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94.56% Harbinger of Destruction / Chapter 174: Struggle - 9

Chapter 174: Struggle - 9

He struggled for a long while during the preliminary rounds of the Chunin Exam to unlock the ability. Even by the final rounds he had still been hopelessly pursuing the elusive talent that was his birthright. Then one day, while on a mission with his sensei, there had been an accidental spark of chakra that knocked over their client while he had been chasing off a thief.

Sato was so surprised by his success that he had to ask Kurenai-sensei if it had really happened.

He did his best from then on to concentrate on the amount of chakra he used, and noted how the blades seemed to absorb it rather than accept it when chakra was forced at them, 'Who knew weapons would be so damn selective?' There were times where he could persuade them to take in a bit more chakra than they would have preferred to make his blows stronger, but he knew he still had a long way to go before he mastered his Hakko Chakura To.

Hopefully Kimimaro wouldn't figure out his technique was still unfinished, 'Or I'm really gonna get myself killed this time…'

Their swords clashed for a while and in the background Lee had struggled to his feet again, knowing that he couldn't leave Sato to do all the fighting. He began to methodically open the rest of his gates, and ahead of him, Sato managed a fearsome chakra blast that ripped off from the end of his blade and put a crack in Kimimaro's bone sword.

The Oto nin looked at him for a long moment, "My sword is harder than steel. You've accomplished something no one else has by scarring it," He activated his level two form after that, intending to be serious, "So I shall now privilege you with something no other ninja has been witness to…and lived."

Kimimaro's skin and hair grew darker, and bones began to protrude glaringly from his back. He glanced to the young Hatake, his eyes hooded by the black markings on his face, and his lizard-like tail thrashed excitedly.

Suddenly Sato was no longer a match.

Kimimaro's movements were too quick and vicious to predict, and in the course of a few moments, Sato had been stabbed repeatedly, several times in his left arm and both shoulders. He leapt away, seeing that the Oto nin's attack had only been a warning, 'Next time he'll aim for my vitals…this is it. I've got nothing, there's no way I can beat this guy when he's already stronger than me…and keeps getting stronger!'

"You will die now." Kimimaro said simply, raising his bone sword to attack again.

Neither of them had seen Lee move. Once he did, it had been after he had released the Fifth Gate, and had immediately gone to rescue Sato who was floundering, trying to cope with his numerous wounds.

The silver haired boy watched in awe as Lee kicked Kimimaro around like a rag doll with a speed that the Oto nin could not match. He wondered if any of the hits his friend was landing were effective when Kimimaro's bone armor was still in the way.

Lee's speed was tearing gashes in the ground, and when Kimimaro began to predict Lee's moves and counter them, the green-clad ninja decided it would be prudent to end his assault swiftly, "Reverse Lotus!"

Sato had to run to avoid the cataclysmic meteor that was Lee pummeling Kimimaro, and watched in bewilderment as half of the meadow was torn apart into a smoldering wasteland as they crashed down to the ground. A number of trees had toppled over and when the attack was through Sato could see Lee retreating, exhausted, but his foe was nowhere in sight.

The young Hatake sprinted over to his friend, unnerved by how he was shuddering in pain, 'I'm not hurt that bad at all…but when Lee opens his Gates he's really doing himself in!'

"Sato-kun, I…I don't think I will be able to fight anymore…" Lee admitted, his voice shaking. He was spent and the pain of two Lotus attacks was beginning to overwhelm him.

Sato was inspecting his stab wounds, glad the bleeding had slowed, "Hey, don't worry Lee! You finished him for sure! I don't think we'll be fighting anyone else after this once we go ahead to find the others…"

Sato sat down beside the older boy, panting, grateful for some rest.

Across the field, in the huge crater Lee had gouged out from his ruthless attack, Kimimaro pushed his way up from under the rubble and debris, muffling a number of deep coughs that were evidence that his illness was catching up to him, 'I do not have much longer…but I will not allow them to take what belongs to Orochimaru-sama.'

Sato was speechless as the near-indestructible Sound ninja moved again to even ground, and removed his spinal cord to use as a weapon that appeared whip-like in function, 'He just shakes off every hit. Every attack is useless.'

Lee was also shocked. He had truly believed the fight was over.

"Okay…I guess I'm just going to have to wrap this up then…" Sato concluded, his expression grim, "Lee, find a safe place to hide and rest. I'll finish this crazy bastard!"

"But you should not-!"

"Get going already!" Sato barked, summoning an owl and leaping up to land on him. Lee watched the young Hatake rise into the air and knew it was best not to argue. He retreated back into the forest, knowing he'd be of little more use in a fight.

"Kutaiku, listen! I'm going to need your help on this one since this guy is really tough!" Sato explained, "Can you go down there and rough him up? If you can't, then don't. I don't want to hit you by accident."

"Are you doubting my skills?" The owl snapped, annoyed, "I will do as you ask and not come to harm, if that is your wish, but do not discredit me you reckless hatchling!"

Sato accepted the second chain scythe Kutaiku offered him once they reached the appropriate altitude, and the Leaf nin leapt up, preparing his attack. Kutaiku abandoned his charge and plummeted back down abruptly, talons stretched for Kimimaro below.

"A bird is challenging me." Kimimaro observed, not at all threatened by the creature's size, "A bird that strays from the air is a dead one!"

Kutaiku loomed over his target, keeping his position in the air to prevent a counterattack, "Razor Down!"

A few beats of his formidable wings rained down hundreds of lethally sharp feathers, all expertly aimed for the Oto nin.

Kimimaro cut them apart before they could hit him with little effort, but the summoned animal was not about to give up, "Wind Release: Bursting Air Bullet!" An immense whirlwind followed Kutaiku's primary attack, knocking Kimimaro into position for Sato's strike.

The bird looked up, seeing Sato was beginning the spiraling descent for his finishing move, and glided off into the thick of the woods nearby, doing as he was instructed.

Lee looked from Kimimaro, who was gaining his feet, ready to meet his opponent head-on, to Sato, whose final attack was dependent on timing and accuracy.

The chains came down with incredible force and speed, tearing up the last of the clearing and even shredding into the nearby tree line. Kimimaro was struck a few times by the fast-moving scythes, getting a few bones cut from his back. He lashed out with his bone whip, however, snagging both chains and then pulled back, tossing them aside.

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