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70.37% Re: Monster Lust System / Chapter 17: Ch 16 Day 38

Chapter 17: Ch 16 Day 38

(Someone pointed out that Goblins and their evolutionary line are classed as Demons. Well, in my story they are Monsters. Monsters and Demons will be two different races, and it will be rare for a Monster to naturally evolve into a Demon.

All Demons will have Demonic energy, so just because someone has a title calling them a demon, doesn't necessarily make them one.)

- Day 38 -

After having a good bit of fun with Returner and the others last night, I received the [Golden Rule] ability from her, which is much appreciated.

The girls were all asleep still and I was comfortable, so I planned to stay in bed and maybe sleep some more. Unfortunately, [Sense Presense] alerted me that someone was moving within the base, so I had to get up and investigate.

Softening my body, I slipped out of the embrace of the girls and got my pants on, before walking out of the room and towards the intruder.

I wasn't in any particular rush to find get them, considering how they don't have any hope in escaping me if I don't want them to. Besides, they were in the kitchen area and seemed preoccupied.

As I casually made my way there, I wondered who it could be. I know for certain it is a humanoid, because no animal was gonna be able to get through the doors without making a ruckus. Not to mention, an animal wouldn't be able to get past the wolf pack.

When I got to the kitchen, I found the door open, entered and saw the food storage door open as well, so I went to the door and looked inside.

What I saw was a naked bunny girl eating raw meat. Smiling in amusement, I leaned against the doorway and spoke up, surprising her. "So~ My little bunny is hungry."

Jumping up, looking to me and growling in hostility.

"Calm down. You wouldn't want me to punish you again, now would you~?" I stared at her with lust.

She saw my gaze being directed to her body and shivered in what seemed to be fright, but also anticipation, evident by the way her nipples perked up and the streak of love juice that leaked from her pussy.

I wasn't entirely sure before, but it would seem that [Humanization] grants human instincts and intelligence, alongside the ability to speak the language, but maintains their animal instincts. So, regardless of the creature I use it on, they will understand what I say and mean. I assume this changes depending on the age though.

Anyways, I had to deal with her right now, so I focused my attention on that.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you again. You're one of my Mates or Lovers now, so I will treat you well."

Understanding what I was saying, she relaxed a bit, but was still wary of me and kept her body low to the ground. I didn't concern myself with that however and walked into the storage, cleansing it as I grabbed some ingredients.

"If you want to eat, I will be making some food that you will like, so don't eat anything else please."

With that said, I left the storage and got to work making breakfast. The bunny soon followed and curiously observed me as I cooked.

I looked at her and smiled gently, before turning back to what I was doing. As I did however, I noticed that her belly seemed... bigger...

Taking another look, I confirmed that she was infact larger in the stomach area... Something told me that she wasn't just bloated from eating, so I nervously used [Appraisal] on her and found... That she's pregnant...!

Upon discovering this, it dawned on me that I hadn't used [Cleanse] on her after I fucked her, leading to this.

In a bit of a dazed state, I continued cooking food. I never intended to have kids, let alone have them so early on in my new life. Fair enough if things change in the future, but I never expected this.

And now that she is pregnant, I can only imagine how the others will react. Likely demanding to get pregnant as well...

All I can do is wait and see how things will turn out.

Considering that this is a new thing to happen to me and that it was the result of my lust, it occurred that I might have a new Achievement in the system, so I took a look.

[Daddy~ - You're going to be a father, hurray!! Reward Automatically Given.]

Seeing that the reward didn't require me to accept it, I was really curious about what it could be and checked my skills list.

[Improved Bloodline - All your children will have greater potential. It will only take five days for them to be born and another five for them to grow to an appropriate age. Appropriate age varies. Age acceleration can be turned on and off. Activated.]

This was both a relief and a distress. On the one hand, I won't have to be concerned about raising children and on the other, with such a short amount of time needed to give birth and raise them, I feel like the girls will be wanting a lot of children...

All I could do was sigh and continue making breakfast. While doing this, I also began thinking of a name for the bunny.

I soon finished breakfast, then placed it on the dining table and sat down with the girl, giving her a full plate of food.

She had been hungrily staring at the food the entire time, drooling in anticipation, so when I put it in front of her she immediately began devouring it.

I chuckled at her and stroked her head. She was alarmed at the sudden touch and glared at me, but finding that I wasn't harming her and that it felt kind of good, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the petting. Not forgetting to eat as she did so...

Her hair was silky soft and her bunny ears were fluffy, so I got a bit caught up in stroking her and didn't realise the passage of time. By the time I'd had enough, the girls had gotten out of bed and had eaten the breakfast I prepared.

Looking at the girls, most of them were smirking at me teasingly and Illia commented with amusement. "To think, you were so cruel to her and yet, now you can't stop fawning over her."

Jokingly, I justified myself with a serious expression. "If you feel how good her ears are, you would be no different."

After a moment, we laughed together and I sat down. Seeing me sit down, Eris and Hela came over, hopping on my lap, taking a leg each.

If I had to guess, they were jealous from watching me pet the bunny, so I started stroking their heads.

"So, does this mean you will be adding a bunny to your collection of beauties~?" Coquettishly smiling, Illia rested her chin on her hand while leaning on the table.

"Yes, it does indeed. And I must say, you are all quite the collection~" Grinning at her, we gazed into each others eyes, a lustful atmosphere beginning to form.

However, our atmosphere was interrupted with cough from Serana. "Rogue, I know your lust knows no bounds, but it's the beginning of the day, so please try to control yourself."

"Yes, MoOoM..." With an exagerated roll of my eyes, drawled out with a small grin. Serana blushed a little and looked away, making us laugh.

With an amused chuckle, Lydia spoke up and inquired about the new member. "Fufufu! As much fun as it is seeing Serana embarrassed, I would like to know the name of our new companion."

"I thought of that while making breakfast and came up with the name 'Rumi'." Saying that, I looked to my side, where the topic of discussion was silently sitting and taking everything in. "What do you think? Do you like that name?"

She looked at me in confusion. "Why are you being nice to me now?"

Apparently, the change in how I was treating had confused her, so I cleared it up. "Because you are my woman now. Before, you were just a rabbit that I experimented on and you had insulted me, so I was punishing you. Now that you have been punished, I'm no longer mad and will treat you just like the others." I then gently held her chin between my thumb and forefinger, giving her passionate and gentle kiss.

The kiss confused her for a moment, but feeling good from it, she reciprocated as best as she could.

After about thirty seconds of that, I separated from her and saw her in a dazed state. I re-asked my question. "So, what do you think? Do you like the name 'Rumi'?"

She blushed lightly and nodded her head, placing a hand on her still exposed chest as she felt her heart was beating rapidly.

I smiled and petted her head a bit, before turning to the others, who had jealous pouts that made me chuckle. "Well, there you have it. Her name is Rumi."

Now that Rumi had been properly introduced, I had to tell them about the most important matter.

My expression turned serious and upon seeing this, the girls grew concerned and looked at me with worried expressions. I took a breath and began speaking. "Before doing anything else today, there is something you should all know..."

With increasing worry, Rubellia asked a question they all shared. "Rou... What's wrong...?"

"Well..." Taking a deep breath and closing my eyes, I spoke words I never thought would pass my lips. "Rumi... Is pregnant."

Silence pervaded the area for a moment, before they erupted. "WHAAAAT!!!???"


Awhile later, they had all calmed down, but were extremely unhappy that Rumi, despite being new to the harem, was the first to get pregnant.

I had explained to them how this had happened, in other word, me not bothering to Cleanse her of my sperm. This didn't help me though, as they all complained and whined that they also wanted my children.

It was difficult, but I managed to persuade them to wait for the future, when I have built a better and safer environment.

Because Rumi was naked, I had given her some loose clothes that wouldn't get in the way of her expanding belly and will make new ones after she gives birth

With them pacified, I was feeling quite drained and wasn't in the mood to go hunting, so I went outside, leaving the girls to fawn over the pregnant Rumi. They were incredibly excited to be aunts and collective mothers for her child.

Standing outside, I stretched my body and stared at the sky. I'm not sure what to do right now. I have multiple things that I can do, but I don't know where to start...

For the time being, I decided that I should check on the breeding grounds. As I made my way to the prison I got to thinking...

It will take quite awhile to grow our numbers in this way and I don't have the patience to wait all that time...

Fortunately, I acquired something that can speed up the process. [Time Magic] *Sparkle!*

Having come up with a plan, I changed my objective from the prison and instead, sped through the forest. I killed some animals and collected a bunch of fruit in my inventory.

Then, I ran to the prison and opened it. I walked in and expanded the prison downwards, so there are four levels, creating multiple rooms on the way. At bottom, I created a cold storage, using the passive cold that my [Demonic Ice] generates as the cooling device.

Then, I threw all the animal bodies and fruit into the storage, before going back to the surface. As I passed by the prisoners, I reprogrammed them to search for food. When I finally left the prison, I closed it up.

With that done, I spread out my arms and used four different types Magic. [Space Magic] to isolate the prison, [Life Magic] to ensure they remain alive, [Time Magic] to accelerate the time in the isolated space and finally [Mind Magic] to programme absolute loyalty toward me.

The only downside, is that I have to supply a constant stream of Mana for this to work, but it's a small price to pay.


A few hours later and I was incredibly bored...

But then, a fun little idea popped into my head! What would happen if I infused my Demonic energy into the Mana I use?

The answer? It was like putting my magic on steroids, as I felt the time inside speed up exponentially. Though, it also ate away at my reserves.


After a single hour, I was practically out of Mana, so I stopped using all types of magic and took a short breather.

Inside the prison, I could feel a couple hundred creatures, so I knew that my little experiment was successful.

Once I had regained my energy, I formed a small opening and placed my hand over it. From there, I used [Demonic Poison] and created a highly potent sleeping gas that quickly filled the prison, knocking all of them out. Just to be safe, I didn't make it too strong, because I didn't want to risk killing them and make this whole thing pointless

Pretty sure that I knocked them out, I opened the prison and started making my way in.

As I walked, I found bones covering the ground, some that were very aged and others that had been gnawed on.

I have no idea how long it had been inside the prison, but it has clearly been a long time.

Going further in, I found a single word carved into the walls repeatedly. The word was, 'Obey'. How they knew how to write, I don't know, but my best guess is that it's related to the programming.

Regardless of what it was, it had no consequences so I continued walking and made my way down the prison.

When I walked through the second level, I found more bones, but as I neared the entrance to the third level, there was decaying bodies that had clearly been eaten. The interesting thing was that they were all hobgoblins.

Going down to level three, I found the living creatures and future members of my legion. Every single one of them was a hobgoblin, but they were ugly as fuck, unlike my girls. I can't help but to wonder whether it is because of continous inbreeding or because I haven't had any involvement in their existence.

I also couldn't help noticing that there weren't any Orcs around. In fact, there weren't any Orc bones on the second level. So, the most logical assumption, is that when the prisoners resorted to eating each other, the Orcs were the first to go. Likely because of their deliciousness.

Finally, after going through level three, I arrive at level four. Duh...

On level four, there are a couple dozen Hobgoblins near the entrance and surprisingly, they are all variants. Though, they don't seem especially strong, just a bit unique.

Continuing onwards, I found that the whole area was empty and would have thought it was, if not for the fact that I could feel one more presense at the back.

When I got to the source of the presense, I found a gorgeous woman sloppily lying on her back. To be exact, she is an Ogre, which was clear by the horns on her head. Her body was toned, she has some huge breasts and a big ass, along with long silvery white hair coming from her head. And if you're wondering, yes, the carpet does match the drapes.

I walked over to her and kneeled down by her head, grabbing her face and pushing her cheeks together a little. "Hmm, compared to there rest, you are quite impressive... Especially to have evolved into an Ogre. Plus, you seem to be a variant based on your skin and this fur on you neck, arms and legs..."

Moving my thumb, I ran it across her lips and grinned. "Yeah, I think I will take you as my own."

As I said that, her eyes surprisingly shot and she went to attack me, but the loyalty I programmed into her prevented her from following through on the attack. Not that I was worried anyways, its not like she would be able to hurt me.

I used [Mind Magic] and gave her basic human intelligence, before standing up and pulling her with me while grabbing jaw. "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet one of my subjects and an even greater pleasure to meet one as fantastic as you."

The Ogre woman seemed confused and somewhat annoyed. "Who are you!? And what do you mean subject!? I'm the boss here and no one tells me what to do!!"

Grinning in amusement, I tightened my grip enough to cause her pain. "I see that ruling over those weaklings has made you rather full of yourself, so how about a challenge? We will each exchange punches in turns and whoever remains standing is the boss. We can't dodge or use weapons, but you can defend or attack however you want. So?"

In response, she grinned savagely and agreed. I released her from my grasp and took a step back, before spreading my arms out wide. "Ladies first!"

She didn't shy away from taking this given opportunity and seemed to activate an ability, as she was covered in a red aura. While being covered in the red aura, she seemingly bulked up and then released a roar, before charging at me and punching me square in the face.

I didn't defend in the slightest, so the force of her punch sent me flying into the wall and created a dust cloud. Confident that I was dead, she turned away and grunted in disappointment. "Weakling."

Hearing her call me a weakling, I felt something snap inside me, making me get extremely pissed off as I sped in front of her and punched her in the gut while twisting my fist. She folded over my fist and vomited, on the verge of passing out.

Swiftly grabbing her by the throat, I began repeatedly slamming her into the wall. "I don't care how much I wanted you to be my woman, if you EVER call me weak again-"

For the first time in my life, anger had completely overcome me and I released an ungodly amount of killing intent, along with Demonic energy. "I.WILL.KILL.YOU."

A look of unadulterated horror appeared her eyes, as unknowingly, figures of my Devil Triggers had manifested behind me.

Staring into her eyes with fury, I then threw her into the ground, resulting in a cracking sound that likely came from her bones.

Despite breaking her bones, she didn't release a peep as she had fallen unconscious.

I continued glaring at her, breathing heavily from anger. Without thinking, I summoned Force Edge and loomed over the Ogre.

Raising my arm up, I stabbed down towards her, before barely controlling myself and making the blade stab deep into the ground beside her head.

Growling in dissatisfaction of not killing her, I de-summoned Force Edge and stood upright, pointing my hand at her and putting her in my inventory.

No longer in a good mood, I sped through the prison and put the Hobgoblins in my inventory, while Devouring the dead.

Leaving the prison, I closed it up and decided to take a wander through the forest in hopes of calming myself down.


As I wandered around, I had found various creatures and killed them in cruel ways, but it did very little to alleviate my wrath.

While killing things, I got the abilities; [Physical Damage Resistance], [Self-Replication], [Infused Liquid Restoration], [Gold thread creation], [Adamantine Spider's Carapace], [Wild Horn Dance] and [Red Crystal's Tone].

Usually I would gain some satisfaction from acquiring new abilities, but I'm just too pissed off.

It isn't hard to figure out why I was so prone to getting angry. Becoming a Demon had clearly made me more prideful and easily angered when I'm disrespected.

Knowing that doesn't do anything to appease my anger though, so I just continued to vent it on the creatures in the forest.


A few hours later, I had calmed down significantly, but was still in foul mood.

I had started to explore more of the forest out of boredom, hoping to find something that could improve my day.

As I walked, I was twirling Rebellion around, which I'd summoned because, again, I was bored...

It was while I was twirling Rebellion that I suddenly felt a familiar sensation. The sensation that something was trying to kill me with a sneak attack.

Much like the last two times I felt this, it was because some asshole had shot at me with an arrow. Honestly, the fact that this keeps happening is beginning to get tiring.

Still spinning Rebellion, I timed it and placed the flat part of the blade in the trajectory of the arrow, blocking it as it broke against my sword.

Moving Rebellion, I looked past it, at the source of the attack. At the source, there was two Elves, a male and a female. The males bow was aimed at me and the string was still quivering.

My gaze sharpened, as I wasn't pleased by this unprovoked attempt on my life. "What was that for...?"

"Shut up, you damn human!" Looking at me with fury and disgust, the male shouted at me. "Im going to kill y-!!!" He never finished his threat.

The moment he called me a human, I understood what was happening. But, being called human angered me for some reason and so, I tightly grasped the hilt of Rebellion and channeled my Demonic energy.

I instantly transformed into my RebellionDT and shot towards the male Elf, grabbing him by his face and growling. "I'm no Human!" I then bit into his throat and continued to do so, until his head was separated from the rest of his body, which I Devoured and got [Spirit User], [Archery Proficiency], [Tracking] and [Hiding].

With the Elfs blood dripping down my chin, I looked at the horrified female and walked towards her. Seeing me closing in on her, she tried to back away, but tripped.

She looked up at me while trembling, tears in her eyes as she fear for what was to come.

I continued forward, only stop in front of her. Extending my hand holding the head over her, I dropped it in her lap and kneeled in front of her.

Grabbing her chin, I made her look me in the eye. "Listen her, girl. I am the new ruler of this forest and I will kill anyone that pisses me off! Now, you are going to go back to your village and you are going to report this event down to the last detail. Tell them, if they try to retaliate, I will slaughter your men and turn the women into breeding tools for my pets, but if you behave, I won't have a reason to do that. Now go."

As I told her what to do, I used [Mind Magic] to ensure that she would do as I said.

Standing up, I began walking away, while the Elf began running as fast as she could.

Detransforming, a small smile finally formed on my face and I continued my stroll in a much happier mood. I guess all I needed was to project my anger on to someone that had actually earned it.


Since my mood improved, I eased up on the forest critters, but kept strolling around in search of more interesting things.

That lead me to find a large tree, uniquely shaped when compared to the surrounding trees.

I started making my way towards it, because if I'm not mistaken, then this is the tree that is home to the Dryad.

As I got close to the tree, a person emerged out of it. She was beautiful, with long green hair and a sexy body, with light green skin. All she had covering her privates, was some leaves, making me think of Eve from Christianity.

Getting closer, the Dryad fully emerged from the tree, which is her main body, and pressed herself up against me.

She began speaking with an alluring voice. "It's not very often that I see a human-" As she said that, she paused and stared at me curiously. "Hmm, no... You're not a human... What are you?"

I chuckled and gently grabbed her chin. "I'm a Demon."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, wow! I've never met a Demon before, no wonder I couldn't identify you."

"Well, it's a good thing I'm not in a bad mood anymore, because the last one to call me a human... I bit through their neck!" I smiled cruelly and expected her to be afraid, but she simply smiled in return.

"Well, I'm sorry for the mistake." She began circling around me, checking out my body as she went. "So, what's a big scary Demon like you doing around here?"

"I was just strolling around, looking for something interesting..." I turned and grabbed her by her waist. "And something interesting I found indeed."

She smiled lasciviously and ran a finger over my pectorals. "Oh? Don't you know about Dryads? Aren't you worried?"

"Gorgeous, there is no chance of you beating me, especially when it comes to a competition of lust~" Without waiting another second, I connected my lips with hers and lifted her up while grabbing her ass.

After that, I'm sure everyone can figure out what happened and of course, I got more abilities; [Vitality Absorption], [Vitality Sense], [Allure], [Chlorokinesis], [Plant Modification], [Plant Mimicry] and [Plant Communication].


After we were both satisfied, we stopped having sex. That didn't stop her from greedily sucking on my dick however.

"Say, how about you come back with me?" I was stroking her hair, which was damp with what I think is her sweat.

She looked up at me in confusion, before removing her mouth from my dick. "You do know that my real body is that tree and I can't leave, right?"

"Yes, but I have a skill that can change you into a human, as well as keeping your monster race. You will be able to walk around as you please." Gazing into her eyes and smiling, I gently cupped her cheek.

She looked at me in surprise, but then smiled sweetly. "In that case, I would love to come with you!"

"In that case-" Using [Humanization], her body and tree began glowing, and after a few seconds, everything turned to normal, but with the disappearance of the tree.

The Dryad had maintained her beautiful appearance, but her skin was pearly white now and her ears no longer had points.

"You can change back to your normal appearance if you just think about it." Telling her this, she immediately did as instructed.

She then looked at me while smiling happily and jumped at me, wrapping her arms around me and kissing me.

Once she was done, she stopped kissing and looked into my eyes. "Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

I laughed and picked her up in a bridal carry, then began making my way back to the base, going slowly so that she can experience the different scenery.


When we got to the base, I set her down and we went inside the base to see the others.

As soon as we entered, we were noticed by the girls and gained a variety of reactions. Sighs, giggling and some pouts.

"Rogue, who is this?" Serana marched her way infront of me and went to cross her arms, only for her to be reminded of her missing arm and look sad.

Seeing her sad, I pulled her into a hug and stroked her head. "This is a Dryad I ran into while I was out and I brought her back with me. Why don't you all get introduced?"

Serana nodded, so I released her from my arms. She then introduced herself and the others followed after her.

Once she had heard everyone's names, Dryad came over and poked my shoulder. "Hey, Rou~ Will you give me a name? Please~"

Hearing her request, I decided to just go with what I had thought of upon meeting her. "How about 'Eve'?"

Smiling happily, she nodded in acceptance, before turning to the others. "Well, my name is Eve, pleased to meet you and I hope we all get along, very well~" Ending on a suggestive tone, a lustful atmosphere formed around her.

I couldn't really be bother with any of that right now though and seen as Eve had been introduced, I decided to leave them to talk amongst themselves and headed for the blacksmithing room.

Going into the storage, I picked up some normal iron ingots and went to the work stations. Using telekinesis and [Pyrokinesis], I negated the need for a furnace by directly melting and shaping the metal into the primary shapes I needed.

Then, I cooled everything and let them become solid, before checking them to make sure that they're the right shapes and sizes. When I was sure they were the way I wanted them, I nodded and began thinking of how to quench them.

But then, shrugging my shoulders, I simply put my hand out and forced my blood out of my body, into a big floating ball. So, from there I quenches everything in my blood and then Devoured the left over blood.

This left me with the need to grind the pieces, which I did by changing my skin to have the necessary properties and used my speed to grind, then polish them.

Once I was done, I began assembling my creation, making sure every little piece was up to standard. When it was put together, I began enchanting it.

The enchantments I gave it were; [Connection], [Rapid Recovery], [Minor Healing], [Strong Frame], [Metamorphosis], [Slashing Resistance], [Piercing Resistance], [Physical Damage Resistance], [Magic Resistance, [Attribute Echo] and [Self-Evolution].

With my creation complete, I just had to name it... After a moments thought, I decided to just go with something simple and named it.

[Iron Arm of the Demon - A prosthetic arm made from ordinary iron, but quenched in the blood of a powerful Demon, making it much more powerful. Capable of replacing a missing arm and acting in the same way as the original. Also capable of evolving and growing with the wearer.]

Obviously, this prosthetic arm is for Serana. I told her I would figure something out and after what just happened, I felt the need to make good on my statement.

Putting the arm in my inventory, I walked out of the blacksmith and went over to Serana. "Hey, Serana."

Hearing me, she turned and looked at me with curiosity. "Hm? What is it?"

Smiling excitedly, I kissed her and then said. "Close your eyes please, I have a gift for you!"

She looked at me strangely, as if confused by my behaviour, but acquiesced to my request.

Seeing her eyes close, I brought out the prosthetic arm. By now, I had of course caught the attention of the other girls, who were curious about the gift and wondering why they weren't getting one.

However, when they saw the arm, they were amazed and they realised what I was doing, so they weren't jealous anymore.

I took the arm and began attaching it onto her, and when it was in place, it merged to her and became a complete part of her body.

Serana felt the arm merge with her and regaind a sensation she thought was lost to her. She slowly opened her eyes and looked to her missing right arm, finding it replaced with a metal one, which seemed to have been designed in a similar manner as bones.

In the same manner she was accustomed to, she clenched her hand into a fist, feeling almost no different to how it used to in the past. Repeatedly clenching and unclenching her hand, tears welled up in her eyes and she looked to me.

I had simply continued to smile at her the entire time, but when she looked at me, it took only a moment for her to jump at me and embrace me using both her arms, as she happily cried into my chest.

I wrapped my arms around her and let her release her emotions, slowly stroking her back to comfort her.


It took quite awhile, but Serana eventually calmed down and we sat down. Though, she continued to hug me.

As we sat, I explained the properties of her new arm and pointed out that it could absorb new materials to grow stronger.

Emery was curious about this ability, so she ran off to the storage, before coming back with a bunch of different materials. One after another, she started cramming metals into the arm and once enough were absorbed, it started changing and became more like a normal arm.

Now, if the arm had skin, you wouldn't even notice that it is made of metal. It seemed to have evolved to Serana's desire to have her arm back and became a near perfect copy of it, even gain a softness to the muscles.

We were all amazed by this and seen as it was a joyous occasion, we decided to celebrate. This meant drinking alcohol and having sex. Except for myself and Rumi, who just got to have sex. Rumi, because she is pregnant, and myself, because I wasn't even able to get drunk with such weak alcohol...

And that was how Day 38 ended.

(I went for more of a slice of life vibe with this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it.)

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