hearts content until she took a breath of air. Ana was then unceremoniously shoved aside as Jenny's face once again filled my view. And without further ado, the cute Chinese girl was once again kissing me with enthusiastic passion. Not one to be left out, she also pulled my hands up to caress her perky titties and pinch her hard nipples, moaning happily as I worked her sensitive titflesh.

My mind was spinning out of control and I just went with the flow. With DJ momentarily out of the picture, I hadn't ejaculated since yesterday and my cum- filled brain couldn't think of anything but enjoying the ride. The next thing I knew, Ana was animatedly encouraging, "Go on! Do it! I promise I won't tell anyone!"

"You promise?"

"Uh-huh! It would be SOOO hot!"

Five seconds later, it was Eden hovering over me as my baby sister grabbed my head in her hands, taking Jenny's place as she shoved her tongue into my mouth. I felt my sister's hot little body squirming on top of me like a worm, my hands cupping her perky asscheeks and physically humping her light body against the lump in my shorts.

Thirty seconds after that, Emma moved on top of me, taking her own sister's place while I made out with her as well.

And then things REALLY started getting dangerous. Phrases I could hear but not yet process started filling my ears. A mouth always seemed to be on mine, kissing me and keeping me both blinded and distracted. And with my brain still in shut-down, I was helpless to stop what was to come.

"Can I really?"

"Go ahead! Like I said, he's our brother. We've already seen it."

"Have you touched it?"

"Uh, well..."

"Go on! I KNOW you want to."

"Switch with me!"

"Ohmigod. It's so ... BIG!"

"It's so ... HOT!"

"It's moving! It's moving! Aaah!"

"ReLAX! It's supposed to do that! Especially when you stroke it like that."

"But it looks like it's alive!"

"Switch with me!"

"Ohmigod! Are you really gonna... ? Ohmigod! You're actually sucking on it!"

"Have you ever done that before?"

"Mmm-nnnn. Ahh! No! But I think I like it!"

"How's it taste?"

"Doesn't taste like much. Kinda salty. Lemme try again!"

"No WAY!"

"Switch with me!"

"Here! You try!"

"Ohmigod! I can't believe I just did that!"

"Believe it! Try again! Watch the teeth!"

"And how would YOU know?"

"I, uh..."

"Have you ever done it to your brother?"

"C'mon! We'll never TELL!"

"Yes, already! Okay?"

"Ooh! I wanna see! I wanna see!"

"That's SOOO naughty!"

"Ohmigod, Eden! Did you just stick that whole thing in your mouth?"

"It's in her throat!"

"Lemme try again! I'll bet I can do it!"

"Switch with me!"

"It's so HOT!"

"I TOLD you!"

"I can't get it all in!"

"You gotta relax your throat! Pretend like you're swallowing food. When you gulp it'll open up."

"It's too big!"

"Watch it! He's gonna cum! He's gonna cum!"

And I was. My hips thrust upward and somebody groaned, "Mmph!" She gagged slightly but managed to keep her lips wrapped around my crown. The mouth that had been kissing me pulled away and I finally managed to raise my head and look down. And if I wasn't about to cum before, the sight before me would have been all the incentive I needed.

Ana was kneeling next to my left hip, sucking on my mushroom head with her nice tits swaying gently beneath her. Jenny was straddling my legs, stroking my shaft with both her tiny hands. Emma, with the pink headband, was beside them, giving Ana pointers. Eden, with the red scrunchie, was closer to my shoulder, apparently the one who'd been kissing me. And all four girls were wonderfully topless.

And then I erupted. Ana jerked when the first massive shot splattered against the back of her mouth. I hadn't cum since the previous afternoon before dinner, so my multiple-orgasms-per-day-trained body had built up quite the load and the young teenage girl simply wasn't prepared for it. She choked on that first blast and pulled away, coughing.

Jenny started squealing as Ana flinched, and Emma quickly leaned forward to capture my still spurting cock. My youngest baby sister drank down the next two bursts before giving way to Eden. And after another few healthy squirts Emma talked Jenny into taking me back into her mouth while I squeezed out several drops for her to lick up without them actually flying into the virginal young teen's mouth.

Once I was done, the four girls promptly ignored my cock and started chattering animatedly with each other. My usefulness complete, I seemed to be forgotten as they got all excited and started talking over one another, attitudes ranging from cocky overconfidence to absolute disbelief over what they'd done.

And NOW I had time to think about what had just taken place.

I shouldn't have done that. Maybe the kissing wouldn't have been so bad, but I'd let a group of 13 and 14-year-old girls suck my dick. I'd let my own SISTERS do it in full view of their friends. Mom would NOT be happy if she found out.

What ever happened to thinking through the consequences of my actions?

The answer was obvious: When I was thinking with my brain about how to talk to DJ, I was patient and cautious. When I was thinking with my hormones about making out with a hot, young teenager, I jumped in before the brain got working.

Story of my life...

No matter how awkward I felt over what had happened, the girls were completely unperturbed by what had taken place.

Jenny, who had expressed the most disbelief that she'd actually sucked on a boy's penis, seemed thrilled by her courage and bravado. She'd fantasized about kissing me ever since seeing the one I'd given Dawn a couple of years ago, and she was elated at having finally lived that fantasy. Sucking on my dick and tasting my cum was just a bonus, something to remember as an exciting event in her young life, as if she'd just gone skydiving or something. She HAD, unfortunately, not liked the taste and spit out what she could. She declared that it was worth a try, but that she didn't plan to swallow in the future. The twins berated her and told her she'd come to like it in time.

Ana had apparently been eager to get her first look at a boy's erect dick. While the twins had not shared their plan with Jenny for fear of scaring the shyest of them, my sisters HAD convinced Ana that bringing me along and sunbathing topless would get her a look at my erection, and Ana was delighted by the plan's success. Giving her first blowjob was beyond her wildest dreams come true. She just wanted another chance to try and swallow my load without choking. And unable to come up with a calm, rational reason why we shouldn't, the fiery young Latina started another grope-fest that resulted in all four girls once again hovering over me, taking turns sucking my dick.

That second time, the girls didn't bother practicing their kissing lessons at my other end. Eden quashed that idea by mounting my face and shoving her slick crotch against my lips, smothering me in moist, naughty sister-pussy. Of course this led to all four girls taking a ride on the Ben's-tongue-mobile, each of them getting an orgasm before Ana finally got me to pop off in her mouth for a second time. She promptly choked again.

The girls tried to work me up to a third erection, but by then, my brain had woken up enough to announce that it was time to head home and that I probably shouldn't have let them do that.

As we started hiking home, Jenny was once again beside herself in disbelief. Ana was constantly hopping around me making crude and obvious comments about sucking my dick again.

And the twins were just giddy with themselves over how everything had turned out. Not only did they get a chance to make out with me and give me a blowjob at camp, but they got their friends in on it and got them to accept they were doing it with me. I expressed some concerns about our mom and the secrecy factor, but the girls reassured me that Ana and Jenny had promised not to tell.

I wasn't sure how much I trusted the promises of 13/14-year-old girls, but I didn't have much of a choice. And even if they did keep things under wraps, I was positively FREAKING OUT over the way Jenny and Ana had changed their behavior toward me.

For example, the hike home took a lot longer than usual because Jenny and Ana repeatedly had to stop and wait for me to "help" them with obstacles, like rock- hopping across a creek or climbing over a log. Invariably, they would find ways to either run their hands over my body or pull up their shirts to flash me their boobs, laughing ecstatically at their audacity.

I was sooo dead.

Upon our return to camp, I found myself looking for a nice rock to crawl under and hide. (A) I felt rather slimy for what I'd done with a group of barely-teenagers. (B) I did NOT want anyone seeing a group of barely-teenagers flirting with me, groping me, or otherwise making it obvious to the denizens of this family camp what I'd done. And© Even if I avoided the twins and their friends, I still wasn't sure how to react if I bumped into DJ. Yeah, hiding under a rock seemed the most prudent course of action.

But then, I'm a 19-year-old guy. If I had any self-respect, hiding just wouldn't do. So deciding to take a more pro-active approach, as soon as lunch was over, I went looking for camouflage.

Thankfully, my intended camouflage was only too happy to see me. "Ben!" Adrienne smiled and sat up in her lounge chair by the lake, reaching her arms out to me for a hug.

I embraced the stunningly gorgeous blonde, momentarily sighing as I felt her massive boobs pressing against my chest. I heard her sighing as well as she nuzzled my neck before pecking my cheek and backing away.

"Hey! Where's my hug?" Felicia whined from the next lounge chair.

Smiling, I released Adrienne and moved over to the beautiful brunette. Her pale blue eyes seemed to smile on their own as she scooted back a bit in the wide lounge chair, patting the empty space she'd made. I sat down on it and let the lovely 23-year-old model wrap herself around my torso. And I couldn't help but notice her hand drifting around my belly and into my crotch.

"Whoa," I stammered in surprise when she rubbed her palm over my slowly growing bulge.

"When's my turn?" Felicia pouted, raising her silver-framed sunglasses onto her forehead and tilting her face up to look at me. "You know I was never very good at waiting patiently."

I smirked. "What? Getting bored of A.D. already?"

Felicia chuckled. "Of course not. But despite whatever fantasies you may be having, it's not like we're spending every free moment getting naked and sixty- nining."

"Oh, not always sixty-nining. I'm sure you take turns." I grinned and Felicia slapped my leg, giggling herself.

"I mean it," Felicia sighed and then leered at Adrienne. "Course, I wish we could ... That is one grade-A piece of pussy and I haven't even gotten a sniff of it. Stupid monogamy..."

"Guys..." Adrienne drawled a warning.

Felicia held her hands up in surrender. "No more teasing," she told Adrienne before turning back to me. "But seriously, Ben, I've been craving a good dicking for DAYS. And I've been craving yours." Her voice had dropped to a sensual purr.

I smiled. It would have been impossible not to after such a beautiful creature told me she wanted my dick. But I glanced at Adrienne and got a minor shrug out of her, leading me to ask, "So what HAVE you two been doing this entire time."

Felicia lay back, glancing over at the blonde. "We talk. Actually, I've been trying to convince Adrienne to come see my agent. I really think your girlfr- ... ah... 'sister' [giggle] ... would be incredible as a lingerie and swimsuit model."

"I'm still in school," Adrienne sighed, shaking her head at me.

"So?" Felicia cut in. "I keep telling her, I went to school and finished my degree while modeling part-time. She's just across the Bay Bridge from the city. It's no big deal. Can you imagine her on the cover of Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit Edition?"

Adrienne exhaled and looked at me. "What do you think?"

I blinked twice at the thought and glanced over at my adoptive sister. Adrienne was reclined in a perfect Victoria's Secret pose on the lounge chair, one forearm raised behind herself as a headrest and her hips turned on one side toward us. The bikini she wore today was traditionally styled, with triangles over her F-cup tits and a shallow V-shape bottom that drew one's attention downward. The swimsuit was pretty similar to lingerie and I had to admit, Adrienne would be exquisite in the folds of a lingerie catalog. "Good idea," I mumbled beneath my breath.

Adrienne immediately folded her arms over her chest, trying to block my view. "You're just saying that because you're staring at my tits."

I sighed. "And so will a million other men. Face it; you've got what it takes."

"There are thousands of girls with big tits."

"But not with a face like yours, A.D.," Felicia intoned. "Nor that body. Good lord, Ben, look at that tummy! And those hips. And those legs. Don't you just want to ... to... mount her?"

I groaned and bit my lip as a surge of lust coursed through my body. And I winced as I turned away. "We're broken up now, Felice," I said in a warning tone. "Please don't do that to me."

"Aww ... did I get you hard?" the sexy temptress hummed while reaching around me, once again moving her hand over my crotch and finding that yes, she'd gotten me hard. I wondered if there were any parental-types nearby to see us.

"Stop teasing him, Felicia," Adrienne barked. "Besides, Ben's biased."

"Maybe. Should we head over to that group of guys down there and ask them if you'd make a good lingerie model?" Felicia laughed as she pointed away toward a group of guys heading along the beach.

I followed the line Felicia was pointing at, but my gaze locked onto a spot just past the group of guys. A flash of sunny blonde hair had caught my attention, and I realized that DJ was sitting with Brooke, Andrew, and some of their other friends.

Adrienne noticed the change in my posture, and noticed where I was looking as well. Perfectly happy to change the subject, she reached over and touched my leg. "Ben, what's going on with you and DJ?"

I sighed. "It's..."

"Complicated," Adrienne finished. "When is it NOT complicated with you?"

I smiled wryly and glanced over at my ex-girlfriend/now-sister. "Don't look at me. You defined the term 'complicated' with the way our relationship started." I pointed back and forth between her and myself.

Adrienne blushed and sat back, momentarily abashed. But her little comment had released some of my internal tension, so I just sighed and said, "DJ's got a big crush on me."

"So? We knew that," Felicia remarked. "Why do you think I haven't jumped you yet? That girl clearly wanted a piece of you first, and she seemed to have it for a few days there."

I bit my lip. "She said she's in love with me. Like, really, really 'in love'."

"Ahhh..." My two companions nodded simultaneously. Then Felicia arched an eyebrow, "And you told her you don't feel the same way?"

I shook my head. "I haven't told her anything. She kissed me, told me she loved me, and then ran away. We've been awkwardly avoiding each other ever since."


"Oww!" I turned and held the back of my head, where Adrienne had smacked me. "What was that for?"

"You moron! Didn't you learn anything from Paige?"

"What? Not to give her a false sense of hope?"

"No," Adrienne rolled her eyes. "You can't let this thing fester. You strung Paige along for what, six MONTHS, without committing or rejecting or anything, really. Until you finally accepted her on Valentine's Day. Remember?"

"Of course!"

"You've got to deal with this up front, Ben; nip this in the bud." Adrienne sighed. "Talk to her."

"How? I talked to Paige up front and told her I didn't have the same feelings for her."

"'Yet'. You told Paige 'yet'. Or something like, 'We can't be more than friends for now," Adrienne clarified. "THAT'S giving a girl a false sense of hope."

I winced, remembering those old conversations.

"You need to resolve this, and soon." Adrienne glowered at me.

"But I don't want to hurt her," I moaned.

"You'll only hurt her more if you wait," Felicia intoned, looking at the sand before flicking her pale blue eyes up to me. "Trust me. I know."

"What's this with every girl falling in love with me?" I shook my head, frowning at Felicia.

The gorgeous older woman raised her eyebrows and gave me a wan smile. "You're just special," she practically breathed.


"Oww!" I turned and held the back of my head again, glaring at Adrienne.

"Don't let it get to your head. Not EVERY girl falls in love with you," she smirked at me. "All the sweet, nice ones avoid you as if your mere touch will get them pregnant. The sexually liberated ones like Brandi's and Dayna's friends just want to hook up with you."

I arched an eyebrow, remembering all the girls I'd known from High School through College. She had a point: despite my many conquests, I really hadn't conquered that many hearts.

Adrienne grabbed my head in her hands and held it in place, forcing me to look her in the eyes. "It takes an extraordinary kind of girl to fall in love with you, Tiger, your wandering eye and proclivities and all." She turned my head to look at Felicia, who smiled prettily, before bringing me back to her own hazel irises. "We're one in a million. We're special, and don't you forget it. And even though you don't feel the same way as DJ, you'd better treat her like the special girl she is."

I sighed and nodded.

Adrienne patted my back, and then rubbed my shoulder and leaned in. "Now go over and get this resolved with DJ. And hurry up about it. If things turn out bad, we'll just drag you back to Felicia's cabin and you can fuck her silly until you feel better."

"Maybe he should fuck me silly NOW," Felicia interrupted. "Y'know, to, uh ... help ... his confidence ... or something..."

Adrienne smirked and gestured with her head. "Go to DJ, Ben. You've got to nip this in the bud."

"Aww..." Felicia whined.

I got up and started heading over.

Brooke saw me first. She was cuddled up with Andrew on one of the lounge chairs and reached across to tap DJ's arm. The pretty blonde sat up and looked at her best friend before seeing Brooke nod in my direction, and then DJ visibly stiffened when she turned around and saw me approaching.

"Hey, let's get in the water," Brooke suggested to Andrew and the three other friends who were with them. One of the other guys didn't immediately get it, and he groaned about being tired. But a cute brunette next to him reached out and smacked the guy, who finally sat up and saw DJ staring straight at me. He finally got the hint and moved off with everyone else.

"Hi, Ben," DJ said nervously, looking at my belly button.

I paused and tried to formulate my words in my head. Adrienne's prodding had gotten me here, but she hadn't told me what to say. And even though it had only been a single day since DJ's confession of love, it felt like it had been an eternity. In the end, I simply sat down across from her, trying to keep my mind focused and my eyes off her perfectly-formed body shown to perfection in a black bikini. And I started with a question. "Why did you tell me Dawn would be okay with us going to the clearing? We could have had just as much fun at your cabin or somewhere else."

DJ immediately deflated, seeing as the conversation had started off on a negative. She wrung her hands together anxiously and looked away. "Because I thought it was important for us to go there. You were always relaxed and happy in that place, no matter who else was around. Magical things always happened at that clearing." Her eyes flicked to me. "People fall in love there... I fell in love with you there."

I blinked in surprise at the heartfelt sincerity in her tone, the deep longing in her voice. I sighed, "But did you know Dawn would get upset about us going alone?"

She nodded. "I figured."

"Then why do it?"

She shook her head. "I didn't realize you would call Dawn on her birthday. I thought she would never know until after we all went back home. And by then it would be too late for her to do anything about it."

"About what?"

DJ sighed, wincing. She looked like she was about to speak a few times, but kept stopping herself. And while I waited her out, I let my own mind work to put the pieces together.

I sighed. "Too late for Dawn to do anything about me falling in love with you, right?"

DJ squeezed her eyes shut and nodded, her whole body shuddered as she fought back the urge to break down sobbing.

I leaned forward, moving to embrace the shaking girl. I wanted to be comforting, but Adrienne had been right, I couldn't say anything that would lead her on. "Hey, hey, kiddo..." I soothed, hugging her against my chest and stroking her arm. "Shhh..."

Between the soothing words and the feel of me wrapped around her, DJ pulled herself back from the brink of tears and eventually sat up straighter. I loosened my grip as she reached up with her left hand to wipe her eyes and brush her silky hair behind her ears. "You don't have those kind of feelings for me, do you?" she asked quietly.

"No, kiddo." I patted her shoulder.

"You don't think you ever would?"

I sighed. "I don't want to say 'never'," I began before kicking myself for leaving any ambiguity. "But I don't think so. I'll always love you like a little sister."

DJ whimpered. "I'm not a little girl anymore."

"I know you're not."

"Then why aren't I worth loving?"

I exhaled, rolling her question around in my head. Adrienne was right: it took an extraordinary kind of girl to be the right fit for me, and DJ was one of them. "You are, DJ. You are."

"Then... ?" She looked up at me with moisture-filled eyes. The crystal blue was so much like Dawn's and it made me ache inside to see her unhappy. I think I was just programmed after two decades to be sensitive and responsive to my sisters and to the Evans girls being unhappy, driving me to do whatever I could to make things right for them.

My thumbs went up and brushed away the tears from her cheeks and I pecked her forehead, being affectionate and also giving myself time to think of the right words. A part of me wanted to say that I just never really thought of it before, seeing as I was first dating Dawn and then Adrienne. But all that would do was reinforce DJ's notion that she just had to introduce the idea of dating her this summer and do whatever she could to convince me to fall in love with her. And that wasn't a path that I wanted to go down. It wasn't that I was totally against the idea. DJ was a gorgeous girl, the daughter of my family's good friends, and someone special I'd known for most of my life.

But she was Dawn's little sister. It would just be ... wrong ... I couldn't wrap my head around it.

So I sighed and told her, honestly, "DJ, I could never do that to Dawn."

She whimpered and looked at me. "Why not?"

"She's still my best friend and still very important to me. Think about it, would you even consider stealing Andrew from Brooke?"

"Of course not. But this is totally different. Dawn's not even WITH you! She's dating Ryan."

"I know, I know..." I replied calmly, shushing and soothing her. "But how could I do this behind Dawn's back? Did you really want to be with me and have a romance all summer without her even knowing? Could you really seduce me, make me fall in love with you, and then just rub it in her face saying, 'Too late! I got him!'"

DJ whimpered, searching into my eyes. "This is my ONE chance with you, Ben. I HAVE to take it."

I sighed and shook my head. "Why do you even want ME? There're a million guys out there, Deej. Why your big sister's best friend?"

She blinked several times, breathing shallowly and staring straight at me for a long few seconds. Then her hands came up, her palms coming to rest on my cheeks. "Because you're you. Because I've seen from the time I was a little girl how wonderful you are. Because you weren't just a big brother to Brooke and the twins. For all those years, you looked after and protected me, too."

DJ took a deep breath, tracing her fingertips down my cheeks and neck until she rested them against my chest. And then she added, "Because you're the most handsome man I've ever seen, more than stupid movie stars and boy band guys. Because every time I look at you, I get fuzzy feelings in the pit of my stomach and I get wet between my legs. And because my first ever great orgasm was at camp when Brooke and I finally followed you guys to the clearing and we masturbated while watching you making love."

My eyebrows rose at that little revelation.

She took a deep breath. "And because even though you didn't take my virginity, I never really enjoyed sex until you came and did me right," DJ breathed, her ample chest rising and falling dramatically. I had to pause and catch my breath as well.

"I watched how you were as a boyfriend with Dawn. I saw how happy you made her, and I decided right then for myself that I wouldn't settle for anything less. I've dated boys. I've had sex with some of them, too. But none of them made me feel as happy as you made Dawn. None of them fucked me as well as you have. None of them have ever compared to you."

By now, DJ had brought her face to within a millimeter of mine, her hot breath against my lips and her nose softly rubbing against mine. Those crystal blue eyes stared adoringly right at me, and I felt my whole body quivering with tension. I wanted her, and not just physically.

"I'm not that great, DJ," I said softly, struggling to maintain a grip on myself. "I'm a flawed, flawed man."

"You're perfect to me," the hot teenager replied, and immediately she planted a fierce kiss right on my lips.

There's something special about the Evans girls. Maybe it's something chemical about them, something combustible when it comes into contact with me and the members of my family. Whatever it is, a supervolcanic explosion of passion and emotion flooded through me when DJ kissed me. And I found myself whimpering helplessly beneath the onslaught of more bliss and ecstasy than I realized was possible.

DJ set a fire inside me hotter than anyone since Dawn, hotter even than Adrienne. I'd loved Adrienne, passionately. But one of my biggest attractions to Adrienne was her need of me. It had felt good to be needed so completely. But she'd never resonated in my soul the way Dawn did.

DJ resonated. She turned me on. I wanted her. I wanted her body. But more than that, right now I needed her.

I needed to love again. Adrienne had broken up with me. Paige had dumped me. Dawn had declared that she still wanted to be with Ryan. And if it took an extraordinary kind of girl to be right for me, when would the next one come? Adrienne said that they were one in a million. Would there ever BE a next one?

I was alone.

I was lonely.

I wanted to feel loved again.

And DJ wanted to love me.

It all made sense, right? DJ was an Evans girl: she was drop-dead gorgeous, a fucking mink in the sack, and she just "clicked" with me. She wanted to love me and I wanted to be loved. It all made sense!

So I didn't have the strength of love for her ... yet. I had no doubt it would come. I just hadn't given it much thought before, dating her sister or dating Adrienne and seeing her as just a little girl. DJ was right: this was her chance to step up and show me how great we could be together. With Dawn gone and Adrienne stepping back, this was OUR opportunity to see how great we could be together.

DJ wanted to love me. And I wanted to love her right back.

She was still smothering me with that supervolcanic kiss when I found that I was kissing her right back. We intertwined our tongues together and mashed our lips for what felt like hours before finally pulling away to breathe. By then, my head was absolutely spinning.

DJ gripped my shoulders, her crystal eyes burning with bright blue flame. "My cabin should be empty until dinner," she panted.

I cinched my hands tighter around her back and growled, "Let's go."

DJ held my hand in hers as we sprinted for the Evans cabin. Giggling and laughing, we raced past other campers, oblivious to their identities. No one existed in our world but each other.

No sooner did we pass through the door than DJ leaped into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my shoulders while she did her best to permanently embed her tongue in my throat.

My fingers were already opening the hook on her bikini top, and I managed to stagger us into the main bunkroom. With my left hand still supporting her back, I then yanked off the red and white garment with my right and tossed it away into a corner before bending over and gently laying my blonde angel onto the bed. DJ giggled and immediately started wriggling out of her bottoms while I dropped my swim trunks to my ankles. And then I had to stop and admire the gorgeous young creature on the bed before me.

DJ was the very definition of "incendiary". Her body simply set me on fire.

Her fine blonde hair, still in pigtails, was neatly tucked behind her. That left nothing to distract my focus on her sculpted cheekbones and piercing blue eyes. Playboy had some nice bodies but they had NOTHING on the beauty of DJ's face. Delicate shoulders and prominent collarbones framed a sleek, slender torso, where the firm mounds of her over-proportionally large breasts remained firm and upright with minimal support, and they were all real. I could see the hint of her ribcage before DJ's taut tummy took over with just the delicate ripples of her abs. Her narrow hips perfectly circled around a pretty pussy, her shaven labia surrounding the moist, pink center. And her legs seemed long enough to drape off the bed and wrap around me even though I was several feet away. She was exquisite.

A sense of déjà vu struck me just then. Two years ago, Dawn was about the same age and about in the same position. A lifetime of drama had passed between us since then, with Dawn moving on in her life to other things and a different man. Maybe this was how things were supposed to be. Maybe DJ was my second chance to do things over and do them right.

DJ beckoned me to her by reaching under her own knees and pulling her legs back, spreading herself in an inviting "V". My cock was rock hard and bouncing off my own belly as I clambered onto the mattress and moved myself on top of her. We wasted no time and needed no further foreplay as she grabbed my hips and guided me into place, throwing her head back and groaning as my thick prod penetrated to her very core, filling her up with the physical expression of my love for her.

Only after we were joined did she reach for me, DJ cradling my cheeks and pulling me down for another of those supervolcanic kisses that were so similar and yet different from Dawn's. The kiss practically melted my brain, sucking all the oxygen out of me, sucking my awareness, and reaching for a part of my soul. And through it all, our hot, sweaty bodies pounded and lunged at each other.

At some point, DJ raised her legs up and over my shoulders, crossing her ankles behind my head and digging her fingernails into my ass to urge me deeper into her welcoming body. "Fuck me, Ben..." she groaned right in my face. "Fuck me ... Oh, you're so fucking deep!"

I jackhammered myself into her folded-over body, my pelvis slapping audibly against the backs of her thighs with each stroke. DJ thrashed and jiggled beneath me, tossing her head left and right. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!" She threw her head back and shrieked in ecstasy as an orgasm quaked through her.

She shook so hard that I stopped thrusting, reaching down to hold her body and keep her pinned beneath me while I fought to not get bucked off. After ten seconds or so, her hips stopped bouncing and I started to relax. But just then, she kicked out with her legs, pushing against my chest until I popped out of her and then the sexy young blonde was scrambling to flip us over.

My back hit the mattress with a heavy [whump] and then DJ was squatting over me, hurriedly guiding my prick back inside her body while she leaned forward, draping those big tits into my face while she eagerly started humping herself up and down my shaft.

"Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck," she chanted happily, her swollen breasts slapping against my cheeks rather comically while she grinned at some imaginary point a few feet above my head, her eyes shut as she concentrated on the feel of my throbbing dick inside her tight tunnel.

I grabbed onto the sides of her big tits, mashing my face amongst them and suckling at whatever nipples I could get to. I reached up to her face then, pulling her to me while she automatically gaped her mouth open to receive my tongue. And then we were moaning and groaning in this ancient dance of lust and love while bolts of lightning shot through the both of us.

DJ only started to slow down after her second orgasm. I was gripping her buttcheeks, guiding her frantic humping motions to make sure she didn't accidentally vault off the end of my dick and interrupt the incredible feelings she was giving the both of us. I rubbed and squeezed that tender flesh, and at just the right moment, my left hand abruptly let go of her ass and I sank my middle finger through her clenched anus.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" The blonde teenager shrieked. "Fuuuuuuuck!!!"

Quite pleased with myself, I drilled my left middle finger deeper, setting off all those tight nerve bundles she had in there. DJ's legs snapped shut on either side of my hips, squeezing the same way her pussy muscles were clamping down around my shaft. She arched her head and let out a guttural groan of pleasure. And once the climax passed through her, she ground to a halt and bent over to rest her forehead on top of mine, gasping for oxygen.

"Oh, Ben..." she crooned, her eyes closed as she basked in the glow of orgasm.

"Hey, kiddo," I replied in a soothing voice, brushing her rosy cheek with the tips of the fingers on my right hand, still massaging her colon with my left.

"Ohhh..." she groaned. "I adore Brooke and my sisters and my girlfriends," she sighed. "And they make me feel sooo good. But there's nothing quite like a man who knows what he's doing. Nothing better than having a thick column of meat throbbing inside my little pussy. And there's no one better than you."

I smiled at the praise while she lifted her forehead off mine and started stroking my face in her hands. "I still remember being alone with you two years ago," she began. "Giving me my very first shower with a boy. You told me I was still young and had time to teach other boys how to please me."

I blinked twice and nodded. "I remember."

"Well I've had other boys now, Ben. But the only one I want ... is you."

I beamed and pecked her lips. "I'm yours."

I didn't think it was possible for DJ to smile any brighter.

She planted a fresh supervolcanic kiss on me and started squeezing with her cunt muscles, gripping and massaging and rippling as her hips started undulating once again. I'd managed to hold out through DJ's first two orgasms, but the new sensations were going straight to my brain and as I groaned into her kiss, I rolled us over so I could finish myself off.

The sexy young blonde happily flung herself onto her back and spread her legs while I gripped my dick and re-aimed it back into her pussy. She grunted as my heavy weight dropped on top of her and her arms hooked under to grab my shoulders from behind. And then she immediately began humping herself up to meet my thrusting strokes while our mouths re-joined together.

"Mmph... [gasp] ... Nngh! ... Ahhh ... Oh, fuck!" DJ whimpered a succession of cute little moans while our hips rhythmically pounded together. Her pussy was an exquisitely tight furrow of pleasure which my thick cock dug through over and over and over again. I could feel every ridge and veiny bump of my shaft rubbing against her inner walls on every stroke, setting off little sparks of delight for both of us. And through it all, the pulses of her heartbeat tickled my dick's nerves, her pussy fucking back at me in a way that was uniquely hers.

Soon enough, I felt my eruption boiling inside me. And DJ was right with me.

"Cumming!" she announced, tearing her mouth away from mine while her whole body undulated like ocean waves. "I'm cumming! Cum in me! Cum in me!"

I got to the short rows, pumping rapidly while bending my own mouth to her neck, biting into it and sucking powerfully to mark this gorgeous creature as my own. I wanted DJ to display my hickey, to walk around with me as my love, my girlfriend, for all the world to see. And while gripping her body with every ounce of energy and feeling her gripping mine, I let fly with my ejaculation, blasting her innards with my scalding hot sperm and marking her that way as well.

DJ thrashed as she felt me both biting down on her neck and splattering her womb with my heavy spunk. She screamed at the mixed pain and pleasure. And her nails dug into my back as she urged me deeper and deeper, pleading with me to fill her with even more of my creamy jism.

Long past the duration I would have believed, DJ was still trembling in the aftershocks of orgasm while I squeezed out the final few drops of jism into the back of my lover's womb. My entire body had collapsed down, smothering her beneath me. And with my chest compressing hers, the young beauty panted for air while deliriously reliving the glory of our orgasms.

Melded together as one, our loins as intimately joined as possible, we stayed clinched for an eternity. I knew DJ would be perfectly happy to feel my hot, sweaty body crushing hers for even longer. But I heard the shallowness of her breath and I rolled myself off to let her sharply inhale more oxygen.

As soon as I rolled off, a veritable river of mingled cum dribbled out and onto the bed. She moaned and reached a hand down to cover her pussy, trying to keep my cum inside her.

I smiled and rolled back up to DJ's side, throwing a leg over hers and reaching up with my right arm to cup her big left breast against my palm. My nose tickled her ear until she turned her face to mine. And from millimeters away, I smiled happily and said, "DJ, I love you."

I had been wrong. DJ could smile brighter.

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