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100% A Ghoul in MHA / Chapter 3: 3

Chapter 3: 3

I saw the raising sun enter the blinds of my room and prepared for that day to come. I have a room inside the building all to myself. This includes a bathroom, and closet, of course a coffee set to brew my very own coffee. Once a month I am given a big piece of meat that I prepared myself since to anyone else in the building it seems disgusting to even think about.

I don't care about their thoughts and live day by day. Only striveing to be a hero to sustain myself in the future. Though what after. Just live my life in a never ending cycle?....well not like I didn't experience that already.

After finishing my cup of coffee I made my way to class noticing that school was about to open for todays first day of school.

I arrived first and simply rested my head on the table waiting for the rest to enter.

The first few entering were quite and had eyes of maturity. Though the next one had her hands behind her back as she walked in as free spirited as they came. Of course the one I'm describing was the girl with pink hair.She managed to gain the most points with 85 landing her at number 1 on the list of points during the examination.

Her eyes scaned the room, and when they landed on me though I simply met her gaze her eyes turned cold as her approached me.

Those eyes oh have experienced them before the eyes of silent anger.

"OI, I saw you during the entrance exams." She said leaning on my table with one hand while the other was resting on her hips.

"So" I asked seeing that its not a crazy thing for people to bump into each other when doing something like this, I don't doubt that some of our classmates even saw each other.

"I saw as you left a girl almost be caught by that executor" she said looking at me as of trying to understand why and not so angry now.


"I saw no need, why should have I saved her?" I asked curiously

"Because its what heroes do!" She said more to herself then to me. I only looked at her thinking about it then decided to respond.

"I see, Thank you for informing me" I said not changing my tone during the entire conversation.

She only looked at me before grumbling to her seat. Our conversation had gained the attention of the whole class before they turned totalk among themselves or simply keep to themselves.

'Well so much for low profile' I thought in irritation

*School bell*

The school bell sounded throught the school as marker that class was about to start. And our teacher looked like he just come back to life with the heavy eye bags hundrr his eyes. Huddled in a sleeping bag he had suprised most of the class since for them he just popped out of no where. Some knew about his little sleeping area and simply paid it no mind.

" took 8 seconds for you all to quiet down. Time isn't free, rationalize it.

I'myour homeroom teacher, Shoto Aizawa. Nice to meet you. *reaches into sleeping bag* Take these and head outside to the field" He said as he took out a tracksuit with UA colors and name on it from his sleeping bag.

I didn't question where he kept that artical of clothing, the whole time he was sleeping so I just took one if the extras since the one he had was already given to someone.

Changing into my field uniform that was provided I was able to see the physique of my class mates. They had bodies of those who were at least prepared, but its not good enough. Like that short kid with grapes on his head. His body lacked muscles or any way to make up for it Iike a fit body. His body could destroy his career.

The rest of the students looked normal and fit exept for a few who had well developed muscles that have been trained. My body is thin, but dense not having the muscles expand and use energy, and instead are kept compact to provide the most force per pound I could have. This plus my quirk being one that boosts my physical ability allows for powerful attacks.

. . .

We made our way onto the field. Mr aizawa had said that we will be having a quirk assesment test to evaluate our current levels.

The others were shocked while some kept quiet. I personally didn't see what was wrong until I heard a girl with slightly chubby cheeks that their were other events in schools.

I was confused seeing that I knew that UA teachers could do their own things while as long as its given the ok by principle Nezu. Aizawa responded to her saying that "if were going to be heros we don't have time for such leisurely events."

He explained that we will be using out quirks on this test since apparently schools before this point were strict on that we cant use our quirks on any exams during any tests.

This concept seemed to fit in how the public and not allowed to use their quirks unless they are a hero with a license.

The person with the highest Junior high soft ball throw was a guy named Bakugo with a score of 67 meters.

He was selected to throw a ball with his quirk. His quirk as I assume something to do with explosion though I don't know how they are qriated he used as propulsion to blast the ball flying to 705 metters as calculated from aizawa's device.

The results had most in awe as his quirk was quite flashy. I didn't care for the distance and only for what his quirk could do. Some said it looked fun, or how exciting this would be.

Aizawa smiled sadistically as he informed the us that the one who scored lowest will be judged to have no potential at all and be expelled from UA.

I took this as a threat and so didn everyone since I couldn't just use basics and fly past under their noses.

(Scene change)

our first test was one of speed where we will be placed on a marker and timed when the race gun fires signaling to run.

The guy in glasses and a girl similar to a frog in terms of stance were lined up as they waited for count down and then the gun to fire.


When the gun fired The guy with glasses used the jets on his legs to boost him across the 50 meter race line.

Ilda had a speed of 3.04 seconds while asui finished in 5.58 seconds

I had a speed of 3.85 and The girl I now know is ZeroTwo by over hearing it scored a time of 3.90

The 3 of us were some of the fastest here.

I looked over my shoulder and saw her sharp gaze turned to me I tilted my head in confusion before she sharply turned her head and body away walking back to the girls.

I quickly noticed something though and that was how everyone seemed to be delving into different areas talking to each other?

'Do normal humans seek each other..." I didn't pay this much thought seeing as I don't care about interacting with others. As long as I can pass by these next 4 years with ease then I can live the rest of my life withour care...but then what....what will I do for the rest of my life? save...others...but why?'My thoughts dwelled as I started to scratch my hand and neck hard enough that blood was drawn.


"What are you doing!" ZeroTwo said slapping my hand away from my neck and keeping it held as she watched it heal.

"Doesn't it hurt dummy" She said taking out a handkerchief to wipe the blood

"What" I asked tilting my head to the right as I watched her hand wipe my neck

"Haa, nothing keep yourself together while your here I don't want to monitor you to make sure you don't seriously harm your self." She said walking away. The others didn't know what was going on because they were to focused with the challenges.

My thoughts were halted for a moment before I turned back and focused on the class at hand.

I ended up at in 3rd place while everyone else fell into their own place. I would have ended at 1st place if I tried, I didn't see why I needed to do that. As long as I am not last I don't care.

The person in last place was Midoriya and from what Aizawa said earlier he should be kicked out of this olace and packing his bags.

"Oh, and what I said about being expelled was a lie." I only looked at him his departing figure I know by his tone of voice that he truly ment what he said.

I didn't care what my class mates said and only left this is my life now, just one day at a time over and over and over, with no goal in mind my body felt so heavy and I felt nothing for the people in my class, if their lives where to come in the way of mine I wou-

"Because its what heros do!" her words reverberated in my mind

I stopped my movements for a second before continuing, not knowing that the very same girl was behind a wall to scared to confront me.

. . .

The next day and I didn't care about going their early so I took my time and ended up being one of the last.

The other classes are boring, most of the concepts I understand and the rest I quickly pick up. The only one I pay any attention is the one I'm in now, speaking of which.

"I AM!!! COMING THROUGH LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!!" The Voice of Almight as he entered in the room totally not like a normal person.

"Welcome to the hero training course. Todays class will have you participate in a battle training. I will explain more of our class after you gather at training ground beta. But first we need you looking like a real hero!!" He said clicking a button as all the side wall opened and revealed a case with our numbers.

"These are outfits based on your quirks, and the administration application you sent in before school began!!" He said enthusiastically with a never ending smile

After equipping our outfits we head to training ground beta. After ariving I could see everyone in their hero costume. Some of them could have passed as actual hero costumes, while some seemed ridiculous.

I have a long sleeve as my ontop of that I wore a short sleeve infused with carbon fiber, I initially denied this adjustment was almihhts idea and I denied it, but he placed this against my will, I personally didn't care if I had it or not. But almight did mention that ha asked them to make it so I resist my hunger during battle.

Now that I think about it I don't remember when my last meal was....

"Young ladies and gentlemen you all look very good. Now for this test, we shall be doing a mock battle today. There will be two teams of two people one team will be team villain and the other team hero. The objective is to capture the nuclear weapon located in the building designed for this purpose. The teams will be decided byyyy.....drawing matching sticks!!!!!" He explained pulling a bundle of sticks out of nowhere.

I drew my stick and looked for my matching pair turned out to be ZeroTwo, team F. Our opponents would be decided with another random draw.

The first round was against team A and team D

The beginning of the fight was nothing special omly that Midoriya was able to hold his own for a little bit, the fight started to escalate and soon Bakugo's explosions started to take more effect. He even used some sort of super move using the gernade in his hand.

The fight ended in team A's victory even though Midoriya suffered alot of damage on both his left and right arm.

A few more battles were drawn and now it was our turn to battle, we were chosen to be team villain while our enemies team E were team heros.

"Well guess we were always destined to be villains since your here." She said pointing at me but I said nothing

"What to superior to even talk to me??" She said with her arms crossed

"Hey can you atleast say something we need to make a plan to make sure we win!" She said rqising her voice

Almight started sweating a little, not knowing what would happen since no one had yet tried to aggravate Kaneki

"I will deal with the enemies." I said with no emotion. As if I was nothing more then a machine listening to instruments.

"Hey!" She said getting in my way before I could encounter our enemies

"You know I'm your teammate right you can't do something and just leave me here" I mearly tilted my head to the left thinking of what she ment by coining the term teammate at a time like this

"Were teammates?" I asked in confusion

"Ack! Yes were teammates you didn't realize that till now!?!" She said scratching her head in frustration

"*sigh* anyway my plan is simple you stay here and wait don't attack untile I give the signal" she said I nodded and waited in the room

ZeroTwos hero costume was more simple, she wore a red coat with six buttons running down her chest, and within her shirt was a tie with white shirt. She also wore black pants with white boots.

I only looked at her departing figure and didn't know what to do other then wait.

(POV change Zerotwo)

I stopped Kanaki from continuing to meet our teammates and had told his to stay put. He listened and without a word stayed. I walked out and will relay on the plan that I devised

I don't know what he is, but he barely resembles a human. He walkes like one and looks like one. But his enitre being seems...almost broken he looks like he has no goal or dream for the future. I don't really know if he can show restraint while facing our teammates so I told him to stay there while I dealt with them.

The guilt I have right now for lying to him right through my teeth is building. He reminds me more of a lost puppy then anything else.

Kaneki what is it your hiding?



The enemy was right infront of me. I hid and waited for them to go a little bit closed so I could suprise attack them knocking them out in a motion.

20 feet

15 feet

10 feet

5 feet


I sprung from their right and knocked mr. Sparkles out of commission with a kick in the leg. Ashido was suprised and tried to spray some acid my way, but with a fluid motion I slid under the acid and with my quirk was able to reach her side before chopping her neck knocking her out. With both of them knocked out the round was announced over.

(POV change and scene change)

I walked out of the building and knew that she had just betrayed me. She told me to stay in their and not move, but thats probably cuz she thought of me as a unpredictable variable.

I wasn't bothered by her long as we achive victory I don't care.

I saw her back with the other students who are congratulating her for the win. I was their late but they still congratulated me all the same. I didn't say anything seeing that I didn't do anything to recive praise to begin with.

Almigjt asked who was the mvp and the mvp was Zerotwo. She was able to swiftly and effectively take out the hearos before they even noticed.

After that the rest of the matches went underway nothing impressive really happened during any of these battles.

After the class ended we made our way back and attended the rest of our classes.

I couldn't even tell you why I was still here, becoming a villain would allow me to eat all the meat I could have my hands on....oh yea mothers last wish...I don't think she would jave wanted me to turn into Jason.

I packed up and left the class however one person joined me this time.

"Hey wait for me!" Zerotwo yelled from behind me with her bags in hand.

"What is it?" I asked

"Well I wanted to walk with you." She said with her head high with her hands behind her back in a relaxed way.

"And I wanted to say sorry for lying to you during class." She brought that up huh

"It doesn't matter. We secured the win, so don't think about it too much." I said she exhaled at my words, seems like this was weighing heavily on her heart

"Yay thanks for forgiving me" she said lunging forward with her arms wide ready to give me a hug.

I dodged the incoming attack


"Hdy what was that for!" She said rubbing her nose after face planting on the floor

"No touching" I said as she still complained about her little nose even if it didn't really hurt

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