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6.69% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 17: Chapter 15: Cheater

Chapter 17: Chapter 15: Cheater

The guilt hit me well before I got back to my house.

I'd only felt this kind of guilt once before: the last time I'd cheated. And I was under no illusions that what I'd done was anything but cheating. Adrienne was my girlfriend. Cassidy was not. Having sex with Cassidy was cheating. Period.

It didn't matter that I was pretty damn sure Adrienne was cheating on me. The sudden afternoon absences. The constant flirting with Jake. And besides, it was her nature. You can't tame a wild animal, not overnight. A month and a half ago, Adrienne was perfectly content to cheat on her boyfriend with me. Candy and Trevor boinked other people all the time. What was it Donna had said? It wasn't about love, just sex. It was a way they'd always done things.

But it wasn't the way I knew I should be doing things. I'd spent enough time being the nice guy who listened to my female friends to know that as much as they hated guys blabbing about their conquests, they REALLY hated their guys cheating on them.

And I was falling for Adrienne. We had the most intense physical and emotional relationship I'd ever known! Our passion for each other scaled the greatest heights and filled me with a burning flame of desire bigger and brighter than anything I'd ever felt before. Yeah, I'd still had a lingering fondness for Cassidy. But Adrienne was my girlfriend and I owed it to her to do everything I could for our relationship.

I'd fix this ... if I could. But right now, I had to face that I'd cheated. I was lower than pond scum.

When I got home, I couldn't even look Brooke in the eye. She took one sniff of me and then gave me a knowing grin as I raced past her and headed up the stairs. If only she knew WHO I'd just been with.

I was going to hell.


The guilt didn't leave me alone when I'd cheated on Megan and Cassidy. The guilt wouldn't leave me alone now, either. You might ask, if the guilt bothered me so much, why the hell did I do it in the first place?

I don't know. I'm just a stupid 17-year-old boy.

So I had to come clean with Adrienne. Hey, maybe she wouldn't care. Maybe she'd just wave me away with a dismissive, 'Oh, I figured you'd been banging Cassidy for months from the way you two always hang out together. It's no big deal.' After all, it was just the way her crowd did things, right?

Of course, even if she did accept my pussy on the side, could I handle her shagging Jake on the side?

Well, from the way my teeth ground together at the mere thought, probably not.

I didn't have a plan. I had no idea what I was going to say. But I needed to talk to my girlfriend before I drove myself insane. So the first thing I did upon arrival at school was go looking for Adrienne.

She wasn't in her usual spot. My teeth started grinding again. If I found her bumping her hip into Jake on the way to their next class, I was gonna rip his heart out, whether or not the guy outweighed me by forty pounds.

Looking around frantically, I was just about to take off when someone called from behind me, "Ben!" And I spun around at the familiar, feminine voice.

Candy Carter stood before me, tilting her head to the side as she fixed me with her sparkling blue eyes. "You looking for Adrienne?"

I nodded quickly.

"She's home sick today. You should give her a call later; make sure she's doing okay."

My jaw dropped. I had been cycling my brain through so many different scenarios for the way our conversation would play out, and the idea that she wouldn't be at school never even occurred to me. "Uh, okay ... thanks, Candy."

The cheery brunette smiled. "No problem. See ya around, Ben."

Now what?

Even absent Adrienne, I still ate lunch with my new crowd. With my girlfriend currently out of the way, Mizuho flirted with me incessantly and dropped more than one hint that she wouldn't mind if I paid her a visit without Adrienne. I wasn't sure if I should take the cute Asian chick seriously or just chalk it up to flirting. In this world of casual sex and acceptable cheating, Mizuho might very well be serious in her innuendoes.

Candy and Summer dragged me into some idle school gossip. Trevor and Jae moaned with me about girls and shopping. And Lynne sat next to me, chatting about our Chemistry homework. Amongst the cheerleaders, Lynne was probably the closest in temperament and personality to my old crew, not to mention that we were among the few Juniors at the table. And the two of us had started to get really comfortable around each other as friends.

Actually, I was starting to get comfortable with all of them. Despite their status as some of the elite on campus, they'd accepted me in and made me feel like one of them. But a sudden fear gnawed at me from the inside. If Adrienne dumped me for cheating, then where the hell would I eat lunch?

I didn't run into Cassidy until after the last period. Well, I didn't just run into her. I actively went and sought her out, making a beeline for her locker after the final bell instead of stopping by my own locker first.

She'd had such a glow about her while we made love over and over yesterday afternoon. It was a look of fulfilled happiness, as if reuniting with me was a dream come true. I'd been frazzled enough over the past few hours that the mere idea of basking in Cassidy's loving warmth for a little while was as appealing as the idea of slipping into a steaming hot tub after a sore day of aching muscles.

Which was why I was so surprised when Cassidy greeted me with an unpleasant, hissing, "Ben! What are you doing here?"

"I, uh, wanted to see you, Freckles," I managed to stammer out.

She took a deep breath and glanced around for a second, no doubt searching to find if any of our friends were in the immediate vicinity. "Did you break up with her?"

My eyebrows furrowed. "Well, uh..." I stalled.

"Look, Ben," Cassidy stepped forward until her face was just inches from mine. "I loved yesterday. I wasn't expecting it, but I was thrilled that it happened. You make my insides all mushy and the orgasms you give me are incredible! But I can't do this. I can't be the 'other woman'. I feel ... dirty ... just standing next to you right now, okay?"

"Cassidy..." I pleaded with my eyes.

"No, Ben. I'm not having sex with you again."

I frowned. "I didn't come over here to ask for sex."

"Then why did you come over?" She shook her head with an annoyed expression on her face.

"Because you're my friend! And I miss talking to you."

Cassidy pouted. "If we talk or spend more than three minutes together, I'm going to want to kiss you, Ben. And if I kiss you then I'm going to want to fuck you. And we can't do that. You're taken." Cassidy's green eyes were dull. "And I made you cheat ... again..."

I winced, realizing how much my cheating had hurt my girlfriends before. In a forlorn voice, I began, "Freckles..."

Cassidy started turning away. "Look. Figure things out with your girlfriend. Then ... then ... I don't know ... But you've got to work this out with Adrienne first." And then my cute ex-girlfriend hurried off.

Brooke was waiting for me at our rendezvous point after school. She was holding hands with Perry Anderson, smiling and giggling and exchanging cute-looking pecks. There was no tongue, just little baby kisses. I sighed and thought about what life used to be like as a freshman, before sex made everything so damn complicated.

I thought of what it must be like to be Perry right now, with just one steady girlfriend who wasn't ready for full intercourse yet. He probably went home and jerked off to thoughts of seeing his girlfriend naked, and all he had to worry about on a date was how far she'd let him go. Would she maybe let him touch her breasts? Outside the shirt or in?

Sure, I'd had some of the most wild and crazy sex possible. But at least if I were in Perry's situation, my head wouldn't hurt this much.

That afternoon, I sat on my bed, tossing the telephone receiver back and forth between my hands. I wanted to call Adrienne, to make sure she was okay. But what would I say? Would it just be a friendly boyfriend check-up? Would I confess all my sins?

The more I tried to organize my thoughts, the more cluttered my mind became. Searching for a way out, my thoughts turned to my best friend in the world, Dawn Evans. She was a girl. Maybe she could help me figure this all out? I punched in the area code and the first four digits of her phone number before I winced and hung up the handset. What would I say to HER? Organize, organize!

I couldn't think. My thoughts were still too jumbled. I picked up the phone in another attempt to call ... SOMEONE. Adrienne? Dawn? Maybe even Megan? My brain cluttered and cluttered until the big mess was just too overwhelming and I slammed the handset back into the telephone cradle and just stood up.

I was on the sidewalk heading for Adrienne's house before I even realized it. And along the way, the clutter came back and I started panicking once again. I wasn't ready to go to Adrienne's house. I still didn't know what I was going to say. The last time I just blurted out that I'd cheated, I'd gone home with bruises on my face and on my arms from where Megan and Cassidy had tried to beat me to death. I wasn't looking forward to a repeat.

What the hell should I do?

The answer came two steps later. I'd reached the walkway up to Keira McNeil's house. And on impulse, I turned and went to the doorbell, ringing it twice.

Keira answered a few moments later. "Ben!" She exclaimed in surprise and opened her arms to me. She was wearing a casual blouse and slacks, comfortable work clothes.

I gave her a chaste hug and she invited me inside. I made no moves to initiate any kind of physical contact. She'd made clear the last few times we met that she wanted to remain platonic friends while she hunted for Mr. Right. And when I sat on the couch, she took a wing chair opposite me and leaned forward. "So what brings you here, Ben?"

I grimaced and before I could say anything, Keira chuckled and said, "Lemme guess: girl troubles?"

I winced. "How'd you know?"

"You're seventeen, Ben. What else could it be?"

I sighed. "I've been ... I've been bad. I've done some things I'm not proud of."

Both Keira's eyebrows went up as she looked at me intently. Her sharp green eyes narrowed, she canted her head, and then asked, "You cheat on Adrienne?"

I winced.

"I'll take that as a yes." Keira sighed and searched my eyes. I'm not sure how she did it, but she could read me like a book. "This wasn't even the first time you'd cheated on someone." It was a statement, not a question.

I nodded. Back in the day, I'd told Keira everything about my love life. She was my confidant and I knew my secrets were safe with her. She knew about Megan and Cassidy and Dawn and Dayna and even Brandi. But after the whole Adrienne incident, I'd sort of lost that close contact with my first lover. Adrienne had used the threat of exposing Keira as one tool in seducing me, and I couldn't bear to reveal to Keira just how close she'd come to getting thrown in jail.

But I now told Keira everything else. She knew I'd broken up with my two girlfriends and started dating Adrienne, but she hadn't known the details. I explained about Adrienne seducing me and leading to my admission of cheating to my girlfriends. I explained about getting dumped and Megan and Cassidy's vastly different reactions. And I explained about dating Adrienne and even told her about the Spring Break and the drugs and organized orgy with Mizuho and Candy and the rest. And then I told her about my suspicions regarding Jake and how I'd slept with Cassidy on Monday.

When I was done, Keira was wide-eyed as she leaned back in her chair. "Wow ... I've created a monster."

"Monster?" My eyebrow arched up.

Keira laughed. "You certainly get around Ben. A lot more than I remember anyone doing when they were your age. Still, I'm glad to know the things I taught you are getting put to good use."

I moaned forlornly, "But what do I do now?"

Keira took a deep breath and looked at me with soft green eyes. She shook her head slowly and then tilted her head to the side. And in a quiet voice, she said, "Maybe you should step back from the whole dating scene for a while, Ben. This web of relationships you've got yourself tangled in is clearly too complicated, and I think you could use some time to collect yourself and figure out what you really want, and not just be led around by your dick."

"Step back? What, you mean like break up with Adrienne?"

She nodded.

"I can't do that. I love her," I protested.

"Ben, you're barely seventeen. You don't know what love is," Keira said gently.

"Of course I do!" I vehemently insisted.

She sighed. "Okay, to how many girls have you said the phrase 'I love you'?"

My jaw waggled but I immediately started counting: Keira, Megan, Dawn, Brandi, Cassidy, Adrienne. I think that was it. But I felt guilty about the number. "Well, uh..." I stalled.

"Is it over two?"

I gave her an 'of course' look. She already knew with certainty that I'd said the phrase to her as well as to Adrienne. She could guess that Megan and Cassidy, being girlfriends, had also been told they were loved.

"Over five?" Keira asked with raised eyebrows.

Now I bit my lip and blushed with embarrassment. Keira just sighed. "Ben, it's been what, a year? Do you really think you were in love with more than five girls in that much time?"

"Sure." I shrugged.

"That's not love, Ben. That's lust. At best, it's infatuation. I KNOW. I've felt it, too. I even thought I was in love with you, Ben. I wasn't. I LOVED what we were doing. I LOVED feeling like I was in love. I LOVED feeling like I had someone beside me. But it wasn't love, Ben."

I stood up, feeling hurt that my love was being challenged. I KNEW what I felt inside. I knew how being around those girls warmed my heart. I knew I was right. "I loved you, Keira. Still do, in a way."

She softened and gave me a wan smile. "You're sweet, Ben. But that's just my point. I tried to tell you before, but I guess this just reminds me why I shouldn't be dating a teenager." Keira stood up with me and touched my cheek. "You'll learn about real love, Ben. Someday, you'll understand."

Feeling like I was being condescended to, I frowned and turned away. I'd show her. I'd go and work things out with Adrienne. I'd prove to Keira that I understood real love. And Adrienne and I would last forever.

My confidence that Adrienne and I would last forever began to wane the moment I left Keira's front door. And with every step forward I took across the street to Adrienne's house, I felt a little more of that confidence melting away. Would she forgive me? Would she not care? Would I be able to cope with her and Jake screwing around?

There was no answer when I rang the doorbell. Frowning, I went to ring the bell again but noticed that the front door was just barely off its doorjamb. Pinching my eyebrows together, I hesitantly reached out with my fingers and gently pushed, and the door swung open.

Cautiously, I pushed the door before me as I stepped into the house, listening for the sounds of any human activity. There was none, and I called out in a hesitant voice, "Adrienne?"

There was no immediate response, and I closed the door behind me. Then once more I called, "Adrienne?" Still no response.

The notion that I was in Adrienne's house without being invited inside made me nervous, and I walked slowly and softly, trying not to make any noise. This was WEIRD.

Quietly, I headed for Adrienne's bedroom. And as I turned down the hallway, I heard a low female moan float through the door of her bedroom. I recognized the moan. It was Adrienne's moan.

Still silent, I padded forward and heard the muffled thump of something banging against wood, and then Adrienne moaned again. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck go up as my mind started racing for conclusions. Was she? Right now?

I squeezed my eyes shut as if it would help ward away the evil thoughts creeping into my brain. First, there were Adrienne's mysterious absences the past couple of weeks. Then there was her constant flirting with Jake. I'd only seen them maybe three times, but I KNEW there was even more flirting while I wasn't around. And after claiming she had other plans on MY Monday afternoon, she'd completely skipped going to school today. Was it because Jake had fucked her brains out and she couldn't show her face to me the next day? Was it because Jake was STILL in her bedroom fucking her brains out even right now?

Motherfucker! Adrienne was fucking cheating on me RIGHT NOW! She was in there, getting screwed and bumping up against the headboard! And with a grimace of rage, I stomped down the last few feet to her bedroom, twisted the knob, and flung the offending door out of my way.

Wincing, Adrienne sat up straighter in bed, her skin pale and clammy, her hair a tangled mess. She squinted at me for a second and then asked in a weak voice, "Ben?"

I blinked several times, my head twisting left and right, looking for a phantom Jake Harbor who wasn't there. And then the idea that I was completely wrong about everything started to enter my head.

Adrienne moaned and leaned back against the stack of pillows propping her up. She grimaced and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I, uh..." I stammered. "I wanted to check on you and see if you were okay."

Pouting, Adrienne winced in pain as she sat up straighter. "I thought you'd call. I told Candy to have you call me. I didn't want you to see me like this." She sighed. "And how'd you get in here anyways?"

"Uh..." I jerked my thumb back out the open doorway. "The front door was open. I rang the doorbell but no one answered. And then I was calling your name and didn't hear anything."

Adrienne frowned. "I was asleep." She clearly looked uncomfortable and exhausted. There was a bottle of prescription painkillers on the nightstand beside her and her abnormally pale skin made me worry.

"Adrienne, what's going on?" I asked with concern.

She exhaled. "I didn't want you to see me like this."

Fear flashed through me. Was my girlfriend going to die? I asked fearfully, "Is it serious?"

"No, no, it's not that bad. It's just ... well ... a little personal. And I didn't want you to freak out."

I started to freak out, my face twisting in anxiety. I was still flushed from my brief raging anger and had yet to calm down. And being kept in the dark further wouldn't help matters.

Adrienne sighed and then shrugged as if to say 'what the hell'. She took a deep breath and then said, "I had uterine fibroids, Ben. Doesn't usually happen to girls my age but it does happen. It's not cancerous or anything, but it was making my period REALLY bad and giving me a lot of pain. The pain came and went, so we could still have sex. But some days I was just miserable."

I started to get horrified that I'd completely misjudged the situation. And a second later, Adrienne confirmed it.

"So a couple of weeks ago, I went to the doctor to get it checked out. I had a follow-up last Tuesday. And they were able to schedule me in for surgery yesterday afternoon. That's why I haven't been able to meet up with you in the afternoons, Ben. And I'm on bedrest now for a few days while I heal up from the surgery. Sorry boyfriend, I'm kind of out of commission for a little bit."

"So why didn't you just tell me?"

Adrienne squirmed. "Because ... It's really personal. I mean ... there was stuff wrong with my uterus, Ben. I don't just go around announcing that to everyone I know. And you've only been my boyfriend for less than two months. I didn't want to make you feel weird about having sex with me."

She sighed and rolled her head around her neck, stretching it out. "If you had just called me instead of coming over, I could have just explained that I was sick and then come back on Thursday or Friday and we'd be all back to normal. You would never have had to know."

Right then, I made what may very well be the dumbest mistake of my life. I could have just expressed sympathy and gone on like nothing ever happened. But no, I opened my big mouth and blurted, "So you weren't fucking Jake Harbor?"

"What?" Adrienne snorted. "Jake? Hell no. Whatever gave you THAT idea?"

"Uh, well..." I stammered. I'd been doing that a lot lately, a sign of how messed up my life was becoming. "It just seemed that every time you couldn't meet up with me, I found you two flirting and giggling and touching each other. Elyse insinuated that you two were doing a little something on the side. And Donna said that having your little flings on the side was just something you always did."

"Elyse? Donna? You're listening to THOSE two?" Adrienne glared at me, piercing through whatever fog of painkillers she was on.

"Well ... I ... uh..." I stammered, looking nervous.

Adrienne fixed her look on me and clearly saw something in my eyes, because the next moment she looked ready to jump out of bed and tackle me, weak energy or not. "Ben. Did you do something stupid?"

"Well ... I ... uh..." I stammered.

"Ben..." she warned.

I winced and felt a mental flashback to when I admitted my indiscretion to Megan and Cassidy. We'd all been in the foothills, watching the sun setting over the ocean in a romantic and beautiful moment. And then seconds later they were doing their best to beat the crap out of me.

Now it was time for Beating: Part 2. I sighed and looked at the floor. "I had sex with Cassidy on Monday."

Things were very quiet for a long minute. No sounds. I don't think I was even breathing. The seconds ticked by with agonizing slowness.






Somewhere around sixty-seven, Adrienne said quietly. "Get out."

I picked my head up and gave her a pained look. I saw the tears streaking down Adrienne's cheeks and my instinct was to step forward and comfort her. But the moment I moved forward she held a hand up to stop me.

"I thought you were different, Ben. I thought I could trust you. I was falling in love with you. Don't you see, Ben? I would have given you my heart. But now I see that you're just another guy," she said coldly.

Maybe my ears were full of mucus from the sniffles that were threatening me as well, but I could have sworn I heard some of Megan's voice in Adrienne's words. "Adrienne..." I pleaded.

"Get out," she said a little more harshly.

So I left.

Adrienne didn't return to school the next day. Ostensibly, it was because she was still sick. But even her absence didn't prevent the spread of information.

At lunch, Candy just gave me the cold shoulder. Adrienne must have told her best friend. Even Mizuho glared at me. Something told me the pretty Japanese girl's invitation for recreational sex was no longer valid. And I knew better than to try and eat lunch with their group that day.

Oddly enough, Kenny Doyle caught up to me while I was meandering aimlessly around the main quad. "You looking for a place to sit down?" he asked.

"Uh, kinda, yeah."

"C'mon, bro," he head-nodded and I followed him over.

Sung and Daniel smiled as I approached the old table. Elaine frowned, Megan looked at me oddly, and Cassidy had an unreadable expression. I still wound up at the far end of the table with just guys around me, but for today, I could live with it. At least I wasn't completely outcast from EVERYONE.

But it still hurt inside. I missed my "new" old crew: Lynne and Mizuho and Jae and Summer, etc. And so I was pretty quiet at lunch. And when it was over, I looked off to see Megan, Cassidy, and Elaine walking away together in a pack, their heads bowed together as they were deep in conversation.

I stayed pretty quiet all the way home.

Thursday was more of the same. Summer and Lynne were still friendly with me and the others weren't exactly making me feel like a leper, unlike the first time I'd been in this situation. Perhaps their group was a little more jaded on the whole concept of cheating. But I still didn't want to attempt eating lunch with them. It would just be too awkward.

So once again, I ate with my old crew, albeit on the outer edge. But this time, when the meal was finished but well before the bells rang, Cassidy walked around and tapped me on the shoulder, nodding her head off towards a more private space.

I brightened almost immediately. Cassidy, at least, was someone who still loved me. Even after cheating the first time, Cassidy had forgiven me and still hoped for reconciliation. She'd wanted to get back together with me. And after we'd had sex on Monday, the first thing she asked me on Tuesday was whether or not I'd broken up with Adrienne.

Well, Adrienne had ordered me out of her life. And as much as that hurt, it meant that I was free again. So maybe now Cassidy and I could get back together the way she'd always wanted!

I got up, cognizant that a dozen pairs of eyes were on me and Cassidy, and I followed her over. Megan and Elaine trailed us but kept their distance. And once Cassidy and I were standing in a semi-private alcove, I realized that we were positioned so that Cassidy could see her friends just past my shoulder, perhaps as support for what she had to say to me.

That knowledge tempered my rising hope. The fact that Cassidy might need their support couldn't bode well for me. And the tone in the redhead's first words didn't help ease my anxiety. "Look, Ben..."

My heart sank. It didn't drop so much as fall back to where it had been most of the past couple of days. Cassidy caught the expression on my face and she faltered in her carefully prepared speech. I felt Megan and Elaine drawing closer.

But Cassidy looked up at the ceiling and sighed, gathering herself and stopping Megan and Elaine's advance. And when she looked at me, there were tears in her eyes. "Ben, I'm still in love with you."

The words were nice, but the wince on Cassidy's face and the pain in her eyes were certainly not encouraging.

"Ben, I want us to get back together; but I'm afraid. I'm afraid you'd break my heart."

"Cassidy..." I began.

"No, no, wait. Let me finish," she held up a hand to stop me. "I love you, Ben. But I don't trust you. You cheated once on me. That, I might be able to handle. I told you I understood. But you cheated again."

"With you!" I protested.

"Doesn't matter," Cassidy grimaced. "I have to live with what I did myself. I wanted you Ben. I seduced you. You didn't exactly protest, but I know my own role in what I did. I'll have to apologize to Adrienne when I see her."

I frowned and looked confused. Cassidy took a deep breath and then looked me straight in the eye. "We're not getting back together, Ben. For months it's all I wanted, but now that it's here, I know it's not what's best for me. You're just a guy, Ben. And you're actually MORE susceptible than most guys. You've got a reputation at this school. You've got dozens of girls around here who want to get into your pants. It'll happen again. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But it'll happen again. I just can't trust you, Ben."

"But I'm broken up with Adrienne! It's what you wanted, isn't it?" I whined.

Cassidy's eyes hardened as she glared at me like I'd just insulted her. "I am NOT just your fallback option, Ben. You can't just crawl back to me because Miss Big Tits dumps you for cheating. I will NOT be second fiddle to HER."

"Freckles..." I pleaded.

"No, Ben. I still love you. I've got to deal with that. And I'm not saying forever ... but..." she exhaled. And for a long few seconds, she stared at the floor.

I stayed silent and waited her out. I didn't have a moral leg to stand on and opening my mouth at this point would only make things worse.

At last, Cassidy just shook her head and sighed. "I'm sorry, Ben." And then with tears streaking down her face, she walked past me and right into the waiting arms of both Megan and Elaine.

And now I REALLY felt alone.

In the darkest pits of despair, I walked through the shadows with my head down, cringing against the light. Hunched over, I felt like I was four feet tall. The end of the school day couldn't come fast enough.

After the last bell, I walked listlessly towards the parking lot. My pace was slow enough that many of my classmates walked around me and continued on their way, like a stream of cars at rush hour buzzing past the completely random dude riding a bicycle down the middle of the freeway.

More than a few people bumped me. Some were accidental, just kids in a hurry. Others were annoyed people who wanted to give me a love tap in reminder of how much I was delaying their lives. I'm just surprised no one punched me in the back of the head.

But only one person grabbed my ass. I stiffened and stood straight at the contact and felt a fresh piece of paper sliding into my back pocket. Standing next to me was a beautiful bottle-blonde, with a pretty face and a honeyed smile. Her big tits made themselves obvious through her blouse, which had several buttons undone. If she hadn't been wearing the white tank top underneath, she probably would have been suspended for indecency.

Donna Kincaid's eyes twinkled as she leaned in and whispered into my ear, "Here's my address. Why don't you stop by and we can ... chat..."

I grimaced and looked over at the busty slut. "I don't think I'd be much use to you in this current state."

"You let me worry about that, Big Ben. I'm very good at improving people's moods."

What the hell was I doing here? Sure, I had nowhere else to go. Adrienne hated me. Cassidy didn't trust me. But I still knew in the back of my head that I shouldn't be here. I really should just turn around, get back in my car, and go home. I could entertain myself playing board games with Brooke and the twins.

Twice, I turned around to leave. Both times, I turned back. I was about to get laid, and with all the stress and pain I'd been through in the past few days, the idea of getting laid sounded REALLY good. After all, with no more girlfriends, I had NO idea the next time I'd have the chance to have sex with someone other than my right hand.

Eventually, Donna opened the door and all further debates were rendered pointless. Subtlety was not high on this girl's list of priorities, and the curly blonde teenage sex bomb greeted me wearing nothing but a pair of porno-high heels and a smile.

And her naked body was glorious.

It was a good thing her front door opened on the side of the house, with a high fence warding the next door neighbor. It meant that no one but me could see the state of dress Donna was in. She posed prettily, then lifted her chin while smiling enigmatically and hooked a finger towards me, beckoning me inside. Obediently, I entered and she swung the door closed with a casual push.

I still wasn't feeling particularly sexy or confident in this moment. I felt more like a dog that had been crossing the street during a rainstorm and had subsequently been hit by two cars, thrown against the pavement, and THEN trampled by a toddler who thought my coat of fur made for a nice playpen. But my dick recognized a hot female's naked body and I was quickly sporting quite the erection in my jeans. After all, the damn thing hadn't been used since Monday.

Unfettered, Donna's heavy tits sagged just enough to prove that they were real. The round orbs looked as big as Dayna's. Overall, she wasn't as toned or fit as some of the cheerleaders, but she wasn't chunky either. Her ass was nicely padded, her skin was clear, and she had the curvaceous appeal of a healthy girl who liked her sex, built for "comfort" as they say.

We didn't bother with preliminaries. Donna simply moved me over to the couch and then sat me down, kneeling on the floor so that she could begin removing my clothes. My jeans and shorts came first, and the beautiful blonde simply sighed happily. "I KNEW you'd have a great cock."

"Thanks," I started saying, but the word turned into a grunt as she quickly ducked her head and deep-throated me on the very first try.

I barely knew the girl. I knew her name and her reputation, but we'd really never carried on a conversation lasting more than a couple of minutes. I didn't know if she had siblings or what her parents did for a living. I didn't know how old she was or what plans for the future she had. But I knew she was good-looking and right now, all I cared about her was that she had her mouth wrapped around my dick.

And this girl could suck cock. She was wet. She was sloppy. And she could do INCREDIBLE things with her lips.

"Oh, FUCK, Donna!" I grunted. She was right. She was very good at improving moods. Right now, all I could think about was sex. Girlfriend issues, upcoming college applications, family issues, none of them mattered. I was getting the blowjob of a lifetime and all too quickly, I felt myself losing orgasmic control.

When I came, I came buckets. After being wickedly pleasured by this accomplished fellatrix, I shot off like a cannon, blasting great wads of built-up cum into the back of Donna's throat. Her eyes bulged when she felt the force of my first impact, and then I watched her throat muscles working overtime as she fought to keep up.

Eventually, the hot blonde drained me of every drop of semen I had in my body, leaving me a limp puddle of flesh on her couch. I'd sagged until I was practically lying down, with my hips at the edge of the seat and my head flopping over the backrest so that I stared at the ceiling somewhere behind me.

"Holy crap..." I groaned. That particular orgasm had been quite the stress relief.

"Like that?" Donna smirked while reaching down with one finger to scoop up a stray glob of jism from her chin.

"Oh, hell yeah..."

"Think you can return the favor?" The impish nymph winked at me as she settled onto the couch beside me, spreading her legs to the sides and reaching down to spread apart her own labia with her fingers.

I grinned and rolled over to kneel between the hot blonde's thighs, leaning down with my tongue extended. For all Donna's experience, I'd show her she'd NEVER had a lover like me.

They say that meaningless sex is just a complex form of masturbation. Well fine. I happen to LIKE masturbation. It feels good. Nobody's hurt. Why the hell not?

I'd made love with girls I deeply cared about. I'd fucked the shit out of them too, when the mood was right. I'd also had boring maintenance sex; you know, routine-not-so-great-but-decent-enough sex in the middle of a relationship. There's a time and place for all of them.

And when none of the above were options, I happily settled for complex masturbation. And Donna Kincaid was a VERY good partner in that regard.

She was limber, athletic, and kinky as hell. She never took her heels off. I'm not sure I could have figured out the complicated straps that wrapped around her ankles anyways. They actually made things easier. When I fucked her on the floor, Donna was able to grab the heels and tug her legs even wider to allow my cock that extra eighth of an inch of penetration so that my cockhead repeatedly banged against her cervix. And when I fucked her from behind, I was able to use the heels to hold her feet together while her knees were splayed out to the sides, similarly stretching her in a way that I thought would be painful but apparently she enjoyed.

In fact, Donna enjoyed just about everything. Her clit was large and extremely sensitive. Her G-spot seemed to be her entire pussy. And everything I did made her cum. And she couldn't have been faking them. The hot teen squirted so much I'm surprised she wasn't dehydrated. If I could cum that easily, I'd be having sex as often as possible, too.

Donna went nuts when I blindfolded her and repeatedly spanked her mid-fuck. That part was exciting for me. But I got a little freaked out when she had me squeeze her neck lightly while I drilled her missionary style on the bed. And after I plugged Donna's asshole full of cum, I felt both aroused and disgusted when she squirted it all out into a brandy tumbler and then drank it back up with a straw.

By then, it was 4pm and we'd already screwed in a half-dozen positions. Donna and I took a shower together, of course resulting in her breasts becoming squeaky clean. And then once outside, Donna slipped into a bathrobe and then tossed me my clothes.

I frowned, "What? Done already? I've got two more hours!"

The beautiful teen slicked back her hair, the dark roots now blending in with her wet tresses. And she fixed me with an impish smile. "Really? You've already cum three times! You came in all my holes and gave me dozens of orgasms, Big Ben. You certainly lived up to your reputation already."

I pulled away my towel to reveal my latest erection. "And I still got more. I WAS dating All-Day Adrienne."

Donna giggles became full blown laughter as I darted forward and scooped her up into my arms. A minute later, I had her pinned to her bed with her feet in the air. And we both growled and giggled as my cock smoothly pistoned in and out of her sloppy, wet cunt.

Back at home, I couldn't look my own sister in the eye as I hung my head in shame. I wasn't proud of what I'd done. In a moment of weakness, I'd succumbed to temptation and fucked the school slut.

Hey, Donna certainly knew how to use her body and the sex had been quite satisfying. But that was it. Hours later, the high of my complex masturbation wore off and I was right back into my emotional hole. And at dinner, when my parents asked why I'd been out of it for the past few days, Brooke helpfully informed them that I was having problems with Adrienne.

Mom clucked. "Oh, but you two seemed so happy together! I thought it was so cute that you were dating a girl from just across the street."

I absorbed my mom's sympathy and glared at Brooke for informing the parental units of my romantic complications. At least the rumors had not yet spread that I'd cheated on Adrienne. As far as most people knew, we'd simply broken up and I was returning to my old crew.

That is ... IF I still had an old crew to return to. I'd gotten back on good terms with the gang, playing basketball with the boys, flirting back with the Sanders twins, and even becoming at least cordial with Megan and Elaine. But sleeping again with Cassidy threatened to undo all that, and I had no idea what the next day held for me.

Maybe, just maybe, it was time I started to consider the consequences of my actions before I stuck my dick into a girl.

Adrienne returned to school on Friday. She looked fit and healthy, if still just a bit weak from painkillers and too many days spent sleeping. She was also walking a bit funny. I'm just a guy and therefore I will never know what it's like to have your uterus operated on, but just watching Adrienne walk, I imagined it wasn't very pleasant.

I made no attempts to approach Adrienne when I saw her. She was always with one or more of her friends, and the one time I looked like I was going to say something in passing, Candy just shot me a look and the beautiful young women cruised down the hallway as if I didn't exist.

On the bright side, my other friends were just as welcoming and accepting of me as they'd been for the past week. Kenny, Daniel and the boys chatted me up in the corridors and even Megan greeted me in passing between classes. And then at lunch, Cassidy went out of her way to say hello to me and make every attempt to have a normal conversation, although I found it difficult to hold up my end as I was still hurting from her outright rejection of me the day before. But I tried. I really did.

She still loved me. Who knew what the future held?

In the end I spent most of the lunch period chatting with my boys and planning on Saturday's basketball game. And when it was time to move along, we got up and headed for the trash can only to find that Adrienne was standing between us and the can, her arms folded over her prodigious chest, Candy and Mizuho flanking her on each side.

Suddenly nervous, Kenny and Daniel decided to make themselves invisible and practically hid behind me. Well, Kenny actually ducked behind me. Daniel muttered something about Elaine and headed for his girlfriend.

Nervously, I stepped forward ready to receive whatever verbal lashing she wanted to administer. I thought I heard the courtyard quiet as conversations died all around us while people decided to witness whatever was about to go down.

But it wasn't anything serious. Adrienne just fixed me with a serious gaze and said, "We need to talk."

"Okay," I replied, stiffening my back and trying to stand as tall as possible, projecting an air of confidence.

"Come by my house this afternoon."


Adrienne spun about face, and walked away.

I was used to meeting up at Adrienne's on a Friday afternoon. But something told me this wasn't going to be anything like our usual dates.

She met me at her door just like she'd done dozens of times. Only this time, there were no strategically undone buttons on her blouse and she didn't tackle me the moment I got into the foyer.

Adrienne did, however, step forward and wrap her arms behind my head, pulling me close for a slow burn kiss that brought back so many pleasant memories. I had more than my fair share of lovers over the past year or so. I enjoyed my time with all of them, and I'd felt a lot of emotion for some of them. But no one excited me like Adrienne. I felt a rush of adrenaline and arousal coursing through my body as I gripped her tighter. And for a few blissful moments, I believed that everything would go back to normal.

But Adrienne pulled away, pain evident on her face despite the pleasure of our kiss. Her eyebrows furrowed and she turned away from me, heading into the living room and leaving me to close the door behind myself.

The beautiful young woman was sitting on the couch and made no move to distance us when I took a seat next to her. But she didn't touch me again as she collected her thoughts. I just waited her out silently.

At last, Adrienne took a deep breath and asked, "Do you still love me?"

"Yes," I said sincerely.

"Do you still love her?"

I took a deep breath, blinking several times. We both knew she was referring to Cassidy, the girl I'd cheated on Adrienne with. I winced and then hedged, "Not like I love you."

"But you do, right?" Adrienne said firmly. "I mean, she's your ex-girlfriend. You even warned me in the beginning that you were still half in love with Megan and Cassidy and it hasn't even been two full months."

Grimacing, I closed my eyes and briefly prayed that this whole thing would just go away by the time I opened them again. I HATED this. Life was so much easier when it was just me and Megan. But it didn't go away, and Adrienne was still looking at me intently as I opened my eyes.

"You know Cassidy apologized to me today?" Adrienne chuckled. "She walked right up to me in front of Candy and Summer and told me she was deeply sorry for seducing you. I couldn't believe it."

I arched an eyebrow. Cassidy had told me she was going to do so and I didn't believe it.

"I was so bemused I actually told her right there that I wasn't mad at her. If nothing else, fair was fair since I'd seduced you away from her in the first place." Adrienne looked off past my shoulder as if reliving the moment. "That didn't really go over so well. We both got kind of awkward after that. But I think we both felt a little relief from guilt after that."

Both my eyebrows went up in amazement, but I bit my lip nervously.

Adrienne just sighed again and then asked softly, "Do you want to start dating her again?"

I took a deep breath and then shook my head in the negative. "Cassidy doesn't want me anyways. She says she still loves me but she can't trust me."

"I'm not sure I can trust you," Adrienne shook her head. But she inhaled and sat up straighter, inadvertently expanding her bosom and making me do the yo-yo thing to glance at her tits. "Then again, I'm not exactly pure as the driven snow, either, Ben."

I arched my eyebrow, old jealousy bubbling up to the surface. "Wait, have you-?"

"No, no. Not since we've been together. I've been loyal," Adrienne said firmly. And then she exhaled mournfully. "But that's not the way I usually am. I've certainly done my share of cheating, Ben. In fact, I don't think I've ever had a boyfriend I didn't eventually cheat on. And to be perfectly honest, I HAD started scoping out other boys ever since Prom."

I blinked at that, not sure how to react. "You had?"

Adrienne took a deep breath and then sighed. "I'm an attention-whore, Ben. I know it. It's why I get so turned on by all the guys flirting with me at parties or staring at me when I'm cheerleading. And it's ... tempting ... to take some of those guys to the next step past flirting. They clearly throw themselves at me, wanting to fuck. It's probably as tempting as it is for you when a girl throws herself at you, wanting to fuck."

She closed her eyes, and still with eyes closed she said, "And it can only be harder when you know the girl is in love with you and that you still have feelings for her as well."

I felt the first stirring of hope inside me. Could Adrienne actually forgive me? So I asked, "What are you saying?"

She took a deep breath and then said, "Ben, what I'm saying is that I don't want to give up on us just yet. I know things haven't been as exciting for us lately as they were at first. New love and intense passion fading and all. Honeymoon phases..."

Adrienne waved her hand absently as she rattled off all the relationship psychobabble we'd heard on TV and from friends. "But ... I AM falling for you, Ben. And I don't want to lose this. You listen to me like no other boy has ever done before. You treat me like a queen when we're together, but you also know just when to fuck me like a whore when I want it."

I started leaning into her, letting my intense attraction, lust, and affection for this gorgeous creature swell up inside me. I moved my hands forward and Adrienne slipped her palms over mine, twisting our fingers together as little smiles crossed both our faces.

"Ben, I want to promise you I won't ever cheat again," Adrienne said earnestly, her eyes glowing from a light tan towards golden. "I can change. I can be loyal. I want to be ... for you. I want to be better."

"Okay," I smiled.

"And can I trust you, Ben? Can you make me the same promise?" Adrienne twisted her mouth up in fear and concern. "Candy says I'm crazy. Once a cheater, always a cheater. She can't even make Trevor swear to be loyal because she knows he can't. But if you tell me you can be loyal, I'll believe you." Her eyes were shining, and Adrienne was never more beautiful than she was in this moment.

Energy swelled inside me as I broke out into a wide smile. But then another thought entered my head. Could I? Could I really be loyal? I WANTED to be better myself. But was I even capable?

Cassidy wanted to be with me, but she couldn't trust me. Keira warned me that I needed to take a step back from everything and figure out who I really was and what I really wanted. I HAD been led around by my dick. And right now, if I promised Adrienne my loyalty and didn't keep my word, I would be forever finished with her. I didn't want that.

And then my mouth went dry as I realized one other thing: I had committed another indiscretion, with Donna. Knowing what I knew now, that Adrienne would want me back, I would never have gone over to Donna's place. But it was too late. I had.

Perhaps I could lie or just hope it all went away. Maybe Adrienne would never find out? But I'd watched enough movies to know better. The girl ALWAYS found out. And if I didn't come clean now that mistake would surely come back to haunt me even worse. And in that knowledge, I felt all hope fleeing my body.

Adrienne's face fell as she watched my expression drop from earnest enthusiasm to nervous shame. By the time my smile went away completely, she dropped her hands from mine and glared at me, realizing that my answer wouldn't be what she'd been hoping for. That light in her eyes flickered and dimmed. "Ben?" she asked in a frightened voice.

I was fucked. And not in a good way. Nervously, I began, "I want to promise. I want to believe." I took a deep breath. "But I'm not sure I can keep that promise."

Adrienne's jaw quivered. "Why not?"

I sighed and looked down in shame. "Because ... I'm ... I don't have a very good track record of this, Adrienne. A hot girl flashes some skin at me or starts kissing me and I get a stiffy and my brain turns into sperm. I did it with you. I did it with Cassidy."

"You resisted Elyse." Adrienne shook her head, willing herself to believe. Then she leaned in and squeezed my hands, looking adoringly into my eyes. "That was one of the most important days of my life, Ben. I KNOW you have the potential to be the man I think you can be. The kind of man I can finally trust with my heart. And you brushed aside Donna."

The moment the name Donna escaped her lips, I closed my eyes and winced. Adrienne caught on immediately and pounced. Her voice elevated in pitch and volume. "Wait, Donna Kincaid?"

Now I was pinching my eyes shut and cringing as if waiting to be slapped.

"The same Donna Kincaid who stole Robbie Pederson from me?" Adrienne's voice got louder. "Dyed-blonde hair? Big boobs? School slut? That Donna?" Adrienne spat rapid-fire.

I cringed and nodded, daring to peek my eyes open. I was just in time to see Adrienne's hand whizzing at my head.

"OWW!!!" I yelped when her slap impacted right on top of my ear, turning the sensitive cartilage red.

"WHEN???" Adrienne thundered and hit me again. "While we were dating???"

"Oww! No!" I protested with my arms over my face.

"Then when?" Adrienne slapped me one more time.

"Yesterday!" I exclaimed and then tried to explain, "You'd dumped me! Cassidy didn't want to go near me! I was depressed and alone and she threw herself at me!"

"I never dumped you!" Adrienne shrieked. "I just didn't want to see you for a couple of days because I was pissed and I was on painkillers!"

Oh, I'd never thought of it that way.

"FUUUUCK!" Adrienne screamed as she got up and turned around, waving her arms and slapping air. Then she sat upright and did the math, shaking her head in disgust. "That was Tuesday! Two days? You fucked her after two days! You really CAN'T keep it in your pants, can you?"

Adrienne spun back to me, her eyes now glowing in golden fireballs that were NOT welcoming. And then she ran back to start hitting me again while I cowered and tried to protect my face.

This time, Adrienne made clear that I was dumped.

"So what's the deal with you and Adrienne?" Kenny asked casually as he bounced the ball back to me, giving me my change after nailing a warm-up three- pointer.

"Dude, I don't wanna talk about it," I said as I dribbled to the left and drained another.

He shrugged and this time Daniel bounced the ball back to me. Kenny then looked up and smiled with a lustful grin on his face. "So ... does this mean Adrienne's available now?"

Kenny just barely had enough time to turn away before I flung the ball square into the middle of his back.

On Monday, I arrived at school to find the absolute WEIRDEST scene I could have ever possibly imagined. You know how they say the enemy of my enemy is my friend? Well, as I cruised over to my old crew's usual hangout, I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw that Megan, Cassidy, and Adrienne were all sitting together and talking.

Yeah, my two original girlfriends were chatting with my most recent ex-girlfriend, the same girl who'd stolen me from them in the first place. Oh, this could NOT be good.

Just then, Adrienne looked up, saw me, and immediately broke into tears. Cassidy leaned forward, whispering something and stroking her former rival's back. Megan craned her head around to see what had caused the tall blonde's latest emotional breakdown, and of course saw me standing there with a dumbstruck expression on my face.

The petite Chinese girl then got up and swiftly walked over to me. I neither approached her nor fled. I just sagged where I was standing and waited for the inevitable verbal beatdown.

"You really know how to fuck up a situation, don't you, Ben?" Megan shook her head at me. "Donna Kincaid?"

I grimaced and looked apologetic. There were no words that would bail me out of this situation.

"When did you become one of the bad boys, Ben?" Megan asked coldly, her eyes mere slits as she glared.

I sighed and looked my ex-girlfriend in the eye. "I was always a bad boy, Megan. I always wanted to get laid. I may not have ever pushed a girl beyond what she wanted to give me, but if she'd ever give me the whole enchilada, I would have taken it in a heartbeat." I shrugged and exhaled loudly. "Every guy wants to be a bad boy, Megan."

Megan frowned and then took another step closer to me, softly putting her hand on my chest and looking down. She took a deep breath and then looked up into my eyes, all traces of anger gone, leaving only her concern. "Not always, Ben. You forget, I threw myself at you once. You decided, on your own, that I wasn't ready. And you let me wait until my 16th birthday, remember?"

I looked up and thought back. Hmm, I did wait. I frowned, wondering where I'd gone wrong.

Megan saw the change on my face and said. "Good Ben is still in there somewhere. I know it."

I sighed. "If you find him, will you let me know?"

Megan smirked and rubbed my chest. "Of course I will. I want to meet him, maybe even more than you. And I believe in you, Ben. Right now, you're getting swept up in your own legend. Girls keep offering and you keep taking. But someday, hopefully soon, you'll realize how empty that makes you feel inside."

I stared at my friend, wondering how the hell a girl I'd hurt so badly could still care about me. After we'd broken up, I figured the best I could hope for was just "non-hostile acquaintance".

Megan smiled and patted my chest. "When you realize that and decide you want to be a good person again, give me a call."

And with that enigmatic little smile, my first girlfriend turned around and walked back to her group.

I spent a lot of that day in self-introspection. I walked alone in between periods. At lunch, I deliberately went and found a quiet spot all by myself so I wouldn't be distracted by anyone. And I pondered my existence.

Having a girlfriend was fantastic. Yeah, I really liked the feeling of partnership and companionship, but above all, I LOVED having a regular source for sex. So far, I'd been considering two sexual encounters a week the bare minimum. But without a girlfriend, I wouldn't have that regular source anymore. I might not get ANY.

So in that sense, I wanted to find another girlfriend. But even if I found a girl I wanted to be with that much, could I stay loyal? Maybe not. My track record certainly sucked in that regard. And beyond that, there was Keira's suggestion that I step back from my relationships for a while to figure out what and who I really wanted. Maybe I needed some time to back away and figure out what real love truly was.

But in the middle of all this introspection on the nature of love and the natural conflict between my desire to be loyal and my impulses to just get laid, I got rather sidetracked. Or rather, several people kept on distracting me.

First there was Donna. After lunch while I was walking to my next class, the sultry bottle-blonde sidled up next to me and slid her hand into my back pocket. There was no piece of paper this time; she just wanted to palm my ass. "Hey there, big boy. Had a great time last week. You up for an encore sometime?"

I was still in the mode of trying to be "Good Ben" so I shook my head and arched an eyebrow. "What, you want to go steady or something?"

"Steady? Hell no," Donna yanked her hand out from my jeans. She looked me up and down and then smirked. "But tell you what, gimme a call any time you're feeling a little ... lonely. Word is going around that Adrienne dumped you and you're now a free agent. So if you find yourself looking for some no-frills company, you know where I live and you've got my number."

I nodded. "Sure, Donna. We'll see."

She grinned and bounced away.

And that got me thinking. Maybe even without a girlfriend, I could still get laid twice a week, and without worrying about the whole loyalty aspect of things.

The second distraction came in the form of Stacey Whitehouse, a beautiful, willowy Senior brunette whose family had more money than just about anyone in school. She intercepted me between fifth and sixth periods to strike up a conversation out of the blue. The girl had never talked to me before in my life, and yet here she was asking about how I was doing and how she'd heard I'd broken up with Adrienne and did I have plans for Friday night?

Stacey's family was from Vermont or something and she spoke with an alluring upscale New England accent. I was nearly seduced by the sound of her voice and her obvious interest. But again I was still in "Good Ben" mode so I gently and politely turned her down, making clear that I was certainly interested (she had a pretty hot body), but that I wanted to take some time to myself before jumping back into the dating game.

The mild rejection sent her two disciples tittering from their spot three feet behind us. Stacey shot them a glare and then graciously accepted my answer. She did however insist, "When you do get back in the game, be sure to look me up," she said in that enticing accent. The tease of her tongue on her lips and the way her soft brown eyes twinkled at me.

I nodded agreement and then Stacey stopped my forward progress with a hand to my chest. "Just don't take too long Ben. I'm graduating soon and well," she gave me a saucy grin. "I just want to have some fun with what time I have left. Nothing serious. You understand?"

The breathy pant in Stacey's voice and the way she pinched her arms together to squeeze her cleavage made her intentions quite clear. I let my eyes drop to the exposed creamy flesh and then back up into her eyes. And feeling my mouth water, I nodded and then said, "Sure, I'll let you know."

After Stacey, I started noticing all the looks I was getting in the hallways. Various coteries of girls would giggle as I passed and then huddle together once I moved on. A couple of meatheads I sort of knew slapped me on the back and expressed their sympathies over my breakup with Adrienne, simultaneously feeling bad for me and also asking how she was in the sack.

After the last class, the Sanders twins ran into me and then both cute brunettes were flirting outrageously, giggling constantly and making up random excuses to touch my arm or brush themselves against my hip. And even some other cheerleaders passed me with waves, a flirty wink, or a sexy "Hiii, Bennn." Those girls seemed unconcerned that I'd just broken up with one of their fellow cheerleaders.

So once I got home, I found myself sitting on my bed, my hands apart and palms up as if weighing the two options: I could take Keira's and Megan's advice and rediscover Good Ben. I'd settle down and really contemplate what I wanted out of my life, search for the meaning of real love, and commit myself to forging that kind of emotional connection and prioritizing it over physical satisfaction. I could choose what was right over what was easy.

Or, I could embrace my inner bad boy and get laid with as many chicks as possible. And it would feel SOOO good.

My brain knew what was right. After all, I KNEW both Keira and Megan cared a lot about me and wanted what was best for me. But for now, my head was starting to hurt from too much thinking. And my hormones were acting up since I hadn't gotten off since last Thursday, my dick throbbing with its own need. And there was a piece of paper sitting right next to my phone, beckoning to me.

So making a decision, I grabbed the paper and lifted the handset out of the telephone cradle.

Forty minutes later, I slammed my hips forward, my ab muscles tense and vibrating while the ecstasy flooded my mind.


My hands squeezed tighter around the big orbs in my grasp. My fingers pinched down on the erect nipples as the heavy boobs were simultaneously supple and firm against my palms. And using them as handholds, I jerked her lighter body back against my hips, using the leverage to cram an extra eighth of an inch of meat into her spasming snatch.

"HARDER! DEEPER! FUUUUCK!" she cried, tossing her blonde hair into the air as she arched her back and squealed in orgasm.

Once more I slammed my crotch against her tight ass. Once more I felt the exquisite pleasure of my hypersensitive cock battering apart her vaginal folds which squeezed me so nicely as I burrowed all the way down to her cervical wall.


And so was I. Wave after wave of pleasure shot through my brain, matching each volley of jism I was spurting out into the willing cunt beneath me. I felt sooo niiice.


She was willing. I was willing. Hey, what was the problem? None as far as I could tell. And when I was done filling her up with spunk, I pulled out and flopped onto my back, gasping for oxygen.

Donna Kincaid rolled her naked body next to me, propping herself up with one elbow. Her big tits squished together, forming a line of cleavage parallel to the mattress. "Feel good?"

"Fuck, yeah," I grunted.

"That's all that matters." She grinned and giggled, "Welcome to the world of being a slut."

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