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30.64% The value of a hero / Chapter 19: Sports Festival 7: Individual Battles Part 3

Chapter 19: Sports Festival 7: Individual Battles Part 3

After being insulted for half an hour with all kinds of insults and arcane languages, Doryoku was able to speak civilly with Yoshino about the strange situation.

"Could you explain to me why now I have charges of all kinds thanks to you?" Doryoku asked calmly and trying to reason with the girl.

"It's none of your business, and don't tell anyone about this please Suzuki-kun" Yoshino said shyly as she looked at him very sorry and helpless.

"Give me a logical and reasonable reason and I'll listen to you" Doryoku said without being affected in any way, after all his mother had taught him about these types of women and he had almost no feelings.

'Heck, that usually works' Yoshino thought with a little nervousness seeing that his common tactic didn't work.

"I'll punch you!!" Yoshino said with determination and this time trying in the aggressive way as he clenched her fist in an intimidating tone.

"I'm immune to blows" Doryoku said against arguing without much difficulty.

Yoshino thought of some way to threaten him until she had an idea...

"I will insult your mother!" Yoshino said launching her last attack with some nervousness.

"That would be ugly for both of us, I accept it, I didn't have to say anything about you anyway" Doryoku said with a thoughtful tone accepting the intimidation and walking towards the general studies bleachers.

Yoshino had blank eyes at this seeing that it had worked, then shrugged and went to the hero stands as well.

After that strange situation, the battles continued and now it was the turn of Oboro and the white-haired, red-eyed student from class 1-B.

"Third fight, on the right side we have a great student from class 1-B, the boy with a talent for looking like a vampire Sekijiro Kan!!" High command said quite excitedly as the fanged white haired boy now known as Kan walked out of the hall with determination.

"And on the left side, the martial arts talent, Class 1-A Oboro Shirakumo!!" High command said as he pointed to his left side from which Oboro came out with a big excited smile.

Something that Doryoku noticed is that Oboro was nervous, but as always that feeling was overshadowed by his enthusiasm in combat.

Both participants walked to the center of the arena and prepared for the order of High command while they get ready.

"Good luck!" Oboro said with an excited smile as he made a staff out of his own clouds.

"I'll easily beat you 1-A student!" Kan said with white eyes in anger as he cut his palm with one of his fangs causing a lot of blood to come out of it.

This took both Oboro and almost everyone around except the teachers by surprise, until the blood crystallized wrapping the boy's fists like boxing gloves and taking an attacking position with his right fist in front.

Oboro had a bit of nervous sweat on his forehead due to the boy's attitude, and this time he took a more serious attitude seeing that he had a good fighting stance as he took his own attacking stance as well.

"Let's gooo!!" High command said suddenly and quite excited for the combat to be fought.

Both participants ran into each other very quickly and Oboro slammed his staff against his fists covered in crystallized blood, beginning the fight.

Kan landed a right uppercut to Oboro's chin and Oboro dodged it by moving to the side, then backing away from him far enough to get a better advantage with his staff.

Kan ran quickly towards Oboro but he took a momentum forward and struck him hard horizontally with his staff, sending him back a few steps.

Oboro did not stop there and launched a lunge to the stomach and then jumped up and kicked him hard in the abdomen with the intention of taking him out of the arena.

The blood from Khan's fists dissolved and he formed fine spears out of them, digging into the ground and stopping his movement before fall of the arena.

"Not bad, 1-A student!" Kan said smiling quite excited by the combat while Oboro had a very serious attitude.

'Both are experienced in combat, the Shirakumo boy is very good, but he wastes the versatility of his quirk and the Kan boy gets carried away a lot by his emotions and irrational competitiveness' thought Last laser, quite impressed with the performance of both students in hand-to-hand combat.

Doryoku was also a little nervous, but his expression did not change at any time only his foot moved a little.

Kan undid his spears and covered his fists again, then ran towards Oboro at high speed.

Oboro lunged again, but Kan pushed it away with his left hand and landed a strong punch to Oboro's chest causing his staff to disappear as he groaned a bit in pain.

Kan tried another left uppercut at his chin but Oboro dodged it again with difficulty and landed a hard blow to the liver with his open palm.

Kan hunched his body looking quite affected, but it was a feint and he landed a very strong blow to Oboro's stomach and finally a right uppercut with great force, causing him to spit out some blood and shoot out towards the outside of the arena.

But Oboro reacted instantly and formed a cloud at his feet taking momentum to come back in front of him and give him a strong kick from above on Kan's head, causing him to bow from the impact.

Oboro re-formed a staff and using his Tegumi branch of submission martial arts, he made a submission lock on Kan and immobilized him using his staff to threaten to suffocate him.

"Give it up, there is nothing you can do to free yourself!" Oboro said in a serious tone as he tightened his grip on him and made it difficult for Kan to breathe.

Kan refused to give up, but after a few seconds of helplessness he touched the ground a couple of times hinting that he had given up.

"Sekijiro Kan gave up the fight, the winner is Oboro Shirakumo!" Ectoplasm said seriously as he watched Oboro let go of Kan, who seemed quite annoyed.

"What a great display of martial arts ladies and gentlemen, look at that technique!!" High command said quite pleased as well as the rest of the crowd.

"It was a good fight" said Oboro grinning widely as he wiped the blood from his mouth and offered his other hand to help Kan up.

Kan just snorted and pulled Oboro's hand away, then walked off to the stands of the 1-B in anger.

Oboro's smile never disappeared and he simply went to the nursing to treat his injuries and to wait for his next match.

"Shirakumo-san is very good at martial arts, I never imagined it" Azami said quite surprised after seeing the fight.

"Something good had to have, otherwise it would be a bit sad" Mirai said without giving it any importance as if it were obvious as Azami looked at her with a nervous smile.

Doryoku was able to breathe a sigh of relief as Oboro advanced to the next match and simply waited for the next match more calmly.

"It's rock time!!" Hizashi said quite excited about his fight as he went down to the arena and everyone wished him good luck.

His combat was against the electricity boy from before, so this would be a combat between emitters.

"We continue with the last fight of the quarterfinals, on the right side we have Hizashi Yamada from class 1-A, the expert boy in leaving everyone without the ability to listen!!" High command said quite excited as always as he pointed to the left side of the arena.

Hizashi came out of it with a big excited smile as usual, and he didn't seem to have any kind of fear or nervousness.

'Why can't I do that?' Doryoku thought a bit surprised by Hizashi's completely lack of nervousness.

'He's too stupid to think about the future, I'm sure of that' Aizawa thought quite sure seeing the lack of fear after knowing Hizashi for so long.

"And on the left side we have his expert finger snapping boy, Class 1-B Masatsu Tenmetsu!!" High command said remembering his previous battle as he pointed to the right side of the arena.

Unlike Hizashi, the boy now known as Masatsu had nervous sweat on his forehead as he approached the arena.

Hizashi and Masatsu reached one end of this each and waited for the High command just like the rest.

"Good luck fellow hero!!" Hizashi said pointing at Masatsu with both fingers and with a big smile on his face.

Masatsu could only nod a little nervous as he paid close attention to hear the High command's order.

"Let's goooo!!" High command said suddenly and quite excited, causing Masatsu to jump slightly in his place in fright.

Masatsu snapped his fingers quickly and a small lightning bolt came out of them towards Hizashi, who received it and his body froze a bit from this, but it only stopped it for a moment.

"Yeahhhhhhhhh!!!" Hizashi said after receiving the lightning with great force and causing strong sound waves around him that affected the spectators a bit but mostly Masatsu.

Masatsu brought his hands together and rubbed them with great force causing a large beam to hit Hizashi and completely paralyze him as Masatsu approached to take advantage of this.

'Common battles between emitters are almost always the same, just see who can launch the strongest firework, but if they don't learn physical combat they will be very easy to defeat' thought Last laser seriously and quite familiar with the emitters and their predictable fights.

Masatsu approached quickly and hit Hizashi in the stomach and then tried to push him towards the outside of the arena.

Hizashi complained a bit about the hit, but he was still paralyzed and couldn't move his body, so he decided to just open his mouth and...

"YEAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Hizashi yelled with great force in front of Masatsu causing him to plug his ears in pain.

If Hizashi had something to focus his screams in only one direction, Masatsu would be bleeding from his ears, but his great scream only completely stunned him and he was scattered all over the arena.

Hizashi finally lost his paralysis so he ran quickly towards Masatsu, hitting his face with force causing him to take several steps back and regain his reason.

"Yeahhhhhhhhh!!" Hizashi yelled again this time with less force but stunning Masatsu again and then grabbing him and throwing him out of the sand.

"Masatsu Tenmetsu is out of the arena, Hizashi Yamada is the winner!" Ectoplasm said out loud and giving Hizashi the winner.

"A traditional battle between emitters, not as exciting as a physical combat but still very interesting!!" High command said quite excited as ever as the crowd threw their cheers with great excitement as well.

Hizashi helped Masatsu up and then went to the general studies stands as he greeted the crowd with a big smile.

And with this ends the quarterfinals of the individual battles, the next match would be between Doryoku and Aizawa, so the crowd was very excited about the outcome.


Welp, I don't like writing a note in the chapter itself because I feel like it's a little bad for the immersion in the story but nobody reads the author's notes sooooo.

I'm not really fan of the sports festival and I think it gets better latter, so for this time I have you a proposal... I will post an extra chapter if you give me ten power stones and three reviews (If they aren't spam better), Honestly I don't like posting chapters too fast now because I feel than I could add something better in every chapter after a while, but I really want to end this part.

So, good luck I guess and have a nice day.

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