As Inki typed away on her computer she could hear Chiyo's laptop as she streamed, "Hey chi-chi, can you please maybe shut up, I have to turn this essay in by midnight and if I don't it'll effect my summativr grade." Of course full of spite because of the little running incident she did the exact opposite and turned the game volume up, simply mouthing the words 'Better luck next time' a smug smile on her face before she continue on with her stream.
'Jesus-' standing up Inko muttera a soft 'screw you' and left the bedroom walking into the kitchen to continue her essay.
After what was two hours but felt like ten to her she finally finished her essay, immediately turning it In not caring to read over any grammatical errors or if she even turned it in. Heading back to the bedroom she notices that Chiyo had already finished her stream and was fast asleep upside down on her bed, sighing she pulls the blanket over her before heading to her own bed and falling asleep.
Quickly Slamming her alarm before it could make a sound, she let's out a loud groan into her pillow looking over at Inko who was probably going to end up oversleeping.
Sitting up in her bed she stares at the blanket in her before softly humming to herself, "I don't remember having this on.. oh well!" Standing up she unplugs her laptop and puts it into her handbag along with the school tablet.
Grabbing her lunch box she sets it into her bag and grabs whatever she needs before heading into the closet to change into school uniform.
letting out a miserable sigh Chiyo stares blankly at the empty seat of her friend, glancing at the clock then towards the door as she hears soft yet panicked footsteps come close.
suddenly opening the door Inko lets out a miserable groan as she feels herself become more embarrassed at how late she was, "Pardin keep ms.." she whispers seating herself in her chair as she blankly stares down at the few worksheets, and the unfamiliar note stapled to it as it read along the lines of her coming back her for after school. "What did I do now..."
glancing at the doors of the classroom she sees everyone else including her friends leave the classroom, Chiyo paying little to no attention to the fact Inko was staying as it was a bit if a common occurrence.
Inko's POV
Standing up she packs everything and heads back to first period, slowly opening the door and walking towards the desk.
"Ah, miss Sato.
I'm sure you probably have some idea as to why I asked you to stay." My teacher said blankly staring at some grades, but all I'm trying to figure out is what does she mean? if it's my grades I'm doing well and I turn in my work, not on time but still I do! is it my attendance? oh god maybe I didn't do well on the essay and it brought my total grade down so horribly that I have time do summer classes if I want to even-
"N-no ma'am.. I'm sorry but I do not know what you're referring to." I softly say, as calmy as I could.
Letting out an annoyed sigh she brings up from what I could tell from her eye reflection my essay, "Okay let's just get this over with, I'm hoping this is only a simple mistake but what I hope you had accidentally turned in, let's see...
a dragon getting peniled vored by a wolf while it proceeds to quite vigorously- masterbate inside the wolfs ball sack.. need I need to go on?"
oh my god, since when- I'm going to cry, please don't report this-
all I could do was stay silent though, mustering up the courage I finally speak up "I'm sorry miss Maki That..that you had to read something like that.. It was a mistake to n my part as I wasnt fully awake when turning in my assignments and I must've mistaken it.."
Jesus Christ I want to die, with all the embarrassment it'd be a miracle if I don't get suspended at all.
Cutting off my thoughts My teacher says "okay.. look, your a good student but please, and I mean please don't make a mistake like this again, you won't get off as lightly. okay?" She says sternly, "Just.. just resubmit the assignment with the actual essay, would you?"
profusely apologizing I bie down and promise her the essay, grabbing my stuff and apologizing on the way out.
--- Third person POV
Walking out she could feel heat rising up to her face, though the tint of red being hard to make out on her face, the fact it was above average temperature showed how embarrassed she was. only thinking about how much she hated herself for this and how she should've never used her art and writing skills for her stupid side 'career' an- disrupting her thoughts she feels her phone vibrate against her hip, taking it out of her skirt pocket she started at the message.
"Did the teacher like your little fan fiction ;)
blankly staring at it the only thought on her head was "She's going to get her ass beat when I get back"
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