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14.18% Fairy Tail: Sun Eater / Chapter 62: 62. Last Exam Day

Chapter 62: 62. Last Exam Day

All battles until the top 8 get decided have been finished. All top 8 students are from E-Class. They're Ron, Gea, Hans, Dan, Olive, Cya, Parka, and Yorki.

Felice had lost in her battle with Hans in the top 16 round. Hans tired her out using his illusion clones and she can't find the real him. Hans strikes her when she gets very tired and won easily.

The quarter-final matches will be held tomorrow. So now everyone can return to their home and rest. Team Ben also return to their village after checking the students' condition.

The S-Class students felt bitter after they all lost to E-Class students. But many of them start to evaluate themselves and resolve themselves to get stronger. Although some of them don't take their loss lightly and are still angry at it.

"Teacher, we can't accept this. Those E-Class students must've cheated," says Rowan, Hans' enemy.

"That's right, teacher," say some other students.

"Stop it! You're just embarrassing yourself. If you're a real mage, a real fighter, then you need to accept your loss," says the 1st rank student in S-Class, Matt, who got defeated by Ron.

"Matt is right, you need to accept your loss and use it to be stronger," says the Mayor's daughter, Rose.

The students looked down and think that Matt & Rose are right. But they are still angry and can't accept it easily.

"But now our class is being looked down on by everyone," says Rowan while gritting his teeth.

"Then how about this. How if teacher challenges their teacher to show that our class isn't weak. Their teacher is just a kid like us, so he shouldn't be that strong," says a random S-Class girl.

"That's right, if teacher win, then our class won't be looked down on anymore," says a random boy.

Matt & Rose sigh at their simple minds. If Ben can make the E-Class that strong, then he must be very strong too. Rose also knows it very well because Ben often took difficult jobs from her father.

"Fine, I also want to give some lesson to that brat," says the S-Class teacher.

Everyone is surprised by this and shows a different reaction. Matt & Rose are surprised because their teacher is too hot-headed. They know that their teacher is angry because of the result, but he shouldn't follow his impulse like this.

The other students get excited though. They are happy because they think their teacher can avenge them. They're just brats, after all, so their minds are simple. The teacher seems to be like that too.

The next day, they start the quarter-final round. Ben doesn't think too much of who'll win now. It is guaranteed that his students will win this tournament of the battle exam. It's not a problem of who's gonna win among his students.

On this last day, the stadium is filled with many people. There are a lot of people from the Kingdom's Government, Magic Council, and Magic Guilds. They've heard about the strength of E-Class students and come to check it.

The Guild Masters & Magic Council members who act as judges have spread the news. They said that this school's exam is the most interesting among all Magic Schools.

So some organizations sent their men to check it. They want to see if the news is true and if it is, they'll try to recruit the students. Magic Schools are a field for them to find new members for their organizations. So they hope the news is true.

The quarter-final is held one by one in an arena. There are only 4 matches, so they won't hold it on all 4 arenas. At the end of the quarter-final, 4 students who win are Ron, Olive, Cya, and Yorki.

Then the semifinal starts shortly after that. Ron vs Cya, the winner is Ron. Then Olive vs Yorki, the winner is Yorki. So the final will be Ron vs Yorki. But first, they will hold the 3rd position battle between Olive & Cya, which is finally won by Cya.

The guests from organizations are very excited by the battle so far. They all think the same, these students on the top 8 aren't just students, they're full-fledged mages. Their mentality isn't that of students and they're ready to face the real Mage's world.

They all ask the Headmaster of his school's method to raise these students. The Headmaster just laughs and says that it's not the school who made them like this, but their teacher.

"Just what kind of teacher can raise students with low talents like them to be like this in a year?" asks a Guild's representative.

"Hehe, I'll tell you later. For now, let's watch the Grand Final," says Headmaster.

"You're right," says the representative.

They all focus on the Grand Final that will start now. Ron & Yorki come up to the arena and get ready to fight. The battle for the final isn't a surprise for E-Class students because Ron & Yorki are some of the strongest students in class.

They get ready to fight and the referee starts it after a moment. They rush to each other with their fists covered in their magic, fire & lightning. They get into close combat and use all their skills.

They fight like that for a moment and change into ranged attacks sometimes. They also use big attacks once in a while, but not too often. They can't waste too much energy when fighting their classmates or they'll get tired first.

Their battle gets more heat up and it draws everyone's attention. They hit & get injuries, but they don't stop. They fight for 15 minutes, back & forth many times.

Then finally at the 17th minute, the winner is decided. Both Ron & Yorki use their biggest attacks. Ron uses a flame tornado that spins fast to attack Yorki. While Yorki uses lightning cannon which makes a big lightning shot.

Their attacks clash and get into a stalemate. But then, Yorki's lightning cannon pierce through the flame tornado and keep going to Ron. Ron gets hit and electrocuted by it, then he falls, defeated.

Yorki has won the tournament, and everyone cheers at him. The final battle is the most interesting to watch because both Ron & Yorki have to go all out from the start. It's a very interesting battle for Magic School's students level.

The exam has finally finished now with E-Class dominating all the exams. It has finished, or that is what should be the case. But the S-Class teacher makes it run longer when he suddenly goes up to the arena.

"What are you doing, Mr. Henry?" asks the Headmaster from his seat.

"Headmaster, I want to challenge the E-Class's teacher for a duel. I want to see if he's truly strong or he can only talk. I don't want to disturb students' exams, so I challenge him after the exam finished," says Henry.

"Don't be stupid, Mr. Henry! I won't allo-" the Headmaster wants to say something, but Ben interrupts him.

"It's okay, Headmaster. He is doubting me and he must be doubting my students' power too. I assume many teachers & students here also think the same. So let's just finish this once and for all to not make a bigger problem," says Ben.

The Headmaster stays silent for a moment before he says, "Alright, but you need to stop when it gets dangerous."

The teachers & students now get into an uproar. But the clueless guests are confused at this.

"Who's the kid? Why did he talk like that?" asks a Kingdom representative.

"He is the E-Class teacher that you've been asked for," says the Headmaster.

The guests are surprised and Headmaster explains what happen shortly. They all get surprised by the story and can't wait to look at the duel.

"You're dead, brat," says Henry while smirking.

Ben is just silent & smirks a little while shaking his head. Henry takes this as a provocation and gets mad. He gets into a stance and when the referee starts the battle, Henry immediately makes his magic.

Henry's magic is Earth Elemental Magic. He immediately makes many long earth spears to stab Ben. The spears come to him, but Ben suddenly disappears and only leaves yellow light.

Ben has covered his legs with light magic to move faster. He flashes at Henry and jumps to Henry's head. Then Ben kick Henry's head with a full-powered light kick. The impact makes Henry fly fast to the barrier and crack it.

But Ben hasn't finished. He flashes again and now he punches Henry's jaw with his right hand. The punch is so strong that it crack Henry's jawbones and make him faint. Ben has won easily.


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1. Chapter 92 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 103 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

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