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6.45% The value of a hero / Chapter 4: A Normal day at school

Chapter 4: A Normal day at school

[8 years later] [Monday - 9:00 p.m]

Currently, Doryoku and Oboro are taking a math class in their last year before high school, while Oboro slept next to Doryoku without disguising in any way and Doryoku quietly followed the class.

After a few days of becoming friends, the first thing Oboro did was ask his parents to change his class with Doryoku, making them both in the same class for a long time.

Currently they both wear their typical black clothes with gold buttons required in school, plus they are both about 1.75 meters tall and Doryoku's hair was now of colour wine.

"And well that was the factoring issue, any questions?" said the math teacher in a bored tone adjusting his glasses and turning around

Doryoku kicked Oboro with his foot before this causing him to wake up instantly and stick his head into his math book as not to be discovered.

"Teacher I have a question in the second exercise" said one of the students in front of Doryoku raising her hand to start with her questions.

Oboro gave Doryoku a thumb up for help as he grinned widely, to which Doryoku also gave a thumb up as he continued to watch the class.

"Well youngs, it's time to start the math test, I hope you are ready" said the math teacher seriously making everyone tense and handing out the exams.

The test started and Doryoku solved the problems without any problem while Oboro tried to remember what he taught him.

// Little Flashback //

Currently we can see Doryoku in front of Oboro in the living room of his house while he had several math notes.

"Alright Oboro, factoring a square root is pretty easy, you just have to follow the process we learned" Doryoku said calmly while Oboro was staring off into some alternate universe apparently.

"You just have to remember the powers" Doryoku said with a bead of sweat on the back of his neck while Oboro looked just as lost.

"How much is 4 × 5 Oboro?" Doryoku said with blank eyes as Oboro continued to stare off into space.

"This will be pretty hard" Doryoku said, sighing wearily before even starting.

// End of Flashback //

Oboro remembered what he studied with Doryoku and solved the exercises quite animatedly.

After an hour's of exam, the math teacher collected the sheets and sent the students to recess.

"I'm sure I did very well, all thanks to you Doryoku!" Oboro said with a big smile as he hugged Doryoku with his right arm.

"You better be worth the aneurysm I had trying to teach you" Doryoku said with a warning tone causing Oboro to have a bit of nervous sweat.

When they got out to have breakfast, both of them sat in the same place where they had always sat and began to eat.

"Ohhh, Mom made shrimps for breakfast so amazing!" said Oboro quite excited and drooling.

Doryoku took one of Oboro's shrimp with his chopsticks and ate it quickly, causing Oboro to glare at him in shock.

"How dare you touch my precious shrimps with your filthy mortal hands!" Oboro said with blank eyes, indignation and anger.

"It's the law of the jungle, shrimp that sleep is carried by Doryoku" Doryoku said with a mocking smile as he pointed his chopsticks at Oboro.

Oboro took one of Doryoku's chicken pieces and ate it as a sign of war.

"I didn't know you wanted to die today Oboro-kun" Touya said with a menacing aura around him and completely serious eyes as he rolled up his sleeves for combat.

And just before a massacre happened, the same old idiots came to bother.

"How are you useless quirkless? This time you can not made me go away with a cookie" said the same brown haired boy from the last time next to his group.

"You're right, that's why I have this" said Doryoku taking an adult magazine out of his backpack and handing it to the bully.

"A pleasure to do business" said the bully looking away flushed and quickly leaving with his colleagues to other side.

"Where did you get it?" Oboro asked with a little blush on his face when he saw the cover of said magazine and quite curious

"Don't ask, and no, I didn't read it nor do I have one for you" Doryoku said as he sat in front of Oboro and he looked quite down.

"Hey Doryoku! We're close to starting high school! What do you want to do?" Oboro said quite excited as he remembered that detail.

"I suppose I'll enter in the general studies at U.A, and I imagine you want to be a hero" Doryoku said as he ate quietly and thoughtfully.

"Higu arg complytly reight" said Oboro as he choked on his food again and Doryoku passed him the water and hit him on the back to pass the food.

"Someday you will end up choking seriously" Doryoku said, sighing heavily at Oboro's carelessness.

"While my friend hit my back I have no reason to fear" said Oboro with a big confident smile causing Doryoku to let out another tired sigh.

"As I said, I want to have my own hero agency and you will be in it, it is a promise!" Oboro said pointing to Doryoku with a big smile.

"I already told you that I can't use my quirk because it's too volatile, and don't promise anything that you're not going to do right now" Doryoku said, flatly refusing the idea and with a warning tone.

"Then you will keep the accounts! But you won't escape from me!" Oboro said pointing at Doryoku with determination.

Doryoku could only smile slightly at the enthusiasm of his friend as always, and then continue eating calmly.

After breakfast, the math teacher handed in the freshly graded tests and handed them over to the class.

"76? I'm not quite sure how to feel about it" said one of the blue haired students from the classroom as she thought carefully.

"62 friend! Fortune, here I go!" said another of the black-haired students as he partied with his group in the back.

"Doryoku! I got a 82 I'm a genius!" Oboro said with a big victorious smile as he showed Doryoku his exam.

"I got a 99, as always, it's starting to bother me" Doryoku said seeing that he was missing one more point again.

"99! How can you complain about something like that?!" Oboro said indignantly as he reproached Doryoku.

"Do you remember that time when you got a 49 in physics and you had one point to pass? Well, that's how it feels" Doryoku said calmly to what Oboro seemed to think carefully about it for a moment.

Remembering that exam, Oboro understood perfectly and said.

"Professor give him a point Doryoku! Look into his heart and don't be mean!" Oboro said dramatically as he cried comically and begged the professor for mercy.

"I'm sorry Shirakumo-san, but I can't do anything about it" said the math teacher with a nervous sweat just like the rest of the class.

"I tried my friend" said Oboro sitting in his chair with a defeated tone.

"It wasn't such a big deal Oboro" Doryoku said with blank eyes at the exaggeration of his friend.

The class continued calmly and after a couple more hours, the bell rang indicating the end of classes.

Both friends walked through the corridors of the school looking for the exit to go home.

"Hey Doryoku, did you notice that you have a lot of fans lately?" Oboro said as he had both hands on the back of his neck and looked around him.

Doryoku looked around in confusion and could actually notice some of the girls in his classroom spying on him, which took him by surprise.

"I guess Okā-chan was right, apparently Otō-san's appearance works a lot" Doryoku said ignoring the students who were spying on him.

"You dare to ignore the girls as if nothing copy of Sasuke!" Oboro said quite offended and envious as he pointed at Doryoku.

"Didn't you say that I have the face of a murderer normally? That means that the women I attract want to be killed, that's very murky" said Doryoku without understanding Oboro's drama very well.

"How can you be so stupid and so smart at the same time?" Oboro said quite confused as he and Doryoku left the school.

"Besides, I doubt it's a good idea to get married right now" Doryoku said thoughtfully making Oboro look at him in shock.

"I'm not asking you to get married, you piece of idiot!" Oboro said indignantly and looking at Doryoku like he was an idiot.

"Why else would I have a girlfriend?" Doryoku asked genuinely confused and making Oboro cover his face with his hand.

"I don't know if you are very innocent or very good friend" Oboro said as he gave up trying to make Doryoku understand and walked carelessly.

"I'm not a good person, I appreciate you as a friend and I love my mother, but that's my nature" Doryoku said with a serious tone as he took Oboro by the neck of his shirt to stop him before crossing the street carelessly and he looked at him confused .

Doryoku sighed a little tired and started with the explanation.

"If a person is good just because it makes him happy to see that others are happy thanks to him, it is his nature, he is not different from the one who enjoys murder, they are only two sides of the same coin" said Doryoku in an explanatory tone making Oboro think carefully about his words.

"But, the one who denies his nature, and who only does good because he knows it is the right thing to do and because he chose it, is a truly good person for me" Doryoku said as he pointed to himself and Oboro understood the point of it.

"Very deep friend, so you think you are not a good person?" Oboro asked thoughtfully as he looked at Doryoku.

"That's right, but I promised never to forget who I am, so I will always be the same" Doryoku said, smiling slightly and with determination.

At this, Oboro smiled widely and said.

"Then we will always be friends Doryoku! We must build an agency and conquer the world!" Oboro said in an excited and expectant tone.

"Don't say that out loud idiot! If a hero hears you, we'll got a sermon!" Doryoku said in annoyance as he covered Oboro's mouth and intentionally his nose as well.

After this, Doryoku said goodbye to Oboro and entered his house to wait for his mother as always.

Every day it was the same, clean the house completely, read a little, surf the internet and prepare dinner when it was 6:30 p.m.

And as always, Doryoku would take a small chair and sit to wait for his mother in the entrance.

And when she arrived tired as always, Doryoku helped her with her stuff and talked with her about her day while they both ate quietly.

And so ends a common day in the life of Doryoku Suzuki.



Somewhere in the Hosu district at 10:00 pm at night, a man in his work suit and with white hair would get out of his black car to get into his house quite quickly and scared.

The man looked around as if he was looking for someone who was watching him, until he entered his house and relaxed a bit.

After leaving his coat on the rack by the door, the man called a particular number quickly which answered a moment later.

"Hello? Detective? Tell me that you already has my restraining order" said the white haired man as he spoke nervously.

"Mr. Katō? I'm sorry to tell you that we have no clues about your case or the madwoman who is chasing you" said the detective on the other end of the phone with a bit of helplessness.

"How can it be?! She has called me for a long time saying that she will kill me for leaving her!" said the man now known as Katō quite nervous and angry as he got up from his chair.

"All the calls were by public telephones and you do not have any injuries or proof of what you say, sorry but without clues I am tied of hands" said the detective with regret causing Katō to fall in his chair quite disappointed.

"I understand, thanks detective" Katō said in a low and scared tone as he hung up the phone.

Katō turned on all the lights and heated up some instant noodles to eat and relax a bit at least.

After this, he closed all the doors and windows in his apartment, and the only one missing was the front door.

As he approached and closed the door, he could hear a knock a few seconds later, which terrified him greatly and made him take several steps back.

"Katō-san? I'm your neighbor" came the voice of a man from the other side of the door causing Katō to breathe a sigh of relief.

Katō opened the door and greeted his neighbor, a man with blue eyes and a little fat, but a very good neighbor.

"Tenseru-san, don't do this to me, you almost scared me to death" Katō said, taking his breast in shock and with a nervous smile.

"Ohh, I'm sorry Katō-san, next time I'll call you before come here, I just came to see if you were okay, I'd better go" said the man now known as Tenseru with a ashamed and worried tone, to then go away.

"Thank you for your concern" Katō said quite grateful and relaxing his mind for his conversation.

Or at least, it was until he felt something cold and cutting at the back of his neck, straining his body completely.

"We could have had a nice family with good neighbors, Kiyoshi-chan~" said a female voice in the man's ear causing him to fill with horror and fear.

Katō was about to shout out for help, but the woman hit his neck knocking him unconscious.

"We have a lot to talk about Kiyoshi-chan" said the woman with a big smile and deactivating her quirk that gave her nails like razors.

And after this, the door closed.

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