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Chapter 2: Eastern Iron Gang and Awakened Gene X

After I took over the east iron gang I started to make some changes, before the gang's main business was to charge protection fees from the merchants in our territory, but our gang didn't protect anyone basically the merchants paid us not to bother them while the members they spent their days smoking cigarettes and drinking a bunch of useless pigs.

After I took over I actually created the protection obligation, divide our 60 members into 2 groups, 30 of them protect the territory during the day and the other 30 at night, if someone is caught stealing in our territory they will have a broken arm , if someone is caught raping they will have their testicles kicked into a eunuch, if someone is caught murdering someone then they will be beaten half dead then thrown in a street outside our territory, with this the members will have work and our territories will be totally in the our control.

Our gang's income is $30,000 a month, which is very little but it's hard to increase in a short time because we're not ready to expand, I originally thought the only difference between my old world and Marvel's world would be obviously people with super powers, but I was very wrong, crime in this world is much bigger, there are dozens of gangs in every city, apart from rich people's neighborhoods, everything else has some local gang but expand territory we'll need to fight.

We only have 60 members which is very little, so I took $10,000 a month to rent some abandoned land to set up shelters, then asked them to recruit 200 street kids ages 10 to 16, the goal is to train them to be become loyal members of the gang.

I also hired 2 teachers to teach them, the first teacher is called kyle, he is a 40 year old retired military man who lost 1 of his legs in the war, with the government pension he can barely support himself so it was easy to bring him to teach the members how to use firearms and some military techniques, the 2 professor is called mike, former boxer, won several amateur tournaments in his heyday but due to alcohol addiction he lost everything when he finally got rid of the addiction he was a 35 year old bankrupt man. boxing knowledge is very high so he teaches everyone, i also study boxing and i learn how to use firearms.

Among street children I found a talent to be my right hand man, he's called Orion 15 years old, he's not good at fighting but he's great at diplomacy, I plan to let him be the gang's general manager in the future, he can also represent our gang dealing with bribery of police officers or informants.

(2 years skip)

New York 1998

Now I'm 12 years old, finally my gene x woke up, there was no big reaction, no bald wheelchair users knocking on the door, my powers are actually quite weak, my strength, stamina, reflexes and speed have doubled, in fact if it was just that I didn't deserve it a visit from Xavier, however I'm not worried, I know that the biggest power of bat metal is its scary battle spirit, the longer it fights the stronger it gets so I didn't despair and started to prepare myself to train my power.

Ask mike to take me to some clandestine fighting arena so I could fight, I put on a $5 mask to hide my face, my first opponent would be a fat adult man, I bet $100 on myself.

The fat one used only his strength, he didn't have any fighting style, due to my speed and greater reflexes I could dodge his blows, I used my resistance to prolong the fight because I was almost tireless, even though I had double physical strength, it was still inferior the fat guy was only 12 years old after all, I waited until he got tired, then I used simple boxing blows to hit exposed parts of his body, after 7 minutes of fighting I managed to take him down, using the 100 dollars bet I made 1000 dollars.

In the following days I was battling against others and climbing raking in the arena, after 8 days I finally had my first strong opponent, it was a giant of more than 2 meters tall and strong physical, I knew that my style of fatigue could have low efficiency against much stronger opponents, in fact even dodging most of the blows I still took several kicks, my body ached but I still stood upright, in fact the battle spirit is a strong power, every moment of the fight I felt better, I I spit a lot of blood but I didn't feel bad, my opponent had already taken many blows, in the end thanks to my resistance I managed to win, even though I was all hurt I felt stronger.

(skip 6 months)

Now I'm second in the underground arena, in the last 6 months my strength, endurance, speed and reflexes have increased, my physical strength I believe is the same as a professional weightlifting athlete, my running speed in a straight line is 47 km/h , but I believe my biggest gain is my mentality, being able to stay calm during the battle and I'm starting to be able to analyze the opponents' movements during the fight.

Today I'm going to fight the first place named eiffel, it took a while to wait for him to accept the fight it must be very busy, they say the owner of the arena had to pay $100,000 just to invite him to a fight, I'm really excited because I know the his strength must be very strong.

As soon as I enter the arena and look at my opponent, she looks small and thin, but there was a volume on the front, clearly it was a 16 or 17 year old girl and she was wearing a mask, when all of a sudden I feel a name, my senses tell me she is very strong, i think this fight will be a lot of fun.

POV; X-23

Today I have another stupid fight, they say he's a super novice whatever, $100,000 to beat people up is really a good profit, with the money I can continue investigating places where they trap mutants.

Soon I see my opponent, 1.60, clearly a child with a mask, whatever, I want to cut him too.

I try to finish the fight quickly running to the boy and giving a kick, the boy managed to dodge, I quickly start up again giving several blows, he manages to dodge some but most hit him, it shouldn't last long.

I underestimated the boy, although he barely managed to counter attack he still hit me, no matter how much I hit him he always gets up, if I use my claws I can slash him completely but that would draw attention and show my location to that old man , dammit because this child does not give up.


this girl is very strong, very fast it feels like i'm facing an animal and every second this animal puts its fangs in my neck, i'm bleeding a lot and i just hit her a few hits, if it wasn't for my resistance i would have already passed out, this can't go on I have to finish this fight soon.

I use my legs to try to stay still in place, I won't dodge anymore, I'll stay still to defend and try to counter attack strongly, I have to land a critical hit or I'll never win, soon she comes running towards me, I use my right arm to hold on all the damage and I get ready to apply a gazelle Punch, I feel the full impact on my right arm I think it must be broken, I ignore it and use all my leg momentum to go forward, my left arm aiming for her chin, arms of them are out of defense position she won't be able to defend, that's it I'll finally win this battle... but what the hell is this

When I was about to hit her, my fist hit something hard, a damn metal that thing came out of the girl's hands, wait that's it, fight like an animal, endurance, speed and strength along with these claws she must be the wolverine's daughter .. .before I can finish my analysis I see a fist coming in my face, then everything goes black.

Two hours later I wake up in a hospital bed, apparently mike brought me here after I lost consciousness, my body is sore all over I think I'm going to be without walking for a few days, I don't know how I'm going to explain this to my mother, I'm going to take it off some 10 at school she must forgive me.

Marcelinho_Ggazeli Marcelinho_Ggazeli

I changed the life of X23 a little but it's ok, MC will get stronger but at 12 years old it's still way behind x23

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